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The Grand Opening Of The Magic Bean Coffee House And Curios Shoppe
Warm Hearted
My name is David Knight. Like many of you I have been reading Online TG Fiction for years, I guess since the mid 90's. I was real happy to find TG Fiction online because of me being a Psycho Therapist, I knew my curiosity about TG was not twisted or rare. But I never discussed my enjoyment of TG fiction with others since I live in NC, yes the home of HB2.
But over the years I have noticed a shift it what people like in fictional TG. Change is the only constant I can think of. I would never say change is wrong or bad it is just change. I could never condemn someone else's fantasy, it is theirs just as mine are mine. My tastes in TG fiction lean to complete transformations either magical or sci-fi and are heterosexually sentimental.
I do miss the large number of stories that use to be contributed that aligned to my tastes. Like the hundreds of Magic-R- Us, MAU, Altered Fates, and Reality Ring stories and others of that ilk. So to me it seems the number of these types of stories shrink each year as tastes change. But there are still many new submissions I like greatly love.
But after years of reading TG, due to some unusual twists of fate that changed my therapy practice, I'm often involved in cases that could make interesting TG stories. So after much internal debate, I finally built up enough courage to post some of these stories.
As an explanation of why I have more time and the cases, that might hopefully make enjoyable fictional TG stories, let me give you just a brief description on my self. Along with the account of the events that changed my Psycho Therapy practice.
I was born in the 1950's and I discovered early on that I had two personality defining traits. The first was a gift to see when someone is hurting emotionally and secondly a fervent desire to fix it and make them better.
These traits is what led me to be a Psycho Therapist and I'm not boasting when say I'm a very good one. My success ratio was near double that of most my peers. But these traits also led me into a very bad first marriage. My ex-wife used my traits as tools to cause me to feel guilty all the time about the amount of time I worked.
My Ex would often complain about my 12+ hour days, but try as I could, I wasn't able to cut the amount of time I felt was needed to help my patients. She soon learned to use my guilt to keep me quite, as she wasted most of our resources on herself. She finally left me for the man that she had been sleeping with for 12 of the 20 years we were together.
Even knowing how she was so unfaithful and selfish, I still was empathic to her needs in leaving. I then made a decision. that my love of helping people would always cause me to be unfair to any woman in a committed relationship with so I decided to remain single.
But I did still date, and I had many female friends even some that enjoyed friend sex with me. But they, as much as I, had no desire for a committed relationship. So my life during that time was very enjoyable. I had a job that I loved and I had friends that were interesting and fun, so my life was great.
But then something happened that changed me forever by opening new doors for me to help people in very special ways and these special case will be the source material for my stories. But I have removed anything that would break confidentiality HIPAA laws, unless I had their permission to use it. So these were the course of events that allowed me to open the Magic Bean Coffee House and Curios Shoppe.
**** The Grand Opening Of The Magic Bean Coffee House & Curios Shoppe****
The Mental Health Clinic that I worked for was more like a family than a clinic. I helped start the clinic 34 years ago with Dr. Amit Patel a Psychiatrist and owner. It was a very sad day for all of us when he died. His kids inherited the clinic and they sold it to a large corporation then the changes started. The worst of which was my long time friend now deceased and owner of the clinic was replaced with Brad Snipes.
Brad was a twenty-seven year old who held a Masters degree from Harvard in Medical Office Administration. He had no training in Mental Health but in two years he rose quickly climbing over the bodies of his coworkers. So Brad was transferred in from out of state to run this office as another rung in his ladder to success.
Brad was actually revolted by our patience and always isolated himself from them and he thought older employees were a waste. He felt 60+ employees like me could keep up with the fast multitasking pace he required from his staff. So he started looking for different policy infractions, no matter how slight, that he could use to stealthily weed us out. So one day Brad called me and asked me to come to his office.
In his office made me wait till he was through texting someone smiling while doing it. Then he looked up at me and put on a very stern face and said,
"David it has come to my attention that you have been giving some of your Patients money."
A bit surprised I answered, " From time to time I have given some of my patients bus fare when it was raining, but nothing more."
"David you know this is a direct violation of company policy and I am sorry to say this. But I will have to ask for your resignation. If you refuse I will terminate you but I want to be fair. So considering you length of tenure here I am generously giving you the opportunity of resigning.
If you chose to resign, you must sign a waiver to any right of litigation. But a resignation at your age and length of service would be considered an amiable resignation by our policies. Insuring you getting paid for your unused accrued vacation time and keeping all the unvested matching IRA contributions the company has been making to your account. But the choice is yours."
I fought back tears thinking of leaving all my patients and my coworker family and said, " I guess I will resign."
The smooth young man said, "Wise choice, I will send in someone from HR to get you to sign the paper work and I will get you records. Then have a check cut for your untaken vacation time. Oh yes your not allowed back into your office, I will have security pack up your personal belongings and wipe your laptop then they will UPS them to you."
Then he left me alone in his office and I thought, " What can I do? I'm 63 and jobless, I could put out resumes but I'm 63. I don't have a chance of another job, most of the Mental Health Clinics have been bought out by big corporations. This one was one of the last of the independents.
I guess moneywise I am ok I have a very good IRA and I could do some private pay work out of my home till my Social Security starts. But I am having to leave all my patients and most of them will not do well with the change. I can not even call them because of HIPAA laws. They could put me in jail if I contacted them and this corporation would not hesitate to do that.
then Sally the director of HR came in she had been with the clinic almost as long as me.
Sally slammed a folder of papers on the desk and said,
"They're a bunch of assholes, doing this over Damn bus fare. This young corporate bean counter knows if you resign and sing this waiver you can not sue them for Age Discrimination. He is going to learn real quick how much he needs us old farts the next DMA audit we have."
I answered, "Sally calm down you need your job and I have learned getting upset never solves anything and for me I will be ok, I'm just worried about my people."
Then I just started signing my resonation papers with Sally witnessing them in silence till I finished. Sally and I just talked about the old times and the funny things that happened over the years. Then after almost two hours the new Clinical Director finally returned to the office, with a very troubled look on his face. He took his seat with my file in front of him and a check paper clipped face down to the outside of my work folder.
He ignored me and said to Sally, " I'm sorry I took so long, I had to call the corporate legal department and accounting. Has David signed the paper work for his resonation yet?"
With daggers in her eyes Sally said "Yes, and I witnessed them."
Then the young man authoritatively said, "Well you will need to shred them because I am just going to terminate David."
Sally unsure why the Director actting so nervous but was very pleased at his distress. She then said,
I'm sorry I can't do that because legally he is legally resigned, documented, signed , and witnessed. For me to destroy them now would break the state labor laws and company policy. Are you telling me to do that?"
The young man verbally stumbled at Sally push back and said, " No of course not Sally, I just misspoke."
The turning his attention to David he asked, " David did you sign any of the revised employment contracts while you worked here?"
I thought and said, "No. Why?"
The Director said " It seems that that original contract had some antiquated provisions in it. It seems that it states that your vacations did not have to be taken in one year or you lose them. But their cumulative as long as you're with the company, if you had work here twenty years or longer. The clause also states at the time of your resignation you will be paid for all time you have accrued at your present rate of pay. David is it true you have not taken a vacation in 34 years?"
I said, "I never needed one and all I would do if I was gone would be worry that one of my people needed me."
Sally snatching the check off of my folder said, " this must be David's money for his past vacations he didn't take and after working here five years the old contract gave us 4 weeks a year. So after all the taxes and payroll deductions, David your vacation pay comes to One Hundred Eighty Seven Thousand Four Thirty Six Dollars and Seventy one cents."
Sally handed the check to me and then she said with a professional air, " David I truly hate to see you go but you understand the rules must be followed even when it will cost the corporation such a large amount of money.
I'm sure the corp. office is proud to have such a principled Clinical Director willing to follow the rules so strictly no matter what the cost. So I will make sure Mr. Snipes, you get all the credit. I will be sure to document all of circumstances connected with Mr. Knights forced resonation in his exit interview to corporate and I will escort Mr. Knight out in accordance to policy ."
I shook the Directors' limp hand then left his office with Sally at my side. When we were alone walking to the front door Sally said,
"That kid is going to learn Karma is a bitch. Along with him getting in hot water over costing the corporation major money over a minor infraction he is going to see profits here fall a lot.
