its a generation thing

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Well yesterday was a landmark for my family - all of my immediate blood relations over four generations in one room at once. Sounds impressive but it's only five people (I do have a host of cousins etc so we aren't such a tiny family really) Anyhow I spent about three hours holding a very well behaved grandson as two exhausted parents failed to summon energy for more than drinking tea!

So that's why you haven't had any new Gaby this weekend. I'm hoping to post something during this week's travels for you. And talking of travels, tomorrow we set off for the ferry from Josh land (Tyneside) and a ten day road trip with my aged father across Germany for a day on the bike, my 9th visit fo the event. Looking forward to seeing interesting stuff and friends along the way.

And back to Gaby, well i'm into the final arc of the latest book, there's a chance i'll get some done on the road trip to complete it but by past experience i'm not holding a lot of hope on that!

So don't fret, i'll try to post stuff and there will be photos on my return, for now I need to go for a last pre trip ride, the sun is out and I can look forward to a session of bike cleaning, case packing and writing when I get back this afternoon!

So for now


Thanks Mads

Ferry from Newcastle eh? I thought they were either freight only or went to Zebrugge. I was looking into getting over to Denmark or Norway but all the old routes have stopped running (even the Aberdeen, Fareoes, Iceland ferry has apparently stopped running). It seemed that there was no other way but to go over via Dover these days and slog up through Belgium, Holland and Germany.

anyways, have a good trip and don't drink too much Appfelkorn ok.


Monique S's picture

still run from Harwich to Esbjerg and from Newcastle to Amsterdam.

When I was a lot younger there also was Hamburg to Harwich, a trip of 18 hours I must have been on at least fifty times.
It used to be well worth the money, good food and more often than not a nice movie in the board cinema.


Monique S


Maddy Bell's picture

Was a right b'stard as I had wanted to use it that summer.

Newcastle -Ijmuiden is cheaper than the Hull routes and only takes about an extra hour to get to from here and cuts about the same from our journey on the other side - well in theory!


Madeline Anafrid Bell


Maddy Bell's picture

The Hamburg route once but I guess when the BF shut down most of the camps the demand dropped too much. There was a weekly coach from here that served the camps too but that stopped at @ the same time, not helped by cheap flights arriving.

Pretty sure a weekly service (like the old Triangle series on telly) would be amply supported but hey ho.


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Apropos of nothing but...

I am in the middle of Gaby Summer Loving and came across fishbone earrings!

...which of course made me smile.

I know that that story isn't here yet, but I just had to comment on it somewhere!


PS I'm loving it!