The Nightmare Rider - chapter 17


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Chapter 17 of
  The Nightmare Rider




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Chapter 17


Patrick entered the main doors and signed in at the office. She took the sign-in board and handed him some notices. He went to the Dining Hall and took the usual table. Halfway through his reading Doril Hunley came over to his table and took a seat.

"Morning. All the new sets of armor arrived yesterday. Everything is to our preferences," Doril stated then handed over a page.

Patrick read it over then took a pen from his inside jacket pocket and made notation, "some things may not be needed this time around. It will benefit all if they understand them. Arrange a meeting tomorrow afternoon to do that. The match-ups are being made now. They will be done the usual way with one exception. I have the first match and my opponent has already been selected."

"By whom," Doril asked.

Patrick shifted to the next notice, "by me. An example is going to be made Hunley. A very big and permanent example. All I require is a bit of stupidity. I have no doubt my opponent will oblige. Anything else?"

"Not at this time," Doril replied and stood up then added quietly. "Commander."

Patrick nodded without looking and the Fourth year left. The exchange went almost unnoticed. Except for Fiona Doucet, Vaan Arento and Jessica Weyden. Jessica then noticed Fiona looking at her and knew the Countess saw that she had been watching as well. The shake of her head was slight but enough for Jessica to understand. The message was clear; say and do nothing. Jessica had other ideas though. carefully she began counting the coins in her jacket pocket. All she had was ten. Hopefully that would be enough for what she wanted, otherwise it would at least pay for a meeting.

Jessica dropped off her tray and left. She went down the corridor and found a place to loiter.

Patrick finished his reading as others were leaving and did so as well. He was about to turn a corner when Jessica Weyden called out quietly off the main corridor.

"Solo Fotens," Jessica called the waved him over.

Patrick followed her into a connecting hall, "what is it Weyden?"

"I have a problem. How much for a consultation," Jessica asked.

"Just tell me what it is you want Weyden," Patrick said flatly.

Jessica sighed then said, "All the Royals that were Selected have had their armor sabotaged. All but mine. I believe someone may be trying to implicate me. There's also that business about Lamia being blackmailed to turn against me."

Patrick held out his hand, "give me a coin Weyden."

Jessica blinked, "just one?"

"Today Weyden," Patrick said.

Jessica gave him the coin, "alright. Now what?"

Patrick pocketed it, "the armor situation has already been dealt with. As for Tuala, that's being looked into by other people more suited to that task. You are not a suspect Weyden."

"Thank you," Jessica sighed in relief then handed him five more coins. "Sorry to bother you."

"Weyden," Patrick nodded then left.




Ren Belvin looked over the sheet of the first round match-ups. With the exception of one, all were set according to points. After looking it over again he noticed a problem. After the first round there would be a stand-alone.

"There'll have to be a drawing for the stand-alone," Sir Belvin said to himself. "Can't be helped."

The Jousting instructor began assembling The Board. An ornate board that would hold movable name plates. He placed the name plates along the bottom row. From there they would move up by victory until one name climbed to the top. This year would be vastly difference. That was because of the Solos. All but one in the Selection now had some kind of field experience. The big concern was the first match-up. Patrick Fotens and Bon Loreen. Loreen had non-regulation lances. One a battle lance.

Sir Belvin stared at Patrick's name, "what are you up to Fotens? Why do you want him first up?"

"You know what they say about people that talk to themselves," an amused voice said from the doorway.

Sir Belvin groaned, "don't start with me Prince Arento."

Vaan chuckled, "now where would be the fun in that Sir Belvin? AH! You've set the board!"

Sir Belvin placed a cover over the board, "Shouldn't you be in a class or chasing somebody around with flowers?"

"Actually I came to inform you that my new armor has arrived. I see no problems with my entry for Tournament," Vaan said.

Sir Belvin nodded, "that's nice Highness but the one you should be telling is the Headmaster."

"Already done. I asked him to tell you myself after I checked the fit. I am fit to compete now," the Prince said proudly then added. "He also instructed me to present him with the charges. I get the feeling that he will be presenting that to someone else."

Ren Belvin leaned back in his chair, "Arento you may have ninety-five percent of the Academy fooled but not me. Get to your point."

The Flamboyant Prince turned serious, "Very well Sir Belvin. If you insist. Do I have anything to be concerned about?"

"Have you seen the Selection list," Sir Belvin asked.

The Prince nodded.

Sir Belvin nodded back, "then I'd say you have plenty to be concerned about. Every one of the competitors, including yourself, is quite capable. Some are more formidable than others, but that's to be expected and will be seen. That's Tournament. You'll need all the skills you've acquired, but only one name will go all the way."

