Assuming I have any people interested in reading my stuff left, I need to give them an apology. Massive stress around here with my mom hurt, my dog struggling, Sharon having troubles, my brother looking at surgery, and he and I getting into an argument over my transition during which he said he never saw anything feminine in me growing up, and doesnt see anything feminine in me now, has all led to me not being in a good state for writing at the moment. So no new Branded, or The gift, or the war/supernatural story I had started on for now, and maybe not for a while.
Again, I'm sorry.
Hope you feel better soon.
Don't push yourself. If you don't feel like writing, then don't. Sometimes we need breaks from 'regular' or not so regular activities.
I started working on a new story a few days ago, then wasn't in the mood to write again until tonight when I added about 1500 words. It is far from being finished, so it may be a fair while before it's done. I'm considering whether to wait until I finish or post it in parts like usual.
Just saying
What he sees doesn't matter more than a fraction of what YOU see, and feel. It's your skin, if you aren't comfortable in it, FIX THAT and anyone else's problems with that are their problems to deal with.