The people here think a lot of you and once this gets out and it will. I am sure I will have my hands full interviewing new people to replace them. Hell if I was not so close to retirement I would start sending out resumes myself."
When we got to the door Sally hugged me and said, "Please stay in touch I will miss you."
Then I went to the bank and deposited the check. In the shopping center my bank was in there was a Best Buy so I decided to buy a new laptop. Mine was old and would be totally wiped by security because of the work files I had on it. So I went in Best But and bought a new one.
I then I thought I would go to my favorite Coffee House and set my new laptop. I really didn't want to be at home right now because I knew my home phone was ringing like crazy with my former co-workers calling to find out what happened.
I sat in the almost empty family own coffee house and ordered an Americano, a club sandwich, and a cup of wild rice soup. I ate while I got my new laptop mostly set up and I decided to read some TG stories.
I could not find a new one that interested me that I had not already read since I just visited the site Sunday. It was only Tuesday and most contributors wait to the weekend to post, so I reread one of my all time favorites, "The Mystery Plunge" by Julia Manchester.
After finishing eating and reading I slid my new laptop into its new shoulder case and cleared my table. Biding farewell to the owner and staff I left to walk to my car. The Coffee House was on a street in the art district of Charlotte so I parked on the street a few doors down.
Walking to my car I thought, " I always wanted to have a Coffee House because Baristas like bar tenders get to do a lot of therapy without being in an office. Maybe I will just do that open my own Coffee House."
As I was walking down the dark street to my car someone from the shadows said, " Hello David."
I turned and saw a very handsome well dressed younger man leaning against the building.
He wasn't just well dressed but he looked like he just stepped out of an issue of GQ magazine. I looked at him and I did not remember seeing him ever before and to my surprise my gift was not working on him. I could not get a feeling of what he wanted or needed.
I was a little shaken but I responded to him, "Hello and I am sorry I don't seem to recognize you. Normally I am good with remembering people I have met."
He smiled with a bright infectious smile making more at ease at talking to a stranger on a dark street and said,
"That is because we have never formally met but my organization has been watching you for sometime."
I asked a little shaken by the idea that I was being watched,
"What organization is watching me and why would they have interest in me?"
The strange man continued to smile and explained,
"We're not the NSA, FBI, or CIA and "organization" is really not a good description. We are really a race of magical beings."
I interjected, "Like Wizard or Fairies?"
The young man laughed at that and said,
"No but there are Wizards, Fairies, and other magical beings the Mortals don't know about. But my race is even unknown to the other Magical beings that inhabit Earth. But my race has made itself known to Mortals from time to time."
The Polytheistic cultures called us gods and we are known to the Monotheistic cultures as Angels, Jens, and by many other names. My race has a special affinity for Mortals because of your potential. We feel with a little help here and there your race could evolve into one very much like ours. We find the idea of another race like us very exciting for many reasons.
But to get to the point of why we have been watching you and why I am here, you seem unique for a Mortal. So I am here to talk with you personally and see if we might be able to help you. So what can I do to help you."
I without hesitation said,
"I am a bit overwhelmed at what you just said and I should think that your suffering from some mental disorder. But I don't, for some reason and I believe you completely. So I thank you for your very kind offer of help but I am good. No insult intended but I am really OK and there are many more that need help much more than I do."
The young man looked very closely at David and responded,
"I see that your being completely sincere. So what if I punish your boss for unfairly taking away your job you loved so much?"
I looked at the young man sternly and said,
" Why would I want you to do that. I really feel sorry for him because he is wasting his life trying to achieve success without any thought of others. If he doesn't change he will end up very miserable and die feeling like a failure. I have no anger towards him just pity."
The young man said,
"I see, so how about world peace? Would you like me to cause world peace, I can and I might do it if you ask."
I just laughed and said,
" World peace could only happen if all life on Earth was destroyed. Every living thing struggles for dominance. Even in my flower bed, if I let the weeds go they will choke out my flowers. So the only peaceful world possible is a dead world."
The young man praised David and said,
"Your understanding of how the world works is amazing. So why don't you ask me to make you the most popular motivational speaker in the world and you could share your wisdom with billions."
I looked at the young man and shook my head,
"I was thinking you were smarter than that, you know that was a cheap shot trying to play on my pride. But I believe you are a magical being of great power so why would you even suggest....hey wait a minute. Your testing me!