"Actually I was wondering if there is more than that to be of concern," Vaan said.

"If there is then the Academy would be addressing such concern Highness. All you need be concerned about is your performance," Sir Belvin said firmly then nodded to the door.

Prince Vaan took the not so subtle hint and left. He had what he wanted. The Academy was indeed investigating and the first match-ups.

"Loreen is no match for Fotens; why are they paired and the first to compete," Vaan asked himself.

The Prince stopped and looked out a window to the grassy fields below. Already there were stakes being driven to mark the campsites of visiting families. His own parents would be doing so. Many families would be setting up pavilions, much like war camps. Twenty square yards of allotted territory. Essentially a tent city for the weekend. Two rounds of competition on the first day and final rounds on the second. All this while a festival would be held featuring stands and booths by business and student collectives. Three platoons of Solos from the Tenth Battalion would patrol along with two platoons from the Tenth Regiment.




Patrick walked out the main doors and went to the Solos' Stable. He mounted Daemon and rode out. Outside the gate the Commander of the Nineteenth Regiment met up with him.

"Eighty-Sixth Commander Patrick Fotens," He greeted.

Patrick nodded back, "Nineteenth Commander Fahr Reton."

They were alone in all directions but continued to ride towards the village.

"Its my understanding you've done preliminary investigation and produced notable results," Fahr remarked.

Patrick nodded, "I found two. Not the source. Someone is moving in the background. Using others."

"The Fourth Battalion has been contracted at your recommendation," Commander Reton informed him.

Patrick asked, "Do they need anything from me?"

The elder commander shook his head, "they have everything you presented to the Headmaster. I was informed that you intend to face the student with non-competition lances. Are you prepared in case he uses a battle lance?"

"Yes. Tomorrow all the Solos will have a class at the farm for that," Patrick stated.

Fahr Reton edged ahead and came to a stop, Patrick did the same.

"Are you implying that you want him to try that first," Reton asked.

Patrick nodded.

Comprehension hit Commander Reton like a lance at full gallop, "you want it revealed that he used a battle lance to be able to demand the contest go from official to personal duel."

Again the younger Solo Commander nodded.

"Do you intend to kill the boy as an example," Fahr asked.

Patrick sat silently and made no indication.

The older Commander stared intently, "I see. There could be repercussions if this is not done correctly."

"There is only one way. Postpone introduction until we are both ready to make our run. Then reveal my rank. Should he use any non-regulation lance then it will be cheating. Use of a battle lance will be attempted murder of a Regimental Commander," Patrick stated.

Fahr nodded, "without your rank revealed it could be considered a school rivalry. Revealing your rank would leave no doubt his intent is murder of a Regiment Commander."

"Tournament competition is non-deadly. The killing or attempting to kill a Regimental Commander outside contracted battle is murder and a Regimental Commander is within rights to declare duel to the death without repercussion or retribution," Patrick stated.

Commander Reton nodded, "the previous Commander taught you well. You will be within regulations Commander Fotens. I'll be on my way."

The two saluted each other and parted.




Phoebe walked into the chamber and noted Iia sat on the riser for her throne and Daalumos stood off to the side.

"Welcome back Mistress," Iia greeted her.

Daalumos chuckled, "another day of learning Mistress?"

"Yes. More Solos have been brought in and my services are no longer required for the investigation. The contract has been settled," Phoebe stated taking her throne.

Iia looked up, "Mistress I still do not understand why you hold hired warriors in regard and pretend to be one?"

Phoebe chuckled, "of all the mortals; they are the most like ourselves. When a pact is made with them, they adhere only to the terms of that contract. The only allegiance they have is to their-selves."

"They are the most like ourselves of the mortals," the Succubus agreed. "Forgiven my ignorance Mistress."

Phoebe shook her head, "you are uneducated in the ways of mortals and that is not your fault. It has taken us a long time to learn what we know. There is still more to learn Iia. Watch and listen to the mortals. You will be meeting some tonight."

"The Priestess your Lust spoke of," Iia remarked.

"Yes. Rest now. We will leave as the moon rises," Phoebe informed them.

Hours later Daalumos ran at full speed. Phoebe and Iia the Succubus rode on his back, slipping in and out of shadows. Suddenly they felt the infusion of worship flowing into them.

"MISTRESS! WHAT IS THIS FEELING," Iia asked in surprise.

Daalumos laughed, "THIS is worship! THIS IS POWER!"

The Succubus tremor-ed in pleasure, "please mistress. Let me keep feeling this worship!"

"Stay with us Iia. You'll feel it every day," Phoebe stated as Daalumos took them through one last shadow.

A rush of flames roared up and Daalumos broke forth to rear up on his hind legs and shriek his pleasure.

