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Chapter 1

“Where are we going to get another person?” Pam Nolton asked Connie White. They were in the building cafeteria after work and had only 2 hours to come up with another woman to make the thirteen required for their Wicca Ceremony — but the ceremony was being held the same night as the full moon celebrations and all the Wicca friends had plans made for weeks.
They had been able to find 10 women they knew who would come out for the free drinks after but they were short 1 and that 1 was critical — belief wasn’t necessary only numbers were.

Just then Connie shouts out “Brad come over!” at a tall thin fellow just getting coffee.

“What are you doing? Pam whisperer to Connie — “He’s not a woman.” She stated the obvious.

“You said a warm body — and this will be number 13” Pam said.

When Brad walked up Connie asks Brad if he will do them a favour and come to a short meeting for them to make up the required number — free beers and a dozen ladies convinced him to try. He was recently divorced and still had not gotten out for much socializing — for one thing the alimony and legal expenses as well as a kid in collage didn’t leave him much in the way of an entertainment budget — and this sounded like a good way to meet some people in the other companies in the building.

When Brad got to the meeting he was asked to sit in the last chair — he listened to the conversation around him for a couple of minutes and the next thing he knew the meeting was breaking up. Connie came up to him and thanked him for attending. “Well I apologize for falling asleep.” Brad said.

“Don’t worry about it — you did everything just fine.” Connie said, “Can I get you a drink.”

“Sure, I’ll have a white wine spritzer on the rocks with a twist of lime.” Brad said.

“Don’t you usually have beer?” Connie questioned. “It feels like time for a change.” was Brad’s response.

At the bar Pam overheard the drink order and she asked “Wasn’t that Shirley’s Favorite drink?” “Yes” Connie responded, “It must be happening already.”

“Does he have any idea of what’s happening?” Pam asked.

“No, he thinks he was asleep” Connie said.

Pam added “Then only the 2 of us know it was actually a séance to bring back Shirley’s spirit to inhabit one of those present. Everyone else thinks they were at an interesting speaker, but are vague on the details. Everyone feels energetic though.

Well you better fend all those women off of him, we don’t want him socializing while Shirley’s spell works phase two on him these next three months, then we hit him with phase three another séance and Shirley’s spirit will fully take over him.”

Connie rushed back with Brad’s drink and managed to monopolize his attention until he had to leave.

Later on she got together with Pam and they discussed why Shirley had chosen the only man present to inhabit. The final answer would have to wait until they could ask Shirley but for now they agreed that it probably had to do with height, Shirley had been tall. Height could only be varied by a couple of inches; well sex change was relatively minor for the final spell. Most of the other changes could be covered by phase two, the reconstruction phase, as well as age adjustment and health attunement. Shirley would be handling the changes from the spirit realm, but would have no direct knowledge or influence of what Brad was thinking day by day — she still could influence his thoughts by influencing his wants, habits, and memory.

The next morning Brad noticed a lot of short body hairs on the shower floor and walls as he was cleaning it out, and more when he was drying himself off. “Hmm, I must be molting.” he thought, and then didn’t think anything more about it.
At his office people remarked on his much improved posture. Previously Brad had developed a noticeable stoop like a lot of tall men who had to slouch over a desk all day. He had been fighting a losing battle to keep his shoulders back and chest out. Today it was just so much easier, in fact all his movements had a certain grace about them. When asked about his sudden improvement Brad said that it must have been because he got up and worked out this morning, then instead of his normal big breakfast of eggs and coffee, he had eaten a light breakfast of fruits and vegetables only. Brad felt better than he had for a long time, and wasn’t going to argue with the changes. In fact he thought they were quite logical.

At lunch instead of grabbing a sandwich and working through as he usually did, Brad decided to go down to the mall in the basement and do a little shopping. He had a yogurt cup from the health food store for lunch then wandered into the Video Store, stopping for some reason in the exercise disks, but couldn’t find any he liked until he stopped at a 2 disk set called Belly Dancing for Fitness. The two fit and shapely instructors on the front sure seemed more appealing to look at than some of the heavy muscled types so he picked it up.

Brad turned left and saw Winners so he thought he would get some new exercise clothes for his new disks. Brad looked through the typical selection of shorts and sweats but none of them seemed right. On the way out he saw the Active Ware Department in Woman’s Ware and drifted over. Once there he saw a pair of black tights that could be unisex, picked up an XL sized one, and got a matching T shirt in the same material.

On the way to the check out Brad justified his purchases to himself by thinking “Well if I’m going to be doing a dance exercise program I should be dressed like a dancer.

“Besides no one will see me in my apartment anyway.” He paid for his purchases, and then asked for a big bag to double bag all his purchases. No need for anyone else to see what he had.

Once back at the office three people were waiting with emergencies that he would have typically handled during lunch. These kept him busy until coffee, when he broke for a quick herbal tea. It tasted delicious and Brad started to wonder why he had been drinking coffee for so long. Back at work the rest of the day passed quickly. At 4:20 he started closing up and at 4:30 Brad left on time for the first time in a long time. Again it felt so good he wondered why he had been hanging around the office so late for.

Brad stopped at the grocery store on the way home to pick up some more vegetables, fruit, yogurt and in general quite a different more healthier mix of items than he usually bought. Once back in his apartment he put away the groceries and decided to try the new exercise disks before supper.

Brad changed into the new workout clothes and put in the first disk — Arms and Abs and started following along. He thought it was going to kill him — yet the two instructors kept up the pace with no trouble smiling throughout.

At the end of the workout Brad kept watching as he was trying to catch his breath, and one of the instructors came on in full regalia and swayed smoothly and sensuously through an entire Belly dance. Brad was hooked. It was worthwhile working out like that to see the dance at the end. Besides the work out left him feeling tired but also exhilarated.
After a light supper that included a poached cod fillet and veggies, Brad decided he didn’t feel like going for a beer with his buddies at the bar. He looked over the TV listings but there was nothing worth watching, so he decided he might as well straiten the place up a bit. Brad ended up straightening out the living room and vacuuming the entire apartment.

As Brad was taking off his tights, that he had worn all evening, he thought, “Man, these things are comfortable, I think I should start wearing them all the time I’m home. I can’t wait to do some yoga in them.” He then had a good sleep; except he was so hot he slept without covers for the first time in decades.

In the morning Brad donned his new work out outfit, and decided he would do the same disk as yesterday because he was used to it, and then do some yoga. He didn’t want to try a brand new disk before work, it might kill him. However Brad was surprised at how easy it was in comparison to yesterday. It was like he had been doing the exercises for a week. Anyway, Brad wasn’t going to argue, he just concentrated on getting the hand movements just right. You had to do the exercises exactly how they were illustrated to get the most benefit. After watching the dance at the end of the disk for a cool down, Brad finished up with 30 minutes of yoga; he really enjoyed how the new tights felt during his yoga workout.
Brad had a quick breakfast, and packed a lunch of a fruit cup, yogurt, and a health bar, and then grabbed his shower. He again noticed the hairs in the shower, but not as much as yesterday, so he thought whatever it was, was passing. As he dressed, he noted that his belt was notably looser than yesterday. If he kept this up he would have to tighten the belt a notch. He had been loosening the belt for years.

At work he quickly got into the flow of things, moving around the office with a remarkable vigor. People remarked at how healthy he looked, some said privately almost radiant. Heather Wells, the Accounting Manager, saw him standing down the hall, reading a fax in front of the Fax machine, and stared.

When Brad, looked up and caught her, Heather said “My you look so ….mmm…ah..tall and straight in that suit.”

Brad smiled back and said cheerfully “Well thank you.” as he turned to handle the emergency contained in the fax.

Heather Wells had just recently transferred from head office to take over the accounting function of the entire country. It was a promotion for her and it came at a most convenient time. A year ago she had kicked her second husband out — a hopeless drug addict - he was now in jail on drug charges. The judge had granted Heather a divorce after the minimum elapsed time so predating her husbands’ trial and saving her house. It had made her very relieved; although that’s what her lawyer had said should happen.

Then the company had offered Heather this promotion in recognition of her outstanding performance in trying times. It was literally a chance to “Get out of town”, and she took it. Since arriving in this office Heather had concentrated on her job, getting her feet wet. She had made little effort to develop a social life, relishing the freedom that having no commitments left her.

Heather had decided that she probably should avoid any long term romantic connections. Heather had three long term relationships since she graduated collage, two marriages and a lesbian relationship in between, all had lacked something sexually. The men, besides being gruff and coarse, had no tits, and her lesbian lover, well had had no penis. Each lacked something Heather needed, so she decided she should switch back and forth, as the urge moved her.

When Heather had seen Brad standing in the hall, silhouetted behind the lights, she had been flabbergasted. Brad was obviously male, with a great ass and posture that would make any woman proud. He was standing strait, shoulders back and chest out, and she had an immediate and powerful sexual attraction.

After Brad had turned away, Heather had gone back to Accounting and stopped by the desk of Sherry, Brad usually came in once a week to clear up items with Sherry, so Heather asked her, “Who is that tall guy who comes in to talk to you every once in a while.”

