Hey Everyone!
This is just a note to let you know that we are getting ready to release some new features and upgrades to BigCloset. Some of these upgrades have been attempted in the past and broke a lot of our custom changes to the front page.
So it is entirely possible they will break again, but I promise you I will be working just as fast as possible to get everything working again.
Unfortunately while I've tried to put off these upgrades because of the havoc they may cause, they have recently become urgent.
So please, if you see the site down, or something out of whack feel free to let us know, but know that we are working on things actively.
Also, during the possible downtime I will be doing "fun" upgrades to our Percona database cluster and adding a new server to the cluster. This shouldn't take TOO much downtime as I'm getting much faster at this stuff, but it might take a few minutes.
And a last note, we are also working on some NEW NEW upgrades to BigCloset that everyone might start seeing real soon. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas/Holiday Season.
Love & Hugs
-Piper, Cat, Erin, and the BigCloset Quartet!
Piper has been putting in a lot of overtime on these upgrades lately, along with everything else she does for BC, HB, TBFS, QnEZ and Doppler. Unfortunately, we don't have a budget for paying overtime. See the Hatbox thread below if you want to help out.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.