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Chapter 28 of
The Station's Late Nite Princess |
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chapter 28
Here it is; chapter 28. One more left. Its coming down to the wire now. Please enjoy.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Enjoyment... a certainty. As is, unfortunately, anticipatory withdrawal. ^^;
Still, I'm looking forward to what you create next! ^___^
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
Great story and getting
Great story and getting better
I loved everything about this chapter. The author is awesome, many thanks to her for letting us enjoy her work. Tears were shed all through this story, such a wonderful feeling to be loved so much.
- Formerly Turnabout Girl
Snowfall, is BACK on Track
This is the Late Nite Station Princess Snowfall started with. And it feels great. I'm not knocking the rough parts per sey. They had to be there to give the story line and characters emotions and feelings. The insertion could have been handled differently.
That said, Snowfall is a Master Word Smith and does the tale with tasteful handling of the actors.
Enjoy life, it's too short to take seriously
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Justice and sweetness
Can't ask for much more. Sad to hear that the tale is coming to an end though.
Finishing ?
Snowfall ,you are so cruel----but wonderful ! Thank you so much .
Penultimate chapter?
Say it isn't so. What will we do on Friday nights after next week!
Serious question right here.
Serious question right here.
Reread it from the start
Reread it from the start while we patiently await her next amazing story? ;)
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Probably. Not like there's anything better to do with Odyssey having finished as well.
Of course, there's always Daisy Peterson if we need entertainment...
I'm going to have serious withdrawals
when this story is over. It's one that I could read forever and ever. I guess I will have to start over at the beginning and read it two or three more times. Thanks Snowfall for all your hard work and a wonderful story.
Snowfall, you continue to
Snowfall, you continue to make Friday nights special with this truly amazing story!
Thank You
One more
I'm going to be sorry to see this story end, but no good thing lasts forever. Great job as always, Snowfall!
just absolutely
Just absolutely spectacular chapter this week, I am sorry to see it so close to the end. I hope that either Road Phantoms or some other story will come along to make Friday nights fun. Lady Snowfall you are an amazing writer please keep it up.
opinor ergo sum
Charlotte Van Goethem
I Loved What They Did..
for little Jenny . It's a sad situation when you know that the ending is not going to be a happy one for children like her , but it's great that they could all bring a smile to their faces. I think it was a brilliant move on Dawn's part to play matchmaker with Connie and her dad. I also think that Casey won't survive long in prison with his attitude and the inmates knowing what he did to Dawn . Prison justice is never pleasant especially in a maximum security lockup where inmates are already on death row or doing life in prison without parole . One more murder on their rap sheet really won't make much difference to a lot of them . I love this story and it's a little sad to know it's just about finished .
People once lived by a code........
Many know this code as the code of chivalry, but more correctly it could be called noblesse oblige.
Noblesse oblige demanded that those of noble birth act in a manner which demonstrated a specific social attitude toward others. They were required to act honorably and generously toward those of lesser standing.
I learned this from my family as duty and honor. Duty toward my country, duty toward my friends and family, duty toward those in need. Honor demands that I fulfill these duties.
Dawn truly demonstrates that noblesse oblige is not dead.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Looks like the real Angela is
Looks like the real Angela is back and once more a true friend to Dawn and the rest of the crew. Also looks like they all may have found a new calling in doing their play acting and singing together. Glad Casey finally got the "full meal deal". He might last long enough to maybe do 5-10 years before he truly pisses off someone that he should not.
El Ragna
you owe me a box of Kleenex
this chapter was a tearjerker, in the best possible way!
Yet another
It seems that everything I read is going to have a cute child in it. Ones that have been tested and found to have a good heart.
Funny, I couldn't remember who Charlie was at first. I was like "Who is this and how did he slip in?"
I'd say that seeing a therapist has helped Marty lay some old ghosts to rest, or at least remember the good times. I honestly didn't see the Marty/Connie thing coming. None so blind, and all that. And stuff.
I'm certainly going to miss this story when you wrap it up. The people in it have become real to me, and nobody wants to say good-bye to a friend.
Embryo? Some of these anime characters end up with really strange names. I know they are translations of a character's name, but still . . . .
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Fantastic chapter
Great chapter, Snowfall! While I'm sorry to see it winding down, I can't help but think that there is another sturdy waiting to be told.
Standing by.
Starting and ending the chapter with Tear Jerker Moments... shoulda had some Kleenex's close.
Courtroom drama
Casey Daniels finally gets what he deserves... a lawyer called Skip Bales
and locked away in an institution where he will have no choice but to listen to the lovely Lux. Hmmm, dream sweet? perhaps not.
jokes, gags and 'night of the never-ending one-liners'
I waited until someone mentioned it. Now I'll tell a quick story.
As most know, I used to spend alot of time in SecondLife. Well one of the members of the clan I was in had deadpan humor down cold. One night I ended up staying up all night with her. We started about 10p.m. Central time trading one-liners and the longer we did it, the worse we became. Our Queen would wander by every so often and be sickened by us and retreat to her building area to get away from us. Flash-forward four years and I read a story by a writer here and she had a gift for naming people. Because of her, I have to be VERY careful not to let what's left of my mind wander when I name people, places and things. Otherwise, I might do what she did. Well during the writing I slipped up and by the time I realized it I couldn't stop laughing. The ultimate name for a criminal defense lawyer: Skip Bales.
I've said before and I'll say it again. "If it makes me laugh, I'll keep it. If it makes me cry, there's no way I'm taking it out."
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
You know what's bad? I didn't
You know what's bad? I didn't even think of that! I read it and immediately thought "Skip Bayless" the less talented of the Bayless brothers, known for being idiotic on camera talking sports with people who have a far better knowledge of sports than he ever will.
But now I can't stop laughing- thanks again Snowfall! For that I am going to have to tell my characters to avoid your book(not really, they would be anything from their favorite author :D)
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
The world turns
This is the type of story that could go on for ever, and I would never tire of reading it......Sadly the world keeps turning..The old ends and the new begins.. It will be sad to say goodbye to Dawn/Lux, but I look forward to seeing who will next tempt our senses..... Thank you so much for your storytelling skills...(PS. If you think of a sequel, we would always have a place for Dawn,)
Cracking story I got a
Cracking story I got a feeling Casey 65 years is not the last we see of him he wont stop until dead. more please
After 28 chapters of reading this wonderful, exciting, horrifying, sad, devastating, enlightening, wonderful, (did I say wonderful?) story and to hear it may be coming to a close, I am having a severe feeling of bereftness. Will no longer have anything to look forward to on Friday nights or Saturday morning/evening (whenever I get the chance to read the next chapter). It's not very often that I can find a story that grips me like this has. I prefer to read escapist type stories like sci-fi, fantasy, magic where things can become real in various ways. Real world type stories aren't my forte because I've seen enough of that through my life to choke a horse. I started reading this after the 5th chapter and had to start at the beginning. You hooked me with this wonderful (there's that word again) drama that seems so real, I would swear it was happening right in front of me, not on e-paper, you might say. I don't know what you're going to do to top this, but I have the feeling that you'll come up with something. Thank you for your hard work. It's the highlight of my week whenever I can read something new from you. You also have some other people that seem to be neglected as of late, but I can understand why they've been silent. They must be as fascinated with this tale as the rest of us. But they may be demanding some spotlight themselves soon. I just hope this won't be the total end of Dawn/Lux's story. Keep up the good work.
Sad but sweet
I'm glad that Dawn is able to bring a little happiness to this girl.
Gillian Cairns
...have so much to look forward to; when they get sick it's ... too much.
I never really believed in a "just and loving" God - when i see a twelve-year-old in the final stages of cancer, i wish i did, so i could tell Him/Her/It what i think of their plan for the world.
I will miss Friday night reads
Snowfall, this has been a great read. I've enjoyed every minute reading and rereading this story. It's right up there with (sorry) Severance Pay and The Ballet Game as my all-time faves.
Your plan of having a new episode every Friday is ambitious and the incredible thing is that you have nearly nailed that 100%. You deserve loads and loads of kudos.
TSLNP has an excellent cast of characters that we all love (or hate) and the plotline was along the lines of believable. I, and probably 100s of other BCTS readers wish they had Marty Crockett for a Dad and had friends like Charlie and Angela. Please keep up this Top Shelf work. So far I've read and reread both of the first 2 postings on the trucking story and it too looks to be very entertaining. Please keep up the excellent work.
>>> Kay
nooooooo it can't be true
nooooooo it can't be true there's only one more chapter.
For one that would end it on an odd chapter, plus we still need to find out what happens in her college years, will she be working at another station during them, will she work in Hollywood, what about her trip to Japan, surely there's other reasons I haven't thought up yet. please please please please, say there will be a book two or three or, ok maybe I'm pushing it a little, but I enjoy the story can you blame me.
We Had Thor And Loki
They came to the cancer ward of our local children's' hospital while they were making the next episode in the Marvel series. They came in costume and the kids loved it. It was shown on our local TV station and you could see the joy and excitement. Tom Hiddleston (Loki) said he relished the opportunity to show them that Loki wasn't all bad! Visits like that do so much to cheer them up.
As does your wonderful story. Tears, both happy and sad, thrills, drama, the occasional laugh and consistently good writing. Thankyou Snowfall.
Late Nite Princess
When are you going to give us Ch. 29 so suffering over it done?
What a moron
Casey Daniels must be dumber that a dump truck full of rocks. Going after Dawn there in the court room, in front of witnesses, with a still smoldering Marty with her. Gads, stupid must be spelled Daniels.
It as good that so many have wished her well, shown her how much she has done for others just by being herself. Even to the point of not trying to hide the terrible bruising on her face.
The real surprise are the plans that have been made for her attending college. Without her being consulted. Imagine a boss giving an option to quit or be fired to make sure the person attends college. And said boss is using his contacts to help. It's quite possible said boss might even kick in an anonymous monetary donation, as well as others.
Marty and Connie, good match. Will it become serious?
Others have feelings too.