“You mean the tall guy, with glasses, and a great ass?” Sherry responded.


“That’s Brad Olson from traffic, recently divorced.” Sherry said with a smile.

Heather blushed slightly and said, “Thanks” before returning to her office. She was going to make a tour of all the plants to get their accounting systems up to date. Heather would be gone for two weeks, so she had a pile of work that would have to be done before she left. Heather was soon so busy she forgot, at least for now all about Brad. However, he would cross her mind many times in the quiet moments she had while she was away. Heather vowed to get to know Brad better on her return.

Brad meanwhile was back hard at work. At noon he had his lunch while starting to organize the piles of paper that littered his office into priorities — projects no one had asked about for six months, more recent projects but still not important, those projects that should be followed up on, and those that he was working on — once done the office looked a little neater — but definitely not up to his new standards. When lunch was over he got back to work, again leaving on time — it could become habit forming.

At home, Brad did a new exercise disk — the dance at the end inspiring him to another new disk — who would have imagined the speed of his physical improvement. He had worked up such a sweat that he had another quick shower. This time Brad noticed two bald circles in his chest hair centered at his nipples.

As he brushed at his chest with his towel, Brad felt a warm sensation spreading from his nipples straight to his penis. The warmth flooded him and the nipples engorged to a level Brad had never seen before, but it felt so good.

Brad finished his shower and then grabbed another light supper and then cleaned some more. At this rate his apartment would be sparkling before the weekend. Brad turned in early, all this exercise made you tired. This time he went to bed naked because he was so hot.

The next day was Friday, Casual Friday’s meant he could wear jeans to work if he wanted. After working out with the Belly Dance disk, which was becoming normal, Brad tried on his tight jeans. They had been too tight for years, but surprisingly they slipped right on. They were quite tight across the ass, and it kind of turned him on, anyway Brad liked it. He again took his lunch to work, and also some cleaning supplies.

Brad hit his office as soon as he got in. He filed, cleaned, sorted, and polished. As he was carting boxes to the file room, bending and lifting, and so on, Brad noticed that several (many) women were watching his ass in his tight jeans. He enjoyed the sensation and also it turned him on some.

By mid-afternoon Brad’s office was spotless, everything filed, labeled and put away. Keith Smith, Brad’s boss, came in and Brad said “Hey boss, I’m all hot and sweating from all this cleaning. How about I call it a day. I’ve got some shopping to do, and then I’ll hit the showers.”

Keith responded, “Sure thing. You’ve earned it.”

Brad went to the drug store to get some razors for his shaver. They were located next to the Women’s shaving section which included some hair removing creams. Brad picked up a tube and thought “Gee, I wonder if I could shave less if I used this. It sounds like a good idea. There, I’ll take the one for dark coarse hair.” He put the selected tube into his basket.

From the drugstore Brad went to Winners and got one of each tights and top they had in his size. He even, picked up a metallic cream leotard that really caught his eye. After that Brad headed home, but before his shower he did another two workouts. It was amazing how fast he was progressing, tomorrow he would try the advanced disk for the first time, and that in less than a week.

Before his shower, Brad got out the tube of Nair and thought about testing it on part of his leg first. However, only a few scattered hairs remained on his legs, so he went ahead and did his entire shaving line on his face. Then after fifteen minutes he had his shower, rinsing off the cream first.

Later sitting on the couch, in his tights, with a cup of herbal tea, Brad thought “This is the first time this week that I’ve sat down to think. I will do a meditation to determine if I can find out when all the changes started.”

Brad had been doing Yoga and meditating for 30 years. He was also a Reiki master having taken the necessary classes a year ago after his divorce. So he sat cross legged on the floor and calmed his mind for a meditation, Brad brought copper colored energy from the earth, then blue lightning energy from the sky, blended them together and then opened himself up to the platinum reiki energy from his crown chakra.

After that he thought about all the changes, when they started and how? Well for the last question he had no answer, but he pegged the changes as starting from the meeting Tuesday night. The first change had been in his change in drinks following the meeting.

That meant that Brad would have to find out more about Connie and that Pam woman’s little meeting. First though he would build an energy barrier around his genitals to ensure no changes could happen there. Some of the other changes were beneficial, and besides he didn’t know how to protect his entire body. Next he would have to find out more about Connie White and her friend Pam.

Brad brought himself out of meditation and fixed himself an herbal tea, he would Google Connie White and see what he could find out. As Brad poured the hot water into the cup his focus began to blur, he had to concentrate to pour the tea. When the spell passed Brad tried to remember what he was going to do. He knew it was important, but try as he may he could not think what it was. Brad decided to go to sleep; maybe it would come to him in the morning.

Saturday morning saw Brad get up early, he put on one of his new leotard outfits and went to the bathroom and did his normal routine. When Brad came to his shaving he noticed that his beard was noticeably shorter, as if the hair had been shocked yesterday and stopped growing last night. When he was finished his stubble was soft and his pores on his cheeks slightly smaller.

“Gee, I wonder if eventually I could stop shaving entirely. That would be great! Well I better not do this more than once a week even if I do have to keep shaving for a while.”


Two weeks later Pam Norton telephoned Connie White. “Where have you been, and have you implanted the suggestion into Brad yet.” Pam demanded.

Connie responded, “I’ve been on holidays.”

“You were supposed to do it before you went on holidays.”

“Well” Connie defended herself, “I always met Brad after work when he was getting his last cup of the day and he stopped coming down right after the meeting.”

“The change is happening too fast, it is out of control.” Pam said worriedly.

“Don’t worry,” Connie said “if I don’t catch him next week I will take a day the following week and take a coffee to his office. That won’t be too suspicious.”

“Why don’t you do it next week?” Pam said still worried.

“I can’t get away from the office for that long right after I’ve been gone for holidays.”

“Well let me know as soon as you have implanted the suggestion that he must attend the next meeting, the spell will do the rest. Also, reinforce the suggestion not to socialize. We can’t be too careful.

“Ok” agreed Connie.
Heather Wells returned to the office the following Monday and burned the midnight oil for the entire week. First getting caught up, and second getting the numbers ready for the Quarterly staff meeting that was being held Friday, everybody in the office would attend. Between the two she didn’t have time to do more than admire Brad’s ass as he sped about the office, in his normal fashion. “Boy what great moves on that ass!” Heather thought each time she saw him walk by.

At Friday’s 3:00 P.M. meeting Heather arrived early and stood on the sidelines making small talk until she saw Brad arrive, then she grabbed a seat next to him and struck up a conversation. Heather found him witty as well as humorous — they kept up small asides to each other during the meeting. After the meeting they kept talking until Brad said he had to go, he had things he had to do before he left.

Heather went back to her office and got everything ready to go, then at just before 4:30 (she had noticed Brad left promptly at 4:30) she wandered over to Brad’s office and asked him if he would like to continue the conversation over a drink, when he hesitated, she insisted, saying “My treat.”

“Well” he agreed, “But just one.”

They ended up having three, for supper they made do with the free hors d’oeuvres, and an order of half price chicken wings. Conversation was lively and smiles and laughter was free flowing as they really got into each other. Rather than end the evening early, Heather invited Brad over to her place. Her apartment was close to the office, chosen for convenience and the view of the city. Brad in the spirit of the moment accepted.

Brad was nervous as he entered Heather’s apartment. It was the first time he had been in a woman’s apartment since his marriage ended. No correct that it was the first time he had entered a woman’s apartment period. He had been married relatively young, to his childhood sweetheart. His pre-marriage sexual experience had been in parent’s homes, cottages, cars, or friend’s places.

Heater indicated Brad should take a seat on the couch and asked him “Can I get you a glass of wine?”


“Red OK? I have a bottle open.” Again Brad responded “Yes, that would be fine.”

Heather walked across the room, handing a glass to Brad, she took a seat on the couch beside him. She took her shoes off and curled her legs underneath her, and said “Sit back, take your coat off and relax.”

“OK” Brad said rather shyly. He stood up, took his coat off, loosened his tie and put both of them neatly over the arm chair, before undoing his top button and sitting back down. As Heather watched Brad take his coat off her already high sexual intents were heightened further. She was sexually aggressive by nature, and Brad’s hesitation was increasing her desires.

It was Heather who first kissed Brad, but she was surprised at the skill and passion of the reply. Brad was hesitant at first because he hadn’t been with a woman since his divorce, and actually hadn’t had sex with his wife for the last two years of marriage so he wasn’t sure it even worked any more. But Brad returned Heather’s kiss with skill and passion, bringing his whole attention to the moment, Brad’s tongue sought access to Heather’s, and it was eagerly given.

Heather and Brad locked in an embrace of tremendous passion each bringing their whole attention and body responses to the moment. Brad brought years of skill, practiced on an indifferent wife who had never responded much to Brad physically. Having someone respond with equal skill and burning passion kindled a flame that was long buried.

Heather drew Brad up never letting go her embrace. She led him to the bedroom, unbuttoning his shirt and letting it fall to the floor en route. Once in the bedroom Brad turned his attention to getting Heather disrobed. He undid the buttons on her blouse with almost magical speed then slipped an arm behind her back. Heather never felt a touch to the bra until she felt the pressure released from her breasts. Smoothly he drew her arm out one sleeve than the other removing the bra and blouse together.

