Jack won't quit?

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A mild mannered civil servant presses on.

Foreword: When I wrote the first part of this tale Jack be nimble?, I told you:

"... almost everything referenced in this modest story suffers from a layman's frame of reference; and at best, five minutes of Google research."

When I made that statement I was really thinking of this part of the story.

Well, for what it's worth, here's the next part of the tale.

Jack won't quit?
Written and directed by Myself

The calendar said it was the first day of spring, but anyone hailing from a colder climate would probably argue that winter had never come to this part of the world. Such a person might say there were really only two seasons here (spring and summer), noting that summer ended somewhere around the end of November. It was the time of year when Jack normally shed his pants in favor of shorts, but Jack was wary of showing too much leg this year.

"Jack, what are you DOING?"

"I don't know. I guess I kinda wondered what it was like to shave my legs. There isn't as much hair above my knees anyway. Hell, there isn't quite as much below the knee either. I hadn't planned to do it. I saw your razor in the shower and thought I would see what it would look like to take a little off around the knee. One stroke of the razor led to another and before I knew it all of the hair on my legs was gone."

Without further comment, Stacy turned around in resignation and walked to the other room.

"If no one had to see me like this, I'd kind of like it." Jack quietly admitted to himself. "Do your under arms always itch after you shave them?" Jack called out to Stacy.


"Just kidding," Jack replied out loud, "for now," he added to himself silently.

Much of Jack's life around this time was a contradiction. He hated his changes at work; the way he felt the need to hide himself in front of the people that knew him before he began to change. At home he was silently reveling in his changes. Each small change encountered was a silent, guilty thrill. Pulling into the driveway coming home from work, reaching across his body to turn the steering wheel, he noted the novel feeling of his small breasts getting in the way (ever so slightly). Putting away the laundry, he caught himself thinking like "herself," unconsciously putting his wife's underwear in his drawer - wondering how they would feel. Step by step, he caught himself slipping into femininity. Taken one at a time, without too much thought, he adored the unexpected pleasure. Taken as a whole, he was conflicted. Jack resigned himself to the change seeming inevitable, but he hadn't quite accepted it. He took pleasure in each small change, but he didn't know how to express his pleasure or if he should.

"Who am I?" he asked himself more than once.


One more surprise, in a long list of surprises, was Jack's relationship with his wife. Stacy never gave any indication she was attracted to women, but she was undeniably comfortable in bed with Jack's increasingly feminine form. One Saturday morning, still glowing from one thing that hadn't changed (much - as far as routines go anyway), Stacy asked, "What are we going to do with you Jack?" She hadn't intended the question as seriously as Jack considered it.

"I'm still not sure. I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop at work. I can't believe no one has said anything to me yet. I'm beginning to wonder what they'd do if I died at my desk. Would they just close the door and pretend no one was ever there? What's a girl with a dick gotta do to get a little attention?"

Stacy knew her husband well. She knew sarcasm was his favorite defense mechanism, so she scooted closer and held him tightly as he quietly stared off into space, seemingly deep in thought. It was the wrong time to ask about the new cavity she had discovered earlier, so she didn't.


The phone in Jack's office rang.

"Hi, this is Jack."

"Jack, this is Maggie. Rob and I are in my office... we need to talk. Can you come on over?"

"Sure. Give me a couple minutes to finish something up and I'll be right over."

"So, is this it?" Jack wondered. Stepping into Maggie's office, Jack saw his boss sitting behind her desk. Her boss, Rob, was seated in one of the two "guest" chairs.

Rob stood up. Turning towards Jack and motioning towards the chair next to him he said, "Hi Jack. Come on in and have a seat. Could you just close the door behind you?" Jack sat down next to Rob and unconsciously tugged at the end of his untucked shirt, pulling it slightly away from his body to obscure his developing breasts.

