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The Girl Most Likely To ... Chapter 48
by Barbara Lynn Terry
Part I - At Glenn's Eatery.
As the trio walked toward Glenn's Eatery, Naomi took out her cell phone and called Trooper Jim O'Donnell.
"Hi lover. Hey have you taken your lunch, yet?"
"No, sweet princess. Why?"
"Would you please meet me at Glenn's? I have some news that if Pine Meadows County knew exactly how well their children were protected,
today, they would would throw a huge party."
"I will be right there, let me just radio in. I'm just coming in to town, now."
"We will already have a booth. I'm with Sharon and Evie."
"Alright, love of my life.
As Naomi, Sharon and Evie sat down, Jim O'Donnell came in. As he sat down, he gave Naomi a peck on the cheek.
"Jim, you will be very proud of Sharon, and since you were the one who took her statement I thought you should know. That perverted doctor
that harmed the girls at the Home, was convicted today. His attorney made a pre-sentence motion to have him sent to Central State for thirty
days. I'm going to be at his sentencing. Sharon, it isn't necessary that you be there for that. I can tell you how much time he was given."
"Not on your life, sis. I want to be there when the judge throws the book at that bastard. Forgive my language, but he raped me, sis, he
violated me. I want to see for myself how violated he gets from the judge."
"That is your privilege, Sharon, and I will tell Mr. Peabody about your wish. Maybe we can swing it so that you can get school credit for it for
social studies. I mean, it is about the workings of our local judicial system. What do you think, Jim?"
"I think if she wants to be there, she should be. The only problem you and I will have is that we might be working that day."
"I will make sure she gets there, Jim, Naomi. The restaurant will let me have off for that."
"That is nice of you, Eve," Jim O'Donnell said with a smile.
"Thank you, but that bastard hurt my sisters, and I want to be there, too, when the judge slams the book on him."
Eve Reinhardt was an easy going person, and she went out of her way to help others, if she could. She was also on the employment list of half
a dozen merchants in Pine Meadows County. But, if someone hurt her, her family, her friends, or her sisters at the Pine Meadows Home For
Adolescent Girls, she was worse than a lioness on the prowl for food. Because Arthur Reginald Poole, as a doctor had hurt not only Sharon, but
several other of her sisters, Eve Reinhardt was seething with a "I wanna see that bastard get his" attitude.
"Eve, it is a good thing that Tommy Barker didn't know about this, or Mr. Pervert wouldn't have had a chance to make it to court. Tommy looks
out for us, and he is strong for being sixteen. Of course, farm work is heavy and exhausting. Tommy still doesn't know what that pervert did. I
hope he never knows."
"It will be kind of hard to keep it from him, sis, because all convictions are printed in the paper. Almost everybody in the county gets the
newspaper. Those that don't hear about things when they are in town, or working with somebody who either knows about it first hand, works
with somebody who knows, or knows somebody who read about it. Since the jury is from the county, they are now free to talk about the case."
"Evie, if Tommy does find out, I hope he can hold his temper."
"I do, too, sis."
"Hey! Now that pervert is locked up, and we don't have to worry about him any longer, I say we go bowling this Saturday."
"Evie, I would like that. Maybe Rachel and Tom Bradley can come, too. I could get Tommy Barker to come as my date, and we could find a few
of the other boys for our sisters. Or, we could make this a bowling party with just us girls. The boys that will be there would be having
embarrassing moments, just looking at us." The girls all giggled, while Trooper Jim just kinda roared with laughter.
"You know what, Sharon, That sounds like a party I'd like to come to."
"Pervert," Sharon retorted and stuck her tongue out at Jim O'Donnell.
"Maybe, but I am still a guy and there is nothing wrong in watching beautiful ladies."
"Jim, do you really think we are beautiful?"
"Sharon, you know what you need? You need a day at the mall, window shopping, buying something, or just going there to be around other
people. You need a change of scenery."
"Thank you, Jim. I guess you're right, I'm just feeling...I don't know, but I'm glad this is over with. At least the doctor that took pervert's place
is a nice lady."
"Yes, Dr. Nita subs at the hospital, too. Maybe it wouldn't hurt, if you talked with her about what you are feeling. She is a psychiatrist as well as
a practicing medical doctor."