You never committed to doing any of those things you just ask if I would like it if you did. So why would you want to test me and for that matter why did you even contact me?
I think you had enough fun at my expense, so unless you have something important to say, I think I'll say good night and go home."
The young man said,
"David please forgive me but we had to be sure about you and yes the last offer was a cheap shot. But you would be amazed at the number of times a cheap shot will work when reasonable ones will fail in revealing a Mortal's true nature."
Now all my deceptive testing is over and I am going to get to the real reason I am here. We are giving you the abilities and resources to help others more than you ever thought possible. We both know we can only truly help one person at a time. But my race knows when one person is truly helped it profits all of Mankind.
Like ripples in a pond and that one person that is truly helped sets in motion forces like the cliché about the butterfly effect. Over many millennia my race have found only a handful of mortals that we could trust with this kind of power and David we trust you."
I pointedly said,
"Look I told you I don't want your gifts so stop offering. Good Bye!"
I started to turn and leave but I found I couldn't move and the young man said,
"David you really don't have a choice, it's like when they use to draft men into the Army.
You're getting the power and we know you being who you are you will not misuse it and you will do what you love best, helping others. So we know mankind needs you and your the one chosen."
The next thing I knew I was waking up in my bed the next day in my bed with the sense I was not the same. I knew that I now had great magical powers and I could do amazing things. I laid there and took inventory going through the powers I now possessed. I knew I could change reality, I had the power to transform anything living or inanimate.
I had the talent, to ride along in someone's head and feel and know what they did without them knowing I was there. This talent was not given to me to be the ultimate voyeur but to make sure the changes I made were having the proper effect. I knew I had other powers too not the lest of which was ,I could see anyone's past or future. I could not only see it but I have the ability to adjust their past to change their future but I couldn't tamper with their freewill.
The strange young man made me the ultimate Psycho Therapist and I was excited to get started helping people. But I needed a place to operate from and I had no interest in wearing a bath robe and having a shop that keeps magically moving. I wanted a stationary location and I would just bring my clients to me.
I did want a sterile office and I have always wanted a coffee house of my own so I decided to do my work from a coffee house. So I went on line and see what kind of money I had to open one.
I saw that my large vacation pay check had cleared and I had my IRA but I really needed more to do what I wanted to do. So I used my powers for the first time. I looked again at my balance and last year's lottery winnings was all there. So now I had well over what I needed to open and run the kind of coffee house I wanted.
Then my arthritis in my hands started acting up and I thought,
" I could now make myself young again but I really like looking like the wise grandfatherly type. But I could look the same and give myself a body as healthy as a twenty-five year old."
So I did and thought,
"Hey nothing hurts anymore and I feel strong and full of energy. Not bad, not bad at all."
After riding around Charlotte for a couple of hours I found the perfect place it. It was on a older side street a couple blocks from a big shopping complex. It was mostly residential with older homes some in poor repair and very little foot traffic. My coffee house was going to be a destinations stop, so traffic was actually a hindrance.
I looked at an old boarded up house that the city had taken for taxes and soon would be demolished and I thought,
"This is perfect. I think along with normal coffee house items, I will carry some special jewelry, home décor, and a few other things. But what to call it? I think I like "The Magic Bean and Curio Shoppe".
I will have a good espresso machine, stone counters, light wood flooring with glass shelving.
I want a bright and cheerful look inside but like something from a Harry Potter on the outside made of old worn red brick. I want big diamond framed windows and a red awning with a sign over it. The perfect logo would be a coffee bean with stick arms and legs and a long gray beard. The coffee bean will be wearing a Wizards floppy pointed hat and holding a magic wand.
I then shut my eyes and changed a little of the past. When I opened them, my shop was there fully stocked ready to open and I had the key in my pocket. I walked in and it was perfect, so all I needed to do was hire the right Barista as my only employee.
I needed one employee to leave me free to help my clients and since they would more than likely suspect that something was funny about my coffee house. they would have to be someone I could fully trust and depend on. So I put a out magical call to any local emotionally injured people that might fit my requirements.
