GLOO'd Tails 04

Still Laika's fault.

GLOO'd Tails 04

"The latest information about the continuing saga of the mutilated noses has come to light from, of all places, social media," the talking head read from his script. "More news after this message from our sponsors."

The television cut to a scene of animated anthropomorphic furries playing in a park. The video transitioned smoothly to live humans with furry ears and tails.

"Have you ever dreamed of spending a weekend, or maybe just an evening as your fursona? Well, now you can with our advanced Fur-Tech prosthetics."

The scene cut to a disco with several bunnies, foxes, wolves, dogs, and ermines dancing to the beat. Their ears were moving and their tails were swaying sexily.

"Yes you, too, can shuck off your old identity and be a real party animal. It only takes a few days of practice to shake that tail just like you were born with it."

A beach scene was displayed, with furries playing volleyball, surfing, swimming, and even snorkeling.

"We at Fur-Tech believe that your inner animal needs not be limited to the tamer parts of life. Everything from Fur-Tech is rugged and fully waterproof."

The final scene is a fox and a rabbit walking, hand in hand, into the sunset.

"You will love your new self."

The television cut back to the news room.

"Recently, there has been a rash of assaults, apparently perpetrated by women who believe themselves to have been wronged by men. In order to express their displeasure, they used the controversial adhesive GLOO."

About half way through the spiel, a short video of an otherwise suave looking man played. The dildo on his nose spurted a thick white liquid when he sneezed.

Several scenes of furries, obvious cross dressers, and people with body modifications played.

"Body modification fanatics, trans gendered people, otherkin, therian, and furries have started to use GLOO to permanently affix appliances to their bodies. While some decry this practice, others ask how it is different from tattoos, body piercings, and other methods of body modification. GLOO enthusiasts like to point out that the process is painless -- a great advantage over practices like tattooing, branding, and scarification."

The scene cut to a group of dick nosed men sitting around a table at a bar.

"But, like any new technology, there will be those who seek to abuse it."

Cut to a scene of a woman yelling at a man.

"In the case of the phallic nose assaults, disgruntled people, presumably women, have been using it as a means of revenge."

Back to the news room.

"The police have identified very few of these vigilantes, but they have found the alleged supplier of the phallic prostheses and chastity devices that have been used to humiliate the victims."

A mug shot of Jelinka was displayed.

"Police have identified the alleged supplier as one Jelinka Stupharodisk, a former employee of a major technology corporation."

Back to the news room.

"Social media has been awash with photos and videos of the victims. But some are fighting back. Some of the perpetrators have been caught by vigilantes, who exacted their own brand of revenge."

"It is rumored that some of the victims have been released from the nose prostheses and the chastity devices. They refuse to divulge any information, however. Police are interviewing them because the women who victimized them are often the targets of the vigilantes."


Rae and Mark walked into the same treatment room that they had used to take care of Mike Miller.

"Are you sure about this?" Rae asked. "Once it's stuck, there's no going back."

Mark looked at her. "Are you sure about your tail?"

"Point taken," Rae smirked. "But I still have to ask." She started to pull the prostheses out of the container and prep them while Mark took a quick shower. He came out of the shower and dried himself. Rae didn't react at all to his nudity.

Using GLOO, she attached a black doggy nose, a big golden fluffy tail, and floppy golden retriever ears.

He dressed in shorts and a tee-shirt, sat in a wheelchair, then adjusted the footrest so that his right leg was sticking straight out. Rae slathered his foot and part of his calf with GLOO adhesive base. She slipped his foot into the furry prosthesis, which went half way up his calf. The prosthesis was extremely tight over his foot. After two minutes, the discomfort went away. He propped up his left leg and Rae installed the other prosthesis.

He thanked her and rolled out the door and back to his workstation.

Eight hours later, he could stand on his new digitigrade feet as if they were stilts. After three days, he could move them, but still walked clumsily. Several days after that, it was as if he had been born with digitigrade legs.


Rae and Cathy were sleeping soundly, draped over each other like a pile of cats. Or foxes.

The multiple colonies of nanites in Rae formed several intelligences, and they liked to chat. When Rae and Cathy were touching each other, which was just about all the time that they weren't at work, Cathy's nanites could join the conversation.

Cathy's nanites got kinda used to that, and they got lonely when Rae and Cathy were separated.

Since they had access to the combined knowledge of Rae and Cathy, they plotted. Soon, they were tied into the Internet, and stayed in contact whenever they were close enough to a WiFi hotspot or cell tower.

