Balmoral is the last story I published.
I was re-reading it to provide a diversion, and had gotten to a place in the story where the Heroine of the story, a military combat Veteran, is sending a cryptic message to friends that she has served with in military actions in the Middle East. These friends had a very private secret code they used to get around red tape that prevented their smooth functioning of their duties. It was clear to our protagonist at the time that they were about to be attacked by the bad guys.
Just as I finished reading that section of my fictional story when my screen went black. My computer had shut down. WHAT ?!?
As it developed, I had kicked the plug loose on the computer. LOL, Sadly there would be no adventure last night.
Several times.
Several times.
Reading a story about a house fire, then four fire trucks come rushing by( more than trucks = fire).
Reading about a car accident and hear two cars slam on the brakes to miss an idiot jaywalking across the street.
Reading about domestic abuse and hear multiple couples arguing with the police responding.
Reading about military operations and a Coast Guard helicopter flies overhead followed by a National Guard Black Hawk helicopter.
The worst? Reading bout an eerie phone call in the middle of the night then suddenly my house phone rings. Scared the crud out of me each time. Way too eerily coincidental.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Choose your reading carefully!
Perhaps you should think about reading things that could be better for you, like... unicorns and rainbows?
Who knows what might happen?
If I wasn't used to the
If I wasn't used to the sounds of the city I'd be freaked out worse
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
I'd suggest _not_ re-reading
I'd suggest _not_ re-reading any C.S. Lewis. Not even The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
It's startling when something like that happens.
And now you've got me wanting to check the story out. I've got it open on my browser right now.
Flightsim - flying a DC3 remotely from the "tower view" I was enjoying the excellent 3rd party sound files as the bird came round for an approach.
Sounds good today, thought I. And a real live DC3 rumbled across my view over the top of the monitor. Look down. Look up. No it hadn't escaped.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."