So as I was sipping an Americano a very large young man came into the shop and said,
" Hello sir I'm Eric Jones and I live close to here and I was wondering if I could apply for a job"
I looked at the tall heavy young man and read ten years of his past and was appalled at all the abuses that this really good young man had suffered. Thinking his past defiantly qualified him for the position. I then checked what his future without my help and I was in awe at what fate had in store for this Eric Jones.
I then said,
"Eric I see there is something very special in you but you're still in school and I'm sorry but I need someone full time during the day. But you need to try some of the Big Box stores like Best Buy and Target. They can work with you on your school hours restrictions. Eric if you will do that I PROMISE it will make a real positive change in your life."
Eric thanked me I knew he thought I was a kind old man but he still felt rejected and let down but he would do as I suggested. I watched Eric walk down the street towards the shopping center and I thought,
"Eric things will change for you very soon and you will have a very special future."
Then a very well dressed man who was older than me came in the shop looking ashamed and nervous at the same time. I greeted him,
"Hello, welcome to the Magic Bean."
He looked strangely at me and said, "Hello, I'm George Barnhill and I guess I'm here for some reason to apply for the position of Barista. But for the life of me I don't know why. I don't know anything about being a Barista and I'm seventy- six years old and a retired Banking CEO."
I said, "Sometimes fate takes a hand in things and we are led to do things that make no logical sense to us. So take a seat and let me get to know you."
George took a seat at the table and I sat across from him. Then I read his past and found out that he was a deeply closeted Transgendered man. There are a lot of individuals from his generation like that, because for most of his life being Transgendered was considered a serious mental illness.
Like so many of his generation he always felt guilty when he yearned to be in a woman's body. So George never shared his feelings with anyone and he never married. Most people thought he was just to consumed in business to make time for romance or a family. So he worked many 18 hour days and weekends and advanced in his banking career till he was on the top.
Yes George made it to the top but he did it honestly and did his best not to treat others disrespectfully. He was smart with money and had a reputation of being a trustworthy man of business and this helped him rise to the top. In essences in today's world George was a dinosaur. That is why he retired at 58, because how banking was changing.
So by the time he retired, our culture had evolved to be more accepting of Transgendered individuals but George was so programmed by then he could not change. The poor fellow will die in a few years having lived a completely miserable unfulfilled life. But when I looked at George's future with my help I saw that George could possibly love the new life I could give him as my Barista.
So I said, "George I see that you have been very unhappy but I can help you change all that if you will take the Barista job."
George was a little taken aback at me spotting his unhappiness but he said,
" What the hell if your willing to hire a seventy-six year old man to do a job he has no experience at and without even checking my references, I'll do it."
We shook hands on it and I said,
"You take tomorrow off to get use to the changes taking this job will cause and I will see you at 5:30am day after tomorrow."
Then I waved my hand and George disappeared.
****Case 001 Hot Coffey****
I woke up and the Sun was not up yet and I looked at the clock on the bed table and it was 6:14am. I knew it being late September we were still on Daylight Savings so the Sun would be up soon so I started to get out of bed. But when I flipped off the covers saw two small perky breasts and a young woman's body in the dim early morning light.
I thought, "This is one of those dreams I enjoy so much"
But it wasn't and I was naked as the day I was born and turned on the lamp. I rolled out of bed finding the floor was lower than I remembered and just stood there looking down at myself.
Then I went into the bathroom and turned on the light and looked in the mirror and saw the image that I recognized as me. But "me" was a small pretty woman with short dark brunette hair cut in what use to be called a pixie cut. I had perky breasts, a tiny waist, nice hips and legs. I knew this was normal and this was how I looked.
But I also knew yesterday I was George Barnhill a seventy-six year old man so what happened? Then I remembered the last thing that I did before I woke up to the new me.
I took a job as the Barista at the Magic Bean Coffee House and Curios Shoppe and shook the owners hand.
I looked at my body some more but, strangely it did not seem like something new it was just me. I thought I should be panicked thinking I was crazy or something but it all just seemed like it should be. Then I saw a birthday card on the vanity and I picked it up and read it.
"Happy Birthday Heather,
Today is your birthday now you just turned twenty-one and your name is now Heather Coffey. You are the only child of your former sister and bother-in law, Jake and Anne Coffey. As you remember Anne was your only sibling and their both dead now leaving Heather as George Barnhill's only heir.
