Caitlyn has drawn the wrath of those who haven't a clue. Or maybe they are the ones who believe she is destroying the balance between male and female. There are the self anointed who speak for God claiming Caitlyn is going to Hell. These are a few of the reasons all the venom and hate mongering has come out in full techno color. It is also many of the same reasons so many don't stand up and say they aren't what is on the birth certificate.
The ether is full of condemnation along with praise for what she is and what she had done. I've dropped dropped several news letters and blogs after the rants of the editors hit full stride. Yes, I tried to explain, pointed to the medical, scientific research, as I told them to "please" remove me from your lists. After all these years I have learned one thing. I'm not going to waste my time and my life with those who have a closed mind and refuse to learn life is not black and white. Neither is gender. I've tilted at too many windmills in my life to believe the majority will change.
Never try to teach a pig to sing
It annoys the pig and wastes your time
Love her, hate her, anywhere in between, the lady is pulling in a lot of venom. No matter how strong one is, it takes a toll. I pray she has the courage and strength to withstand the storm.
The social conservatives are having their usual attitude problem
No surprise there. But you're right, even the usual Celebrity Armor that lets even minor celebrities tolerate such insults.
Social conservatives always eat their own. I find a certain schadenfrade in that though. It is ironic that she is republican and is home to a lot of those same social conservatives. That alone makes me wonder why any LGBTIQ person would want to be any part of them.
There are idiots on all sides of the...
political spectrum. It is unfortunate that the idiots on the extreme left and right ends are the ones that get the media attention and not the vast majority of Republicans and Democrats that are in the center.
The LGBTQ community hasn't had this high a profile person go public since Renée Richards. She caught hell as well, especially when she tried going into professional tennis. The press was rather nasty at the time, making comments along the lines of he changed genders so he could have an advantage over the women players.
Personally, I can't wrap my head around the "why" of someone wanting to change genders. But I'm not living in their skin. It's important to them and that's all that matters.
The why is simple,
the alternative is suicide. The unhappiness and stress on being in the wrong skin takes it toll, eventually you have to do something. That is just about the only choice we (transgender people) have.
Wrapping Your Head
Several years ago one of the BC authors compared transgender to growing up having your shoes on the wrong feet. You're not so much "changing genders" as expressing yourself as you really believe you are.
Actually Renee Richards was treated with some sensitivity by the press, especially Howard Cosell. Many of her court rivals in women's tennis also made snide remarks. Which was strange in that many of them later came out of their own closets. It was the general public and her family who made life miserable for her.
The only politicians who are relevant now are those with extreme views. Only about 20% of the over 435 congressional districts are remotely competitive. Races are won and lost in the primaries and the primaries are heavily influenced by extreme views. We need to do away with congressional districts as a failed experiment. All national seats should be filled with statewide elections to eliminate gerrymandering. Of course, that will never happen because it would require the majority of Congress to vote themselves out of office.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Shoes by HRB
Shoes by Heather Rose Brown @ BigCloset/TopShelf
Moderates & Moderation
It seems that if you are a moderate in today's American politics, the first thing someone says is, "They don't have the spirit of their convictions." Which is a sick indicator of how much pandering to the extremists happens these days.
I have certain beliefs that are considered right-wing. I believe in the 2nd Amendment. No, I do not have umpteen guns hidden all through my house or one beneath my pillow. I own a rifle and a pistol. I shoot the pistol for fun at a shooting range. I used to hunt, but I don't have the legs for it anymore. Both are kept secure. I never want to harm another person, but if someone were to break into my home in order to take our property or harm us, then I believe I'd use that pistol.
I believe in strong national defense. ((Go Navy!)) I grew up during the Cold War. I remember John Lehman talking about the 300 ship Navy while he was SecNav under Ronald Reagan. I was in favor of that.
On the other hand, I believe in nationalized health care. People should not have to pay for basic and emergency health services. I believe that everyone has the right to believe in whatever god or none as they see fit and should not be judged in any way because of it. Freedom of Religion must include everyone.
