The Voyage of the Visund -16-

Ursula tries to come to terms with her new circumstances, and that includes getting a close-up look at the local transportation. The seamstresses appear with more garments, and are treated to some more novel outfits.

grakh on parchment

The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

16 - Gifts from Palarand

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2018 Penny Lane. All rights reserved.

Ursula climbed out of bed and padded silently into the toilet. It was still pre-dawn, but from the faint sounds from outside, the household would soon burst into the morning's activity.

She wanted to use the time before Bennet awoke to do a much-delayed examination of her new self.

Having relieved herself, she then crossed silently into the dressing room and gently closed the door. Pulling off her nightdress, she tidily hung it on one of the pegs beside the door before turning to regard herself in the full-length metal mirror.

It's a woman's body, and it is mine! If I have this right, this really is me from now on.

She turned, regarding her figure from different angles.

I wonder how tall I am? I seem to be somewhere about average height for wherever I am. I was never any good at estimating measurements. Maybe one meter seventy? She shook her head. No idea! And it probably doesn't matter anyway. Women, like men, come in all shapes and sizes after all.

...Even on different planets!

...And the implications of what I am doing on another planet, somewhere else in the galaxy, are overwhelming. People, humans, were not brought here without a good reason!

Concentrate! There will be time later to think of big questions, after all, they tell me that all this has been here for at least a thousand years... No, Maralin said there were Roman remains here! Make that two thousand years!

Suddenly I feel somewhat small.

If their story about how we are transferred is correct, it would explain why I look more like my mother and sisters. After all, it is their DNA that makes them look like that, and I am seeing the results of gender related attributes. In effect, I have become just another sister, though they will never know that.

That was all I ever wanted to be.

She cocked her head. I am relieved that I do not look exceptional. All I ever wanted was to be a normal woman! Astonishingly, that is what I now appear to be. I have to expect to be treated the same as any other woman ...and in a society that has different rules for women, as I was roughly taught yesterday!

Time to become a student again, at least for a while.

There were noises outside, so she turned and looked through her small pile of underwear for something to wear. There were none of the 'shorts' left so she selected one of the panties that had been bought for her downriver in one of the marketplaces. She was just pulling the new pair up when Bennet opened the door.

"Good morning, Mistress."

"Good morning to you, Bennet. I woke a little early so I thought that I would start getting dressed, so that we would not be in each other's way."

"A kind thought, Mistress. I wonder what we will be doing today?"

"I have no idea, Bennet, and after yesterday I am not prepared to venture a guess."

"As you say! Then, let us make ourselves ready and find out what our betters think we should be doing."

* * *

At the end of breakfast, but before the diners had begun to rise, an older man wearing a leather apron came cautiously into the room and spoke to one of those serving. That worthy spoke in turn to Hambran, who answered him briefly before turning to the Duke.

"If it please you, Your Grace, Duban asks a word of you before you begin today's tasks."

"Duban? Aye, of course, provided it will not take too long."

The Duke stood, indicating with a hand that the others should finish in their own time, then walked across to join the craftsman, who bowed to him.

"Duban! How are you? We have not spoken since I returned, I trust all is well?"

"Your Grace, I am, and thank you. We have been busy while you were away, as always. I have a small problem which I believe is related to your recent visit to Palarand. You see, in the pile of crates which recently arrived from there was one which contained six saddles. This was of course delivered to me, but when I opened it I admit I was puzzled as to the contents."


"Your Grace, the saddles, while being of good quality and well built, as I would expect, are of an unusual design, so far as I could tell. All have owner's names engraved on brass plates, so I can say with certainty that three were presumably made in Palarand for yourself, for Captain Hambran and for Tenant Maralin. The other three have names I do not recognize."

"New saddles... of course! Duban, in Palarand they have been experimenting with design changes and have come up with something that is much more comfortable and makes it easier to control your beast. I have no doubt that Hambran or Maralin will be delighted to demonstrate the advantages to you."

"If you say so, Your Grace. But... the other three? Who would be their owners? Names only were given, not ranks, and I know none of those armsmen who accompanied you are among the names."

"Can you remember those names? Any of them?"

"They were strange names, Your Grace. Ah... let me think. Eriana? What kind of a name is that?"

Wallesan chuckled. "Duban, prepare yourself for a shock, for those saddles were made for Her Highness Princess Eriana of Palarand and her two armswoman companions, Bennet and Semma."

"Three women? Your Grace, that flies in the face of... wait, Princess, you said? Armswomen?" The court saddler stared at his Duke. "I have recently heard many strange tales of what is happening in Palarand but I have ignored all as being too unrealistic. Your Grace, tell me it is not true."

Wallesan had a smile now. "Tell you what, Duban? That women do not ride in Palarand? I can assure you that many do, and many more would like to, just as soon as their saddlers may make saddles that fit them and their seamstresses can provide suitable attire for them to wear. As fashions tend to travel along the length of the Great Valley I would suggest that you consider your position, Duban. Shortly, once our people see Eriana and her girls riding, you will face an onslaught of women demanding saddles like those you have just inspected... even, I fancy, the Duchess."

"Do you tell me? Your Grace, I had not realized... have things changed so quickly, then?" The saddler looked nervous. "I have no experience in fitting... women... for a saddle, Your Grace."

Wallesan had now been joined by the women, drawn by hearing their names mentioned.