Poor old Uncle George died a month ago leaving you everything. Since you just received your degree from Johnston and Wells as a Pastry Chef and Barista you are really under employed working for me but I will pay you well. Also lets say you will have other unique benefits. I have given you a birthday gift you will find in a small box on the dresser.
So enjoy your birthday off and I'm and I will see in the morning.
Looking forward to working with you,
David Knight"
I went to my dresser and saw a small box and opened it and it was a pair of coffee cup pierced earrings. I knew that my ears were pierced as well as my nose and navel. I liked the earrings they were a sweet gester from my new boss and I think I will love working there.
I realized then how great I felt, I mean really good all my aches and pains were gone and I had a ton of energy. Then the idea hit me that I should catch up on my yard work before starting work tomorrow. I always loved working in the yard so I never hired anyone to do it but over that last few months I was letting it go. Because my age was wearing on me.
But I am twenty-one again and I have all the energy in the world so I could not think of a better way to spend my new birthday. I went to my closet after checking the weather on my new glitter cased Iphone . Here in NC late September is usually as hot as August and 89 was the high for the day with no rain.
So I went to my closet and got out a pair of cut offs and when I came out I laughed, thinking,
"I am really out of the closet now."
Then I took out a string tank top tee, plain cotton panties and a light weight sports bra. I thought
"David must have gave me the know how to do the girl stuff without having to learn it. Hey I even know my sizes this makes it a lot easier, Thank you David"
All dressed and looking as hot as the weather was going to be I went out and jumped on my riding mower and started cutting grass. I noticed some of my male neighbors slowed down when they passed on their way to work. I smiled and thought,
"I wonder why they never did that when George cut the grass. Maybe the view is better?"
Then I giggled like a girl for the first time.
About 11am I was trying to use my pole saw to cut some of the lower limbs off the tree but I found my smaller size and lesser strength was causing me to struggle with it. Just then my neighbor's son Brent who was home on break before starting Grad School came by returning from his morning run.
He saw me struggling and he started walking up my drive to me. Brent was a good kid he often would volunteer to give me a hand with my yard work when he was home. So I figured he was going to offer to help me. But then it hit me I am not a decrypted old man any more now I was a hot girl.
Add to that he was not a kid he was actually my age or just a little older and his father use brag about his son's sexual escapades. So Brent coming up my drive to offer his help could have other motivations than taking pity on an old man in need.
He came up to me and said, "Hi I am your neighbor Brent you must be Mr. Barnhill's niece Heather my parents said you had moved in. I was sorry to hear about Mr. Barnhill's death. I would came to the funeral but I was away at school. I really liked him and I would help him sometimes with his yard work.
Heather I could not help but notice your having some trouble with that pole saw. I don't mind giving you a hand if it is alright with you. I used it a lot for your uncle so I am pretty good at it."
I answered, "No I would appreciate the help"
Bret then took the pole saw and went to work and we trimmed all the trees along the drive. While Brent cut I pulled the branches to the curb to be picked up by the city. Brent did act different helping me now than he did with the old me. He took of his shirt and gave me a view at his perfect six pack and he flexed his biceps a lot more than he use to.
I didn't mind at all and I repaid his efforts by bending over to pull the branches giving him a good look at my ass. I even started "accidently' rubbing up against him when he help me pull the bigger limbs to the curb.
When we were finished Brent suggestively said, "I could use something cold to drink. Could you make us something while I put the tools up. I know where they go from helping your uncle."
I answered in soft sexy voice " Sure, I need to reward you for helping a damsel in distress."
So I went in the kitchen and made a pitcher of lemonade and filled two glasses with ice then poured the lemonade in them. Then Brent came in the back door to the kitchen. Brent downed the lemonade quickly and got very close to me reaching to put his glass in the sink. Our eyes met and I put my hand on his arm. He responded by putting his arms around my waist and leaned down to kiss me.
I obliged him and before long he had expertly removed my tank and bra and he was making me softly moan working on my breasts. He was playing me like a virtuoso plays a violin. Before long he had me past the point of no return and he was in complete control.
Brent's sexual skill moved me from being very warm in my core, to wet, to dripping wet, finally to a feeling of total emptiness that I needed to be filled. But he had more planned for me, He undid my cut offs and pulled them down in one movement and he started on my clit.
