The quote is of course, courtesy Monty Python, and fortunately, I'm luckier than the fellow in the sketch. See, I dodged a bullet in terms of my liver. CT scan showed the same level of fatty tissue as before, so for now, its exercise, diet, and keep an eye on things. Also good news, despite the pain I have been feeling in my hip the last while, no signs of further arthritic damage, so my doctor said its most likely a pulled muscle or strained tendon, and again, losing weight would be the best thing I can do for it.
Yay for you being okay!
Hormones are one of many things that can have an effect on the liver and other body organs, so regular testing is needed while taking them.
That being said, I've been on hormones for most of the last 26 years, and no liver damage yet as of the last testing for that (Dec/17).
Sending lots of huggles just to help you feel a bit better!