Danny Part 7 Schedule

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"Hey, Danielle?" Dan said as he took his glasses off. It was only a prop, after all, and didn't really do anything for his eyesight. Plus, it was annoying. Dressing up like Danielle was generally annoying, actually.

"Yeah, Danny?" Danielle answered.

"Got another text here from Bobbie C."

"Yeah? What did she say?"

"Seems she's been getting emails and texts from readers asking if posts for Part Seven can be speeded up or something..."


"She's asking if we can help somehow."

"Hmmm... Let me think..."

Danny paced about, thinking as well. "How about we put up a blogpost where she tells everyone the posting schedule for Part Seven?"

"Hey, great idea! What's Bobbie's posting schedule, anyway?"

"Bobbie sez it's every Monday and Friday, at eight PM, Eastern."


"That's the only time for her that's convenient. Apparently, she's real busy nowadays."

"Gotcha. Okay, let's see..."

Danielle pulled over Bobbie's Mac, logged on to BigCloset Topshelf, and started typing. As she typed, she mumbled what she was typing. As usual...

"Here we go," she muttered. "Create blog entry ... title, 'Danny Part 7 Schedule' ... author, 'Roberta J. Cabot' ..."




Not EDT?

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Not the only one

I'm seeing this a lot online, from various sources. Its just one more factor to keep in mind when reading a story. You are allowed to pick any time frame you wish. I was merely trying to keep the details straight in my mind. It never occurred to me that it was any big deal. But I won't say anything more about your stories. I didn't have time earlier to post my comments about the latest chapter, and now I won't bother.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin