Well, I found a new trigger for my PTSD. See, for the last while I have been reading "The Dark Tower" by Steven King, and partway through the second book, I started getting shaky. But I didn't connect it to what I was reading, because it didn't contain my usual triggers.
But partway through the third book, I finally realized why I was so triggered - three of the characters suffer from a split in the mind. The first one is literally a split personality, with the two halves unaware of each other, and the other two have been caught in a kind of time paradox, and cannot reconcile two different memories of events.
Once I realized I was being triggered, I had a choice to make, and I chose to keep reading, hoping for things to improve, and that's what has happened - the lady with the split personality has been made whole, and there is (at the point I am at in the story) now hope for the other two characters as well.
I'm glad my choice worked out, but I am going to have to watch out for this kind of thing in future stories I read ...
I'm glad it worked out for
I'm glad it worked out for you. If only there were some way to stop a PTSD trigger. If only one could stop it in time.
-- Daphne Xu
If only this were true. PTSD is an insidious disease, and as a sufferer, I am never quite sure just what will trigger a flashback. Sometimes it can be a sound, or a voice, or an unfamiliar setting. Sometimes, it's just the time of day (I DO NOT go out after dark...) I have learned to cope, and the fine art of passive avoidance, yet I can't really help but wonder just what I sometimes miss out upon... Dorothy, you know you ALWAYS have my support.
*Kisses Always*
Haylee V