I'm a moderate. Unfortunately, there are few politicians that champion my views. I think mainly because moderate views don't make good talking points on television, but I could be wrong. I think that Washington has become a gaming arena where the Democrats and Republicans pull towards the extremes, play games of oneupsmanship and use tax dollars to keep score. I think that politicians, and not just at the national level, are where con men have come to ply their trade "legally." The funniest thing I read recently was the idea that politicians should be like stock car drivers and have to wear corporate logos on their suits to show who contributes to their campaigns.
I think that every city, county and state should be forced to run their bookkeeping openly and transparently. All public officials and civil servants should be subject to random audits.
*Sailingmistress notices she's standing on a soapbox, gets down and runs away.*
Hmmm...I like it
politicos having to openly display funding like the sponsors for athletes and race teams. GREAT IDEA! LOVE IT!
and just where do you think you're off to missy?
*catches the scamping Sailingmistress and sets her on a nice poofy cushion and gives a bag of chocolates*
that was a nice post, you get an 'atta girl'
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
High profile?
Wendy Carlos
Laura Wachowski
Kelly Maloney
Caroline Cossey
All post-RR, in the T community. As for LGB, there are many, many high-profile declarations, from actors to athletes. Gareth Thomas, for example, was the Welsh rugby captain, a real 'amn's game', who came out as gay while still leading his country. Not someone to try and 'gay-bash' if you value your health!
It's the Kardashians
They are experts at keeping the family in the limelight (and making money off of their celebrity). You can bet the public face of Caitlyn's transition has been very carefully orchestrated. I agree with others that as long as Caitlyn is viewed as being genuine, honest, and serious the mostly positive media coverage is good for the transgender community.
Changing gender
I am curious now, as to why you visit this site if you can't wrap your head around the 'why'. Thst isn't a snipe, just honest curiosity. Here's the thing: I have never changed gender. I was born female, I have always identified as female, and now I get letters inviting me for breast and cervical cancer screening, because I am a woman of an age when such things are important, and my national health service reminds me.
What I changed was my sex. By that, I mean the outward expression of my DNA. My gender is innate, inside me. It hasn't changed.
I second that curiosity
While I do see men coming to the site, usually they are on the same page, hopefully, though I get thrown a bit when a visitor does not understand about gender specific smell preferences and the like which I believe most transitioned people understand. The most basic indeed is that for trans-folks, gender is not a fixed thing and frankly for some stories here it is absolutely essential, unless those types of stories do not interest you of course.
Strangely or Maybe Not so Strangely!
Some people seemed to be attacking her not so much because she Trans, but just because she famous and airing something that is personal. ""Why does she need to tell the world this? Who cares?"" As if hiding it would be an option, or as if it were just another "Who sleeps with or hit who story". She might as well run with it. They miss that it is more then another story about a celebrity's life. That she is airing a topic that needs airing, and that being a celebrity already simply lets her do so for those who can not do so without adding more risk to their life, since she is bound to be in the news anyway. Of course she gets all the usual crap too!
Good for HER!
I wish Happiness & Strength to Her.
~Hypatia >i< ..:::
PS. I am not the kind to follow celebrity stories, but this is news.
Fight or flight
For the males who lash out, they can't understand why one of their own would give up their power. There is something deeply terrifying about one of their own giving up there nagers. So, honestly many of the men that say hurtful things aren't mad, they are only trying to cover their fear with aggression.
As to the women who are being hateful, they simply do not want more competition, and at times, a fully transitioned T woman looks more like a runway model than a genetic woman. :)
A lot of women don't understand...
...why a man would willingly give up power either. One of the interviewees in the documentary about Candy Darling exhibited this attitude when she said, "Keep your winning hand."
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

They have no idea how hard it is to look in the mirror and not see who you know you are supposed to be , the wrong face everyday and the wrong body . They are truly CLUELESS how hard that is .
The trans girls has more guts and are braver that these so called men (using term loosely) will ever be .
No where's in the bible does it say anything about trans people in threw out history there have been reports of people showing up in the other gender war hero's come to mind.
To all our trans friends keep up the brave face .