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Chapter 24 of
The Station's Late Nite Princess |
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Best Chapter Yet
Yeah, a really terrific chapter. I am already setting my alarm for next Friday night. Can't wait
- Formerly Turnabout Girl
The Big Reveal
Well, that went by at warp two! Dawn is cool under fire, she has far more poise and selfcontrol than I've ever had. She also has one hell of a support team. Money can't buy those kind of people.
I have a feeling school the next day is going to be "interesting". As in "May you live in interesting times".
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I love this story!
I very much like the way that Dawn does what she needs to do and doesn't back down. Marty is a GREAT dad, the world would be a better place if there were a lot more like him around.
Dance the dream you're in
I have loved all the chapters but this one is Gold. Top work Snowfall your writing.
That was one of, if not the best chapter that Ms Snowfall has EVER produced and the bit with Twisted Sister made my day, the fact that Mr Nelson is now lower than pond scum just topped it
Small request- Is it possible to maybe link up with Bailey Summers' Jem
Yet again
an absolutely fantastic chapter Lady Snowfall. I just love the way Dawn and Ryan set up Lucas for game set and match in the outing of Dawn and took all his thunder and lightning. Now that he (Lucas) is mostly in her rear view mirror, hopefully our Miss Dawn can get about dealing with the few idiots at school that seem to be very narrow minded and overly sheepish in their following.
opinor ergo sum
Charlotte Van Goethem
new chapter
It was very hard to read this chapter while standing on my chair and cheering for dawn. Keep up the good work, I love this story
Not Over Yet
I'm sure the scumbags Lucas and Shaw will try something more....and then there's school!
Damn! I'll be sorry when this story is finished.
Very nice!
Nelson's done at this point - his campaign against Dawn may still have some impact on how school goes for Dawn for the next week or so, but hopefully people are revolted enough by Nelson to ignore it. She may want Ren to stay close, nonetheless.
Hearing nothing whatsoever from the New Salvation Church Congregation folks is also concerning. Shaw is going to make one more swing at KVTX; only questions are when and how. Nonetheless, his big source of free publicity is gone.
Dawn continues to handle all of this very well, thanks in part to quick reactions by Pat & Marty. She's never going to take it; never again, if she has anything to say about it.
Re: "Very Nice" & "Nope, I didn't like this"
The obvious next step for the New Salvation Church would be a complaint against the station for on air profanity by an underaged and unsupervised minor.
On-air Profanity
Firstly, the FCC is much more lenient about profanity during the late night hours. Secondly, I suspect that there are security cameras inside KVTX at this point that would show that Dawn isn't alone in the station and is supervised. That's Lyle's job, after all (not really, but...). I doubt that they'd have much to worry about.
Shaw'll need to be a wee bit more creative than that. I suspect he will be, though.
Seeing PRICKS in capital letters did bring George Carlin's "Seven Words You Can't Say on Television" to mind: "You can prick your finger, but..."
Nope, I didn't like this
Nope, I didn't like this chapter at all; I simply LOVED it, and truly laughed at the "trials and tribulations" that fell on top of Lucas Nelson and will continue to fall on him. Well deserved and especially for a most deserving, (as stated by Dawn -- "PRICK").
Now why do I believe the next downfall is going to be the other big PRICK, the so-called pastor?
Snowfall, I raise my glass to your most wonderful story, but especially for this chapter of it. :-)
Fights like a girl ,
'that is what Dawn does ,no wonder her Dad is so proud of her .Thanks again for another absorbing chapter ,quite brilliant.
It's hard to believe but
It's hard to believe but each episode is better than the last.
I'm not only enjoying this immensely, I'm impressed beyond words with the layout of the plot and side issues that crwate added issues.
Thank you so much for your story.
Ouch that's going to leave a mark!
I was doing fine, reading while eating a snack, when suddenly I had this uncontrollable urge to spray my desk with the chips, I previously had been trying to eat. Thanks a lot... lol =]
I loved it omg that was one of the best setups I've ever seen or read about, that was one of the best!! Outstanding Snowfall you have us, hook line and sinker!
I can't wait for next Friday now =]
Way to go Lux!
I love this story! Often wished I'd transitioned but in my area and time being transgender wasn't even a blip on the radar, Now it's too late but I've made my own peace. My fem side lives through good stories. GO LUX!
Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!
Jennifer Sue
Wonderful chapter!!!!!!
Wonderful chapter!!!!!!
Another one for Lux's set!
Bon Jovi's It's My Life
Loving this story! Thank you so much! :-D
"It's My Life" Is...
my personal anthem . I wholeheartedly agree with you that it would be a perfect song for Dawn to play besides the wonderful song by Twisted Sister.
"It's My Life" Is...
my personal anthem . I wholeheartedly agree with you that it would be a perfect song for Dawn to play besides the wonderful song by Twisted Sister.
"THAT's my GIRL."
