The Price To Pay - Vol. 5.06 - Celyn’s New Year (Part 2)

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““I didn’t think you were enough of a man on Cyprus. Maybe you are now?” I asked as suggestively as possible.

The Price To Pay - 5.06 - Celyn’s New Year (Part 2)

by Alys

The Price To Pay - Vol. 5.06 - Celyn’s New Year (Part 2)

I stepped back as the crude words of Carwyn, the oaf, shocked me from the warm feelings of the previous minutes.

I knew I had to act quickly before the oaf’s semi-drunken friends realised who and what I was and before they grabbed me. Even though they were not in the best physical state from the collection of lager cans on the floor they were all physically bigger than me.

I knew my only hope of avoiding, at best, being beaten up was a little guile.

I pulled down the zipper of my hoodie to expose the top of my bra while pushing my chest forward and brushing my hair seductively.

“I didn’t think you were enough of a man on Cyprus. Maybe you are now?” I asked as suggestively as possible.

His eyes almost popped out as he stared at the top of my breasts.

“Waz all this ‘bout Car?” slurred one of his mates.

“Wanna a feel then?” I asked the oaf while at the same time pulling his hand towards me.

He stumbled towards me eager to get his hand on my exposed softness.

I suddenly kicked the knee of his standing leg forcing him to lose his balance. I then yanked his arm down and he toppled to the floor.

I nimbly side stepped his prone body and sprinted away. After a few seconds I heard the beginning of a pursuit. I looked over my shoulder as I raced down the deserted street and saw the three partly inebriated louts shambling after me.

“You tranny I’ll get you!” shouted Carwyn as he puffed to try and keep up with me. The two others were even further behind.

I could see that I could easily outpace them but I felt in the mood for a little payback after the shock they’d given.

“What right do they have to menace someone in the street?” I thought to myself as ran on.

I rounded a corner and saw my opportunity.

On the corner of the street an indian restaurant was in the process of being refurbished. In the front of a half built extension was a large piece of plasterboard temporarily blocking up a doorway. The writing on its surface ‘drws 4 modfedd’* showing that it was meant to be replaced by a fire door when completed.

I slipped past the space between the piece of plasterboard and the entrance and looked around. There was a half open door leading out of the extension to the other road of the corner.

I rummaged in my pocket and took out one of the Christmas cards I’d had today. I took the envelope, wrote a brief apology on it, put a ten pound note in it and then quickly pushed it through the letterbox of the restaurant.

I turned round to see the three drunken idiots trundle round the corner, completely out of breath.

“What took you so long’” I taunted, “did you have stop to play with your toys?”

Their anger energised them and they stumbled towards me, shouting and cursing.

I slipped back behind the plasterboard, pushed it with all my strength and then retreated towards the other door.

The tall sheet toppled forward faster and faster and crashed into the three oafs with a massive cloud of white plaster.

From the safety of the back entrance I watched as the cloud dissipated leaving three despondent looking boys completely coated in chalky powder.

I turned and continued my jog along the road back to the car.

“Where have you been,” asked Amarjit with concern in her voice, “we thought you’d got lost.”

I hugged her and give her a soft kiss, “I encountered an old acquaintance who needed to learn something. Let’s go, I’ll tell you in the car.”

There was much merriment as we drove back home.

*4 inch door

To Be Continued

End of Vol. 5.06

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to see this story continued!


This one of the things I love

This one of the things I love about this website, you will always be surprised by a new chapter or even a new story by great authors. Very happy to see this once more.


to see another chapter of this great story.

It took a while

Podracer's picture

But we finally made it through the wibbly wobbly chapter order. Thank you Alys for opening the door to this.
It's good for Celyn to have this victory, though I was worried that she was playing a bit reckless there.

"Reach for the sun."