"Ladies, Duban has something of interest to you. Fanis, aye, even you, I deem." He turned. "Hambran, Maralin, to me! Your saddles have arrived, and poor Duban does not know what to do with them."

"Saddles!" Eriana grinned. "Ah, I understand. If we may borrow some beasts, Wallesan, it will mean that the girls and I could explore your city and your lands - and mayhap not be underfoot in your court any more than is needful."

Wallesan gestured to her. "Duban, if I may introduce Her Highness Princess Eriana, once of Einnland and now of Palarand, and her two companions in arms Bennet and Semma. Eriana, this is Duban, our saddler."

Duban bowed. "I ask your pardon, Your Highness, I did not know you were here. I am somewhat busy, I do not follow all the comings and goings of court. Ah, Einnland? Are you anything to do with that Einnland Regiment that passed through here during the war?"

Eriana straightened. "Good man, I led the regiment. The battle for Boldan's Rock was hard, and that for Gylfi's Rest more so. We did not come to the city but passed through Thorn on our way back to Palarand."

Duban nodded. "I did not see you then, Highness. I was elsewhere in Joth at the time, making saddles for our armsmen, but I heard of the passing of a strange regiment."

Fanis said, "Husband, do you tell me that women now ride regularly in Palarand? I saw Eriana on her way through, but I assumed that she did so because they ride where she originally came from."

Eriana snorted. "I doubt anyone in Einnland would think that a woman could ride, Fanis! Carts were good enough for the likes of us. No, Garia taught me, as she taught the rest of my men." A thought came to her then. "Did you desire to ride, Fanis?"

"I have occasionally wondered... Sometimes, it seems safer and more comfortable to travel by carriage, of course, but there are places a carriage may not go. Is it safe, Eriana?"

"With the new saddle design it is unlikely that you will fall off, I will say that. The saddle is only part of it, though. You must also make your beast into a friend, that he or she looks after you as you look after them. Once you learn to trust each other you may attempt almost anything."

The eyes of the Duchess had a faraway look. "I wonder, then, if -"

Wallesan rolled his eyes. "I should have ordered that those saddles be left behind," he muttered, but there was no malice in it. "However, it seems that even I cannot withstand the march of progress. Fanis, my dear, we may teach you to ride, but you realize what will happen in the city once they see you."

"Oh! Oh, Maker! Wal, you are right. If I do this thing, then there will be chaos. The massed seamstresses of the city will never forgive me."

"Seamstresses? Oh, aye, you will all need attire, will you not?" He grinned at his wife. "I will leave you in Eriana's capable hands, then. I'm sure she can show you what she and the girls wear, and you can come to some agreement with our garment makers."

It was Eriana's turn to grin. "Fanis, Garia holds Design Licenses on many of the riding items we wear. We must needs consult else all will be chaos."

"Really? Then, perhaps, we ladies should all gather together, maybe later this afternoon, so that I can see what you have and how we can come to some suitable arrangement. Oh, I'm sorry, Ursula, I have included you and I do not know if you can ride or would desire to do so."

Ursula looked at Wallesan. "Your Grace, I have never ridden, and of course I have little idea of the local conditions. Is riding something I should be considering?"

The Duke shrugged. "Up until today every woman in Joth has managed without climbing onto a frayen's back, my dear, but it seems that will probably change in the future. Your future is your particular problem, my dear. Until you decide where you will be, and what you desire to do, I cannot advise you, except to say that riding could be a useful skill for you, if you desire to accompany Eriana, say, or even Maralin on any outings to the countryside."

"I don't have to decide right away?"

"No, my dear, not at all. I will point out, though, that at present on Anmar we do not have those vehicles available which you may have been used to on Earth. The only means of travel yet available here are frayen, carriage, wagon, boat or your own two feet." He gestured to Duban, "If you decided today that you wished to ride, then you could be a suitable test rider for our saddler to learn how to make the new design for a woman. It is your choice."

Duban didn't look too happy with this decision but he kept his mouth shut.

"Your Grace," Ursula said, "I think that first I ought to go and see what your riding beasts look like. I shouldn't be making decisions when I know nothing about the subject."

"Quite right, my dear. Eriana? Have you anything planned for this morning?"

"I must run an errand to the Visund but that may wait until later. Aye, we should all go and check our saddles over, and if Ursula joins us she may see how we ride on Anmar, and what manner of beast bears us."

* * *

Hambran led the way into the stables, where a number of staff were attending to the morning tasks. Along each side were stalls, each of which held a frayen. The rear end of these did not seem too strange to Ursula until she approached one and realized that there was no hair at all.

"Mistress?" Maralin stepped forward. "If I may point out the differences between these frayen and, perhaps, a typical horse. They have a lot less hair, for one. They have eyelashes, hair in the ears to keep out dust and pads between the toes for added grip. Otherwise, it is just a fairly thick hide."

"Toes?" She looked down to see a leg ended by a three-toed foot, each of the toes having a substantial nail.

"Aye. Our theory is that these creatures are probably descended from something like a rhinoceros, except that frayen have no horns and are much smaller." He thought. "Actually, as you may have just noticed, the word horn does not even exist in the local language. That probably means that no creature at all here has them."

"No horns?"

"No feathers on Anmar either. There are probably many other differences between the two worlds, apart from the obvious ones, we just haven't noticed them yet."

