I was talking with a couple from the church yesterday, and realized I was flirting with him. "So, no spanking for what I have done?", I said.
His wife and I are good friends. No one seemed offended. Yet, I was strongly feeling the need to be punished, even spanked. When I understood what I had been doing, wow, how can so much hot blood get into my face ???
From now on I will BE a Nun around him.
I don't believe you are a
I don't believe you are a flirt, I believe you are so comfortable with your friends that you took part in some playful teasing. I don't see it as different than making off color jokes and innuendos. If she was offended she would have said something, but if it gives you peace of mind a simple "sorry for the rude joke" or something along those lines will mend fences. But it could just as easily be something she laughs about with you later on.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Gwen, what would your
Gwen, what would your reaction be if he agreed, and asked "Your place our ours?"
It's okay for us adults to act like that.
Oh Gwen...
Flirting is a sign of life!!! Enjoy and partake!!! And nuns are no fun at all!!! :D
Just Another Flirt...
Kelly the Flirt