"Thank you, Jim. You all want to know something? Before Rachel came here, I thought I knew pretty much about things. Then, when she
stood up to pervert, I started looking at myself through Rachel's eyes. What I saw was the same scared little girl who first came to the Home."
"Sis," Eve said, looking at Sharon. "I was your shadow and roomie at the home until I left. Then you took my place as the one who kept
everybody together, helping with this, that and the other. The girls look up to you, sis, because you have the attitude and the discipline to
make the other sisters see things they haven't thought of when they get down on themselves. I think you and I should set up a time, when it is
just us two, so we can make a day of it. Sharon, when Naomi told me of that pervert's trial, I said I wanted to be there, because he hurt my
sisters. You are my little sister, Sharon, and I am still going to be there for you. That is what being a Pine Meadows sister is all about. We're not
just sisters while we are at the home, we are sisters forever. No Matter where we go, who we marry, how many children we have, we are all
still sisters to the end of time."
"Than...ks, sis."
Sharon couldn't finish what she was saying, because she broke in to tears. Eve, motioned for Naomi to switch places, and Eve sat next to
Sharon and her.
"It is going to be all right, sis, you wait and see. You will never forget this, but you will be able to deal with it as time goes on. It takes time, too,
to deal with these emotions. If that pervert had done to me, what he did to you, I would have castrated him with a rusty knife. You go right
ahead, sis, and cry. You have been through an ordeal that no girl or woman should have to be put through. So, what do you say? Would you
like to go with me and make a day of it?"
"," Sharon said, through her tears.
"You know what, sis? I just had an epiphany. What if we had a weekend, and went to the Mall of America in Minneapolis?"
"Yes, little sister, I really mean that."
" me...again. Ca...can...he?"
"No, sis, he can't," Naomi added. "He's a convicted felon, now, and he will get what is coming to him. I don't think the doctors at Central State
are going to say he needs help. With that kind of report, the judge will lock in up for at least 25 years. You have nothing to fear from him, any
more. He will be too old to even think about doing this again, when he gets out. You are safe now, sis, and you have Naomi's word on that."
"Thank you...Na...omi."
"Sis, let's you, me and Naomi go over to Anne's and let you pick out a nice dress."
"I don' to"
"My treat, sis. A present for my little sister to was brave enough to stand up to that pervert. It was your testimony that got him convicted. I
think now he sees that what he did cost him his medical license, his freedom, his dignity and his honor. All of that he threw away because he
couldn't stop molesting young girls. His medical license will be revoked by the state licensing board when they get the report of his conviction.
So, let's go and buy you that dress. You get to pick it out."
"I have to get back on patrol, ladies. It was nice having lunch with you. Sharon, just remember that if you need anything, just dial J for Jim."
"Thank you, Jim. You're like the big brother I never had." Jim O'Donnell hugged Sharon.
"I want to see that new dress. But right now I have to get back on patrol. Remember, Sharon, that here in Pine Meadows, it takes a village."
"Yes, Jim. thank you."
Part II - School at the Pine Meadows Home For Adolescent Girls.
"Well, sis, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we should get you back in time for afternoon classes."
"See, you just don't know how to enjoy life, Naomi," Sharon said, facetiously.
"Is that so! Well, for your information, young lady, I am going to kick your butt at bowling."
"Oh yeah! You and what army?"
"Me, myself and I, that is the only army I need."
"Says you. You need a bowling ball, too."
"I have one, a bowling bag to keep it in, and I have my own bowling shoes, too."
"Yeah! Well, smarty pants, I have my own bowling things, to
"Sister Naomi, that man can't get out to hurt me, again...can he?"
"No, sis, he can't. Even if the doctors say he needs help, he will be there for a number of years. If the doctors say he is sane, and knew he was
aware of what he was doing, and doesn't need help, he will be sentenced to prison. I am betting on prison, and that is a minimum of 25
"Sis, will you help me through this? I...really...need...someone I"
"Sharon, you don't even have to ask. I will be there until you feel safe again. We're here, let's go in the house. I think you shoould take today
off from school. I'm sure your teachers will understand."
As the girls all came in the living room, they asked Naomi what happened in court.