As soon as Heather’s firm breasts sprang into sight, Brad caressed the nipples with kisses and gentle sucking while caressing the other breast with experienced fingers. Quickly they finished disrobing and flowed into the bed, moving together as if they had been lovers for years. Heather took the lead and gently guided Brad onto his back. Then her mouth slid down his hairless chest to his nipples.

The sight of the smooth skin and swollen nipples reminded Heather of her lesbian lovers and she was even further turned on. Brad had large nipples for a man and they were standing erect waiting for her. Her mouth soon found one while she rolled the other between finger and thumb. Brad moaned in ecstasy and eagerly pushed his chest forward towards her mouth.

Heather switched her mouth to the other nipple which welcomed her whole heartedly; meanwhile she slid her hand down to Brad’s smooth shaft which was straining erect. Her hand slid down the soft skin to an amazing length. She had to see if what she was feeling was right and so took her mouth from Brad’s nipples. The sight of Brad’s cock brought moans of pleasure from Heather in her own turn. He was at least 8 inches long and straining in eagerness.

Heather brought her lips to the head of the swollen member and kissed lightly before taking it into her mouth. She swirled her tongue over the head and sucked greedily. It responded by swelling even more and Brad thrust it forward. Heather could stand no more; she straddled Brad and gently slid the rock hard cock into her pussy.

Brad was in a fog of ecstasy and confusion, normally the leader he found he was responding to Heather’s advances, and he was enjoying himself tremendously. AS she moved against him his hip responded, moving smoothly in harmony with her eagerly, thrusting up to meet her as she thrust downward. Spontaneously he opened himself up to Reiki energy.

This was the first time Brad had had sex since he had started Reiki and it seemed natural to open up to it as he relaxed and followed Heather’s lead. The Reiki energy responded with an intensity that he had never felt before. This time instead of the platinum energy Brad normally worked with it was a beautiful rose silver color. It flowed down from his crown chakra to the root of his cock and swirled there before spreading throughout his body and into Heather.

Heather felt the energy and felt Brad responding to her every advance. She had never had a sexual partner like him, and now an incredible energy seemed to flow from him into her. Heather’s excitement rose to a fever pitch. She leaned down and kissed Brad. His mouth eagerly welcomed hers and his body melted closer to hers. Her tongue sought entrance and his lips and they sucked it in in greeting. She started to work her tongue in and out and Brad’s cock followed it exactly, thrusting forward in time to Heather’s thrusting tongue. To Heather it was like working Brad’s cock by remote control.
Faster and faster, harder and harder Heather worked her tongue he followed her exactly and she brought her clit against Brad’s thrusting cock. Faster and faster they worked together. Brad felt an incredible energy building behind the base of his cock and somehow his mouth broke away, he arched his back and gasped in ecstasy making small moaning sounds as climax the like of which he had never felt before exploded. It rose not from his penis, but from the area just behind it and it brought an intensity and a pleasure he was experiencing for the first time.

After the climax had racked Brad, Heather thought that her pleasure had ended, but surprisingly Brad’s cock remained hard while his body fell away in post climax relaxation. Heather’s need pusher her and she continued thrusting on Brad’s magnificent cock. Surprisingly after a few minutes Brad started to respond again, rising to meet her every thrust. Heather was in ecstasy and soon rose to her own stupendous climax. Another surprise was that her orgasm sparked a similar response from Brad as he had a second orgasm in response to hers. Finally his cock softened and they separated exhausted. Soon the late night, alcohol, and their exertions had them both asleep.

Heather woke the next morning extremely satisfied and relaxed. When she looked over to find the bed empty she thought Brad had gone and was disappointed and melancholy that he had left. Then she smelled coffee and heard some sounds from her kitchen and she smiled in relief. Wrapping a robe around herself she went to find Brad and was not disappointed.
Brad was in the kitchen, dressed, and preparing some eggs on the stove, coffee was already brewing in the pot.

“Hi” said Brad, “I had a terrific urge for a cup of coffee this morning. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. What have you there.”

“Scrambled eggs, my specialty. I hope you like them.”

Brad indicated a chair to Heather and she sat down. Brad served the eggs, toast and coffee and sat across from her.
“It’s been a long time since a man cooked me breakfast. That time was a disaster but these eggs are delicious! How do you do them?” Heather exclaimed.

“I put a little milk in them.” Brad replied.

They chatted and smiled thru breakfast neither wanting the moment to end. They both realized they had experienced something terrific together and now sought to extend the physical attractions and performance to a fuller reality. However all good things must come to an end and they finally got up and did the dishes together.

Brad had developed a strong urge to return home, competing with it was a desire to remain with Heather. He compromised by asking “I’ve got to get home, would you care to join me?”

Disappointed Heather replied “Sorry, I’ve got to remain home this weekend. They are doing a major overhaul of the mainframe in head office and they have put everyone who might help in case of emergency on call this weekend. When I was in head office I headed up several accounting install teams, and I might have to consult my notes, so I have to remain here. Would you like to stay, we could get a movie…or something.”

Looking terribly distraught, Brad replied “I’m sorry but I do have to get going.” He turned to leave, but then turned back and took a piece of paper from a pad on the counter. Writing on the paper he handed it to Heather and taking her two hands in his he said “I want you to only believe what I tell you in person, regardless of what else happens OK.”

Heather looked puzzled but responded “Sure” anyway.

Brad then took her in his arms and kissed her with the same intensity as the previous night. She responded in kind. They held the embrace for several minutes, when they finally broke apart.

Brad smiled looking Heather deep in the eyes and said “Remember only what I say in person.” Then he was gone. Heather looked at the note and it was Brad’s home address.

Brad arrived home and decided to work out before his shower. He did the Basic Moves workout watching the dance at the end and then slid in disk one of his new exercise disks, disk 1 of a four disk set entitled “A Complete Course in Belly Dance”. After another 20 minutes he grabbed his shower and decided to shave. Since starting to use Nair every week on his beard he only had to shave every second day.

Brad looked at his hair in the mirror and frowned “Look how long it is.” He thought. “It’s only been a month and it looks too long already. The barber must not have cut it short enough last time.” Brad was in the habit of getting his hair cut real short every two months and the letting it grow until it was almost too long. Today however he noticed that his hair was already longer than he usually let it get. “I think I’ll try somewhere new next time, but I’m still going to wait my two months. I’ll not get another haircut just because the barber took advantage of me.”

On the way to the kitchen to get some lunch, Brad walked by the telephone and cleared the messages without listening to them, “Probably just salesmen anyway.” He thought, reflexively. As he fixed lunch he remembered last night and a warm glow came over him. He started thinking “I wonder what Heather is doing? I going to give her a call, maybe I could bring over a movie.”

Brad turned and picked up the receiver, then suddenly it slipped and he dropped it. On picking it up he thought “What was I doing with this?” Shaking his head he hung it up and went back to lunch. After lunch he was looking at his profile (while wearing his leotard top and tights) in the full length hall mirror “Boy for having such tight abs, my chest is sure flabby. Maybe I’ll do some more exercise from the new disks.”

At about 2:30 that afternoon the phone rang at Heather Well’s house. It was the VP of Accounting, Dick Bartel. There had been an accident right when they were switching out the back up computer for repairs. The mainframe had crashed and the back up had been off line so none of the emergency protocols were activated. The whole system had been lost, but they did get most of the day to day functions restored.

Dick went on “But we lost the new reporting system you installed just before you left head office, and you are the only member of the team still with the company. We need you down here today. You have a ticket on the last flight out today, it leaves at 8:00 PM. Grab a Limo to the Regent Orchid Square, your room is booked, full gym of course, you’ll need that. Expect to be at least two weeks. Questions? but make it quick.”

“I can’t leave my department for two weeks I’ve just spent a month installing a new system up here. We go live Monday.” Heather protested.

“Taken care of.” Dick barked. “The director of finance won’t have anything to do till we get this system back up, so he’s flying up Sunday night. He should be able to handle it, he designed the system. Anything else?”

“I guess not.”

“Good see you 8:00 AM tomorrow at the office.”

Heather paused a minute and then gave Brad a call. His answering machine was on so she left a message. Then she got busy packing, making it to the airport on time.

The following Tuesday Connie White walked into Brad’s office having gotten directions from the receptionist. She carried a cup of coffee and herbal tea. On a hunch she had bought cinnamon apple tea, it had been Shirley’s favorite.

“Hi Brad’” she said, “How would you like a cup of coffee?”

Brad looked up, and then frowned suspiciously. He had never met Connie except in the coffee shop in the basement, and he wondered what she was doing here. “No thank you, I don’t drink coffee anymore.”

“How about an herbal tea? It’s cinnamon apple.” Connie said smoothly.

“My favorite, how did you know?” Brad said nodding his assent.

“Just a lucky guess.” Connie replied. Brad indicated a seat and Connie sat down.

