Jaci, aka Tels, needs support. She is about to lose an uncle. Please send all the hugs and support you can.
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TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Jaci, aka Tels, needs support. She is about to lose an uncle. Please send all the hugs and support you can.
Checks can be made out & sent to:
Joyce Melton
1001 Third St.
Space 80
Calimesa, CA 92320
Note: $6000 is the operating, maintenance and upgrade budget. Amounts received in excess of the $6000 will be applied to long term debt accrued over the last 19 years.
If you prefer, you can donate through Patreon:
Become a Patron!
Thank you!
Oh My Goodness!
Popcorn Lady boxes up a care package full of *Hugs*, along with popcorn & pop to try and keep Jaci's spirits up during this sorrowful time, and sends it "Dottie express"! Loving Hugs Popcorn Lady (Talia)
Wrapping her in hugs,
And adding lots and lots of huggles to Talia's shipment of popcorn, pop, and hugs.
Not something I have much experience with, honestly, not having had any family since early fall of '81 myself.
The exception to that has been the people I've found online. This site is probably the closest thing I've had to a family since then.