transition - the video game!

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just had the idea for a video game that would show through metaphor what transition is like - like you have to navigate the health care system maze, you can collect estrogen (or testosterone) as power ups, and so on,

What do you guys think?



Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Not a gamer, but that does sound interesting. Now if only you could get a competent gaming programmer to flesh out the idea.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

I'd play it

Especially if it was a narrative game like Gone Home, or something similar to Life Is Strange. Could be pretty interesting with a good story behind it.

~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.

Why not?

Daphne Xu's picture

Go for it! If it's not too ambitious. I've read (in works on creating video games) that the first ten games one creates are lousy. There's probably a steep learning curve. I've imagined creating my own. More likely, I'll write stories about video games and VR -- did one already: "Naughty Outdoor Adventures", my least-well-received story.

-- Daphne Xu

My twisted mind...

My twisted mind...

I recalled "Legend of Zelda" in that you searched for things and had to battle administrators and bureaucrats as a lawyer or counselor for the right to help your client transition. Along the way you would win hormones to grow stronger, you would work towards power-ups like implants, mastectomies, "free consultations with experts", and eventually work through the bureaucracy to the final level: bottom surgery...if you elected to go that route that is. You'd have several major achievements to work towards along the way, with each achievement unlocking the next level of play:
1. getting a referral to a doctor
2. getting your birth certificate changed
3. getting your licenses/IDs/passports changed
4. getting legally declared male/female/third gender
5. getting cleared for surgery

You'd have the option of forgoing surgery and still beat the game, with no repercussions against you but beating the final level unlocks a bonus level: navigating life as your true gender without any of the struggles.

OK, maybe I am overthinking this.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime