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Allan groaned as his radio sprang to life.
"Gooooood morning Seattle. This is XYZ radio and it is just past seven," the male radio host practically screamed in enthusiasm.
"In this cold weather hot news are flashing through," the female co-host pitched in.
"That is right. Naomi! The name of the new named flu. It is an African-American strain with a gorgeous face and a well-developed body. If you get my meaning."
"I think we all get it," the co-host said dripping with fake overdone resignation. "I mean don't they all look like that?"
"So you aren't excited?" the host jibed.
"Of course I am! Finally a non-white named flu. It's been ages!"
"We had Lucy the year before last."
"Which was half white and half Asian," the co-host countered. "A real non-white was half a dozen years ago. Remember Selina?"
"How could I forget. I caught Selina back then," the host admitted. "Now for those who don't want to catch Selina or any other old named flu, get vaccinated now. It won't help you now with Naomi, but ..."
Alan finally managed to stretch enough to turn the radio off.
"What a scam," he mumbled to himself. "All the pharma companies are in the pockets of the clothing and makeup industries anyway."
Still grumbling he managed to step into his bathroom and shower. Then made his way downstairs to the kitchen. His parents already busy eating.
"Morning," his Mom greeted him. "Don't get too close. I think I got the flu."
"First Meghan and now you," Allan commented. "Dad isn't so good looking either."
"I always look like that. It's my dreading-to-go-to-work face," his father joked.
"Speaking of. Where is your sister?" his Mother asked. "MEGHAN!"
They heard steps upstairs and then a goddess with chocolate colored skin descended the stairs. Wrapped in a blanket, she was nearly naked.
"Mom. Dad. I think I caught Naomi," the woman, presumably Meghan, said.
It was hard not to stare. Allan cursed the named flus. His sister was thirteen. A dweeb. She shouldn't be attractive to him. Or sexy.
"Looks like it," Allan's Mother agreed. "Don't worry sweety. It'll only last a week or two. I'll call the school that you'll be late. We need to get you some clothes. I hope the stores already carry something for Naomi."
Allan rolled his eyes. "Of course they do. It's a rigged game. They knew Naomi would break out."
"And our son is off on his conspiracy theories again," his father joked.
Grumbling Allan finished his cereal and then got ready for school.
"Damn," Zachary, Allan's best friend, exclaimed. "Naomi is hitting hard."
"Looks like it," Allan agreed. No matter in which direction he looked. He saw at least a dozen walking around the school ground. "Even Meghan has caught it."
"Really? Lucky guy," Zachary commented.
"Dude! She's my sister!" Allan protested. "Get your mind out of the gutter."
Grumbling and a little disgusted he left his friend behind to go to class.
"Good morning Seattle! It is seven on the clock and here is XYZ radio. I am your host ..."
Silence greeted Allan as he managed to hit the off button on his alarm clock. For a moment he contemplated to just fall back into the bed. He didn't feel so good and he could already feel a light headache building.
Nonetheless, he dragged himself out of bed. Hit the shower and then made his way downstairs. He winced as he saw two Naomi's in the kitchen.
"Morning," he greeted them. "Which one of you is Meghan?"
"Neither," the left one said. "Your Dad and I caught Naomi too."
"Great. Just great," Allan commented dryly.
"Sweety. Are you alright?" his mother asked. "You don't look so well."
"I am fine," he brushed her off. Only to be betrayed by his body as he had to sneeze.
"Sounds like tomorrow we will be all Naomi's," Meghan joked as she came downstairs.
"No way," Allen protested. As if he could avert it just by saying it. "It's just the regular flu."
"Honestly Naomi isn't so bad," his father added. "I don't feel any strong compulsions or changes in behavior. Remember the time you caught Giselle, Allan?"
Allen cringed. How could he forget? For two weeks he had spent in a young woman's body that was obsessed with fashion. He blew his savings of a few months of allowance in just one week. Then he had begged his parents for more money so he could buy more dresses. It reminded him that all those clothes were hidden up in the attic. "Just in case," his mother had said. There was always a chance that any old flu came back and infected someone of their friends or family.
"I totally forgot," was Allan's sarcastic reply. "Thanks for reminding me."
"Don't be like that," his mother chided him. "It could be fun to be a family of just Naomi's for a while."
"No thanks," Allan cut her off. "I eat on my way to school. I am not gonna catch Naomi from you."
Both his parents looked at each other and shrugged as their son stormed out of the house.
"Dude. Look at that," Zachary exclaimed while waving over all of the Naomi's around. "Naomi is hitting hard."
"Damn," Allan cursed. "Every third person I see is a Naomi."
Zachary grinned after Allan had to sneeze. "Looks like you will be joining the club soon. Can you send me pictures, like the last time? When you had caught Stoya?"
"Would you shut up about that?" Allan hissed. The time as a Stoya had been embarrassing. A lithe female body obsessed with sex and everything related, Stoya had turned his world around. His parents had to give him house arrest for the fear of him boning random guys on the street. However, they hadn't taken away his smartphone and as a Stoya, it sounded like a good idea to send his best friend nudes.
"I only did that because of the compulsions," Allan continued. "No way I do that by choice."
"Party pooper," Zachary said with a grin.
Allan shook his head and walked into the school building.
"Good morning Seattle," the radio host chimed up and was immediately silenced by Allan.
"Good morning to you too," Allan said beaming into the room.
He felt a lot better. The reason for it he saw in the mirror. Gone was his muddy brown hair and eyes. Instead, blond hair and smoldering blue eyes greeted him. Along with a familiar female body.
Full on excited, Allan clapped his hands a few times, until another thought hit. He had nothing to wear. The was the carton in the attic, but that was so last season. Well, more like last year. Still. It was better to wear boys clothes to the mall.
He scrambled to run for the attic and retrieve them when he ran into a Naomi.
"Allan?" she asked.
"Yes!" Allan beamed.
"You caught Giselle again," she pointed out.
"Isn't that wonderful?" Allan asked. "But I so need to go to the mall."
"Later honey. First I have to drive you to the doctor," the Naomi said. "I go tell your mother and sister and you get dressed."
Allan pouted. So the Naomi was his dad. And he had to go to the doctor. In old clothes! What a shame.
"Allan Compton?" the doctor asked as he came into the room.
"Yes," Allan beamed. "Well. Maybe for now Alli?"
"Short for Allison?"
"I guess," Alli agreed.
"I see this is the second time you contracted Giselle?" the doctor asked.
"That is correct. I am so lucky to be this pretty again."
"And you know what a second contraction of the same flu means?"
"I'll be this awesome for ten years?"
"Give or take, but yes. We will do some general tests and then you get a prescription."
"I need to take drugs?"
"A second contraction means a hardening of the named flu for ten years. In this time you are a source of infection for others unless suppressed by medication."
"I hate taking drugs," Alli pouted.
The doctor gave a sigh. "Right. One symptom of Giselle's is an aversion to medication." Then he looked up and caught Alli's eyes. "Listen. This prescription is for your hair. If you take it once a week it gets silky and smooth. But not if you take it irregular, too few or too many. One per week."
"I want silky hair," Alli chimed up.
"As soon as we ran some tests. A nurse will come for you and we speak later again."
Alli nodded. She couldn't wait to get this over with and head for the mall.
Allison Compton groaned as her alarm clock sounded off. At once she knew something was wrong. Looking down into her pajamas she spotted what she dreaded. Her dick was back. All her lovely womanly features gone. She knew this would happen. Second infections of a named flu last about ten years. When she was overdue for nine months she had been hopeful. Maybe she could be one of those rare cases were the second infection becomes permanent. No such luck. She did what her heart demanded. She cried till she couldn't anymore.
Eventually, she had to face the reality. Once again she was in the body of a sixteen-year-old boy. The named flu always reverts back to the original body the same way it was before the flu started.
There was no helping it now. Then again, she had planned for this moment. She hurried to write her employer an email. They too knew that this would happen. Allison had made a deal months ago. She would get a month off to get used to her old body. At least that was what she had told them. Allison had no intention to remain a small little boy.
In the back of her closet, behind clothing she maybe never wears again, was an old outfit from her childhood. Hopefully, she wouldn't have to wear it long. At last, she snatched her keys and an envelope with cash.
It took her a half hour to reach a bar that was open twenty-four seven and found the barkeeper she was looking for.
"Hey boy. Twenty-one or over. No minors," the barkeep greeted her.
"I am twenty-seven years old," Allison replied calmly.
"And I am eighty-one," he countered.
"I am serious," Allison chagrined and slammed her personal I.D. on the counter. On it not only her picture as a Giselle but one from her sixteen-year-old self too.
"I am serious too." He gave her a charming smile.
For a moment Allison raked her brain. He had a named flu too. She thought it was Brad, but she wasn't sure.
"So, Miss Allison Compton, what can I get you?"
"Jelly Shots. I like to see your menu," she replied calmly.
"Not here," he advised her.
After flagging another man to take over for him he led Allison to a stockroom in the private area of the bar.
"So what should it be?" he asked and showed her an assortment of small flasks. "I have Dan, Brad, Jason..."
"No men," Allison interrupted her.
"I see. No worries. Maybe Kylie? I got Stoya since yesterday. An oldie but goldie."
"Had it once. Not a fan," Allison shot it down.