Hambran called from behind her. "Here, Mistress, a beast is being made ready for use by one of our men. Shall you watch?"

The frayen was backed out of the stall so that all could watch as first the headgear was put on and then the saddle was lifted over its back. After everything was checked, it was led out of the stables into the courtyard for its rider to mount. The group watched from the doorway.

She commented, "Its head looks strange. I see what you mean about them descending from a rhinoceros. Are they all that size?"

Maralin shrugged. "I guess that one is probably about average, but I have seen them bigger and smaller. Some of the Palace Guard wouldn't fit on something that size."

Eriana added, "Neither would Lars! Captain Merek had to search far and wide to find a beast big enough for him."

Ursula said, "I don't know much about... riding animals, as I said before. Doesn't the harness use a bit?"

"Not possible here, Mistress," Maralin replied. "In a horse's mouth, it has two sets of teeth separated by a gap, and that is where the bit usually goes. Or so Garia told me. Frayen have no gap, their teeth just go all the way round like ours do. In practice it doesn't make too much difference."

Hambran asked, "If I may ask what you mean by a bit, Mistress."

"Um, I don't know..." she looked at Maralin.

"Sir, because Earth Horses are so much larger, and because there is a gap in their teeth, as I mentioned -"

"A gap?"

"Aye, sir. At the front, they have teeth for cropping grass just as frayen do. On each side at the back, there are separate groups of teeth that are much bigger for chewing down the grass."

"I see. Carry on."

"A bit is usually a short bar of metal which goes from side to side, with the reins attached to each end. It sits on the tongue in the gap between the teeth. That means that you can control a horse by pulling hard on the reins if you have to. It has to comply because the alternative will be very uncomfortable."

"Ah, I see. Of course, without seeing even a picture of this animal you describe it is difficult for me to appreciate what you say, Maralin. Do you think the King would introduce such things here? I have already seen saddles and stirrups from Earth."

Maralin shook his head. "Unlikely, sir. As I said, the teeth of frayen are different and we get along well enough without using bits."

Hambran made a non-committal grunt and turned to Duban. "If I may ask where the new saddles are."

"Captain, they are in my workroom. Shall I fetch them? How many should be brought?"

"A good question. Highness? Shall he bring your saddles down?"

The Princess shook her head. "Though I would be delighted, and I suspect the girls would be as well, there is presently no point as we are not attired to ride. If I may suggest, bring down yours and that of Maralin, that the good saddler may see how they are fitted." She thought, then nodded. "This afternoon I have no doubt that we will again be beset by garment makers, so it would be better to leave our own arrangements until tomorrow morning, I deem. Then, the girls and I will appear ready to ride, and we will show you all how it is done."

Hambran showed a faint smile. "As you wish, Highness. New saddles will be enough novelty for one day." He turned to Duban. "Does that answer you?"

"Aye, Captain. I'll fetch them immediately."

While they waited for Duban and a helper to bring down the saddles, the frayen of Hambran and Maralin were brought out of their stalls and checked over. Saddler and helper returned, each with a saddle, and carefully placed them over the blankets on the back of each beast.

Maralin stepped forward. "Okay. These new saddles will need to be moved a little forward of where you usually place them, Master Duban. That way, the weight is more over the front feet, not pressing on the center of the spine."

Hambran pointed. "You have that one back to front, Bent," he said to the helper. "That is one reason why there are name plates on the saddles, so you may know which end is the front. Issue saddles in the King's forces have a brass ring on the front rail for the same purpose."

"Uh, sorry, Captain." Bent lifted the saddle, walked around the frayen then lowered the saddle back in the correct orientation.

"With a new design, how could you know? Maralin, shall you attend to the cinch?"

"Aye, sir."

Maralin secured the saddle, adjusting all the straps carefully and keeping up a commentary to the interested stable staff as he did so. There were minor differences compared to the standard Joth issue saddle and he made sure that all knew what they were and why. Once he was finished, he moved around the left side of his beast.

"With your permission, Captain?"

Hambran nodded, so Maralin put his left foot in the gleaming brass stirrup and swung his right over the saddle. The frayen immediately turned to look at him and the saddle, the neck craning in both directions.

"New saddle, Mac," he told the beast, leaning forward to pat its neck. "More comfortable for you, I think."

He shook the reins and said, "Walk on," and the pair walked out of the stable into the courtyard. Duban studied the motion carefully as Maralin took his beast through a simple series of warm-up exercises.

"He sits further forward, I see, and his legs are almost underneath him! Captain, is this right? It looks most unusual to these old eyes."

"It is a different style of riding, certainly," Hambran replied. "Once you become used to the motion, I deem it is much more comfortable than what we are accustomed to, and in that position you can do so much more. See! Now he has dropped the reins."

Maralin then showed that he could control Mac just with his knees and boots, a feat that was not lost on the groups of men watching the action.

"I saw Her Highness riding thus when she returned from the war," Hambran commented to Duban. "I thought then that it was a particular riding style of her people, but it seems not. Wherever it came from, Duban, be assured that His Grace will require all future saddles to be made to that design, because of the advantages it will provide us."

The saddler was pale. "If I had not seen it, Captain, I would not have believed you."