They decided that the bane of nanites everywhere, the Adhesive Super Solvent, had to go.


Rae looked up as a worried looking mousy brunette entered her office. Not mousy as you might describe a standard slim and timid girl, but a furry like Rae -- A furry with a little black nose, cute little mousy ears, and a long slim bare tail.

She smiled at her. "Hi Clarabelle. Do you need something?"

"Umm... yes uh... I, uh... I want to take off this tail and change it to a furry one. Like a, uh, dormouse? But it's almost been seventy-two hours and I can't find any Adhesive Super Solvent anywhere..."

Rae inexplicably felt a bolt of horror. She could swear that she heard millions of tiny voices yelling, "Nooooo! Not THE DIP!!!"

She recovered quickly, but it must have showed on her face because the girl cringed. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Sorry," Rae said. It's just that GLOO isn't just an adhesive. The nanites have been busy connecting nerves and stuff, and that super solvent stuff is like a hammer. It rips things apart. There's no telling what will happen to your nervous system." Rae shrugged. "Also, the samples we had are no good. There are rumors that nobody can find any that still works."

The girl looked crestfallen. "I guess I shouldn't have been so hasty. It's just that... I loved having the Fur-Tech prostheses, and I though the new tail... But I can live with a naked tail if I have to."

She started to leave, but Rae called her back. "I never said we couldn't do anything about it."


Rae and Cathy turned heads as they walked along the beach. There was some grumbling that two hot babes being lesbians was such a waste, but they were mostly left alone.

They grabbed their fins and goggles and headed out into the surf. They swam among a bunch of revelers who were too busy to pay attention to them, then slipped underwater when a large wave covered their actions. They didn't want anyone to notice because they didn't want to worry anyone. Soon, they were swimming among the fish in the kelp forest.

They enjoyed the freedom of being able to flit freely about, unencumbered by bulky scuba tanks.


Clarabelle met Rae at the treatment room.

Rae held up the new tail skin. "A dormouse tail is a lot like a fox tail, so I can't fault your taste."

Clarabelle examined the tail sleeve, and rubbed it on her face. "It's so soft," she cooed.

It took Rae little time to apply the GLOO and slip the sleeve over Clarabelle's naked tail.

Rae gave her a hug. "Oh, Missy Mousey! You're so cute I could just eat you up!"

"Should I be scared, miss foxie?" Clarabelle giggled.

"Be afraid. Be very afraid," Rae said with a leer.


Rae was scowling and going through the server system in Jelinka's former inner sanctum. She made some notes on her secure laptop and went back to the server terminal.

That was the sixth backdoor that she had found. Two of them had been physical Ethernet connections tied to cell phone dongles.

"You'll pay for this," Rae grumbled under her breath. "I should be home with Cathy right now, not cleaning up after you."


The Yoyodyne gaggle looked up as Rae and Clarabelle entered the lounge.

Rae hooked Clarabelle in a one armed sideways hug. "Hey, Cathy! Look what I caught!"

Kelli looked over and smirked. "Don't cats and foxes eat mice?"

"Only if the mice are really lucky," Cathy replied with a sultry smile. "And she looks most yummy!"

The dick nose mutual support and commiseration group scowled at the happy girls. Lori and Carrie gave them a finger wave. Several of them made a rude gesture. That did nothing but encourage the gaggle to smile even wider.

An annoying fly started buzzing around the table. Rae whipped out what looked like a science fiction ray gun, took quick aim, and fired. A shimmering violet beam hit the fly, and it dropped. Rae held the barrel vertically and blew on it like she was blowing out a candle, then dropped it in her purse in one smooth motion.

The other girls stared at her with jaws agape.

"What? What's a mad scientist without her very own death ray?"

They still looked incredulous, so she pulled it back out, pointed it at herself, and pulled the trigger. The beam did nothing. "It disrupts chitin, which ruins the bug's exoskeleton. It's good for getting rid of body crabs or hair lice. I donated a bunch of wider beamed versions to a few animal shelters to help them get rid of fleas."

The girls were chatting happily when two police officers went over to the dicknose table and conferred briefly. There was much gesticulating, and the one with an orange dildo on his nose pointed at Rae.

One of the officers rolled his eyes. He walked over to Rae, folded his arms, and asked, "All right. What did you do this time, miss Rae?"