Connie conversed with Brad for a few minutes and then said a keyed phrase “I WANT YOU TO ATTEND THIS MEETING.” And then gave him the date. Brad’s eyes glazed over for a minute and then he stared into the distance. “ Also “ Connie carried on “You don’t need to leave home. Spend all your spare time there.”

Brad remained motionless for several moments after Connie stopped speaking and then he started his eyes coming back into focus.

Connie smiled and said “Well I should be going.” She said her good-byes and left Brad’s office. She threw the nearly full coffee into a wastepaper basket as she hurried out. Brad sat sipping on his tea for a few minutes and then got back to work.

As soon as Connie got back to her office she gave Pam Nolton a call. “Pam meet me downstairs after work.” Was her brief message.


“I’d say so.”

When Connie got to the coffee shop in the basement Pam was already waiting for her with a coffee waiting for Connie. Connie got right down to business. She described her meeting with Brad and how she hand implanted the compulsion to attend their ceremony and to remain at home as much as possible.

She then described the changes she had noted in Brad.

“ Exactly what changes do you mean? Tell me in detail.” Pam demanded.

“Well” Connie responded “There is some power besides Shirley at work. The changes are much too far along for this early in the process. For instance there should be almost no changes noticeable until rapid growth STARTS in the last two weeks of the process. No bone structures to be changed until the final ceremony. And yet :
1. He has at least 4 months hair growth now. He should only have 4 months growth for the whole process of 3 months, and this is only 5 weeks in.

2. The knuckles on his hands have shrunk. And that shouldn’t happen until the final ceremony.

3. He has lost a lot of weight. I’d say about 20 lbs or 4 lbs. a week for the 5 weeks. That’s a lot — more than natural and again more than was supposed to happen for the whole process.”

“OK, OK I get the picture. The question is what are we going to do about it?” Pam interrupted.

“There’s not much we can do about it.” Connie said dejectedly. “You should have seen him look at me suspiciously when I brought him the tea. Oh, he has the same favorite as Shirley. What a surprise. If I go back he’s bound to get suspicious and who knows he might figure out a way to break the spell.”

“Don’t worry about that .” Pat said firmly, “Shirley’s notes assure us that it is unbreakable. But stay away from him anyway, no use taking chances.”

“And don’t panic if the spell is working better than planned. Shirley is likely even stronger than when she wrote the plan. That’s most likely what’s happening, as long as you have the suggestion implanted in him to come to the ceremony there’s nothing he can do.” Pam continued. The friends said goodbye and Connie left feeling much reassured.

After Brad got home instead of working out as he normally did Brad changed into his tight jeans, but now they were so loose that he had to hold them up with a belt. “Gee” he thought, “I’ll need to get a smaller belt. I’ll have to go shopping at lunch tomorrow.”

Brad finished changing into his casual outfit, but to be accurate he hardly ever went anywhere that needed casual clothes. He wore only suites to work, even on casual Fridays, and kept his jacket on to cover his weight loss. This was not a conscious decision but one of the new habits that controlled his life.

Brad was thinking of the great time he had had with Heather, not only the sex, but the great conversations they had shared. Brad then remembered Connie’s visit and his suspicions and his resolve were strengthened.

He went to his Druid alter and began gathering the things he needed. Brad had been a practicing Druid before he had learned Reiki and had kept the interest up since then. He quickly selected his sacrificial dagger, a dragon headed knife with waves in the blade. He put this in his bag and then followed it with his small statues representing Earth, Air, Water, and Fire, and finally his catseye concentration stone. Brad then headed for the local park. Druid magic worked best outdoors.

Brad arrived at the park and headed for an isolated grove of spruce trees at the end of the park. Pushing apart the branches of the trees he entered the small clearing in the center. Brad had used this before and was familiar with it. He put the bag down and withdrew the sacrificial dagger, with this he traced out a circle around the perimeter of the clearing. Once complete the circle would create an area that was cut off from the world, a so called Druid circle. As Brad came to the end of the circle he felt an unusual pressure and felt something fluttering at the edge of the circle he was creating.

Brad quickly set up his alter in the center of the circle, putting a statue at all the primary points of the compass with the concentration stone in the middle. He composed himself cross legged on the ground beside his alter and started concentrating. Once in the meditative state he started to remember everything. Brad remembered the number of times he had been suspicious and how he had been made to forget every time.

Brad quickly did an energy check of his body and felt rampent energy everywhere. It was of a strange, unfamiliar variety. He also noted a profusion of Reiki blocks surrounding his genitals protecting his cock from the other energy. He felt they were very strong, and it looked like he had put up a barrier each time his suspicions had been aroused, not remembering he had done it before. Brad added a Druid blessing to the Reiki barriers for insurance.

Brad then noticed the two compulsions that Connie had just added. He tried to eliminate them but couldn’t. As he watched they sucked deeper into compulsions. In desperation he looked for something to anchor against them. Brad found the powerful attraction and rapport he felt to Heather and he linked the compulsion to attend the meeting to Heather. Now with Heather’s help he could perhaps avoid that compulsion. He knew Heather was out of town but he had to risk it. As he was binding the restrictions on the compulsion to attend the meeting he felt the compulsion to remain at home slipping past him to add to the previous compulsions he had received at the first ceremony, but there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Brad studied the energy that was working on him, but most of it was hidden from him coming to him from another plane of existence. The energy, or spell if you preferred, seemed to be rebuilding him from the bone structure outward and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Additionally, he would forget most of what he learned as soon as he let go the Sacred Circle he had created. Again he tied remembrance onto Heather, but to work Heather would have to appear in person.

The spell that worked on him would make him forget any other time Heather contacted him. Brad hoped Heather would come to see him in person even though their meeting had been only a one night stand. Brad had formed a deep emotional as well as physical attraction to Heather which he hoped was reciprocated. Brad remembered the contact attempts Heather had already made that he had not returned. He could only hope that she still would come see him.

Brad knew that part of his ability to resist the spell came from his and Heather’s attraction to each other. He remembered feeling more in control following their meeting. With nothing left that he could do, he said his blessings to the spirits and opened the circle, packing up his alter. He returned home already forgetting what he had learned, but with a counter spell now firmly in place ready to trigger when he saw Heather. It would be complete when they made love.



The last month had gone by in a never ending blaze of work for Heather Wells. She was the only one left from the original team so when everyone else had downtime she was in demand for every committee. Her life consisted of work, working out in the hotel gym, and sleep. She ate meals with whatever team she was working with at meal time. Often sandwiches or pizza would be brought in so they could continue working. Less frequently the team would go out to dinner at a restaurant.

At one such dinner near the end of the project she was talking to an old friend of hers, Cathy Morris. Cathy asked her if she was dating, to which Heather responded she was interested in someone back home. Cathy inquired “Is it serious?”

“Well to be honest it was only a one night stand, but I thought we really had something. However he has not returned any of my calls or e-mails since, though.” Heather answered.

“Sounds like he’s blowing you off. How long has it been?” Cathy said.

“Well about a month, but something he said makes me want to hear it in person.” Heather replied.

“You’re wasting your time. How about that cute guy over there. He’s been giving you the eye all evening.” Cathy stated.

“It’s OK” Heather said, “I think I’ll wait till I get home. It won’t be long now.”

Cathy just shook her head, “Suit yourself.” She said.

It had taken a full month to get the Accounting computer system fully restored, but it had finally been completed. The Thursday afternoon after the Project had been completed Dick Bartel called Heather into his office.

“Well we really appreciate the work you did. Your contributions have been noticed. Anyway I’d like to give you a couple of weeks off, but unfortunately the Finance Director has made a mess of things back at your regular job. “

Heather just groaned.

“I know, I know.” Said Dick “We are looking at the whole Finance department right now. This emergency has shown up some weaknesses. But here is what we can do.”

Dick then went on to tell Heather he wanted her to get things back on an even keel at her job and then to take a week holidays, and to cover expenses a bonus of two months’ salary. Heather could stay at the hotel this weekend, full concierge service covered and then fly back Sunday night.

Heather declined saying she would like to catch the Friday afternoon flight home and then relax for the weekend. She said she was going to hold them to the holiday offer because she needed one, and thanked him for the bonus.

Heather attended the thank you dinner that was held Thursday night and caught her flight home Friday afternoon. On the whole trip home she thought of Brad, and wondered if she had imagined the whole incredible night they had spent together. She thought of seeing him for the first time at the office and could not stand the suspense. She had to know exactly where Brad stood and she determined to find out today. No phone calls she would see him in person and it would be today. She did not want the first time she saw to be at work.

Heather arrived home from the airport at 2:00 PM. It did not take her long to unpack, mostly she just sorted tings into laundry she did at home and laundry she was going to send out. She showered, changed into something casual, did her makeup, and was ready early. She planned to be at Brad’s place at about 5:00. Heather knew he left right at 4:30 and she figured it would take 20 minutes to drive home. She wanted to catch him before he had a chance to go out.

Heather arrived early but waited in her car in the visitor’s parking until 5:00. As she was looking up Brad’s buzz-in code, a man arrived, took out his keys and opened the door. Heather followed him in. Heather was nervous as she was walking down the hall. This was unusual feeling for her, as she was usually very self assured; especially in relationship situations. Heather was thinking “What was Brad’s reaction going to be? What if he was really blowing her off? Had she imagined the whole incredible evening?”

Her hands were shaking as Heather knocked on the door. She held her features in a neutral pose as she waited for the door to open. Then Brad was standing there, still in his suit pants and shirt. It took him a minute to recognize her, then he threw his arms around her, raining kisses on her.

“You came back!” he exclaimed gleefully between kisses.

Heather was stunned and a little taken aback by the force of Brad’s reaction, but she smiled in relief and started kissing back. In moments they were locked in a deep passionate embrace in the middle of the hall. When the elevator door opened a short way down the hall, they broke apart laughing. Brad drew Heather into the apartment. This time Brad led Heather to the bedroom, and Heather followed along smiling, thinking “Well this is way better than what I thought might happen.”

Inside the bedroom it was quite dark. The drapes were still drawn and Brad didn’t stop to turn on any lights, but that didn’t slow down the two lovers as they removed each other’s clothes at Olympic speed. They made their way to the bed and Heather guided Brad onto his back. This time they were both filled with sexual tension and desire, so foreplay was abbreviated and Heather quickly mounted Brad’s huge hard on.

The love making was intense and it soon developed a rapid rhythm with Brad matching each of Heather’s thrusts with one of his own meeting hers. Heather felt the tension building in Brad but she took the chance Brad would be ready for a second orgasm soon after the first. Brad was moaning until Heather covered his mouth with hers and proceeded to tongue him in time to her gyrating hips. Brad had no chance and soon was experiencing a massive orgasm that originated deep in his pelvis and spread from there to his entire body. He was soon writhing in ecstasy. Heather had not meant to come yet, but when Brad came with such intensity she felt an incredible energy flood her and she soon responded with an orgasm of her own.

Heather was used to having multiple orgasms, especially with her lesbian lovers, so she soon regained her composure and started a gentle gyration with her hips. To her surprise, but confirming her suspicions Brad was still hard within her. Shortly he was again responding to her. Heather reached down to massage his chest and was surprised at the amount of flesh she was holding, it reminded her of her lesbian lovers and turned her on even more. Brad responded to her caressing his chest with soft moans and an increase in the intensity of his lovemaking. Soon he was approaching a second orgasm and Heather encouraged him toward it, as she would one of her lesbian lovers.

Bead’s second orgasm exploded with more intensity than the first, but this time Heather was prepared for it, and managed to contain her own, but just barely. Brad’s cock remained firm, and firmly inside of Heather, as his body lay spent underneath Heather. Heather smiled in pleasure as she gently coxed Brad back to responding to her. It seemed his body must respond to her and she had the control as to when the lovemaking would end. Brad was enjoying the sensations immensely and continued to respond to Heather’s every advance.

Soon they were again rhythmatically moving in synchronization. Heather whispered to Brad, “Push my legs open with yours.” As he complied she whispered “That’s right Baby, wider,” Again he complied, opening his legs in splits. Smoothly Heather slipped her legs inside of Brad’s wide spread ones. Brad snapped his legs closed in surprise, ending up gripping Heather’s sides with his legs.

Heather was in ecstasy, and started to thrust up and down with renewed vigor. Brad kept time flawlessly with his smooth hairless legs beating a rhythm on Heather’s back. It wasn’t long before Brad approached another orgasm. This one was even larger than the previous two, and Heather happily joined in her moans mingling with Brad’s. This time Heather dismounted, exhausted and Brad’s cock started to shrink only when it was exposed to air. Heather was in heaven. She had never had a lover like this, and Brad had also never experienced making love like this.

Dreamily Brad said, “Oh Heather, thank you so much for coming back.”

“Believe me it was my pleasure!” Heather exclaimed.

Smiling and exhausted Brad rolled onto his side, and Heather spooned up against his back. Her hand reached around to his chest and Heather was again amazed at how much flesh she was holding. Flesh was gently swelling out of her hand just like when she spooned her female lovers. Heather thought, “This is like having the best of both worlds. In the morning I want to get a good look at Brad naked.”
She then joined Brad in a deep sleep.

Brad got up at his usual 5:30 ravenous and he gently moved Heather’s arm getting quietly out of bed. Heather, however, was alert and woke up as soon as Brad moved. As Brad was quietly looking for his clothes in the dark Heather said “Turn on the light Honey, I want to get a good look at you.”

Brad did as he was asked and stood at the foot of the bed naked. Heather saw that he didn’t have an ounce of fat on his body, but rather than having bulging muscles, his muscles were smooth and taunt like a dancers. The only patch of hair on his body was at the genitals, other than that he was smooth and hairless. Even his cheeks had only a fine fluff on them.

Brad had slim calves that rose into tight long thighs, with his large cock hanging down the junction of his thighs and then into a tiny waist, not more than 28 inches on his six foot frame. His flat, tight tummy swelled into two beautiful breasts, at least B cups, with smallish, but quite large nipples that were standing erect in the cold.

“Turn around Baby so I can see your back.” Heather asked.

Brad turned in a graceful Belly Dance turn, throwing in a couple of hip lifts at the end for effect. Heather saw a great ass, a smooth back and that Brad had shoulder length thick brown hair. As he turned back forward, Heather slipped out of bed, grabbed him in her arms and said “Baby you are gorgeous!” giving him a full tongue French kiss. He responded, but when she started to caress his cock, he pulled away laughing, saying “I’m starving. Let’s have breakfast first.”

Heather joined him in laughing and replied “OK, I’m pretty hungry myself, but we have a date.”

“Love to” said Brad “We’ll come back even before the dishes are done.”

They got dressed, Brad into a tights and top outfit that really showed off his trim figure, and Heather into a comfy old robe. She walked behind Brad to the kitchen and watched the swing of his hips appreciatively. Brad cooked a huge breakfast of omelets, potatoes, bacon, toast and fresh ground coffee. He apologized that the beans weren’t real fresh because he had bought it two months before and hadn’t used it up yet. Heather didn’t seem to notice, and they had an enjoyable breakfast together. As soon as they finished they headed back to the bedroom for another love making session.
After they were finished they both sat up in bed, feeling fully satisfied physically as well as sexually.

“We have to talk.” Brad said to Heather, pushing himself up on his elbows.

“Yes, you are right, we do.” responded Heather.

“But first let’s get dressed, and I have something to do.” Brad said getting out of bed and getting dressed. Brad again into his tights and top and Heather, getting up after him, into the comfortable robe. Heather followed Brad into the living room and watched as he moved the couch into the center of the room, so you could walk right around it.

Brad asked Heather to sit on the couch and then set up a display of four small figures and a smooth stone with a catseye in it. He then took a knife with a wavy blade and walked in a circle around the couch, tracing the entire perimeter with the wavy bladed knife. At the very end of the circle it seemed that Brad had to push his way through the air.

Once the circle was complete, Brad sat on the couch and asked Heather to wait for a minute. Brad concentrated on the stone and brought into this circle the reflection of the first one, in a sense bringing its essence into the new circle and so it was as strong as the first without having to repeat all the ceremonies.

When Brad sat back up, he was bright eye’d, and even his cheeks were glowing. Heather thought, “Boy would he look good with arched eyebrows.”

Then Brad started talking between them teasing one another over who enjoyed the sex more. First he said, “You will have to take some of this at face value. Also some of what I tell you will be my own visualization, or interpretation to what has happened.”

Then he proceeded to tell her “I was under a compulsion not to return messages, calls, or to have contact with people outside work, and to stay home other than for shopping. That is why I didn’t return your messages. In fact I couldn’t remember even getting them. But I noticed myself getting more “myself” when we were together, so I hitched a “spell” or intention if you would prefer, to you. You are, or I hope you will be my savior.”

“I’d love to be you savior. What do I have to do? Some more of what we did last night I hope!” Heather purred.
Brad, blushing, replied, “Well actually. Er Yes. But on the fourteenth of next month, and maybe a couple of times, and it has to be at your place.”

“Well, do we have to wait for the fourteenth, or can we have a taste sooner.” Heather breathed as she leaned toward Brad.
Brad, blushing now to the neckline of his top, stammered “Well yes silly, but let’s be serious for a minute. Can you do that for me?”

“I’d love to.” Heather replied, “Consider that you have yourself a date.”

“Great, thank you!” Brad said.

Brad then brought to Heather’s attention all the changes that his body had gone through in just a little over two months. He had lost forty pounds, and even his hands were smaller than before, longer and narrower, in fact has fingers were so much smaller that his rings fell off. Also, he was wearing two pairs of socks and his shoes were still slipping around on his feet. How could getting smaller feet be natural?

Two other obvious changes were one his breasts. Again when does a man spontaneously grow breasts? Secondly, his apparent youth. Although he was ten years older than Heather they had looked about the same age the first time they had gone out, now he could easily pass as ten years or more younger than her.

Other, more amazing, but not so obvious changes were the healing of old injuries. He had hurt his spine in an industrial accident when he was a teenager and it had bothered him with painful headaches ever since. Not only were the headaches gone, but he could move his neck normally now after years of having to move his whole body instead.

Finally was the fact he could not remember any of this except when he put himself into a meditative trance or as now in the “circle.” He has determined that Connie White was in some way instrumental in these changes, citing her visit leading to his suspicions, and the compulsion to attend the meeting on the fourteenth. He sensed that this would be significant and not to his benefit.

Heather remained skeptical that magic was involved but she whole heartedly agreed to help Brad. She then asked “What happens after the fourteenth?”

Brad told her, “I think I start a new life free of all these compulsions.”

Heather whole heartily agreed to help Brad, and stated she wanted to be part of Brad’s life after the fourteenth too. Brad thanked her and then Heather said “Well I guess it’s time to get dressed.”

“You’re right!” Brad agreed laughing.

He then carefully undid the circle and they got dressed. When Brad put on his tight jeans the belt was so tight that the first belt loops on each side of the zipper were pulled right together and still the jeans were loose.

“You need some new clothes.” Heather told Brad.

“Well” Brad said, “I have been saving for a new suit and some shoes, but I haven’t had time to get any yet.”

“OK I know just the place to get you a new shoes and a suit, much more suited to your new body image, and I believe you can get new jeans at the same time, and it’s wholesale so you should be able to get a decent price. Do you want to go today? You really need new clothes.” Heather said.

Brad agreed and they cleaned up and got ready to go. Heather needed to go home to change and she told Brad, “You come with me. The first thing we are going to get you is some new underwear and I know just the spot and it’s not far from my place.”

After Heather had changed she took Brad to Mary’s Foundations — Specializing in Bra Fittings. Heather did most of the talking and when the clerk took Brad’s measurements she commented that Brad should be wearing a bra as he measured a C cup. Under Heather’s instructions he bought white and black lacy underwire bras with several pairs of matching support panties to hold in his assets. Heather also picked out for him two sports bras that would keep his chest firmly suppressed for the office.

As Brad was paying for the purchases he noticed a black and gold belly dance costume hanging on the wall behind the cashier. “Do you sell Belly Dance costumes too?” Brad asked the cashier.

She explained, “The owner is selling this one costume for a friend of hers, and there are no others.”

After finishing paying for his purchases Brad asked “Could I try it on?”

The clerk said “Yes, and it should be a good fit, too.”

Brad got a pair of the black panties out of his bag and went to follow the clerk. When Heather came to follow Brad, after all she had helped “her” trying on the bras; he motioned for her to wait and smilingly said “I’ll be right back, there’s something I want to show you.”

Shortly after the clerk had come out to stand by Heather, the door to the change room opened and Brad stepped out wearing the costume. No sooner had he gotten clear of the door then he started shimming across the floor. His stomach was weaving impossible swirling motions while his breasts and hips simultaneously shimmied rapidly back and forth independent of each other, with bangles and coins bouncing and tinkling by the thousands.

When Brad arrived in front of Heather he pirouetted, skirts swirling around him, and he ended the dance in a closing pose with one arm extended and the opposite foot tucked up on his other knee. Heather applauded and squealed in delight, the clerk was flabbergasted. He said “I’ve always wanted to do that!”

Brad remained motionless for a few minutes, and then before anybody could say anything, he said “Well, I’m going to get changed.” He then danced various steps back down the hall to the change room entering at the last moment. Neither Heather or the clear took their eyes off Brad and the incredible display.

Brad came out dressed in his regular clothes but wearing one of his new bras and passed the costume back to the clerk and asked “Could you tell me how much?”

The clerk responded, “They were originally asking four hundred, but I could let you have it for two.”

Brad said, “I’m really sorry but I have a lot of shopping to do. I’ll come back if I can afford it.”

Heather jumped in, “We’ll take it.” Pulling out her credit card she went on “Here put it on this.”

As the cashier rang in the purchase, Brad protested “I can’t let you do this.”

Heather leaned over, and whispered, “You may be wearing it but it’s for me babe!” Brad blushed all the way to the car where he showed his appreciation with a stupendous kiss.

As they were driving Heather turned to Brad and said, “I can’t call you Brad when we are out shopping and you look like that. I know I’ll call you Belinda while we’re shopping. Is that OK?”

Brad said “Belinda, I like it. It sounds sweet, and it will fit when I’m wearing my new belly dance costume.”

Heather then took Brad to Heritage Men’s and Ladies’ Ware Wholesale, open to the public weekends. Brad went to go to the Men’s Ware entrance, but Heather guided him to the smaller Ladies’ Ware entrance. Heather asked one of the fitters to take Brad’s measurements and then had her show Brad a men’s style pant suit. The measurements gave him a size 12 tall jacket, and a size 10 pant, because of his small waist. It fit so well that Brad took a brown one with an extra pair of pants in black. Heather came up with a pair of jeans also size 10 that really hugged Brad’s ass, and he got them too.
While Brad was getting the final measurements for alterations Heather kept looking, and when he was finally finished she brought up another suit and asked him to try it on. The suit was a black pinstriped number with a short tight fitted jacket and a skin tight skirt that ended just above Brad’s knees. When he came out of the fitting rooms Heather said “Now you look smashing in THAT suit!” and the fitter agreed. When Brad balked at the price, Heather again paid for it.
“You’ve got to stop this, we’ve only just met!” Brad exclaimed.

Heather said “Believe me Sister we will be seeing a lot of each other. I’d pay a fortune to see you parade around the office in that and heels.”

They then went over to the shoe department which featured shoes from size 5 to 13 for Ladies. It turned out that Brad was now a woman’s size 11 medium, where he was a man’s size 11 before. Heather soon had him up in every high heel style they had and she ended up buying him a pair with two inch heels for the office and a pair with three inches for evening. Brad protested vigorously (his feet were killing him) but to no avail. Brad bought a more practical pair of men’s style oxfords with a one and half inch heel.


It was now the thirteenth, and the time had flown by for the lovers. Heather had come over almost every night and all the weekends. They had made love every other day or so and once a week Belinda had preformed a belly dance recital for Heather. It always got both of them in the mood and had been reserved for Friday nights.

Saturdays had been spent in shopping in every dress store in the area. Belinda had insisted on buying her wardrobe herself so the pieces were limited but were of good quality. He had dresses for most everyday occasions, but Heather had insisted on buying him a drop dead gorgeous black evening gown that clung to his curves and was deeply cut down the front showing off Belinda’s burgeoning cleavage.

Heather had also taken Brad to a makeup studio, had him done up, and purchased him a full line of makeup. Under Heather’s expert tutelage Belinda had mastered the art of makeup. In fact Heather had been surprised at the speed he had picked up the techniques. Rarely did she have to show him anything a second time and he had come up with his own variations that had been an improvement.

Brad had also become quite accustomed to wearing dresses as he made all the shopping trips in them. He had become expert in navigating stores in heels and the occasional times they dined out had all been done while he had been done up to the nines.

Last night Brad had packed all his new clothes, enough for a week’s holiday, in a suitcase that Heather had loaded in her trunk. There was not a pair of slacks in the suitcase. Heather wanted him in dresses for the entire week, and Brad was happy to oblige.

Brad had taken a cab to work this morning, as Heather and Brad both had a week’s holiday coming and they would leave from work this afternoon. Heather had made all the arrangements so Brad would not have an opportunity to go to tomorrow’s meeting.

Brad had worn his new suit to the office alternated with his black pants and his old jackets every day since he got them. His breasts were concealed by his new sports bras, and the fact he still wore his baggy men’s shirts. Still people in the office were talking about Brad’s weight loss and his overall appearance. In fact a visitor from head office had asked a colleague, “Who is that stunning brunette in the brown pantsuit.” He had been flabbergasted to learn it was a man.

A second thing that had caused a big stir in the office was when Brad had got his ears pierced. Heather and Belinda had been shopping in a local mall when Belinda’s eye had been caught by some large bangle earrings. Belinda had thought they would look smashing with his belly dance costume, but was disappointed when they had turned out to be for pierced ears. Heather purchased the earrings and said to Belinda, “We can take care of that.”

Heather led Belinda to another stall that offered free ear piercing and before Belinda knew it he had one gold ball in each ear. The office had been abuzz. Beards and mustaches were of course commonplace, but no man had earrings. People asked why and Brad just answered “It was something he wanted to do.”

As the office continued to buzz Brad had kept even more to himself than normal, partly because of the spell. He never had any contact with Heather at the office, and they always left separately. Heather staying late to get work caught up and then going to Brad’s where he had supper waiting.

Now all the waiting was over and the two lovers waited anxiously for what would happen tomorrow. All they could do was make sure Brad was not at the meeting and that he was safe inside a Druid circle at the time of the séance. Then they would have to wait for the results. Would this work? Would Brad be the same after Saturday? These were the questions Brad and Heather worried about.

At 4:30 Brad left promptly as usual, but this time Heather packed up and followed him out minutes later. They met in the car park and Heather conducted Brad to her car. Shortly after they were under way Brad asked “Where are we going? This is not the way to your place.”

Heather answered “To the airport, we are going on a little trip.”

Four hours later they got off the plane in Las Vegas and before 10:00 they were putting their bags into the Bridal Suite in one of the casinos on the strip.

