The Visit - Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Aunt Roberta seemed to be in a good mood and perhaps having guests was what she had needed to reinvigorate her and bring back her energy and more youthful appearance.

Robert was noticing the changes even in the short time he’d been her guest and he wondered what might have caused the rift between her and his mother and father. If indeed there was a rift because nothing had ever been mentioned to him. Neither was there any mention about having an Aunt in London until recently on his twentieth birthday. His father first told him that he had a sister who was wealthy so they were living in different circles.

He never told Robert that she lived in a large house in a prestigious location or that she was a successful business woman that was rare indeed in a world of men. Even more surprising was the connection with Adele’s family through her relationship with William Hudson who was a friend of Judge Fleming and invested with him from time to time.

It didn’t take long for the subject of the visit to Foster & Walker Solicitors to be admitted by Adele since Aunt Roberta was not really interested in the sight-seeing activities they’d enjoyed. They were old hat to her. Adele gave her best summary of the discussions that had taken place and what they’d managed to establish. Then she asked Aunt Roberta directly if she had inherited William Hudsons shares or if she knew the status because Mr Walker had decided this was confidential information.

Aunt Roberta went quiet and looked to Robert long and hard before saying anything.
‘Yes it’s time to sort out a few things and I’m sorry to hear you are having problems with some shareholders of the Club. William was a close friend of your Grandfather who helped him when he was establishing our first business. Mr Walker will explain what we had to do if I am present. Just fix a time and 11 am tomorrow is fine for me.’

The smile on Adeles face said it all and she jumped up to shake Aunt Roberta by the hand. Robert was delighted to see Adele accepted and reached out and touched her hand as a gesture of fondness and pride. She made a better man than him but he loved her for all that.

Once this was confirmed Adele decided to take the cab back to Foster & Walkers to fix the meeting whilst Robert freshened up and sought Polly’s advice for a dress that was suitable for an evening at the Theatre Royal. Most of all he needed to adjust the tight corset and apply some lotion to his nipples to reduce the soreness and protrusion. Polly had stopped him from wearing binding to avoid damage or bruising but he needed advice on any other options he had. Polly was well endowed and must have first-hand experience.

Polly insisted that Robert strip to the waist to soothe her skin with warm damp towels before focusing on her breasts and taking special care around the areola and nipples. Robert had winced when Polly first touched them and she had noticed that the nipples easily became erect. Robert was a little embarrassed even though Polly had seen him semi-nude more than once. He was more embarrassed by the speed at which his nipples responded to a light touch. Polly left his bed chamber that gave him chance to recover and examine them himself. Polly brought some soothing oils and a soft cloth and together they massaged the oils into Roberts breasts. It brought relief.

Once his breasts were soothed sufficiently Robert was able to replace his undergarments and Polly produced a choice of dresses that she’d seen her mistress wear at dinner parties and other social events. Together they selected a bright red dress that fitted as if it had been made for Robert. It was a little tight around the waist so Robert accepted that his corset be tightened again and he would suffer the pain. After half an hour Robert was ready to present to Aunt Roberta at her request and for her it was like looking in a mirror that could turn back the clock 50 years. She stood up and viewed Robert from all angles making small adjustments as she circled him.

Robert knew then that his Aunt accepted him completely as Roberta and the criticism she’d made on his arrival no longer applied. He liked the complements and he wondered at his own image in the glass hanging at the side of the fireplace. He was sure that Adele would approve Polly’s choice and her efforts. When Adele arrived back at the house she was speechless and she wasn’t sure whether this was because of the amazing transition of Robert to a beautiful woman or total envy. She confirmed the meeting arrangements for the following day.

Adele took the opportunity to freshen her face and tidy herself as best she could. She wished she’d had time to return to her apartments to change but they needed to arrive early to the theatre since she had arranged the tickets through the concierge at the Club. They were in a box that they were to share with 2 other couples that would provide a perfect view of the stage. Adele commented that this position might not have been wise since Roberta was sure to distract the audience and even the cast.

On arrival at the theatre they headed to the first floor bar for pre-performance drinks where Adele found the other guests. He recognised the men from the Club both of whom were members but nor shareholders. The ladies were seated and were chatting whilst the men stood and enjoyed wine and an attendant produced another chair for Robert whilst Adele shook hands with the men.

Robert felt awkward to be seated with the women but relaxed a little when they complemented him on his beautiful dress. They clearly accepted him as one of the higher class and introduced themselves as two sisters, Emma and Clara, who had busy social lives visiting theatres regularly. Their husbands introduced themselves to Adele as George Wainwright and Joseph Meredith with George having married Emma the elder sister. George and Joseph were in banking and had independent business interests in partnership that involved investment. Adele found it interesting to listen to them discussing how they’d dealt with their wealthy clients who were seeking opportunities to purchase companies in distress who had land and assets. They spoke quite freely that surprised Adele. She had encountered their like in Bristol and for all their charm and education they seemed to have no morals. She wasn’t impressed but noticed that Robert was comfortable in the presence of Emma and Clara although he hardly was able to get a word in. Both men had properties in London and they travelled frequently leaving their wives to entertain themselves for long periods.