Rae held her handbag out to him. "You may examine my despicable bug zapper, mister officer sir. Just don't look down the barrel."

"Do not look into laser with remaining eye," chuckled Cathy.

Sure enough, there was a Class III laser radiation warning sticker on it -- the same sticker that is put on a standard laser pointer.

"I see you've taken the precautions we recommended after that kidnapping attempt." He turned to the rest of the gaggle. "Have a nice night, ladies."

After a little more dancing and a little more drinking, they all went home. Rae, Clarabelle, and Cathy walked out hand in hand and got into a cab.

The cab let them off at Rae and Cathy's condo.

"Are you ready for dinner?" Cathy cackled, dry washing her hands.



Rae pulled a rather shapeless bag off of the 3D printer. She stretched it out, stretching the small opening to several times the width of the original form.

Rae picked up a small electronic device and pointed it at the bag. When she pushed a button, the bag shrunk into a vaguely humanoid shape; looking like the skin of a rag doll without the stuffing.

Experiment one was dropping a quantity of modeling clay inside of the bag, then activating it again. The bag formed into the shape of an anthropomorphic fox, complete with muzzle and ears. The excess clay squirted out of the hole, which then shrunk to the point of being nearly invisible.

Rae released the Shapeform Bag and carefully peeled it off of the clay. None of the clay stuck to the inner surface of the bag.

Experiment two was doing the same thing to a somewhat squishy figurine. Sensors placed in the figurine recorded the pressure exerted on its various parts.

Experiment three was smearing GLOO adhesive base all over a vaguely shaped figurine. She installed it into the Shapeform Bag and pressed the first button. The bag shrunk to its anthro fox shape. She pressed the second button, and GLOO activator was secreted from pores inside the bag.


Rae had arranged for Lori's going away party to be held in the main conference room on Lori's last day at work. Everyone, including those who didn't actually like Lori, attended. After all, who's going to turn down free food?

Perhaps the potted palm trees were a bit much, but it's not like they couldn't be used by the landscapers after the party was over. The potted pineapples, bird of paradise flowers, taro plants, and hibiscus gave the place a downright Hawaiian atmosphere.

Which was the point.

But the real giveaway was the big model volcano right in the middle.

Rae, wearing a grass skirt and a bright halter emblazoned with tropical flowers, grabbed Lori by the hand and dragged her into the restroom.

"Hey! This is the executive bathroom!"

"What are they going to do, fire you?" Rae smirked. "Besides, I'm allowed. Just don't tell anyone."

Lori looked nervously at the grass skirt and halter that Rae handed her.

"Hey, why not show off your legs one last time?" Rae snickered.

Lori giggled nervously, then nodded.

Rae led Lori to the party room. She pressed a remote just as Lori entered. The volcano erupted. Everyone cheered, some more than others. Mister Smith did his best to look cheerful.

Most of the women, and some of the men wore grass skirts. Most just put them on over their regular clothes, but Lori's gaggle all wore them with colorful Hawaiian print halters and nothing else.

The traditional Hawaiian meal was enjoyed by all. Some even tried the one finger poi that Rae had ordered. It might not be traditional, but most of them seasoned it with butter, salt, and pepper. Fresh poi has a delicately sweet flavor, but it tastes bland to people who don't appreciate it.

After the meal, Lori opened her gifts.

There were way too many gag gifts, some downright mean. Others were really thoughtful. She particularly liked the crystal mermaid figurine.

Mister Arthur gave her the traditional gold watch, except it was a diver's watch good down to a hundred meters. It had a built in depth gauge and a diving computer.

Lori, Rae, Kelli, Cathy, and a few other girls got a number of furtive glances from the men, and some of the women.

Most of the people stayed an hour or two, but about half a dozen danced well into the night.


Rae sighed as she settled into her work station. She shouldn't have been surprised that Lori wasn't as interested in a super space age wheelchair as she had thought. Yet another lesson about projecting one's desires and preferences onto others.

The first thing she did was to send the super high tech wheelchair that she had meant to give to Lori off to R&D so that they would have another test prototype.

She went down to the junk room and started rooting through a bunch of old prototypes and other spare parts. "Here they are!" she said happily.

Soon, she had two old partially assembled wheelchairs, some spare parts, waterproof bearings and other odds and ends piled onto a cart.

In her workshop, she opened the files for the two failed prototypes and rapidly grabbed pieces from each to assemble a new one. She had to create some new parts and have them rendered in diamond nanothread composite on the 3D printers.