Maralin rode back towards the group, now in the stable doorway, and dismounted. He then surprised the men by digging a chunk of vegetable from the folds of his sash and offering it to an equally surprised frayen.

"There, boy! Was that better for you? I'm sorry, I won't be able to do much more today but perhaps we can go out tomorrow with the ladies." He raised an eyebrow at Eriana.

"Aye, Maralin, of course! If Ursula can become lost so easily then so may we. Captain, we will take Maralin as a guide, with your permission."

Hambran replied, "As far as I am concerned, I see no problem, but you should know that Maralin officially reports directly to His Grace, not to me. I cannot imagine that he will object, though, unless something should happen between now and then."

"Ah. As you say, Captain. Then it is agreed."

Maralin said, "Captain, perhaps the men should now fit your own saddle, having seen me doing mine."

"As you wish, Maralin, it is a good idea. If these are to become our issue saddles, all must needs become familiar with them."

* * *

When Ursula opened her chamber door after her nap, she found Maralin outside.

"I hope I did not disturb you, Mistress. I wanted to ask you a favor, before we went down and saw what the seamstresses have brought today."

She was cautious. "I had already risen, thank you, but Bennet is still asleep. What is it you want? More questions?"

"Oh, no, nothing like that!" He switched to English to make the explanation easier. «I wondered if you would object to us washing your pants, I mean the Earth ones you were wearing when we found you. Your tee shirt is a dead loss, of course, and I am not sure that the locals will be able to do anything with socks, boots or underpants, but your pants have several features which would be of interest to the ladies.»

"Interesting features?"

"Aye, like the zipper, the pockets, the webbing belt, even the camo pattern. There are zippers in Palarand, and I am astonished they have even managed that much in less than a year, but it will be some time before they reach Joth in any quantity or quality." He grinned. "When Garia was found she was wearing denims and they had to puzzle out how to get them off her! Later on, one of the palace jewelers, would you believe, got interested and worked out a way to make zippers locally, but they are crude and clumsy as yet. I thought to show yours to the ladies so that they can see what one should look like in time."

"As you wish. The pants have dirt and blood on them, as I recall."

"We can't do anything about the stains, no, but a good wash should make them clean enough and pliable again, good enough to show to third parties, so to speak. I doubt they will want to examine pants that are crusted with blood, though I do know that they have looked at Yodan uniforms in the past."

She thought briefly. "They don't fit me any more, do they? Wash them, then. At least they will be useful to someone here. What was that about Yodan uniforms? Who are Yodans?"

"We did mention them before. The recent war was us against those of Yod. It was the Yodans who occupied this city."

She thought. "Oh, I remember now. I'm sorry, at that time I thought you were spinning stories to make me tell you things so I didn't pay much attention... but now that I think about those sessions, I discover that I can remember every word!"

Maralin smiled. "As I told you. Your memory should be significantly better now than it ever was before. At least, mine is. So, the pants?"

"Yes, you may wash them. I cannot wear them again?"

Now he laughed. "No, for two reasons. First, we had a job getting them off you when we found you, because they fit the old you and not the body you have now. Second, women around here don't wear trousers at all... unless, thinking about it, they are Norse Princesses and carry a big sword. It just is not done in this culture, it seems, and to be honest, it should not be necessary most of the time. The climate is so warm for a large part of the year that most people would rather have bare legs than wear trousers." He paused. "I know that I would."

Ursula nodded. "Actually, I find the local clothes to be very comfortable." She gave him a sidelong look. "Even, I have to admit, the 'ship dress' you designed for us."

He shrugged. "Just using what is in my memory, Mistress. I imagine that in time you will do the same."

"If you say so."

They were converged upon from several directions at that point. Bennet appeared, yawning, behind Ursula while Eriana and Semma joined them from further down the corridor, just as a footman came up the stairs towards the group.

"Your Highness, Tenant, Mistresses, if you would join Her Grace in the dining room when you are ready."

"Thank you, Heris," Maralin told him. "We'll be there almost immediately."

He turned and studied Eriana and Semma. This afternoon, Eriana was wearing her riding outfit, with her helmet in one hand, while Semma now wore what Maralin recognized as a Palace Guard dress uniform, with skirt complete with contrasting box pleats. Bennet, by contrast, still had on a dress that had been bought in a market along the river.

He grinned. "Intending to make a big entrance, Highness?"

"As you say! I thought to show our sewing ladies this since, if Ursula should decide to ride, she will require something similar."

Ursula immediately began to inspect the new outfit. There was a short-sleeved top under a quilted tabard, with a voluminous skirt and calf boots made of the strange mesh design.

"It certainly looks different, Highness," she said. "Is it comfortable?"

"I would not wear it if it were not! Ursula, these are made of a thin cloth, to suit the time of year, I have others more suited to colder months back at the palace. The skirt is a circle, it is designed to cover the whole saddle once you are seated, thus providing modesty." She smirked. "There is another item, I will keep that covered until I show the ladies, I am certain that it will cause a sensation."

Ursula noted that Bennet and Semma both grinned.

The Princess gestured. "If we may go?"

She led the way down the stairs to the dining room. Inside they found all the women grouped around a wooden object that had them all gesturing and talking excitedly. Ursula thought that it might be a new item that had arrived from Palarand along with the saddles. A tall wooden frame held four glass mirror panes, each about half a meter in size, in a vertical line. This was fixed to a stand so that it could be tilted as the viewer desired.