Great Chapter
I really enjoyed this chapter Alecia! Sadly I sense an ending in our future... I look forward to what remains though!
Needed something to cheer me up.
With the way things are right now, we could use some wins.
You have me smiling and crying at the same time.......
This was a really good chapter Hon, and I know that there's plenty of people like me out there that can only wish that they had family and friends who are as supportive as Dawn's.
Now the only problem is that I have to wait another week for more story!
Still loving it Hon!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
There Is A Reason It's Called Stinking Thinking
Lucas Nelson isn't done with Dawn.
Underlying all of Lucas Nelson's abusive, manipulative, egotistical and physically violent behaviors is drug addiction. The irrational, illogical 'thought patterns' of drug and alcohol abusers is called stinking thinking for a reason- they are destructive and dangerous.
Lucas has not only been humiliated he is destroyed personally and professionally, his ego can't handle the revulsion and ridicule people are showing him, so he wants revenge against Dawn. In his rage he won't care about the consequences to himself because he believes he has nothing left to lose. Unless the search of his house turned up the blackmail evidence he has against the crooked cop, he may still have leverage to get the cop to help him in whatever scheme he comes up with.
Dawn is very much at risk from this a**hole as are Marty, Marty's parents and everyone that Dawn cares about, At the very least there should be private investigators or district attorney's office investigators covering Dawn and Marty until Nelson or his crooked cop make their next move.
simply fantastic
I really cannot get enough of this wonderful story and the fantastic Characters that Snowfall brings to life.
I must say 1 idiot down for the count and I guess looking forwards to being some ones wife in prison.
I have a feeling that there's going to be few probs at school but not many as Dawn is already out there?
I suspect it will be more people trying to claim friendship all of a sudden?
as regarding her statements on the air I would very much doubt that it classed as profanity? as no swear words were actually used?
I do have a feeling that Shaw is going to try something more but with the church doors locked and under investigation,
And making the statement that he going to try anything poss to take the station he going to be very careful?
really cannot wait to see what next week brings .
My dear you get better and
My dear you get better and better love this part daddy good old daddy punched him out EXCELLENT.You are a excellent writer more more more pretty please.I look forward to each part each week.It can be hard being full time you soon learn who your friends who are not and a lest one family member gets funny about.But as you Americans say you just got to keep on pitching.Take care keep up the great work.
Back on Track
This chapter nailed it again. You're back with the emotions and feelings of who and what Dawn is and where she is going. Not because the previous two chapters weren't good, but they had the wrong feeling to them. As the director-author of this story your mind seemed to be elsewhere. Christmas, home, vacation? Dawn has always been your main actress with grit and self worth. Now you have her bringing it out to the world in a big way and as a rebuke to those who they can make her cower and run and hide.
Well done.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
'nuff said.
The other comments say it all!
In the time it took me to read this instalment the Kudos count jumped to 477, then, while I read the comments it hit 480. As a cis reader I can attest that you do NOT have to be transsexual to enjoy good writing which involves TG subjects. Good writing is just that, GOOD, and you, Snowfall have the ability, in NO TRUMPS, not just spades!
Love and thanks
573 Kudoes and more to come!
I have to admit, I'd NEVER expected to see this kind of response to a story and yet, here it is!
Snowfall has proven herself to be a superb author and has written a gripping tale of a Transsexual girl coming out, bothto herself and anyone else who happens to have anything to do with her!
Snow has done this with style, aplomb and humor, mixed with real-life situations that can and do happen to others. Her characters, her plotting, her style have all presented a GREAT story that has gripped the internet community like never before.
I hope that, once she finishes this tale she will consent to publishing it in dead tree format. I have the feeling that it would set a new, much higher bar for TG fiction that few, if any, could match. This is truly high caliber writing.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Is this what it's like, Snowfall?
To pen a classic, I mean? Does the realisation come late that you have made something special?
It's great for us readers, when you keep up the plot with characters that we have come to know, and love or despise.
Good stuff, as they say.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Great story
This is turning into one of the best stories I have read. Thank you Snowfall, you keep me on the edge of my seat in every chapter.
Lucas Nelson is toast.
He gets out on bail and immediately goes on the offensive. He's going to be arrested again soon, and he won't get bail this time. The judge is going to rule that he's too dangerous to be let out.
Of course, the fact that law enforcement has no reason to love him is going to make getting out even harder.
Pants around his ankle
Oh my did Nelson get caught with his pants down. He doesn't even know when to quit while he's ahead, though it's so far up his arse that he can see what he's eating.
Nelson is toast, done, finished, and should take his old boss's advice and find a hole. If he can get a job as a street sweeper he'll be lucky.
One toad down, one toad to go. Wonder what the last toad will try? Wonder if there more illiterates in school? Wonder who from school will go after Dawn now they know who she is and where she works?
Others have feelings too.
That's Our Girl!
What an emotional rollercoaster! Loving Hugs Talia