"Well, let's see. Cindy, Natasha, Naomi, ..."
"Wait," Allison interrupted him again. "How many flasks of Naomi you have?"
"At least two," he said with a smirk.
Allison was intrigued. Back then she had been annoyed by the Naomi's. Now she wondered how it would be to live as a Nubian goddess for ten years.
"I take it," Allison declared. "As long as you have the shots too."
"Of course," the man replied. "Listen. These are illegal. Don't let yourself be caught with them. And don't take the full shot. They are portioned for adult bodies."
"Got it," Allison said with a nod. Immunity repressing shots could get one killed. If taken too much at once. But they practically guaranteed that Allison would get Naomi.
They negotiated a price and not five minutes later Allison was out. Already planning ahead. The first shot would give her one to two weeks as Naomi. If she liked being a Naomi she could get a second infection and gain ten years as her. Just in time for her vacation to end. It was worth the risk. Smiling she headed home.
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Intriguing story
It made me think of the 1950s style Science Fiction that was called the Literature of Ideas. :) Take a concept and go with it.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Loved your interesting little
Loved your interesting little story; and knowing the Tacoma-Seattle area really, really well; thought you might like this little bit of trivia about radio/TV call letters. Also lived in Milan, MI, 45 miles from Detroit so know that area as well.
Seattle "XYZ" call letters? Not really, because there is a City that has those exact call letters in service and has had them since around the early-mid 1920s.
That City is Detroit, MI; and the call letters are part of the very original call letters created when radio came into being. They continued into the TV era and remain in effect today.
Seattle actually has "KVI" for one of its stations.
Stations today, IF they are not one of the originals, have beginning letters of "K" if WEST of the Mississippi River, and "W" if East of the Miss. River.
There might not be an XYZ in America, but you should be able to pick up WXYZ 1270 Detroit from Milan.
By the way, I have relatives there. My cousin Joyce is a librarian.
Loved your interesting little
Loved your interesting little story; and knowing the Tacoma-Seattle area really, really well; thought you might like this little bit of trivia about radio/TV call letters. Also lived in Milan, MI, 45 miles from Detroit so know that area as well.
Seattle "XYZ" call letters? Not really, because there is a City that has those exact call letters in service and has had them since around the early-mid 1920s.
That City is Detroit, MI; and the call letters are part of the very original call letters created when radio came into being. They continued into the TV era and remain in effect today.
Seattle actually has "KVI" for one of its stations.
Stations today, IF they are not one of the originals, have beginning letters of "K" if WEST of the Mississippi River, and "W" if East of the Miss. River.
It would definitely be interesting to change bodies every so often. You could also live for a very long time.
I wonder if catching it a third time would make it permanent.
If that were the case, would the permanency grant immunity from all other named flus? Or would it only be permanent until another virus took over?
Of course, many kinds of viruses can mutate sufficiently as to be unrecognized by the immune system, so something new could change a "permanent" shape.
-- Daphne Xu
Wonderfully clever
That was a wonderfully clever story. Thank you.
Very interestin g and different. I can't say I know any of the people here, though. I hope you can introduce us?
Tropical Storms
Am I correct in my suspicion that you took the world-wide practice of naming tropical storms and hurricanes, and applied it to the flu? Then found a way to build a story around it?
I suppose the Illuminati genetically modified the flu virus, and let it loose in the wild? (Notice that "loose" is spelled correctly.) Maybe they did it to divert attention from the horrors of the world, and divert the attentions of various factions from pushing them further.
Was any pain involved in the transformations? Bones shifting and scraping, both themselves and the flesh inside? The flesh shifting about?
Nice, rather humorous story.
-- Daphne Xu
Re: Tropical Storms
Hey Daphne,
the idea was rather how could I make a new spin on genderbending cases of flu.
Because there are already a few stories out there about cases of flu that gender-bend.
The simple idea was that rather than simply gender-bend, they temporarily transform you into a new person.
Based on famous persons from our universe.
Each named flu in this story is based on a model, actor or even porn star from our world.
The transformation also happens while someone is asleep. So, hopefully, there is no pain.
Hope that answers your questions/speculations.
Hugs and kisses,
Always a nice idea.
It's always a nice idea, putting a new spin on something that's been done before. And you did it well. I have to admit, none of the names were known to me. I also had to admit, that the idea of "named flus" made me think of named tropical storms -- one of which is north of South America now.
Maybe I'll write that kind of story myself -- a super-secretive major NGO doing something -- not necessarily the flu thing. Maybe fighting crime, maybe thinking it's fighting crime while committing crime,...
-- Daphne Xu
there must be a Jaci flu running around
makes you girly, but you also get a sense of denial about it.