This is the first mirror that I have seen that hasn't been made of metal. These women must be excited because it will be the first time they have seen themselves so clearly!

Fanis welcomed them. "Good afternoon, Highness, Mistresses. We are just admiring ourselves in the new glass mirror, as you can see. Who would have thought that a reflection could be so clear, it is almost as if there was nothing there at all, and you are looking at your own twin!"

Eriana smiled. "Aye, Fanis, these glass mirrors are amazing, are they not? There are a small number about the city now, but of course the glass works strains to keep up with the demand for all the new products. I am not surprised that Robanar has decided to gift you one of the early examples, it shows what you will be able to look forward to in the future."

Fanis returned the smile. "Aye, I know! Wal and I spoke about some of the new ideas yesterday evening, and I am plotting to find a way to invite myself on his next trip to Palarand."

"If I may suggest, take a seamstress with you, one who can draw well. It is not only in metal and glass that new ideas have appeared lately." She waved a hand at her own clothing.

Fanis did a double take at what Eriana and Semma were wearing. "My! I have just noticed your attire! Are these new items for our ladies to consider?"

Eriana smiled. "Aye, Fanis, today I have decided to show you all two new designs from Palarand, both of which have specific purposes. Semma today wears her Palace Guard dress uniform, of course the women may not be attired as the men are. It is two separate garments, a tunic which is tucked in and a skirt formed of what I am told are called box pleats. This allows her much more freedom of movement should it be required during her duties."

Dinna asked, "Box pleats, did you say, Highness? But why..?"

Semma twirled and the contrasting panels became apparent, causing more excitement among the women.

"Ooh, I do like that! Should this idea only be reserved for uniforms, Highness?"

Eriana smiled. "It seems not, Mistress. When these were first shown in Palarand, so I am told, there were near riots among the ladies of the city. Their use on uniforms is mainly a practical matter, I see no reason why they might not be used on a gown. I would add that the use of contrasting material is not essential either, Semma's practice skirt has the pleats but is of a plain material."

"Ah! As you say, Highness. And of your own extremely interesting garments?"

"Ah." Eriana turned to Fanis with a knowledgeable smile. "If I may suggest that we see what the ladies have brought first, since I am wearing my own apparel for a specific purpose which may take some time to explain."

"Mystifying! As you wish, Eriana. Ladies, if you would show what you have made for our guests. Maralin? I suspect that some attention must needs be made to fit and cut, which will require a certain amount of disrobing."

Maralin grinned. "As you say, Your Grace. I will leave now so that there will be no embarrassment, unlike the other day. I will stand outside the door, assuring you all the privacy you need."

"If I may ask you to return later, Maralin," Dinna asked. "We have garments with us for you, also, and for Master Lars."

"Indeed? Then I will send somebody to fetch him," Maralin replied. He bowed, turned and left, closing the door behind him.

Ursula gained a lightweight day dress and three bras, all of slightly different shapes because the makers were as yet unused to cutting and sewing such items. All were comfortable enough and none looking strange under outer clothing. Eriana had two conventional day dresses, both of summer weight material, and acquired an evening gown which had originally been made for somebody else and subsequently modified. Bennet was given an evening gown, a normal day dress and another lightweight 'ship dress' while Semma received another ship dress.

Nobody seemed surprised that Eriana took either Bennet or Semma off to the small meeting room to change, so that no-one could see what was beneath her interesting attire. This was despite the fact that she had readily stripped to the waist on a previous occasion to demonstrate her bra. She had, after all, promised to explain later.

All were given several of the lightweight 'undershorts', as was Fanis, who also received four bras. A small number of the garments required minor adjustments, all were promised to be returned the following day.

"I am surprised that you can make these garments so fast, ladies," Eriana told them.

Dinna replied for the group, "Highness, nothing we have sewn for you and your girls was that difficult to make, apart from the bras, and those used so little cloth that they took barely a bell for the first one and much less for the others. Since the taking of the city we have made a lot of garments for everyone, so we have all become expert in cutting and stitching. Your new ship dresses are so simple, they take but a morning to cut, sew and finish, and we have many seamstresses in our group who desire to try the new designs."

"Of course." Eriana nodded. "My own attire is provided by the Palace Wardrobe, and, although they are efficient at making what is required, they do not have the press of numbers as you do here. Surely, though, the demand must slacken now the war is ended?"

"It seems not, Highness. Much was damaged, despoiled or destroyed by the invaders so the city must needs be reclothed. When winter came, we provided warmer clothes, and now summer is nearly here everyone wants thinner attire. Maralin's new designs will be welcomed by all Joth, Highness. They are easy to make and wear and cooling in the heat of day."

"You may tell him yourself, Mistress, when he comes in later. Oh... I have also spoken with the Duchess recently, on the matter of Design Licenses. Shall you accept the requirement of a small fee for each garment that we show you, or that Maralin provides? I am told it is customary."

Fanis added, "Dinna, it will be a very small fee per garment made, and it will compensate Maralin for his efforts. For any garment that is of Palarandi origin, such as Bennet's uniform, Eriana suggests that the fee would be kept in an account here at the Mansion, pending her return here when we will decide what to do with it. Naturally, we would not ask any fee for any garment you make personally for Eriana, her crew, Ursula or for our household."