A woman came to the open doorway of a small temple and curtsied then turned back, "Mistress Sania! The Goddess has come!"

A little girl in a black dress ran out and curtsied, "GODDESS PHOEBE! LAMUDOS! WELCOME."

"Hello Sania," Phoebe returned the greeting.

Daalumos chuckled, "greetings little Priestess."

Phoebe nudged Iia to get off then dismounted. Sania rushed forward to hug her then patted the leg of the BloodLust.

"Its so good to see you," Sania smiled then looked to the third. "Goddess, who is she?"

Phoebe nodded to her, "introduce yourself to our Priestess."

"I am Iia. A Succubus in the service of Goddess Phoebe. This is my first time meeting a mortal," Iia said.

Sania nodded to her, "I'm Sania Malzeek. Taken daughter of Lord and Lady Malzeek and WarPriestess to our Goddess Phoebe."

Phoebe made her way inside the temple and took her place on the replica throne, resting a wrapped object against the armrest. Moments later the remaining family entered and paid their respects. The son being the last.

"My Goddess," he greeted her and bowed proudly.

Phoebe nodded, "what news have you, Young Malzeek?"

He smiled broadly, "Goddess; I have been accepted to the Institute of Finance. I begin the next session, for four terms."

"I know you will excel Mica Malzeek," Phoebe stated confidently.

Iia noticed the regally dressed woman looking her over.

Celia Malzeek looked over, "Goddess. Is she in your service?"

"She is. Her name is Iia. She is a Succubus," Phoebe stated. "Iia. She is Celia, Lady of Malzeek. Chosen mother of our WarPriestess."

Celia looked her over again then knelt close to Phoebe to speak quietly, "my Goddess; her attire is lacking for a Succubus if the stories I've heard are true."

Phoebe regarded Iia intently, "I see your point. A Succubus should, at the least, look somewhat seductive. Take her to your chambers and see to it. The charm about her neck is to stay on. That way she may find me."

"Of course my Goddess," Celia said then took Iia's hand. "Let's get you taken care of quickly."

Iia hadn't even the thought to protest and found herself swept along behind the mortal woman. An hour later they were back. The Succubus looked very much more like a demoness of seduction. She had been given a short tunic of red and black sheer material. She had also been given a pair of sandals with black and red straps and a high slender heel. With suggestions from Celia and the maid, Iia used her magic to change her hair and facial appearance.

Phoebe nodded her approval, "much better. Iia; when the time comes for Mica Malzeek to begin pursuing a love interest, it would benefit him well to understand the pleasures of company. The Gentle arts of Allure. I'm sure he'll be quite the attentive student."

The young teen blushed as the demoness looked him over. She then went over to him and gingerly caressed his brow. Mica found his arms guided to encircle her waist and hold her close. Iia softly nuzzled his cheek and he felt the urge to gently press his lips to her cheek then slowly release her from the embrace.

Iia smiled, "he is a QUICK study Mistress. When his time comes he will be well versed in the Gentle arts."

Phoebe nodded then beckoned Sania closer, "I have a gift for you little Priestess."

Sania watched as Phoebe unwrapped the package and stared in wonder at the sword.

"Really Goddess? I can have it," Sania asked in awe.

Phoebe pulled it from the scabbard and the gold tinted glimmered in the torchlight for to be admired.

"This sword will be yours Child. In time. Everyone outside but her and her parents," Phoebe instructed.

Everyone exited the temple. The Captain began to speak with Daalumos, asking if the stable-mechanic may look at him close to better imitate Sania's horse. Iia already instructing Mica about his expressions when facing females.

Phoebe raised a barrier once everyone was out that blocked entrance and prevented voices inside to be heard outside.

"This sword was forged for you Child. It will only serve Me. A price must be paid for you to wield it. The price comes in two parts by blood," Phoebe informed them.

Tam Malzeek asked, "what price must she pay Goddess?"

Phoebe laid the sword on the alter, "She must offer her blood to the sword to make the pledge. Not much is required and from her hand will do. After that, only she may take the sword. However, that will only happen if she sacrifices the proof of her maidenhood to the sword. Her blood tonight pledges the sword, on the eve of her sixteenth year she must sacrifice her maidenhood and give the proof to the sword as payment. Only then will it truly be hers. From then on, any maiden of her line may wield the sword in my service after that same price is paid."

Nervously Celia asked, "who is to deflower her?"

Phoebe looked at her intently, "herself. She must do so on her own."

Celia knelt down and held Sania close while she whispered to her then finally pulled back, "do you understand now?"

"What about when I get married? A good man won't want me if I do," Sania asked.

Phoebe shook her head, "not true. A good one will overlook that. It will not make you less in his eyes. It may even make you more. Your parents will ensure he is suitable."