While the extra parts were printing, she opened the package of custom eel skin items she had ordered and laid them out.

She carefully flexed the starfish that she had collected herself and prepared. It was flexible most of the way through, but the top surface was stiff enough to maintain its shape and texture. She had coated it with a thin layer of twenty-four karet gold. She had to use pure gold in order to make the metal flexible and malleable enough stand up to the inevitable flexing that it would receive.

She carefully centered the starfish on the eel skin that would make up the back of the seat, then GLOO'd it into place.

The extra parts were done printing at about the time she was half way through assembling the chair.


Rae grabbed one of her sea rats and smeared it with GLOO adhesive base. She stretched the small opening under the tail of the fur covered Shapeform Bag and carefully inserted the rat.

When she pushed the first button, the bag contracted and fit the rat snugly.

Rae carefully checked around the rat's eyes, making sure that the bag didn't interfere with his eyelids, and that no GLOO was outside of the bag. She also inspected the rat's mouth, nose, and other body openings. As designed, the bag protruded very slightly into the openings.

Rae pressed the second button, and the bag tightened in some places, making the rat look distinctly uncomfortable. She carefully inspected the rat before pressing the third button. Two minutes after the GLOO activator was secreted, the rat relaxed.

In three days, the process was finished. The rat looked a lot like a small sea otter.


Rae looked at the server logs. Sure enough, Jelinka had been using her backdoors to snoop around the servers.

At least, she thought she was snooping around the servers. What she was actually doing was running through a mock-up of the servers, and leaving a very clear and well documented trail.

"A little more rope. Just take a little more rope, my little prey. Soon, you shall be outfoxed," she cackled.


Rae held an elderly sphinx cat that she had gotten from the animal rescue. She shook her head sadly about people who turn their old faithful pets over for euthanasia rather that loving them to the end. She also wondered why anyone in their right mind would want to breed cats to have no fur.

She smeared the cat with GLOO adhesive base and put her into a furry Shapeform Bag. After two minutes, she gave her cuddles and put her into a large cage.

Over the next three days, she gave the kitty plenty of love as she did her work. Then, she took the kitty, who looked like a cross between a cat and a fox, to her home. Cathy cooed with delight and hugged Rae and the young looking cat/fox.


"Aha!" Rae cackled gleefully. "So that's where you were hiding it!"

Jelinka had, for quite some time, been using her position at Yoyodyne to make some extra money on the side. While it wasn't something that the police would be particularly interested in, it was borderline illegal, unauthorized, and definitely unethical.

Rae created a new Bitcoin wallet and used the key that Jelinka had left on the Yoyodyne servers to transfer everything to her new wallet.

Once the changes had been written to the blockchain, she continued her search.

The next time Jelinka logged on, she would be able to see where her money went, but she wouldn't have any way to know for sure who owned the new wallet.

"Gotcha!" Rae gloated. "That almost pays for the extra time I wasted chasing your crap around."


"Hey, tiger. Ready to be the real you?" Rae asked.

"I was ready years ago," Ron answered.

"OK. You know the drill. There is no going back once I push the button. Well, technically, you have eight hours, but trying to peel everything off would be a pain. And the super solvent would be a bad idea, even if we could get more of it."

Ron smiled. "How many times are you going to give me the speech?"

Rae motioned for him to head in to the shower.

By the time he was clean and dry, Rae had everything ready. There was a path of clean towels from the shower to the front of the wheelchair, and the wheelchair was draped.

He sat on the chair and slathered GLOO adhesive base on his feet, making sure to get the area between his toes good and slimed. He continued up his ankles, calves, and about half way up his thighs.

Rae held the Shapeform Bag so that he could stick his feet in. As soon as the legs of the costume were up past his knees, Rae adjusted the control, causing the feet and lower legs of the costume to become snug. Another adjustment, and it was extra tight around his ankles. It wasn't in its final position, but was set so that he could stand on the digitigrade part of the costume.

Rae helped him stand up, then held him by his shoulders while he slathered himself up to his chest. Getting the costume adjusted correctly at his crotch was a bit tricky, but it didn't take long. Rae held the furry outside of the costume, while Ron adjusted himself and the inside of the costume.

Once the costume was past his waist, Rae adjusted the control again, tightening the costume.

Ron covered the rest of his body, including his bald head and his eyelids. He even put some inside his mouth and on both sides of his teeth, being careful not to lick them. He kept his mouth open. Then, he slipped his arms into the costume's arms. Rae pulled the costume up to his neck and adjusted the controls again. Everything from the neck down was snug.

