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Okay, so for the last while, I've been sharing stories at a writing group every two weeks, and last night I shared part 2 of a story called "Six forty-five" (which you can find here: ) and it went over well. So I came home to look at part 3, and ... I dont know. I'm seriously lacking confidence in it.

If anybody wants to look at it, and see if its better than my brain is telling me, that would cool ...


It's a good story

erin's picture

Excellent in fact.

But I think I know why you are feeling a bit hinky about it. The first part is powerful, so strong in the writing that it could stand alone as a story by itself without resolution. The second part introduces the sci-fi elements and is intriguing in many ways. The third part needs a caution (which you gave) and was probably hardest for you to write. Despite the implied tension of what was going on, you tiptoed around the MCs trigger scene and that is perfectly understandable.

I think your anxiety about the section is a desire to rewrite. You're stronger now, I think you want to include more of the power you showed in the first part. It could be as little as adding two lines in just the right place. Keep thinking about it.

But you don't have to do anything. The story is good and very powerful as is.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.