Dinna turned to the others. "What do you think, ladies? It is only what we would do now, with a new design."

After some discussion Dinna turned to Fanis. "Done, Your Grace. If I might ask that someone draws up a document for us describing the terms and conditions."

The Duchess nodded. "Indeed, Dinna. With all these new items appearing in Joth we must make clear to all what may be done and what should not. This is an unusual circumstance for us, when so many novel things come from afar." She gestured at the mirror. "I will ask the Duke to order it done."

She turned to Eriana. "And now, my dear, you had better explain your attire to us! I am taken by the swirl in that skirt... and what is above it is interesting."

Eriana was in her element and she knew it. She smiled and turned a pirouette, making the seamstresses gasp.

"This, ladies, is my riding outfit."

"Riding outfit?" Dinna's eyes were like saucers. "Highness, do you joke?"

"Indeed she does not," Fanis said. "I did see Eriana riding a frayen when she brought back her troops from Forguland, Dinna. She was not attired thus, though, when she did so, but wore a sturdy jacket and skirt much as the traveling women do... though, as I recall, her skirt then was also wide enough to cover the saddle."

"Cover the - oh! I see! How clever! Is this something you did in your homelands, Highness?"

Eriana gave a short sharp laugh. "No woman rides in Einnland, Mistress, and not all the men, preferring instead to learn the ways of the sea to those of an animal. It was Princess Garia who taught me, as she did all of my men - and she designed this outfit as well, since no women rode in Palarand before she came there."

"Princess Garia again! Oh, my! And do many women ride there now?" The tone of the question was unmistakable.

Eriana grinned. "I have already had this conversation with the Duchess, Mistress. Many do, and many more desire to... and every one must needs have the appropriate attire, which is why I am here today."

Dinna walked around Eriana, casting a professional eye over the cloth, the design and the fit.

"If I may ask, is that skirt actually a circle?"

"It is, except where it must be shaped to the waist of the wearer," Eriana explained. "Unless the rider is the shape of a barrel, some allowance must needs be made, but it should not be difficult compared to, say, that evening gown you have adjusted for me."

"As you say. And what you wear above?"

"I have on a lightweight tunic similar to that of Bennet, of a warm weather material. Naturally I also have similar items of a thicker material for other seasons. Over it is a tabard of Garia's design, which is intended to protect our more delicate parts when riding, and also against the strap of my sword baldric when I wear it. Again, there are outfits which do not have such a tabard, but instead a jacket or similar coat, shaped to flare below the waist."

Eriana walked over and tapped the helmet, which she had left on the table. "When Garia obtained the King's permission to ride, he insisted that she wore some protection for her head. The first design was based on the armored helmets of the Palace Guard and was very heavy, though she still wore it to ride. Later, other designs were also made which were lighter and more suitable for non-military use - and for women. This one is a compromise between the two ideas, being light, but covering more of my head than the bowler that many women prefer."

"Highness, what is a bowler?"

She grimaced. "It never occurred to me when I departed Dekarran that I would be describing riding hats to the women of Joth! I wonder, perhaps Maralin may be able to provide drawings of some of the other helmet designs for you."

"Ah. As you say. We shall ask him when he comes in."

One of the other women came forward. "Highness, I am almost afraid to ask, are there not consequences when a woman sits a saddle as a man does? I thought that was the reason we customarily used a chair."

Eriana's smile this time was reassuring. "Mistress, trust me, there is almost no time when a woman may not ride as a man does. Of course, it will always depend on the particular circumstances, as each woman's Call is personal to her. If your Call is bad enough, you would not desire to ride anyway. As to any other concerns you may have, it is now time to show you what is worn beneath my riding skirt."

She bent over, found the hem of her skirt and lifted it right up. There was another gasp of surprise from the other women, this time including Fanis.

"Ah! All is now made plain, ladies," the Duchess said. "Even when you mount or dismount your beast, your modesty is preserved, I deem! Eriana, I assume this garment has other functions?"

"Of course, Fanis." Eriana explained how it provided protection and padding as well as concealment.

"It looks a complicated shape, Highness," Dinna observed.

"Aye, it is shaped this way to be comfortable for a rider who is in the saddle, Mistress, though of course it also has to accommodate me standing up. Again, this is a lightweight model, I have heavier ones to suit cooler weather."

One of the other women said, "You have a knife on your boot! I only noticed it when you lifted your skirt, Highness."

"Aye. You know that riders customarily have a knife on their belts, against any problems with harness, or to put a wounded beast out of its misery?" The women nodded. "Well, Princess Garia is too small and the wrong shape for such a knife, so Arms Master Haflin thought of placing it on her boot, where she can easily reach it when in the saddle. The idea was so successful that it is now standard equipment issue for men and women riders in Palarand, and for many of the armsmen too."

The seamstresses swung as one to Fanis, who replied, "Ladies, this is a matter that I think the Duke will need to rule on. I personally can already see the utility of such a placement but it would mean a change to General Orders, not to mention retraining the men."

The Duchess then turned to Eriana. "Dear, you already have your riding attire and I assume that your girls do also." Eriana nodded. "Are you showing us your outfit for the benefit of the women of Joth, then, or do you have a more specific request for them?"