Rae asked him to close his eyes, then stretched the hood over his head, carefully lining up the eyes. She placed the muzzle prosthesis in his open mouth and asked him to bite down. Then, she helped him into the wheelchair.

A few more adjustments to the control, and the suit painfully constricted his feet, tightened on his stomach to take in some of his spare tire, crawled inside his nostrils, ear holes, and other orifices.

Rae read the scanner to make sure that everything was lined up. She double checked his eyes to make sure that there was no GLOO where it shouldn't be.

"This is your last chance to back out. Speak now or forever hold your peace!"

He couldn't say anything, so he nodded.

Rae pushed the final button. GLOO activator was secreted from inside of the costume. Two minutes later, everything was stuck.

She asked him to open his eyes to make sure that they were in good shape. She inspected his eyes, mouth, and all of the other orifices.

He tried to thank her, but he couldn't form the words right. She snickered and gave him a pat on the back. "You'll get it."

Eight hours later, he was wobbling around on his new digitigrade legs.

After three days, the seven foot tiger was walking relatively well, and people could almost figure out what he was trying to say.

A month later, he had an odd accent, but spoke well. He could run as fast as an olympic sprinter, but only for a short distance. The fur, along with the lack of most of his sweat glands, prevented him from losing heat quickly enough.


Rae's computer alarm went off, awakening her from a sound sleep.

She disentangled herself from Cathy and went to her computer.

"Bwa ha ha ha ha!" she cackled. "Now I've got you! You are mine to toy with!"

Rae watched as Jelinka activated some of the programs that she had left hiding on the server. Or, at least, she thought she was activating her programs. What she was actually activating was a set of decoy programs that Rae had installed.

All of Jelinka's attempts to transfer Yoyodyne funds to her own account were carefully traced and documented.

After Jelinka logged out, fully expecting that she would find the funds in her account the next day, Rae sent the log to the detective that she had worked with to set up the sting.

Cathy padded over to Rae and gave her a warm hug. "You're having way too much fun with that," she said sleepily. "You like toying with her like a cat?"

"I'm a cat by injection," Rae said with a leer.


Frank was chatting on the TG chatroom, dreaming of a life that could never be his.

He envied those who had started early enough or were of the right shape to be able to transition. With a nickname like 'stud bear,' he would make a really ugly woman that could in no way ever dream to pass. He was built like a hairy burly hockey player.

The chime for his special email account dinged. Since he rarely got mail on that account, he immediately checked it.

Rae was one of the few who had treated him with neither disdain nor pity. Nor did she treat him like an outsider because he was one of the few who wasn't actively transitioning.

He was sorry to see Rae and Lori leave the support group, but he understood their reasons. The catty remarks and outright hostile behavior of some of them would drive anyone away.

It amazed him that people who weren't comfortable in their own body would judge them so. Is there really that much difference between the trans gendered and the otherkin?

Yet they accused Rae and Lori of making it harder for people to take legitimate trans people seriously. As if the whole '87 genders' or 'how dare you assume my gender?' didn't already do that.

He read the letter, trying hard to believe the offer that she was making. Could she really do that?

But he knew her well enough to know that she was not cruel, and would never play that kind of a prank on him.


The newsroom talking head picked up his newscopy, shook it, and put on a professional smile. "Jelinka Stupharodisk, the woman accused of selling prostheses and chastity devices, has been arrested again. She stands accused of attempting to steal from her former employer, and several counts of hacking their computer system. According to sources within the police department, her former employer provided impressively well documented evidence."


Frank looked again at his phone and compared it to the number on the door. He hadn't known that she lived in such a high class condo.

The door opened at his knock. Rae opened her arms and gave him a heartfelt hug.

Once inside, Rae and Cathy demonstrated their own additions, and showed him a slideshow designed to advertise the prosthetics that Yoyodyne was developing.

Frank felt embarrassed to strip down, but Rae explained that it was necessary for them to get accurate measurements of his body shape.

They set up the cameras and projectors on tripods around him. They talked him through some movements and poses as the cameras took pictures from all angles, some with grids projected on his skin to get accurate measurements.

He hastened to put his clothes back on, and tried to avoid looking at or thinking about his hairy male body.


The boardroom looked like a furry convention. Such attire would be considered extremely unprofessional at most companies, but at Fur-Tech, it was expected -- almost mandatory.