"Uh... good morning Jack," Maggie said. She was distracted by Jack's unconscious adjustment. Her eyes were studying Jack's poorly hidden, changed torso. "Rob and I wanted to talk to you about your... ah... appearance these last few months. You've been our go-to gu... you've been a real anchor around here for the last few years. Without your contributions we would be hopelessly behind. I only say this to assure you this meeting has nothing to do with YOUR work. In fact, we wish more people worked as hard as you do. No, the real problem is...how do I say this... we're sort of having trouble with everyone else."

"I'm sorry?" Jack asked.

"Jack, what Maggie's trying to say," Rob interjected, "is that your co-workers have been distracted lately and we think you may have something to do with it."

"Jack," Maggie resumed, "you must know that everybody has been talking about you lately."

"Yeah, I've noticed."

"Well we're a little worried," Rob said.

"There are really two issues we wanted to discuss," Maggie said. "First, we want to say there's nothing in the Department's code of conduct that requires a man to have masculine attributes, if you get my drift."

"I suppose," Jack replied. "I'll bet you've looked recently though," Jack thought to himself uneasily.

"Good. You've complied with the dress code, even if you have looked a little sloppy lately. In many ways you've been a model employee, other than this recent distraction. There's no rule specifically forbidding questionable taste... or certain personal choices... but... oh, I don't mean to insult you either. It's just... well, you know the department has an excellent employee assistance program. It's completely confidential. You could speak to them about any personal problems you might be having. The Department prides itself on being diverse. I'm sure you know Miche...."

"Let's not make this about anyone else right now Maggie," Rob interrupted. "You know how to get in touch with the employee assistance program if you need to, don't you Jack?"

"Yeah, I guess," Jack cautiously replied, the light of understanding beginning to dawn.

Maggie added, "I know you probably already have someone you talk to about this. But you seem so withdrawn."

"Jack," Rob interjected, "we don't want you to think you have to talk to us about this, we just wanted to make sure you had the number."


"Second," Maggie resumed, "we wanted to get your input on your coworkers' behavior."

"How do you mean?" Jack asked.

"Has anyone been harassing you in any way?" Rob asked.

"Harassing me?" Jack repeated, a little surprised.

Maggie added, "Well like I said, you've seemed so withdrawn. I can appreciate that this must be a big change for you, but you almost seem shocked. I assumed it might be because someone was mistreating or harassing you."

"No, not really."

Rob added, "Well, we're going to have to do something. Productivity has fallen off a cliff. Do you have any ideas? Would you be open to the idea of transferring to another position, or another location? Telecommuting might be something we could look into, if you're o.k. with it."


"So they're not going to fire you?" Stacy asked again.

"It doesn't look that way, although they really seemed like they wanted to get rid of me one way or another, especially Rob. Both of them were ready to have me sign he paperwork to start telecommuting right away. They also said I could transfer to another office - but I don't know yet."

"And they think you are pursuing sex reassignment surgery?"

"Heck of a thing, ain't it? A real life, unconscious application of Occam's Razor. Well sort of... maybe not exactly... you know what I mean?"

"No, not really."

"A surgical sex change is much more plausible than the truth. I only wish I had foresight or courage to proffer this cover to management before now. I guess in the back of my mind I didn't think people changed this quickly going the hormone/surgery route. Still, maybe I could have avoided a lot of anxiety."

"I wouldn't tell that to a garden variety transvestite, if I were you."

"I think the term you wanted was "transsexual." Redirecting the conversation, Jack asked, "Do you think they're going to try to get rid of me?"

"You mean at work? I don't know Jack, it's hard to say. We could probably spend all night parsing what they said in that meeting, but it doesn't change our options. Maybe you should go ahead and telecommute. You wouldn't have to learn a new job; which incidentally, could be an avenue to set you up to be fired. Plus, everyone gets what they presumably really want. You keep a job you know and you're good at. They keep a productive employee, but keep you out of sight and out of mind."

Jack asked, "Stacy, what's going to happen to us?"

"You mean this isn't enough? Please don't tell me you've got something else in mind too."

"No. GOD... NO! I mean I'm not the same man you married. As a card carrying member of the XY club I wasn't above a little lesbian fantasy every now and again, but I'm not naive enough to believe I'm still your fantasy lover."

"Like you ever were?" Stacy interrupted - an endearing, yet mischievous smile lighting up her face.

"Please Stacy, seriously. I've never felt attractive, but I'm acutely aware I'm becoming the other woman here. I've been expecting the heave-ho. I've been waiting for you to tell me you can't do this anymore. I remember when I was cycling and you were dead set against me shaving my legs. If I recall you threatened to withhold sex because it would be too weird. What does that make this?"

"Jack, I..."

"Don't tell me. I don't really want to know."

"I'm sorry Jack, I don't know where to..."

"No - don't say it. I really need you."

"Jack you don't understand. I..."

"Please Stacy..."

"Jack I'm..."


"... NOT going anywhere."


BULLETIN 2007-002

FROM: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta

T0: All State Departments of Health

SUBJECT: Emerging pathology of unknown cause/origin

Hospitals in several states are reporting geographically clustered patients displaying relatively sudden decreases in body mass, in conjunction with apparent decreases in skeletal size and density. In the last two weeks approximately 500 such cases have been reported nationwide. The nature of subject clustering suggests a statistically significant possibility of low-grade communicability - although the mode of transmission is unknown at this time.

No evidence of an immune response has been reported in any of those affected. Further, toxicology screens have thus far shown no evidence of xenobiotics. As a result, few conclusions have been made at this time as to the nature of a possible pathogen - other than its apparent (yet somewhat limited) infectious nature. Although we are continuing to gather information, it is premature to speculate what (if any) environmental factors may play a role. Despite the loss of mass, there has been no evidence of tissue damage found; either to the skeleton or surrounding tissues. Although it's significance is not yet known, some (but not all) patients have presented abnormal levels of otherwise naturally occurring gonadal steroids.

While none of the information gathered thus far points to a likely underlying cause, the CDC requests that all state level departments encourage local facilities to report all incidents of patients presenting similar symptoms directly to the appropriate Sentinel Network, coordinated by the NCID Office of Surveillance. As a precaution, the CDC suggests hospitals follow the CDC protocol for emergent infectious disease (see attached), with standard isolation of affected patients from general hospital populations until further notice.

A follow-up bulletin will be distributed as verified information becomes available.


"Hey Jack, what do you say we take today off. I can drop Chrissy off at school and we can spend the day together. Maybe we could see a movie? At some point we could continue our discussion from yesterday."

"I suppose, but I don't know what's left to discuss."

"I didn't get much sleep last night Jack. I had a lot of time to think. Let me take care of Chrissy and we'll talk about it, o.k.?"


"Mom, what's wrong with Dad?"

"Well, we're not quite sure yet honey. We don't think your dad's in any danger, but he's got something that's made him lose some weight. Your dad's kind of embarrassed by it, so he'd probably appreciate it if we didn't talk to anyone else about it o.k.?"

"But Suzy keeps asking me what's happened to dad. She keeps telling everyone that you and dad are getting a divorce. She says when her parents got a divorce her dad moved away, and she thinks dad moved away because people don't see him here anymore."

"Chrissy you know that's not true. Dad has been here every day. He just hasn't been feeling that well."

"Yeah, but what do I tell Suzy. She's lying to everyone and making fun of me."

"I'm sorry Chrissy. It's not easy, but sometimes the best thing to do is not say anything at all. Sometimes if you say something it only tells the other person they have succeeded making you feel bad - which is probably exactly what she is trying to do. If you can ignore her without showing her you're upset - you win. She may just stop, thinking she can't bother you anymore."

"Suzy is really mean mom. I don't think she'll ever stop."

"We can talk to your teacher, but I think you should try ignoring her first. If it's really bad you know you can talk to your teacher, right?"

"Yeah I guess. Mom, are you sure dad is o.k.? Sometimes he acts kind of funny."

"Yes, I'm sure Suzy."

"But I don't understand something mom. If dad is getting skinny, why did his butt get fatter?"

"When you get a little older you'll understand," Stacy said. "When people grow up their bodies go through some changes," Stacy added - proud of herself for thinking up such a reasonable sounding - if not completely honest - explanation.

"Is it like when great-grandma started growing a mustache?"

The sound of running water brought Stacy into the bathroom when she returned home. "Hey Jack I'm back."

"I'll be out in a sec."

"There's no rush. How are you feeling this morning?"

"I dunno. Tired I guess. How about you?"

"Mostly I'm just worried Jack. I'm worried about you, how you're doing, how you're adjusting, how they're treating you at work, how you're being treated whenever you leave the house. And I'm a little worried about something you said last night."

"You mean the lesbian thing?"

"Yeah, sort of. You were right though, I've never found women attractive 'in that way,' but this thing that's happening to you has surprised me... well, other than the obvious part. It's hard to explain... but... let me put it like this: when we first met it wasn't love at first sight. You were not my fantasy incarnate. You grew on me."

"You mean you saw my inner beauty?"

"No Jack, don't flatter yourself," Stacy replied with a wry grin. "No, as I grew to love you I recognized bits and pieces of you that I found attractive: like the tender way you spoke to me, your quirky facial expressions. It's like I can feel the love in all of those little things... like another sense. We both noticed you changing a while back, but it was slow. Looking back I can see that you've changed a great deal: your softer face, your growing breasts, and your smaller knees..." Stacy added with a smile. "But day-to-day there weren't any big changes. You didn't just wake up one morning with a bigger butt than me. It kind of snuck up on us. I guess what I'm trying to say is I've had a lot of time to get used to this; and in the mean time, most of those things I grew attracted to stayed put. Underneath it all, you ARE STILL the man I fell in love with." Stacy finished with a single tear caressing the side of her face.

Almost pleading, Jack replied, "but Stacy, am I really the same person? You say my eyes don't wander anymore. I find myself doing things I wouldn't have done; feeling things I wouldn't have felt. I'm not obsessing over every little ache and pain anymore. If I don't quite feel like the same person; if I don't see the same person in myself anymore, how can you?"

"Jack, underneath it all you are still the man I fell in love with. I can't argue your every point any more than I can find a way objectively measure feelings. Maybe I can't explain it or describe it to your satisfaction, but sometimes we've got to have faith. Sometimes you can't do anything more than just trust the person you love. We've always had trust Jack. Have I ever done anything to make you question that trust? Listen to me Jack. I LOVE you Jack. I WANT you in my life. I NEED you in my life. Listen to me now Jack. Trust me now Jack. I love you with ALL of my heart and ALL of my soul."

Jack was speechless for several minutes, looking at his feet as if the right thing to say might be written on the floor. When his mind was almost ready to speak, his emotions were not. Several attempts at speech were abandoned with stifled sobs. Finally looking up with vulnerable eyes, Jack whispered the only thing that needed to be said, "I love you so much Stacy."

They met in the middle of the bathroom in a warm, if slightly damp embrace. Neither one of them openly sobbed, but rather shed quiet tears of release... and requited love.


"In health news, the National Center of Infectious Disease is apparently following up on reports that groups of adult men are suffering from sudden, unexplained weight loss. It has been reported that some of the affected men have lost as much as a hundred pounds in as little as six month's time; yet none of the affected men display any of the ill-effects often associated with such rapid weight loss. Although health officials are concerned about these mysterious cases, they stress that it has so far been limited to a few scattered, small groups of men; and that whatever may have caused this seems to be contained.

"State health officials are continuing to monitor the outbreaks, and hope to find a cause soon."

(Not quite) the end.

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