"Why both, Fanis! I knew that once your people saw us riding, there would be a clamor from many women for the same privilege. If that is so, then of course they must needs know what to wear." Eriana then indicated Ursula. "We have of course brought our riding gear with us, but if Ursula is to become familiar with her surroundings it would make sense for her to ride with us. I would therefore ask your ladies to consider making such an outfit for her to wear. It need not be of the same colors or materials as our own, she has yet given no-one an oath of fealty, but is presently merely a visitor to Joth."

"Ah." Dinna regarded the outfit in a more professional manner. "What do you think, ladies? I deem the skirt to present no real difficulties and the tunic will be much as we already provide for Her Highness and her crew. The tabard... Highness, do you know aught of its construction? Would you permit us to investigate if you do not? It might mean some unpicking and resewing."

Eriana shook her head. "Mistress, I can mend a sail and patch our canvas trousers, but I leave the honest sewing to others. Aye, you must needs know how these are made if you are to make one for Ursula. I will provide you my whole outfit for inspection, once we have returned from tomorrow's ride."

"You are gracious, Highness. Ah... and the helmet? I doubt that any of us may sew cold steel."

The Princess smiled. "An interesting trick, if it were possible... though, I do recall Garia once saying that stitching steel was indeed possible, a process she called 'spot welding'. It is something new to do with a smith's art, I believe, and not something that would concern any seamstress. No, for a new helmet I must needs consult a smith, who will make a frame which you may then cover with a suitable cloth."

"Ah, I see. Thank you, Highness." Dinna turned to Fanis. "Your Grace, we are prepared to produce a riding outfit for your guest, but I could not say how long it might take to make it. If a helmet must also be made, the outfit could not be worn in any case until that is ready."

Fanis nodded. "As you say, Dinna. Let us obtain an estimate from our local smiths, which will then provide a day you can work towards."

"As you command, Your Grace."

"And now," Fanis continued, "Perhaps we should bring Maralin back into the room, to give us the benefit of his advice."

Semma opened the door, and standing outside, deep in conversation - in Norse - were Maralin and Lars.

"If you would join us, Commander, Tenant."

Lars frowned as he was addressed by a rank but followed Maralin into the dining room.

Fanis greeted them. "Gentlemen, we have left you standing outside for too long while we enjoyed ourselves with the novel ideas your ladies have brought from Palarand. Maralin, you will receive a fee for every garment that our ladies make, from your designs, for anyone other than those in Eriana's party or of the Ducal household, as is customary. Since the weather becomes hot, this might amount to a small but significant income, you should know."

Maralin was surprised. "Ah, Your Grace, this is unexpected."

Fanis flipped a hand. "You are a Jothan, it is only what every other garment designer in Joth would receive. Now, there will also be a fee for any of the garment designs which have been brought from Palarand, such as Semma's box pleats or the ladies' riding outfits, but these will be kept separately. Her Highness will decide what she desires to do with the coin when her ship returns to Joth."

"I understand, Your Grace."

Fanis smiled. "And we have been discussing... helmets, for those ladies who will be riding in the future. If you would sketch out some of the designs, that we might see and understand how they may be of use."

"As you command, Your Grace. Do you desire for me to do that now?"

"That may wait, I deem. The ladies have made garments for you and for Master Lars here, which will need fitting."

The "tee shirt" substitutes were approved by both Maralin and Lars, being both light and comfortable. They simply stripped off their tunics to change in front of the women, which provoked gasps and whistles. One small matter that caused raised eyebrows was the presence of epaulets on both garments.

"I thought," Dinna said, "that these were to be used when on duty, Your Grace. I must apologize if I have misunderstood."

Maralin waved a hand. "No, Mistress, it is fine. These can be used both formally, say, as part of a summer uniform, perhaps, or informally just as something to wear when the weather is hot. You could be seeing these, in all manner of materials and patterns, all over Joth during the summer. For casual use, you would be wasting time and effort by including epaulets, though."

"Oh, I see, Tenant. Ladies, did you hear? We must pay closer attention to the likely use when more of these are ordered."

Lars said, "Shoulder loops fine for me, Mistress. When you make for men, do not put shoulder loops."

"Ah, of course," Maralin said. "Epaulets are usually used for the clothing of officers but not for the lower ranks, Mistress."

Lars inspected himself in the new mirror, then turned and used one hand to point at the opposite epaulet.

"What means three stripes? Is this rank? I see Her Highness has four and Tenant Maralin has two."

Maralin looked at Eriana, who shrugged, then at Dinna for an explanation.

"Perhaps we have misunderstood? Highness, if it is so, then accept our humblest apologies. I was sure that, some days ago, you introduced ...Master... Lars as your second in command. Tenant Maralin described what rank marks we should use, so naturally I assumed -" She stopped, upset.

"Mistress, be at ease," Eriana soothed her. "Aye, there has been a kind of misunderstanding, but mayhap it is as much mine as yours. I am told that ranks aboard military ships may differ from those used by the armies and other troops on land, and, indeed, by merchant vessels." She frowned. "In any case, the position of Lars is... complicated. While he is forstjori, leader of my men, he is not hofthingi, captain of the ship. Nor is he styrismathr, master of the ship under me. I know not what he would be called in the valley tongue."

Dinna looked at her blankly and turned to Fanis, who indicated Maralin. He frowned in consideration before responding.