"Sisters, I have good news. Pervert was convicted, and the assistant district attorney had all of the other charges read in to the record. This
way, none of you have to be put through what Sharon went through today. His attorney asked for him to be sent to the state psychiatric
hospital for a thrity day oberservation. We will see what happens when he is returned to the court. He won't be able to get out, like he did
before his trial."
"So, he can't harm us, any more?" Asked Melanie Roberts.
"No, Mel, he can't. He is going to have thirty days to think about what he did. Being a psychatrist, himself, he may know how to use the
system. But, if he tries, I think the doctors at Central State will see right through his game."
"So, then all the trials are over, then?" Asked Connie Stevenson.
"Yes, Connie, they are. Your sister Sharon was brave and accepted the brunt of the questioning in court, and she did wonderful. It was her
testimony that convicted him. Now the trials are over, the pervert is in custody, and now you ladies can get on with your lives. If anybody needs
a shoulder, I am available."
"Thank you, sis. We really appreciate all you are doing for us."
"You're very welcome. But remember this, we are sisters, and that means we are family. Family takes care of family."
"Girls, it is time to head back to school. Melanie, will you bring Sharon's books and homework assignments when you come back this
"Yes, Jan. Sharon, you take it easy, and if you need to talk, just ask." The other girls said the same, then they all gave Sharon hugs as they left
for their afternoon of classes.
The girls all filed in to the school, and went to their classrooms. For this many girls, it took two classrooms for them all. Rachel sat at her desk,
and was far away, thinking about the pervert, that if it wasn't for her and her sisters, he might never have been caught. She didn't quite hear
what her teacher was saying. All Rachel heard was like a drone coming from the teacher's desk.
Rachel didn't answer. Her teacher, Mrs. Lynnette Simpson walked over to her desk, and placed her hand on Rachel's left shoulder.
"Oh, hello Mrs. Simpson."
"Rachel, is there something wrong?"
"I was thinking about that...that stupid...per..." Rachel didn't finish because she broke down in tears. Mrs. Simpson looked at the other girls in
a questioning manner.
"Yes, Mrs. Simpson, Dr. Poole was convicted of raping one of us. Rachel was the first one to stand up to him and report what he did to her."
"Rachel, you don't ever have to worry about him, ever again. He can't hurt you or any of the other girls. He is half a state away, and they won't
let him anywhere near you or any other young girl. You just remember, when someone is convicted of a sex crime, that person will not see
freedom for many, many years. If he ever gets out of prison, and he violates the law again, the judge can send him back to prison to finish this
sentence plus he will serve a new sentence, too. So, there is nothing to worry about."
"Thank you, Mrs. Simpson."
"You are welcome, dear. Just remember, we are not only here to teach you, but also to help you and protect you, too. We have training that
teachers in regular schools don't have. But, I think, that when you get to the high school in town, you will see that those teachers are there to
help, too. It takes a village, Rachel. We are very serious about that."
"Thank you, Mrs. Simpson. I couldn't help thinking about him. He said to me when I called him a pervert, he said yes he was, but it would be
our little secret. I told him no it won't because I was telling everybody what he did. When I told Jan, she told daddy, and he called the police.
Mr. Pervert won't hurt any more children."
"No, he won't, Rachel. Now, we were talking about the Spanish/American War. Do you know anything about that?"
"No, Mrs. Simpson."
"It is all right. That is why we are here, to teach you the things you don't know. Well, children, as I said before. The Spanish American War
happened in 1898 and was a ten week conflict between Spain, the United States, Cuban rebels and Phillipine inusrgents. An insurgent is the
same as one who rebels. Does anubody remember hearing the saying, 'remember the Maine'?" Nobody raised their hand.
"Well, the Maine was a United States war ship, and it was sent by President McKinley to Havana, Cuba to protect the Americans that were in
Cuba at the time. It was 9:40 pm when the Maine exploded and sank in Havana harbor. There were two newspaper editors at the time that
popularized a war with Spain. One of those editors was Joseph Pulitzer, ot the New York World, of whom the Pulitzer Prize is named after, and
the other was William Randolph Hearst of the New York Journal. William Randolph Hearst is the grandfather of Patty Hearst. Who has ever
heard of Patty Hearst?" Nobody raised their hand. "Well, that is another lesson for another time.
