Got some bad news.
Sam had an allergy attack last week, and we just got back the blood tests. It turns out its her cats, and Sam is heartbroken.
She's been given a week to find a home for the 3 kittens, and I really hope we can find them loving homes.
Sighs ...
Sorry To Hear That.
It is one more thing for her to adjust to in a world that can be so mean.
I am sorry.
How Bad?
How bad was the attack? I only realized some time afterwards that I had a mild allergy to cat hair, when I had my family's cat on my lap or on my bed. It was quite tolerable.
If the kittens have to move, I really hope they can stay together. It's so sad...
I'm very sorry.
-- Daphne Xu
the doctor said it was quite severe
like life-threatening if she doesnt do what she can - including finding the kitties a new home.
Hope this helps
If I remember correctly, it's the dandruff and not the cat causing the allergic reaction. I believe pet stores sell special wipes for this. But if it's severe, this might not work. Is Sam allergic to dogs too? I think poodles are okay for most, ask the allergist .
Actually it works using
Actually it works using Pfizer's Stronghold. Other remmedies are not so effective.
I remember seeing a tape of using NLP (Neuro -Linguistic Programming) for allergies some years back. NLP is a quick method of short-circuiting allergies (among other things) like cat/dog hair, flour, etc. It's a short treatment, so the cost is not great, and is quite effective but non-invasive. You might check this out, Dorothy.
Look into it and similar treatments.
My Mother Had To Do The Same Thing
My mother had a cat when she was a little girl and she had a bad asthma attack . The doctors determined that the cat dander caused it so my grandparents had to find him a new home . She was also heartbroken , but she did find out that dogs never bothered her, so she was still able to have them and rabbits as pets . So sorry that she has to give them up .
this is gonna sound bad.
Well, i'm gonna sound like a scrooge or something, but i really don't like house pets. Their hair gets everywhere, they stink up the house (though most owners dont notice it) they tear things up, especially if you have a particularly distructive breed. Their nothing more than an extra mouth to feed and an emotional crutch for those have trouble socializing. At least dogs have some sort of feelings towards their owners, they're breed origionally from wolves so that pack mentality is still somewhere inside them. Cats on the other hand can give two shits about you, hell the only reason they even stay (if they stay, most run away first chance they get no matter how much you try to love them) is for the guaranteed meal ticket.
and i really really despise those that use some poor animal as some sort of clothing accessory like a certain rich hoe and her purse chiwawa.
but that's just how i feel about indoor pets... outdoor pets are a whole different ball of wax, especially the useful ones like sheep dogs, or hunting dogs... they at least earn their meals.
I am not a dog person just for the same reason
They accept you as alpha and that is it.
Cats have a different mentality. They think they have a say in the matter and they think they get to choose you as their partner.
My neighbor's outdoor cat chose me to be her friend. No food involved at all.
He was happy just being an outdoor lap cat for me so he can get some attention and love. He would greet me in the morning and run up to my car to get into my lap while we were still in the car when I drove up to the driveway when I came home at night. Many a time I would be afraid I would run him over due to his haste. He would go home to be fed and would then come back after she ate. And yes, he did this regardless of the weather even one time in 5 Degree weather. My porch was his second home.
Again, no food was involved.
OTOH, my neighbor had a dog who kept escaping his yard, leaving big piles of dog poop around my front yard and the yards along our street. Eventually he had to be put down due to his uncontrollable behavior. So much for being an obedient animal. I did not shed a tear for him.
Cats are people, with varying personalities. Once a cat decides who his/her human is, they bond deeply and lovingly, better than any dog. Dogs are content to be in general to be submissives who 'must obey master'.
Wrong! Oh, so wrong!
You are definitely entitled to your opinion about hair and smell and stuff. But those of us who know cats know very well that our cats love us. They might not be as needy as dogs, but they definitely love their companion humans.
If I was closer, I would gladly take them.
If I was closer, I would gladly take them. They would be well loved and have other cats to play with. Alas, getting them across the border would probably be a problem.
But if you can figure out a way, I'll be happy to take them.