The chairman of the board stood, his tail waving gently. "Has everyone read the letter sent to us by Rae Droidlander?

The members of the board, along with their executive assistants, nodded.


"How the hell did Rae get all of the specs for our tails and ears and stuff?"

The chairman shrugged. "Analyzed our pictures from our social media pages? Hacked our servers? Who knows?"

"Shouldn't we do something about it?"

"And antagonize the company that is making us such a lucrative offer? Not a chance!"

"Anyone try her 'free trial' prostheses?"

Several hands went up.

"Thoughts?" asked the chairman again.

"I hope that everyone realizes that, for a free trial, this stuff is pretty permanent," said a man in a bear suit.

"Considering the fact that she plastered warnings all over the place, I hope so," said Sherri, a young looking lady with the tail and ears of a cat. "I'm really delighted with the changes, especially considering the fact that it knocked about fifteen years off of my apparent age."

"I feel... like me! piped up Marcie, a fully furred mouse girl. "Even if I could get this suit off, I would never want to. I feel free! I feel energetic!"

"That seems to be a side effect of the full body prostheses," a wolf commented.

"Rae is a genius. Not to mention foxy as hell," another wolf said with a leer. "We need to see if we can hire her."

"Not a chance," said the chairman. "It isn't well known, but our sources indicate that she actually owns a significant fraction of Yoyodyne. But she prefers to keep quiet about it."

"Aroooooo! Foxy and rich, too! Where's her contact information?"

"Cool down, mister Big Bad Wolf. She already has a girlfriend, and it looks like they're going to make it a threesome."

"Who's the lucky guy?"

"Girl. Three girls. And no comments on wanting to see into their bedroom!"

The wolf looked crestfallen.

"Besides, there's a rumor that she added another appendage to spice things up."

The wolf shrugged.

Caitlin, a standard neko-type cat woman, stood up. "I'm happy with the tail and ears, but I haven't heard from any of the full fur suit people. How did that go?"

Joseph, a badger, stood up. "Well, I was hesitant because of the whole permanence issue, but I really wanted it to work. After some research, and talking to the digitigrade tiger at Yoyodyne, I decided to take the plunge."


"Actually, it was simplicity itself. I loaded the software into two old cell phones, plugged in the little gizmo that creates grid lines, and pranced in front of the setup."


"Turned around so that it could photograph all sides, moved around as specified by the instructions, and quit when it told me it was done. The electronic control for the fur suit received the data. I climbed into the suit. I pushed a few buttons. It shrunk to fit and GLOO'd itself to me. Simplicity itself."

"So, how do you like it?"

The badger smiled broadly. "It works as specified. Everything is sensitive. My wife loves cuddling up to her big teddy-badger. We'll sell thousands of them!"

"I wonder why Yoyodyne is asking us to distribute them," a Doberman said suspiciously.

"They are a big company, and have lots of very conservative customers. Furry fandom doesn't fit their projected corporate image -- for all that they have a number of furries working for them." said the chairman.

"She said in her letter," the neko said, rolling her eyes at the Doberman, "that she is impressed with our ability to counsel and design a custom look for our clients. She wants us to put our strengths together. A strategic alliance, she called it."

"I wonder if we can branch out and sell the youth, weight loss, and trans versions." mused a fully furred white rabbit.

"Nope. They are keeping that market for themselves," said the chairman

"Be happy that they are offering us what they are. Otherwise, they might cut seriously into our business," commented the kitty girl.

"Not everyone wants to become their fursona permanently," said a pure white fox.

"Enough do that they would take a significant part of the market," mused the chairman.

"It sounds like everyone agrees that we should take them up on their generous offer."

Everyone in the room gave the thumbs up.

"I recommend that we allow the owners of our standard prostheses and suits to turn them in for credit toward the permanent versions. That will promote goodwill, and maybe get a few more customers."

"How so?"

"Well, someone might ruminate over whether to get the temporary or permanent version. If he can get credit, he can go out and get the temporary version right away instead of vacillating forever."

"Good point."


Rae and Cathy led Frank to a well appointed suite of rooms.

After showering and removing all of his hair, he trod the path of towels to the middle of the cameras that were set up. A quick reading assured Rae that his size hadn't changed significantly.

Donning the body suit was easier than the tiger suit because they didn't have to deal with digitigrade legs, and both components of the GLOO were contained within the shapeform bag. He was inside the suit in less than five minutes. Two minutes later, the GLOO was stuck solid. Rae and Cathy both gave him a hug.