Robert hardly needed to speak for the whole of the evening as the two sisters explained everything that was happening on stage since this was his first visit to live theatre and an Opera. The whole of the theatre was impressive and looked wonderful in gas light and Robert felt the audience consisted almost entirely of the higher class and couldn’t imagine middle and lower classes being accepted or interested. The lead singers were spectacular and according to the programme had performed all around Europe. This was a far cry from his normal social circles in Bristol and he marvelled at Adele’s growth in confidence since their first meeting.

The whole evening flew by and the audience stood and applauded at the final curtain Adele advised Robert that they’d been invited for a light supper at a small restaurant where some of the cast might call and provide solo performances. Whilst Robert tried to offer an excuse Adele cut him short and accepted out of politeness. It was just a short walk from the theatre close to the stage door entrance and Adele smiled as the three women walked and chatted. Robert seemed to adapt to his female role with ease and he played the part very well. Adele was pleased that her idea had been successful and was keen to hear Roberts opinion of his experiences on the other side of life that would stand him in good stead for enhancing his relationship with Aunt Roberta.

Half way through the supper two of the cast arrived and the restaurant went quiet as they cleared a small area and they then proceeded to sing a selection of songs from the show that brought the whole restaurant to a standstill. Even the waiters stood still and watched. The sound effect of the small restaurant was amazing and Adele reached to place her hand on Roberts knee to demonstrate her affection. She was transfixed and the sound of the tenor brought a shiver to Roberts back. It was an unexpected and much appreciated end to the evening after which Adele excused her and Robert to join the cab that was still waiting outside.

As they travelled back to Tavistock Square Robert said how much he’d enjoyed the day and his first visit to the theatre. Adele was equally happy with their day together and also the progress they’d made through the help of Mr Walker, the barrister friend of her late grandfather.

Adele ensured that the shawl that Robert was wearing around his shoulders was keeping out the evening chill and took the opportunity to kiss him lightly on the cheek. He reacted by turning his head to face her. They looked into each-others’ eyes and Robert whispered thank you tempting Adele to kiss him gently on the lips and Robert responded. He placed his hands at the back of her head to draw in Adele as much as was possible as the cab moved through the cobbled streets. Adele now knew this wasn’t just a polite thank you it was deep felt demonstration of affection.

When their lips parted Robert said that the sisters had invited him to afternoon tea the next day but he was reluctant to accept. It was an open invitation in case he changed his mind and they provided an address and a time. It suited Adele since she wanted to be at the Gentleman’s Club in the afternoon to meet the General Manager again once they’d had their meeting with the Barrister and Robert would not be able to accompany her whilst Robert was in his female persona.

When they arrived back at Tavistock Square it was quite late but there was light in the window and Polly was awaiting Roberts return to help him remove his dress and undergarments and prepare for bed. Adele jumped down and rang the bell as quietly as possible so not to disturb Aunt Roberta and Polly was quick to let them in. After a quick kiss on the lips Adele left to regrettably return to her cold bed in her apartments although she longed for the opportunity to share it with Robert that was for another day.

Polly noticed the long look between the pair of them and the affectionate kiss and was as discreet as possible as they chatted about the visit to the theatre and the friends they’d made but more-so the discussion focused on the supper and the visit of the two opera singers who were amazing. It took about an hour for Robert to prepare for bed with Pollys assistance and he welcomed another application of oils to his breasts. They became firm and erect as Polly applied the oils that made them both smile. Once under the sheets he had the same sensation when he recalled the passion in Adele’s lips on the journey home.

The following morning Polly was up early to prepare Roberts bath and after his toilet he dropped his towel and stepped into the warm water to soak and relax with Polly using soft cloths to wipe his upper torso. Robert managed to cover his nether region with another cloth as Polly washed away the soap suds. She passed him fresh towels and a gown whilst she cleared the water and cloths away that gave Robert chance to step into fresh undergarments. Polly helped him into his corset commenting on his firm and pert bust with some envy since she had always been heavily laden since her early teen years.

At breakfast Aunt Roberta wanted to hear about the theatre visit and the ladies her niece had met. They then prepared themselves for the arrival of Adele who would be in good time to make their 11am appointment with Mr Walker. Indeed Adele arrived ahead of schedule to allow for the unreadiness of Robert due to his inexperience in dressing in female garb.

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