"After the Maine was sunk in Havana harbor, William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pultizer published stories of atrocities toward non-military
persons, some of whom were Americans. Now, whether or not these accounts were true, William Randolph Hearst was quoted as saying; 'you
furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war'." These two publishers were the moving force behind the United States getting in to the Cuban war
for independence. Spain declared war on April 23, 1898 and the United States declared war on April 25, 1898, but, Congress also said, too, that
a state of war existed between the United States and Spain.
"It was on July 1, 1898 that a combined force of about 15,000 American troops in regular infantry and cavalry regiments, including all four of
the army's "Colored" regiments, and volunteer regiments, among them Roosevelt and his "Rough Riders", the 71st New York, the 2nd
Massachusetts Infantry, and 1st North Carolina, and rebel Cuban forces attacked 1,270 entrenched Spaniards in dangerous Civil War-style
frontal assaults at the Battle of El Caney and Battle of San Juan Hill outside of Santiago. More than 200 U.S. soldiers were killed and close to
1,200 wounded in the fighting. Supporting fire by Gatling guns was critical to the success of the assault. Cervera decided to escape Santiago
two days later." Mr. Simpson had read this account from what she had copied about the famous "charge up San Juan Hill, near Santiago,
Puerto Rico. "Yes, girls, I had to copy this to read it." There were giggles through out the whole classroom. "Also during the Spanish American
War, was the War of the Phillipines, where were involved with Spain for Phillipine Independence. I want you all to read about the
Spanishamerican War, because quite frankly, it is way too involved to actually study in whole here. Oh my, will you look at the time? Girls,
please study more aboout the SpanishAmerican War, because there will be a test in which this will be mentioned." The bell rang, ending the
school day. As the girls left, each one smiled at Mrs. Simpson and told her to have a good night.
Mrs. Lynnette Simpson is thirty two years old, dark auburn hair, has two children and a husband who likes helping at the town's yearly birthday
party, as some in Pine Meadows County have come to call it. Mitchell Simpson is thirty one years old, head of rich black hair, and is an architect
and land contractor. Mrs. Lynette Simpson sat in her chair, grading papers, when Rachel came back in the classroom.
"Mrs. Simpson, may I talk to you, please?"
"Yes, of course, Rachel, come in and sit down." Rachel sat down, placing her books on her lap. "Now, what is this about?"
"Mrs. Simpson, I don't know exactly how to put this, but I'm relieved that these trials for Dr. Poole are over, but also scared that he will find a
way to get back at us for having him arrested."
"Did you call the police?"
"No, but it was what I said that made daddy call the state police."
"Well, I wouldn't worry. He can never harm anybody ever again. By the time he gets out of prison, he will be about seventy years old. He won't
want to hurt anybody then, because he won't be able to move as quickly as he can now. And, young lady, rightnow he is is jail."
"He was sent to the Central State Hospital for thrity days, not jail."
"It's the same thing. He can't get out and he can never hurt you or any of the other girls, any more."
"Are you sure. I mean, what if he escapes and comes back here to hurt us?"
"Oh child, you really need a change of scenery to take your mind off of this. I am done here for tonight. Let me walk you back to the house."
Mrs. Simpson fibbed a little, because she was not done, but the girls came first, so she stopped grading papers, and walked Rachel back to the
house. "Rachel, I have an idea, why don't you and I go out Saturday afternoon, and make a day of it. I'll even buy lunch."
"We're supposed to go bowling this Saturday."
"Oh? Would you mind if I came along? I am fairly good bowler."
"Thank you, Mrs. Simpson, I would like for you to come along."
"Alright, then, it's a date. Who else is coming?"
"Naomi, Evie, Sharon and the rest of the girls, and my BGFF, Renée."
"Looks like we will need more than one lane."
"Yes, Mrs. Simpson. We would probably need three lanes.
"Well, let me see, then. That would be seven to a lane with just the girls, and with three extra people wouldbe eight to a lane. Yes, that would
work out perfect."
"Thank you, Mrs. Simpson. I feel a lot better, now." Rachel gave Lynnette Simpson a hug and walked back to the house.
"You're very welcome, dear. have a good night."
"You have a good night, too."Rachel left to go back to the house, so she could get her ride back to her house.
Part III - Dinner at home.
As Rachel entered the house on the grounds, Renée and Rachel's mother asked where she had been.