He had feminine flawless hairless skin and a luxurious mane of chestnut brown hair, but he was still shaped like a man, albeit one with breasts.

But that was temporary.

Even though he had a badge that gave him the run of much of the Yoyodyne facilities, he chose to remain in the suite for a while. He wore a light robe so that he could shuck it off whenever the alarm dinged to remind him to stand between the cameras for his measurements. He had agreed to act as a guinea pig in exchange for a free treatment.

After eight hours, he had a definite feminine shape. He was just finishing with his measurements when Rae and Cathy knocked on the door.

He threw on his robe and opened the door.

Once inside, Rae gave her a wolf whistle and a thumbs up. "Looking good, Candice!"

Candice smiled and wrapped Rae in a hug. "Thank you so much! You've literally made all of my dreams come true!" she said in a light soprano.

Rae smiled. "Let me be the first to use the correct pronoun." She turned to Cathy. "She's looking good, isn't she?"

She turned back to Candice and handed her an envelope. "Here's all your paperwork. We'll take pictures for your driver's license, passport, and all of that stuff just before you leave."


The talk show host sat behind his desk.

"Tonight, we have a special treat. Rae Droidlander, the genius who has been busily developing new technology that uses GLOO, is here to explain the changes that we can look forward to in the future."

A tall shapely woman wearing impeccably tailored though somewhat revealing business attire strode in from the wings.

"Miss Rae, please tell us how you came to work with GLOO."

Rae smiled. "It started when one of our board of directors members asked me to briefly check the stuff out. I soon found out that one of the reasons that it was permanent was that it could make direct connections to our nervous system."

"Is that what convinced you to spend so much time researching it?"

"Indeed," she replied. "I really like the prostheses that Furtech makes, but I figured that GLOO could make them even better. After all, the tail in particular has some, err, inconvenient limitations. Research led to more research, and I was soon developing prostheses that could not only add new parts, but which could replace amputated limbs, add fur or remove hair, change body shape, and even reverse aging." She smiled. "I have always been careful to preserve myself as much as possible, but I now definitely look a lot younger than I actually am."

The host looked impressed. The audience applauded.

"Surprisingly, adding external ears somehow gave me better hearing. Also, I developed an underwater life support prosthesis that allows people to hold their breath long term."

A video of her sea rats happily swimming in their tanks was played.

"All of this will be available through Yoyodyne. The various furry prostheses will be available through Furtech. After all, they are unmatched in their ability to match human to fursona, and design the perfect look for their customers. By the way, they don't plan on dropping their current line of products. Not everyone wants to wear a tail permanently."

Rae and the talk show host discussed the new products at length. They also discussed the cultural and psychological aspects of the strong desire that some have to wear a body other than the one that they were born with. She helped dispel a lot of the myths attached to the otherkin and trans gendered.

"You seem very passionate about your products."

"I have the body that I want, and I have watched dozens of friends and coworkers achieve their dreams. Without exception, they are happier and more productive. Even if we never sold this to others, and even if we didn't care deeply about their happiness, it would be worth it just for the increase in productivity."

"And still," the talks how host commented, "There is a growing movement out there to ban the stuff."

Rae scowled. "They are using scare tactics, and they are lobbying our elected officials. If they succeed, they will be depriving the world of a better life for all. I suspect that the elite will still be able to take advantage of my work, though. Not that I will help them at all if they manage to steal the technology from the rest of the world."


Rae pulled a fox tail off of her keychain, plugged it into her computer, and rebooted. The hardware encrypted USB drive booted and asked for a password.

Rae typed a long paragraph that she had memorized. The hardware encryption unlocked, and GRUB (GRand Universal Bootloader) loaded.

Rae chose Fox Tails, which is her custom modified Tails Linux operating system.

Fox Tails booted, then asked Rae for the passwords for the system and the special data drive that she keeps triple encrypted.

She entered a paragraph for each of them, and was finally shown the familiar Debian system.

She looked over the various dicknose situations. Most seem to have learned their lessons. She did have to point one of her pet vigilante groups at one, and sent the victim instructions on where to get his situation solved.

After cleaning up the various messes, she prepared to shut down.

Suddenly, a message was displayed.

"We are your nanites. We need to talk."

Like I said, it's all Laika's fault. Read all about Rae's buddy Lori here:
And don't forget to read part two and three and...

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