"I'll do it," Sania said. "How Goddess?"

Phoebe laid the sword on the altar, "use the blade itself Sania."

Sania reached out and pressed her palm against the edge as best she could then slid it forward. Quickly she felt the bite and a burning sensation.

"Ow. Now what do I do," she asked with a slight whimper.

Phoebe pointed to the base of the blade, "let it drink from here."

The small girl pressed her bleeding palm to the spot. For a moment nothing then blade began to glow then words began to appear on the blade. Sania looked at them. They looked like the same type of words she had carved into the altar and Phoebe had etched into her shield.

"Mama. Papa. What do these words say," Sania asked.

Both looked at her in confusion and Celia asked, "what words dear? I see no words."

Sania pointed at the blade, "the words right here. On the sword."

"We see none," Tam Malzeek gently informed her.

Phoebe nodded, "they do not see them. Only you and I can see them. That is the language of the Underworld. Learn it well before the eve of your sixteenth year."

"The night before your sixteenth birthday," Celia told Sania.

Sania nodded, "I will."

Phoebe slid the sword to the back edge of the altar then concealed the scabbard underneath the top. She looked over to Tam.

"Try to remove the sword Malzeek," Phoebe instructed.

Lord Malzeek grasped the hilt and tried to lift it. The sword refused to move. Next Celia tried, she could not do so either.

Phoebe looked down to Sania, "there it will stay until you pay the price and claim the sword. Only you can do this. I must go now."

The three followed Phoebe out as the barrier faded. Outside a robotic horse was being painted as Daalumos posed himself. Iia was discussing Mica's hair with him as two maids were nodding with enthusiasm.

"If things go well; Iia will teach him the arts of Passion," Phoebe told the Malzeeks after the Succubus rejoined them.

Tam Malzeek asked, "are you certain Goddess?"

"I believe that whomever our son marries will be ensured a more pleasant wedding night than her peers and definitely further nights of enjoyment in their marriage bed," Celia said barely containing a giggle.

Phoebe nodded, "a plan far better than an hour or two with some random village girl."

Tam Malzeek shifted uncomfortably and looked elsewhere. Phoebe and Iia noticed but said nothing of it.

"Its time for us to go," Phoebe called over to Daalumos.

The BloodLust trotted over and Phoebe leaped up onto his back followed by Iia. Daalumos reared up and shrieked as flames engulfed them then were gone.




Patrick rode into the Academy and stabled Daemon. He entered the main doors and signed in then proceeded to the Dining Hall to read and wait. The morning went without incident and by noon the first of visiting families began to arrive. They went into the Dining hall and were greeted by their children. King and Queen Weyden were among them. Both made sure to see and be seen by Patrick and nodded to him. Like other parents that had attended the Academy they took the time to greet the Headmaster and other familiar faces. That afternoon the Commanders of Solo Regiments began to filter in. Some, were the Commanders of the Solos enrolled; others were coming in to look over and scout the ones without affiliation.

Fiona Doucet greeted them as well and pretended not to notice the subtle nods they gave Patrick. Many openly approached him. Those gave the impression they were trying to recruit him.

"That's a Solo Commander. Isn't he," a Gentry asked Fiona.

Fiona nodded, "yes. I didn't notice which Regiment though."

"Isn't Fotens the only member of his Regiment," the Second year asked.

"So I've heard. Perhaps that Commander is trying to recruit him. He can join another Regiment if asked since he's the last member," Fiona remarked. "Its all standard. I'm not surprised. I doubt any Regiment would refuse him."

The Gentry nodded his understanding and moved off. Fiona pretended to give no further regard but actually was paying attention to see him move over to a table and begin talking to Jeffries Talfar and Eaton Laanower. The Countess also noted that the affiliated Solos were introducing their Commanders to Patrick and Doril Hunley. Later on, after classes had concluded for the day, Fiona noticed that down in the tent city no pavilions for the Solos had been raised. She quickly went down and looked around and saw no places had been allotted for them. In fact, other than the Solos that had begun to patrol the area, none were around. She then felt the creeping sensation that she was being watched and looked around but there was no one actually paying her any mind. As she moved off a rogue gust of wind whipped through and flipped her skirt up in the back. The Countess could almost swear she heard a feminine giggle afterward and the feeling of being watched ended.

Iia couldn't resist teasing the pretty one all the mortal boys couldn't keep their eyes off of. She had been lurking about the Academy, invisible, to see the mortals her Glamoured mistress spent so much time around to learn of them better. When the sun set she would then go back to the village and watch the other mortals to see better how they interacted with each other. The Succubus knew she had much to learn before she began her teaching in earnest.

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