Caitlyn A Lady Worth Knowing

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Caitlyn Jenner reflects on how her life has changed since transitioning into a woman

It is a nice article where Caitlyn expresses her emotions and feelings. An excellent read from a beautiful person who only wants to be what she has always felt in her heart and soul.

sound bites from the story:

When she ventures outside her Malibu home, Jenner said she’ll take 20 to 40 selfies a day with strangers who walk up to her. Even a typical trip to the supermarket is met with people pulling out their phones, asking for photos with her. Jenner said she tries to accommodate all of them, no matter who asks.

“I had a guy actually ... ask for a selfie and said, ‘Oh Bruce, could you give me a selfie?’ And I looked at him. Nobody’s called me that in two years almost now, and I said, ‘No problem,’” she said. “I want them to walk away saying, ‘Oh Caitlyn Jenner was so nice’ .... that transpeople, yes, are approachable ... and they are a vital part of our society.”

“If you want to call me names, make jokes, doubt my intentions, go ahead, because the reality is, I can take it,” Jenner said. “But for the thousands of kids out there coming to terms with being true to who they are, they shouldn’t have to take it.”

But the kindest thing she said she heard from someone was, “I love you for what you’re doing,” including from “people who have ... thought about suicide and said they wouldn’t do it.”

Jenny Boylan, a professor and GLAAD board chair who also appeared on “I Am Cait,” and author of the new novel “Long Black Veil,” said Jenner “absolutely” saved lives by going public with her story.

“She didn’t know anything,” Boylan said. “I know some people roll their eyes at Caitlyn. And I would ask them if they have ever had to do anything this hard as Cait had to do, and I would ask them if they have gotten everything right the first time in their lives.”

People, if you had rather I NOT post any of these articles then please let me know. Of course everyone is not interested in these kind or stories. And coincidences happen. Yesterday one of the ladies on twitter called Caitlyn an "it" with the quotations. I desperately wanted to reach through the computer and "thump" her one. I didn't quite unload on her and she hasn't blocked me yet so maybe she read some of the data I sent her to explore? The day before that I had a Priest rake transgender across the "God didn't intend them to mutilate their bodies" It's a sin. And yes I unloaded on him with bible verses. I told him to "talk to God" because he was listening to his own sermons not God's.

God, if you love me, release me from the mortal soul and this insane world.

Down Barb, down. Go kill some weeds or sit in the hen house with the chickens. Get away from the net.


Thank you for pointing this out

I did like the interview. It was interesting.

And just an FYI for everyone else - there are 6 parts to it, let it go to teh end and reload for the next part until you see the whole thing.
There are also a few after bit's afterwards that will reload and kinda repeat smaller little pieces from the interview with tiny tib-bits of more info..

- Leona

Alex Zanardi said it best

"Inspiration doesn't come from people or things, it comes from the eyes who seek it."


You can't choose your relatives but you can choose your family.

You can't build anyone up by dragging someone else down

BarbieLee's picture

I know everyone means well, has their own agenda, and preferences. Me, like Caitlyn, I prefer to pass on knowledge and let everyone choose their own path. A long time ago I had a very beautiful English teacher whom all the boys in her class lusted for. One day she was late, one of those poor boys everyone picked on was getting verbal smack down from the couple bullies who always seem present in every grade. How much Mrs. Owens heard before she walked in I don't know. What I do know is when she walked into that classroom it was with the authority of God behind her.

Eyeing the two miscreants she softly began. "When one person tries to tear down another, it is because they know that person is better than them. They envy him or are afraid of him. It isn't possible for them to rise to his level so they try to destroy him instead."

Not her exact words probably but as close to what I remember. Verbal or physical violence against another is the same thing. The bully wants to tear down another. Pummeling someone isn't going to make them healthy. Tearing someone or their story apart isn't constructive criticism.

Yesterday I gave forty seven dollars to a drug addict. Filled up her car, gave her ten dollars to eat lunch. Told her how pretty she was, held her hands and prayed for her (about ten seconds), and asked her to make both of us proud. The bottom line, it wouldn't have helped to berate her and tell her what she was doing wrong. She already knew all that. If I gave her one day, one hour, or a few minutes of hope and feeling good about herself, it was probably more than she had in a long time.

Help others up, don't pull others down. I promise with all my heart and soul, we will discuss this later. Believe, don't believe doesn't make any difference.God is real. I made that trip once already. He gave me the choice of staying or coming back. You poor people are having to put up my decision.

Have fun with this life, it's too short to take seriously
Barbie Lee
Suicide Prevention Counselor

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl