Okay so today did not go well. It started with me oversleeping because somehow last night I accidentally set my clock wrong, then I carved a fairly good sized whole in my face shaving, then I went to welfare only to be told my doctor's note isnt what I need because it covers too short a period of time.
Sighs ... roadblocks are no fun ...
Sorry to hear this
These events make me think more and more that when dealing with 'More than my jobs worths' civil servants, the best place to start looking for an answer is at the final port of call. Find out what they need (down to the last detail) and then work backwards.
Sadly this does not always work because the 'jobsworths' have a habit of changing what they need on a regular basis just to keep themselve employed (being seen to be doing something).
A fact of modern life.
Keep on Trucking and I'm sure that you will get there. Just don't lose your cool with these people. They are a law unto themselves in many cases.