Summer Romance Contest Results!

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After checking all the votes for validity, the results are in! :)

Sephrena's Honourable Mentions are now added!

First Prize ($100) goes to:
Camp Kumoni by Anistasia Allread (Chapters 41-47)

which led from the very beginning. Congratulations Anistasia.

Remember I said we had a tie situation? We had a three way tie for second until the last few votes were cast, and then... we still had a two-way tie for second, with only one vote separating the two from the one following.

What to do? Well, we added the 2nd and 3rd prizes together ($50 + $25) added another $5 and divided by two, so the tied stories earn $40 each.

Second and Third Prize Tie ($40 each) goes to:
Colleen by Jennifer Brock
Show Me The Money! Chapter 41 by Arecee

This left us with the story that had been in second place for days only to get beaten by one vote in the last few hours. So we decided to give a prize for fourth place, too.

Fourth Prize ($20) goes to:
Autumn Leaves by Alys

None of the four stories above were the ones Sephrena or I voted for! Oh, well. We lliked all of the stories in the contest so it was tough picking which ones to vote for.

Sephrena is going to announce some Honorobale Mentions here, too, later today, I hope. And she will be getting in touch with the winners by PM or otherwise to find out how to send out the prizes.

Thank you all for entering this contest, we all won because we got to read the wonderful entries!


Honourable Mentions

The Boys of Summer by Melanie Ezell - This really good story SHOULD have been in the contest but was submitted too late to be added to the voting page. Despite that, this is a really strong story worth its read.

Star Crossed by Sarah Lynn Morgan

First and Ten by Nancy Cole (Chapters 6-13)

Totally Insane 12-Redemption by Angharad

Come On You Girls by Aardvark

Things Just Happen by Kristina L.S.

Kerry, Libbi and Lynzie by Mona Lisa

The Guardian of Sharon's Rose by Shalimar

Gone With The Wind by Susan Brown

All of these Honourable Mentions were the close runner-ups to the top positions. Boys of Summer, which was not entered in time, would have made a good run in there, altering our voting results.

I sincerely wish to thank EVERYONE who entered for doing a great job and we had some really good writing. The point to these contests is not to show up others or segregate us into who writes best. tastes change over time as do writing styles. The point is to spur imagination, show off our talents so everyone can see what we are like amongst ourselves, and to mostly - have fun!

Anistasia Allread, Jennifer Brock, Arecee, and Alys - please PM me or Erin to give us the mailing details to send you your prizes.

There will be an October writing contest, the details of which we will release in late September or early October. But there WILL be one.

Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf



sonai67's picture

How come the best stories won? you ask...

It is my opinion, and expressly my opinion... That they won due to the extreamly well written work they have put forth for all of us to read. And, those of us whom read these stories took the time to VOTE on them as to what we felt was worth voting for...

These very talented writers spend many hours behind a keyboard, with notes all around them telling how to proceed with the storylines. They put forth such hard work editing and re-keying, searching for grammer and punctuation. And all the rest of writing a story contends with, from computer glitches, to memory wipeout...

So even if you put in a story, and it did not make it to the top four, I only have one thing to say....

VERY WELL WRITTEN, Good Work, and Great Stories. I hope you can win something in the future. But, I for one appreciate all the stories I have been reading on this site....

Exelent work credit to all of the Story Authors who post to this site.... and

THANK YOU ALL!!! For you hard work, and great stories...




Thank you

Thank you to all the authors and thank you to all the readers, especially those who commented and voted.



I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me. I'm glad to have my story appreciated. I just had a birthday on Thursday and couldn't have asked for a better present. I've been enjoying Anistasia's and Arecee's epics for a while now, and I have absolutely no bitterness about having been beaten by one of them and having to share with the other. And Alys' bittersweet tale of possibilities was very touching. Congratulations to you all! The quality of the other entries makes it feel like so much more of an accomplishment; there were some really moving stories in the mix.

Please put my prize money in the Hatbox.

All good stories.

My congratulations ladies, to all of you.
I still think that we who like to read
were the real winners, but it is nice to
see wonderful authors recognized too.

Our hearts are forever inspired.

Sarah Lynn Morgan

I Agree With Sarah

The readers were the big winners in this contest. A big thank you to everyone that entered a story.

Great Competition!

Thanks to Sephrena and Erin for the contest.

It was fun taking part and doing better than I expected.

There were so many good stories that I enjoyed reading.

Please can you also put my prize into the Hatbox.

I am curious about what the total votes was. I remember reading that there were sixty on the first day. Also, 'cos I'm into numbers, I'd really like to know how many votes my story got.

I can accept the wisdom of not releasing general figures or percentages but I wonder if it would be possible to get the number just for my story via PM or email.



Vote numbers

erin's picture

155 people voted in the Summer Romance contest. The winner got nearly 20%, practically a landslide with so many entries. :) I won't say anything about the rest of the votes; so many good stories, it's embarrassing that they all couldn't win.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


Both Of My Favorites Won! Congratualations!

Terrific contest

My top picks did not but these are also of the same high caliber and were worthy of the awards. I think I subconsciously had a bias against serials, odd that.

Best wishes to all. We got some really nice stuff, sad, funny and serious.

John in Wauwatosa

P.S I see my top picks did all get honorable mentions so I'm happy

John in Wauwatosa

That was fun!

I really enjoyed taking part in the 2008 Summer Romance Contest. Thanks very much to everyone who voted for me and thanks very much to Sephrena and Erin for making the contest happen!


Thanks Sephrena!

I appreciate the Honorable Mention a whole lot, even if I WAS too slow a writer to be prepared in time.

Hey, one of my top two choices pulled a place, along with two amazing serials and a short I was frankly too scared to read after seeing the comments, though I'll have to fix that soon.

Melanie E.

Congratulations everyone who entered, now let's see some more stories!