“I asked the travel agent to be sure we could walk all the way around the bed, and this was the only suite available that would guarantee it. We are moving to somewhere cheaper after tomorrow.” Heather said. Leaving unsaid “if we are able.”

Brad had been getting more and more uneasy the longer he was away from home. So Heather got him a stiff drink before they turned in. Although Brad was exhausted he tossed and turned all night. The next day they took in some sights early on, but Brad was getting increasingly jittery so they retired to the room. Brad was somewhat more relaxed in the surrogate home but passed most of the afternoon away pacing. Heather was growing more concerned the longer the afternoon progressed.

They ate a light lunch and supper in the room and by six o’clock Brad could stand it no longer. He made a Druid circle around the outer walls of the room with Heather, himself and a supply of water in the circle. There was even a jug in case of emergencies. No one would be able to leave the circle once it was formed.

As soon as Brad had concentrated the circle, again bringing in the reflection of the original circle he immediately calmed down. Heather was much relieved and they spent the next two hours in idle chatter, planning their holidays. At eight o’clock the time of the séance Brad started getting dizzy and lied down in the bed. Shortly he seemed to drop into a light slumber but it was a very troubled sleep. Heather tried to wake him and found out she couldn’t.

By this time Heather was getting increasingly worried. She had been somewhat skeptical of Brad’s explanation that magic was at work, but had played along with his peculiar habits because they were fun. Now she was giving it more credence. Suddenly the wall she was looking at seemed to blur out of focus. A moment later it came into focus again. It was like someone had dropped a glass shower door in front of the wall making it impossible to see and then moments later removed it.

While Heather was still wondering if what she had seen was real it happened again, and moments later it repeated itself once more. Heather looked around and found that the phenomenon was blurring one wall after another, traveling in a circle around the bed. Heather was by now sweating, and looking at Brad she could tell that he was getting increasingly agitated.

Heather kept watch for what seemed like hours but the clock by the bed said it was just past nine when the air seemed to gather in on itself like the effect that precedes a thunder shower. Brad gave out a small moan and Heather felt his forehead, it was burning up. She got some water and used a pillow case for a cloth to make a cold compress for Brad. This seemed to help. Heather noticed that more and more of the walls were getting blurred and the intervals between were getting shorter.

Heather kept up her vigil for a half hour, changing the cloth as it got overheated, and replacing it when it was thrown off by Brad’s tossing. By nine thirty Heather was convinced something out of the ordinary was happening. The walls were blurry most of the time now with only a small strip of walls in focus appearing. This focus part was traveling around faster and faster and getting smaller all the time, sometimes it vanished completely. When Heather looked at the walls it made her dizzy so she concentrated on watching Brad.

A little later the lights seemed to dim and Heather almost heard a high pitched scream that seemed to come from everywhere. Then the walls settled back to normal. Brad’s breathing returned to normal, and finally his eyes opened again. Heather waited anxiously to see if there were any effects of the strange fever. As Brad’s eye’s opened he smiled weakly and then said “Heather, thank you! I dreamed I was somewhere hot and couldn’t escape.”

Heather responded “Is it really you?”

Heather had cause for concern. Brad looked about another ten years younger than when the fever had started. Also, although he had never plucked his eyebrows (The better to appear as Brad) his eyebrows were now highly arched, and his hair, which had been touching his shoulders, was now a few inches down his back.

Brad responded “I think I’m me, at least I remember everything.”

“Are you all right” Heather queried worriedly.

In response Brad had kissed her, and Heather seemed somewhat reassured.

“How do you feel?” Heather asked, sincerely, as she stared deeply into Brad’s eyes.

“Whew what a big question!” Brad said as he sat up. “If you mean how do I feel about what was done to me now that I can realize it; the answer is pretty pissed actually. But there are several advantages, namely I feel better than I have in years, another is I have never been this healthy, also love making has never been a fraction as good as it is with you, but the biggest reason is You.”

He paused to give Heather another long kiss, then continued “If you mean how am I physically; then it’s ravenous! Let’s get something to eat.”

In addition to longer hair Brads finger and toenails had grown to about at least a quarter of an inch. Heather said “Brad, you need a manicure pedicure. I’m going to call and have an appointment arranged for you as soon as they are open”
This being Vegas an appointment was available twenty four hours a day, so an hour later Belinda was having his first manicure, pedicure, while snacking on a cheeseburger. He was surprised when he couldn’t finish it, but his stomach had shrunk that much.

Heather was playing black jack when Belinda found her and agreed to meet Belinda in the bar as soon as the hand was finished. Shortly after he sat down at the bar the bar tender arrived with a glass of champagne, “Courtesy of your friend.” He said indicating a guy with a blue shirt further down the bar. Belinda was startled and as he stared at the glass the bartender left.

With nothing else left to do Belinda said “Thank you.”

Blue shirt slid over, holding out his hand “Bob” he said.

Belinda said “I’m waiting for someone.”

“That’s ok; we can talk in the meantime.” Bob said.

Just then Heather came in and Belinda said “Thank you again, I’ve got to go.” Heather and Belinda went up to the room and Heather tucked Belinda into bed where he promptly fell asleep. Heather watched some TV for awhile and then joined him. The next day they got up early and went to see the Grand Canyon. On the trail ride to the bottom both the guides and one of the tourists hit on Belinda, who by this time was getting used to handling all this male attention. Heather just smiled and would from time to time casually touch Belinda.

When they got back to the room it was very late but they still made passionate love before falling to an exhausted slumber. Heather was getting to know Belinda all over again and she liked this new more independent and outgoing Belinda even more than the old Brad. Belinda for his part was getting to know Heather with an even greater portion of his brain and he liked what he saw. However his life was complicated and he couldn’t just take off with Heather without dealing with his responsibilities, and these new changes had even further complicated his life.

The next morning Belinda explained that he would have to return home on Thursday night rather than Sunday because he had important appointments to make with his doctor and lawyer if he was to present himself as Belinda Monday morning at work.
“Listen Honey, I’ve been thinking — this is Vegas let’s get married!” Heather said dropping to one knee, “I’ll take care of you!”

“Oh you are a dear!” Belinda replied stroking Heather’s face as with his other hand he guided her onto the bed beside him. “But you don’t understand the full implications. First I’m divorced, so if we got married you would be responsible for my alimony payments. And I won’t let that happen. Secondly my daughter is in university, and again my wife doesn’t pay anything toward her expenses. And finally, because of my new appearance, which I’m not going to hide, I will likely get fired, so I need to deal with my problems before we get together.”

“Darling, I don’t want to wait, but I see from your perspective I must. How long before we can be together? Heather asked.

“I have a plan, but it all depends on if I get fired or not, so there is not a lot I can do before Monday. However, there is stuff I need to get started right away and I don’t want to take time off work after I get back so I will have to do that Friday and then wait till I see how things fall. If everything goes smoothly and I don’t get fired, two months. If I get fired it will take six months to a year for me to get back on my feet.” was Belinda’s direct reply.

“I can wait.” Heather stated.

“Don’t be so hasty.” Belinda insisted, “When we get back and we see what happens then you can decide.”

“Ok, I’ll wait” Heather finally agreed.

The two had a great time seeing the sights, people watching, taking in shows, and of course exploring each other. Thursday arrived too soon and before Heather knew it Belinda was gone. Heather had decided to stay and do some gambling.
Heather had thought about Belinda the whole time they were apart. She remembered vividly asking Belinda if he was going to use his “magic” to get back at the two women who had started all of his changes.

Belinda had become thoughtful and then had said “No I don’t think so. For one thing his magic had prevailed because it was for “good” saving his identity. If he was to use his magic for “bad” then the universe would extract a price for it even if it was successful — but more if it failed- magic was like that. So I will let the universe extract whatever price it sees fit, in this existence or the next.” Then Belinda hadn’t worried about it anymore. Heather was amazed that Belinda could be so calm about everything he was going thru.

The next time Heather saw Belinda it was in the office Monday morning, he was wearing the suit she had bought him the first time they went shopping. The tight skirt clung to his curves and accented the sway in his hips as he managed the three inch heels with a very sexy walk.

He walked into the accounting department and went to Sherry’s desk, who said “May I help you?” obviously not recognizing Brad.

Brad smiled and said “Hi Sherry, it’s me Brad. How do you like my new look?”

Sherry was flabbergasted but managed to recover herself eventually. She had a good laugh and told Brad she had some tricks she could show him once his hair got a little longer. After Brad had finished Heather came out and said a formal hello, they were still keeping their relationship secret. Brad smiled and returned the greeting.

Heather said so everyone could hear “You look very pretty. I like your outfit.” Brad said “Thank you.” and then sashayed down the hall.

Brad had made quite a stir when he had entered in the morning. No one had recognized him as he had entered the office in the tight fitting suit with his heels clicking as he walked into his office. He put his briefcase and purse in his office and then went to his bosses door where he called in “Joe can I talk to you for a minute?”

Joe shouted out “Could you come back at 10:00 Brad.”

Brad stepped into Joe’s office and said “Sure.”