"I was talking to my teacher, Mrs. Simpson. I had a few things I needed to talk to her about."
"Well, it is good that your teachers take the time to talk to you. When I was in school, they didn't want to stay any longer in the school than the
students did. Let's get home, and make dinner."
Ruth Watkins and Renée had already planned tonight's dinner, and they wanted Rachel to help. As they went out and got in Ruth's car and
buckled in, Ruth looked at Rachel, and smiled at how far her daughter had come in such a short time. It was only three weeks ago that her son
Roger had committed an act of terrorism against another person his own age, and it was only a few days later that Roger had become Rachel
involuntarily. But Ruth Watkins knew, seeing Rachel now, that this was the best life for her. Rachel was relaxed, having fun, identifying with
other girls in a lot of ways. She was using feminine mannersisms that only a girl born and raised as a girl would have.
As they pulled in to the driveway of their home, Rachel got out and they all walked to the house together.
"Rach, put your books away, sweetie, and come and help us make dinner. We're having tacos tonight, and I need you and Renée to shred the
lettuce and cut the black olives and tomatoes in to slices, shred the cheese and place them all in to those small bowls there. Rachel, please get
out the small serving tongs for each bowl, and a small pickle fork for the tomatoes. I also bought a small jar of sliced jalapeá±o peppers, if
anybody wants any. I think they go great on tacos."
"I do, too," Naomi added, coming in the kitchen. "Tacos, just what a hard day at the office ordered." Everybody in the kitchen giggled. "I'm
going to go an get changed. By then, dinner should be ready."
It doesn't take long to make tacos, the thing that takes the longest time, is browning the ground beef. Every thing else is easy. Ten minutes
later, Naomi came down from changing out of her uniform, and everybody was just getting to the dining room table.
"Now that is what I call timing." Everybody giggled and laughed.
Everybody sat down after Carl Richards said grace, and they took the portions they felt they could eat. The shells that Ruth used for the tacos
were flour tortillas instead of the corn ones. Flour tortillas are better for you.
"I had a guy bring in his car this afternoon, and demanded I do a tune up, an oil change, brake adjustment and rotate his tires, all before five
o'clock. He brought the car in at two."
"So, how far did you get?" Asked his wife, Gloria.
"I haven't started, yet. I had Jake Petersen's car in first, so I finished that. I will get to this other car tomorrow. If this guy, whom I don't know,
doesn't like it, he can take it to a garage where it will cost him a lot more. I have never understood, even when we lived in Forest City, why
people have to be so demanding and in such a hurry."
"Well, daddy," Renée kind of skipped in to the conversation. "Some people think that if they aren't in a hurry, they won't have time to do
anything or get any where."
"I agree, sis," Rachel added. "People need to relax more, and that way they will have more time to do things."
"My little girl isn't so little any more. Do you know how much you have grown in the last three weeks?"
"I only do what I see needs to be done; like helping my sisters when they need it. I'm also not going to let what that pervert did to me and my sisters, bother me any more, either. I'm going to relax, I'm going to have fun and I am going to be me."
"I am just so proud of you. You are my angel, Rachel, my sweet, sweet angel."
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Rachel needs the support of
Rachel needs the support of Pine Meadows to overcome her dread of Poole. She is an angel in disguise.
May Your Light Forever Shine
The fear that the girls have
Is genuine I don't blame Sharon or Rachel for asking the questions they do about Dr.Pervert. Personalty I say hang him but Ik you can't do that but still it punishment & I don't mean hanging him by the neck ether ill let you use your imitation on that.
One thing I agree with one thing the girls DO need a change of pace to get their minds off things.
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Thanks Barbara...
For another nice chapter here in Pine Meadows County! It's hard to believe it's only been three weeks in the story timeline. Keep'em comin' hon! (Hugs) Taarpa
Dealing with fear
All of the joy these girls exhibit towards each other is a mask for the fear each is hiding. It doesn't manifest unless they stop and start thinking about the cause of that fear.
Rachel was doing fine until she started thinking about Poole, then she broke down. Even at home she's thinking about him. At some point their therapist must delve into this area and teach each girl how to deal with fear. It's not possible to evade fear, but it is possible to learn how to not let fear rule a life.
Others have feelings too.