I was willing for Brent to fuck my brains out already but he started rolling my clit and making me moan loudly in euphoric pleasure. I felt like putty in his hands at that point I had no will of my own I belonged to Brent and he used me well.
At this point I could not even stand up without Brent's help and that was the signal Brent was waiting for. Because he lifted me like a rag doll and laid me face down on the dinning table. Then I can remember now that there was a slight pause as I heard something tearing. Then face down on the table I felt Brent pick up my hips and press his huge condom covered cock into to my soaking wet pussy.
Brent started slowly pumping in and out of me but before long he was pumping hard and fast. He soon started pulling my hips into him on the down stroke to fill me full. I have no idea how long he fucked me or the number of times he rocked my world with huge orgasms and I had no idea when he came.
He laid on top as I was in a pleasure filled world of afterglow and he tenderly kissed my neck. When his weight came of me and I eventfully got up he was pulling his pants back on. I found my clothes and redressed leaving off my bra.
Brent was looking at me and I could tell he was worried that I might think that what we just did was the start of something more serious than what it was. I really, really enjoyed it and would not mind getting fucked by Brent again but to me that was all it was just fun sex or as they call it now "just hooking up".
Not wanting Brent to worry I said,
"Brent your parents may get worried if you don't get home and I know your going back tomorrow to your school. So thanks for your help in the yard and I enjoyed our "lemonade". I'm sure I see you when you home on break again. If things work out for the two of us we might have another glass."
Brent laughed and said "Yeah if it works out that was damn good lemonade and you're fun to drink it with."
With no guilt or worries Brent kissed me good bye and headed out. I showered and spent the rest of the day just looking at and ordering on line outfits I wanted to wear at work. I liked no guilt sex, and I really love getting my brains fucked out. Then I thought,
"I guess some of George is still in me because living alone for so long I like my alone time too much to really want a full time boyfriend. I like the idea of just having good sex and with no permanent commitment much better. I need to watch it or I will be a real little slut." and I laughed.
The next morning I was their waiting for David to open the coffee house. When he showed up I ran over to the old man and hugged him real hard and said,
"Thank you David, you helped me have my perfect life."
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Great beginning
I have to wonder if he will one day start selling franchises in other cities....LOL
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
It's a nice concept, but
It's a nice concept, but please work on all the language/grammar mistakes though, it detracts quite a bit from the story. Take it slowly, read through it once or twice or have someone proofread it perhaps.
I felt the story was maybe a bit too...rushed(?) to the conclusion; it would have been nicer to have it build up towards the conclusion over a longer time - although that is maybe just me being a bit pedantic.
In any way, I hope to see some more Magic Bean Coffee House stories!
I second ...
... Arial's language/grammar comment.
For example
It is an interesting story idea. Can you give us some more?
"Resonation" not quitting a job.
Please. get an editor to work with you.
And remember:
Stepping over the bodies
A business being bought by a corporation is not necessary a bad thing. What's bad is when the purpose of the business is ignored and the bottom line becomes the goal.
Sometimes it is necessary to allow older employees, with 20 or more years of service, to retire due to the nature of the work. Or assign them positions which can utilize their vast knowledge of the business.
Nitpicking to fire an employee can open a huge can of worms, legal worms if it can be proved the person was fired because of their age. What morons like the kid who forced David to retire don't realize, is that shifting counselors doesn't bode well with many patients. A trust has been built and will have to reestablished with a new counselor. And that's going to cost more money.
Had the moron been in a tech field, forcing David to retire would have thrown away years of experience dealing with situations new hires may never learn how to handle properly.
But as a moron, he only sees the time when he'll be wearing the crown. Or tick off the wrong person whose able to bring down the corporation. He doesn't understand that what goes around comes around. But he will one day.
David proved his only want in life was to help others by his willing to walk away from what the young man offered. But they knew their offer was made to the right mortal. A mortal who only wanted to help others.
That George didn't panic upon waking and seeing his dream had come true, shows a willingness to evaluate the situation before giving in to knee jerk reactions. It also shows that David made the right decision choosing George.
Do hope more of this story is going to be posted.
Others have feelings too.