Joe looked up from his phone call and shock came over his face, he help up one hand saying “Just wait.” Then told the telephone caller he had to go and then signaled Brad to sit down. “Could you tell me what’s going on?” he demanded.
Brad explained “Well I have a medical condition that is currently under investigation, but I have developed the physical characteristics of a female so there is no use hiding it and I prefer to acknowledge my new identity and dress appropriately.”

Joe just held his head, and then looking up he asked “How long is this going to go on?”

“The change is permanent and likely irreversible, but that is still being investigated.” was Belinda’s response.

“Well thanks for letting me know. I’ll get back to you, I guess carry on.” Joe said as he dismissed Brad.

As Belinda walked out of his office Joe thought “Geese he sure has a nice ass….OH Shit!” and then turned to make a few emergency phone calls.

So Belinda, as Brad thought of himself now all of the time, had gone about his duties including going to the Accounting department to clear up invoices that had collected during his holidays.

Another stir had occurred when he had used the women’s washroom; after all from all outside appearances he was female. He had timed using the bathroom until 10:00 to avoid the coffee break, and pre lunch busy periods, but as he was entering he had met one of the other women coming out. When he got back to his office the Personnel Manager was waiting for him. She had asked him to only use the Executive boardroom bathroom, and to avoid a clash he had agreed. It had only likely delayed the inevitable.

Other than that the office was in a flurry of closed door meetings and whispered conversations that broke up as Belinda approached. A few of the women would talk to Belinda but the men did not know how to respond and basically just talked the minimum that business would allow. There were several men though that did cast an approving glance Belinda’s way as he walked away.

The rest of the week had passed relatively calmly for Belinda even if it was tense as the cone of silence had followed Belinda around. Even people who wanted to say something had held back as if an unofficial no fraternization policy had been adopted. Heather had been called to an important meeting at head office Tuesday afternoon so even that support had been cut off from Belinda.

Belinda had kept his head high and a smile on his face, facing every situation pleasantly, ignoring the isolation he felt. He did enjoy dressing nicely each day. Tuesday he had worn a grey close fitting business dress with black velvet collar and cuffs. Wednesday a feminine, flowing pink and white dress, Thursday another business suit, this one tan with black highlights, and casual Friday a close fitted denim dress that ended just above the knees, like all of his skirts.
Belinda hadn’t been in the office long enough Friday morning to get his coffee when he was called into a meeting in Personnel, his severance package was handed to him by the Personnel Manager and he was told it included full placement services, to help him relocate to a new job. Pulling a letter from his own briefcase, which he had brought with him, he said “This is an official request to transfer your placement services, an estimated $10,000 value, to the tuition ,a cost of only $6000, at the Executive Assistant Training Collage three month program. It includes its own placement, and physiological counseling for all students. The next course starts in two weeks so I need your decision immediately. However I would like to remind you of the sensitive nature of this situation. As for the rest of the package I can have my final offer ready within twenty four hours of your decision.”

The Personnel Manager said they would consider it and as Belinda had expected he was ushered out of the building ten minutes later. He had gone out for a latte and then went home where he read the offer and all the documents. Then Belinda had changed and like usual when he felt stress he did a belly dance routine for about forty minutes including warm up and cool down.

Following that Belinda had made a telephone call to the VP in charge of his office. He had prepared a short message to leave on the mail box, but surprisingly the VP answered his phone. Belinda quickly identified himself then made his proposal about the severance package known and asked that it be considered as in this unusual case normal counseling would not be successful. Then Belinda thanked him for his time and consideration. After that there was nothing to do but unpack and relax waiting for Heather to call.

Heather called at about five p.m. with terrific news she had been offered the Financial Directors position with a seat on the steering committee. Belinda didn’t want to put a damper on Heather’s party so she thought she would wait before telling his news with the result was that Heather heard about it on the company grapevine at work. Heather had called immediately and Belinda had said it wasn’t unexpected and he had already had a court date set with his ex, so this was a good time for it to happen.

The next day The Company called and accepted Belinda’s proposal so Belinda was enrolled in the Collage for the next course at which he excelled and thoroughly enjoyed himself wearing skirts every day.

The court date arrived and Belinda had asked that his alimony payments to his wife be terminated as she was employed full time and he was not. He had entered medical documents which showed the changes had come about spontaneously from unknown causes. Additionally he had requested that his ex-wife help support their daughter in her last year at university since she had not previously been paying anything.

Belinda’s ex-wife had exploded in court calling him all kinds of names and curses based on his trans-gendered nature and had refused the Judge’s order to be quiet so she had been fined in contempt. This had caused the ex to aim another tirade at the judge, who lost patience and had her removed by the bailiff.

Needless to say the case was found in Belinda’s favour. He paid his daughter’s tuition and support from his severance package and still had enough to cover him till he could graduate and find a job, so he shouldn’t have to cut into his savings.

As to the collage no one suspected that he was other than female and he had applied all his considerable abilities to achieving high grades and was eminently successful graduating with the second highest score in the class. He also made several good friends whom he would socialize with as Heather was now stationed at head office.

Heather had been immediately relocated to head office and Belinda and her had carried on a long distance affair ever since. Some weekends Heather would fly in and stay the weekend at Belinda’s other times Belinda would be the one flying, so overall they kept in close physical contact. Additionally they exchanged e-mails and telephone calls and if anything the separation strengthened the bond between them.

The day of graduation came sooner than Belinda could have imagined. The graduating ceremony was an explosion of smiles and tears, both of happiness and sadness that their circle of friends would be separated. Heather was in attendance and added new explosions to the celebration by presenting Belinda with a gorgeous diamond engagement ring.

Belinda had accepted and a spontaneous engagement party was celebrated at a lounge close to the school. When asked the happy couple said that children were not out of the question, but did not explain any further. Belinda terminated his lease and moved in with Heather, where they were both very happy.

Connie White met Pam Nolton unexpectedly coming out of the same Doctor’s office. He was the only doctor in town that specialized in hair problems. Neither of the women were active in their former circles, in fact they had little social life.

After the night of the failed possession of Brad Owens, Connie’s hair had started falling out and her head had developed ugly flakes. Wearing a wig was impossible because her head would break out in sores and she was reduced to walking around with a head covered in scrawny hair strands interspersed with flaky skin. This doctor was Connie’s last hope since she had tried everything she could think of including magic and spells.

Pam Nolton was in equally dire straits but not from an absence of hair. Her problem was she was growing a beard. She had tried everything from magic to electrolysis but the beard and mustache kept returning. She was reduced to shaving every day and twice if she went out in the evening because she started showing a five o’clock shadow at about three in the afternoon.

Both of them were to get the same answer from the doctor — nothing could be done.

Let me know if you want to hear further developments in Belinda and Heather’s life. I have set up an account to hear your comments at “[email protected]”

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Frank's picture


I absolutely loved this story. From the nasty witches at the beginning to the passion of our main characters...the energy concept is wonderful!

If you do a sequel, I wouldn't mind some background on who Shirley was that they were trying to bring back, but maybe that isn't relevant going forward...






laika's picture

A fun magic story. Certain things felt skimmed over in about the first third (I would have liked to get a better handle on the 2 witches. Who were they, other than just amoral/evil, how the hell did they rationalize psychic murder?) but it certainly moved along nicely, and fit in with the disjointedness of Brad's experience under the haze of the possession spell, oblivious to a lot of the changes, or that he maybe should be alarmed; and it made his coming alive when with Heather stand out in relief, the storytelling gaining depth, and slowing down over the course of their loving & lusty relationship. Though a lot of it was unfamiliar to me the various types of magic and their interreaction seemed to made sense, have an internal logic; and (without getting too
spoiler-ishly specific...) I liked the outcome. I would love to read a continuation of this,
or anything else you've written, Mona. You're good.
~~~hugs, Laika

What borders on stupidity?
Canada and Mexico.


I echo the previous comments.

Nice to see this here, lots of promise. A few loose ends that preferably should be tied up, like why did the dead witch have this body snatch/makeover planned out -- old age, cancer, a grab for his magic power but she failed to tell her coven friends that, ? -- but all-in-all a good effort. I wonder, as the last steps of the spell failed but part of succeeded, does he now have her powers and some of her knowledge? How magic bites you in the ass if you use it to do harm and it fails was quite satisfying. He/she resists the temptation and reaps several befits, a great love, youth, enhanced sexual pleasure/abilities and a killer body albeit female in all but one aspect.

Question, is there anything they, the amoral witches, can do to be cured? If they confess to their intended victim perhaps, offer to do penance the curse will lift? I see them as victims too, blinded from the truth of the evil they tried to do by their late coven member.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

a wonderful fairy tale

First. I enjoyed your story although once it was done and reflected back, I realized that it was very much like a fairy tale.

*laugh* Kind of like eating chips or 'crisps' for you EUers. Tastes wonderful when you're eating them... but you're left with compressed potatos between your teeth. Remembering how good they tasted even as you dig out the mush with your tongue. I hope that came out sounding like a nice thing. I meant to say your story was sweet... perhaps too sweet but I enjoyed it.

Oh and collage is spelled College. See below for a definition of collage.