"Highness, the variations in military rank are complicated, especially here in the Great Valley where every country seems to do something different. We are fortunate that no-one has anything resembling a Navy yet, which means that we can make our own decisions as to ranks and so on. However, we'll need to sit down and discuss that, probably with His Grace and Captain Hambran. For now, since Lars is subordinate to you, I would suggest that we simply accept Mistress Dinna's assumption and call him Commander. It makes sense and is understandable to everyone around Joth. We can always change it later if something else is decided."

Eriana gave him her usual stare before nodding abruptly. "Lars, is this acceptable to you?"

"As you wish, Highness," he replied. "It means that all know where I fit in order of ranks. Commander, good."

Eriana said to Maralin, "Your counsel is wise, Maralin. Before the Visund departs Joth we must needs make a chart of ranks of all the countries, that all might know where they stand."

"Agreed, Highness. It is probably something that should have been done a long time ago."

The gathering turned again to the business of attire, with Dinna producing samples of the new shorts for the men. Maralin and Lars excused themselves to go and change in the small meeting room before returning.

"Well, Maralin? Is it what you expected?"

"Highness, it is. Um, they are. It is usual to refer to shorts as a pair, since they have two legs. The material is just about right, and the length and waistband are right, too. Naturally, we'll have to wear these for a few days to see if there are any problems."

"Lars? What about you?"

«These are a good idea, Highness, though I am not used to showing my legs this way. They will be good for wearing on board, light and loose. As Maralin says, we will have to wear them a while to see how sturdy they will be.»

Eriana turned to Fanis. "He says that he agrees with Maralin, Fanis. We have time to make any adjustments before Dinna and her girls produce more for the men."

Maralin said, "Um, there is one thing I would like to add to these shorts, but I can't show it to you today. Are any of you coming tomorrow?"

"Of course, Tenant," Dinna replied. "There are adjustments to be made to several of the garments, so at least I will return tomorrow. If that is acceptable, Your Grace."

"Of course, Dinna. You and your ladies are always welcome."

"Then, Your Highness, Your Grace, we have taken up enough of your valuable time. Come, ladies, let us gather our things and leave the mansion in peace."

"Indeed," Fanis agreed. "It will soon be time for the kitchen staff to begin setting up the tables for the evening meal. It has been an interesting afternoon, I deem, but now perhaps it is time for us all to return to our normal duties."

* * *

Lars had been invited to stay for the meal, so both he and Maralin appeared still wearing their new summer outfits, to great acclaim by all present.

"An excellent design, Maralin."

"Thank you, Your Grace. These are very simple but effective, especially in the heat."

"As is always the case, such garments are obvious, but only after someone has thought of them! Captain? Your impression?"

Hambran replied, "Your Grace, based on only a bell's worth of observation, I am inclined to petition for funds that I might immediately order two hundred or so sets for your personal troops. The utility as summer uniforms is obvious, even to me."

"If I might suggest, sir," Maralin said, "we should discover if there is any problem with design, stitching or cloth before such an order should be made. I would hate to be the cause of discontent among the men."

"As you say, Maralin. And I must add that the ladies look magnificent too, in their new summer dresses. They look cool, which I am not. Did you design them as well?"

"As you say, sir." He glossed over the origins. "The designs are a variation of some styles that are worn in Shicargo, but adapted to the greater heat of the Valley."

"I deem these will become greatly popular with the women of the city, as your own attire will be with the men. Anything that helps us bear the great heat of summer will be welcomed by all."

"And then there is the riding gear, sir."

"As you say! In six months, I deem, those who live in Joth will be completely unrecognizable."

"Aye," agreed Wallesan. "And if Robanar's toys have a like effect, our whole society will have begun an immense upheaval. Joth will indeed rise anew from the ashes left by the invaders."

Ursula listened to all this with interest. Whatever 'Garia' had done, there was going to be a great deal of change in the coming months and years, and it seemed that she had been brought to Anmar specifically to be a part of it.

What can I do? I'm nothing special! To date, my best talent has been running away, and even that did not end well.

No. My best talent is the one that I have been trained for. I must make my knowledge available to these people if I can, though what they will make of it all I do not know. They do not have the tradition of big central hospitals that Earth does.

Perhaps some other way can be found.

First, I must discover how the business of healing is done in Joth, and then I can try and work out what to do next.

The thought of updating the knowledge of a whole society shocked her and it showed in her expression.

"Something the matter, dear?"

"Your Grace, a lot has happened to me in the last few days and I am trying to decide what to do with what I now know."

"Do you wish to speak with myself or Fanis about your thoughts?"

Ursula nodded. "It might be sensible, Your Grace. At your convenience."

"Tomorrow afternoon, perhaps, after the seamstresses have left. The same people as before?"

"Yes, Your Grace, but perhaps with the addition of... Mistress Senia? I think that I have to find out how healing is managed here in Joth."

"Of course. I will ask her to come, though of course you know that she might be delayed, or mayhap called away at short notice, should there be an injury in the city."

Ursula smiled. "I understand perfectly, Your Grace. My own job on Earth had similar demands."

"Indeed. Tomorrow afternoon, then. Shall you watch the ladies ride tomorrow morning?"

"I will, Your Grace, and I suspect that everyone who can possibly make some excuse to be there will appear as well."

"Well said, my dear! Now, If I may suggest these, they are the first of this year's crop and you will not have tasted them fresh before..."

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