Caitlyn is also catching hell

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Caitlyn has drawn the wrath of those who haven't a clue. Or maybe they are the ones who believe she is destroying the balance between male and female. There are the self anointed who speak for God claiming Caitlyn is going to Hell. These are a few of the reasons all the venom and hate mongering has come out in full techno color. It is also many of the same reasons so many don't stand up and say they aren't what is on the birth certificate.

The ether is full of condemnation along with praise for what she is and what she had done. I've dropped dropped several news letters and blogs after the rants of the editors hit full stride. Yes, I tried to explain, pointed to the medical, scientific research, as I told them to "please" remove me from your lists. After all these years I have learned one thing. I'm not going to waste my time and my life with those who have a closed mind and refuse to learn life is not black and white. Neither is gender. I've tilted at too many windmills in my life to believe the majority will change.

Never try to teach a pig to sing
It annoys the pig and wastes your time

Love her, hate her, anywhere in between, the lady is pulling in a lot of venom. No matter how strong one is, it takes a toll. I pray she has the courage and strength to withstand the storm.

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