The Nightmare Rider - chapter 10


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Chapter 10 of
  The Nightmare Rider




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Chapter 10


Phoebe was sitting on her throne. Her eyes were closed. Daalumos stood waiting patiently. He knew she was searching for something. When her eyes snapped open, he stamped his feet in joy.

"You've found something for us to get into," the Lust said trying not to laugh.

Phoebe took up her sword and climbed onto his back, "I have. Go Daalumos. Follow my feelings."

The bound demon bolted for the archway and ran out into the night. In and out of shadows he ran, leaving behind his hoof prints flickering in flames. Soon they crest a low ridge. Down below, the two could see armies gathering. Phoebe nudged Daalumos with her heel and he lunged forward. They rode down the side and broke for the advancing sides. The BloodLust could feel their muderous intent and it fed him. Phoebe had felt the fear and anticipation. The two opposing sides clashed as Phoebe and Daalumos swept in. The fear immediately spiked. Daalumos jumped and stamped, shrieking with glee and he fed the rage back which came back to him even stronger. Phoebe was doing the same, already many had succumbed and simply lay on the ground; crippled by the visions of terror that filled their minds so much, they believed were real. Together they ended up culling a group and worked it until a loud battle cry caught their attention.

"Someone is IMPORTANT my Mistress," Daalumos laughed.

Phoebe snarled back, "yes they ARE! GO!"

Both had felt it. Divinity. The touch of Godly power. They knew it wasn't a God, it was a Demi-God. The child of a God or Goddess. Their power was strong though. Suddenly there was a parting. Phoebe and Daalumos could see their next opponent. A middle-aged man began to bear down on them. He wore no helm and carried no shield, but it was the sword that caught her attention. It was a Divine weapon, most likely a gift.

It was very common for Demi-Gods to be estranged from their parent that bestowed Divinity. The God or Goddess usually presented them with gifts that were suited to need or disposition. Many acquainted with those individuals were of the mind that such gifts were an attempt to excuse the absence. The more cynical believed the gifts were more of a show to justify worship. That was the thing, the cynics were right in most of the cases. Especially in the cases of those pertaining to violence of some kind.

The two drew even and slashed at each other. His sword sent sparks flying as it struck against Phoebe's. The surprise on his face betrayed him. The weapon was indeed Divine. Daalumos edged back. He wore no armor to protect him from such weapons like Phoebe did. Very few weapons were actually able to get past her Styxion armor. A slash from her Vulcan sword dropped the robotic horse he rode and she pitched herself off to battle him head to head.

"I've heard of a rider. I had no idea you would be so PATHETIC," He roared and charged at her.

Phoebe just smirked as she parried the blow using the sword one-handed. She then lunged forward and using a two-handed grip she slashed. Deliberately she went slowly so that he would bring up his guard. The swords clashed and the Demi-God now understood he wasn't fighting a mortal woman.

Phoebe smiled coldly, "oh no. Not that look of horror-struck surprise Demi-God. I am FAR from being done this night!"

The Demi-God stepped back. Here was someone that actually knew what he was and looked unconcerned about the prospect.

"RUDIANOS," he yelled to the night sky. "FATHER!"

The battle had practically stopped. Both sides looked on in awe. Never before had an admitted Demi-God called out for help. A moment later the silence was shattered by Phoebe's laugh.

"Shall we all take a moment? Sacrifice something, erect a temple? Perhaps you should call out louder," Phoebe suggested.

There was no humor, either with her laughter or statement. He was a Demi-God. The mortality in him blocked the ability to detect Divinity. The fact that she could tell what he was spoke volumes. More like screamed volumes. Was her ability to detect Divinity part of her own as a Demi-Goddess or was she more than that? A minor Goddess? He had no clue as she had not revealed her name to him.

He felt a tremor of dread when she began walking toward him. Suddenly everyone that had formed a large circle around them immediately scurried back in fear. Each man had a look of sheer horror on his face. The same look became mirrored on his own when the woman stepped into a shadow only to come out of another to the side. Several times she did this, moving ever closer to him. The burning horse reared up on its hind legs and let out an almost mind-numbing shriek.

He knew he would have to fight her. He began to hope that if he fought her, she wouldn't toy with his death. With a loud yell he charged her. Her swing was faster causing his sword to almost flick to the side, harmlessly away from her. She then held him at bay from the tip of the blade, enticing him to try again. Enraged he swung repeatedly only to have each blow scrape her blade and slide away. With a flick of her wrist, the sword slipped past and cut along the arm of his left arm. The armor melted from the contact and the skin along his arm blistered and burned around the shallow slice.

"BITCH," he screamed but she was bearing down on him.

A quick thrust and his right thigh suffered as his arm causing him to curse in pain. Another thrust that was faster than his attempt to block slipped past. The Vulcan sword plunged through his middle, half piercing and half melting. Slowly he sank to his knees as the sword withdrew. He felt around the wound and looked at the blood on his hands then with an animal like whimper, slowly fell to the ground.

Around her, Phoebe felt the fear climb to an even higher level. She had felled a Demi-God in front of them all.

"I have taken the Demi-God! I am the Nightmare Rider! Know my name in terror. I AM PHOEBE," Phoebe announced.

The dark glow around her had become almost tangible. Everyone that had seen that night willing to speak of it would tell of a woman with unearthly beauty that was so fear inspiring, even a Demi-God's father had forsaken him in battle against her. After the armies had quit the field, she searched around for coins. She had found quite the cache in an abandoned horse's saddlebags. She took the saddlebags and left. Daalumos had gotten quite his fill of the murderous intent before they through the battle into chaos. The power they had acquired would stay with them for quite some time.

Daalumos laughed as they entered their home, "your name will be spoken in fear for some time. Every time the tale is told it will be homage to us. That was very clever."

Phoebe slid off his back and began to remove her armor, "yes."

"Killing the Demi-God disturbed you," the BloodLust asked.

"Hardly. It was an act of mercy. Demi-Gods are nothing more than propaganda devices. Its disgusting. Children between Divine beings are threats, Demi-Gods and Goddesses are nothing more than advertising tools. I did the half-mortal a favor," Phoebe said angrily as she went to shower before settling into the bath.

Daalumos followed her, "so your father cast you out not for you to learn war on your own?"

Phoebe leaned her head back to rest on the side of the bath, "of course not. I am a threat to him, just as I am to my mother. No court in the Underworld will welcome me. The Heavenly Gods and Goddesses at least provide their offspring something to start them off unless they are kept in servitude. I serve no one. Only myself."

The bound demon understood she no longer wanted to discuss the matter. He went back out to the hall and began to rethink what he thought he knew. He did know that many divine offspring of the Underworld were cast out on their own. Most because they caused problems in the courts. The daughters were usually kept though. Mainly for decoration, but sometimes for entertainment. None of that mattered to Daalumos personally. His kind could not do such a thing. He had come into being well over a millennium ago. He would exist for as long as he found sustenance. Unless struck down by an instrument of Divinity. A weapon made by a God or Goddess could end him. Like Phoebe's sword.

Demons consumed, that was fact. The Lusts only consumed what they were. In Daalumos' case, he consumed murderous intent. He was a BloodLust. Until entering Phoebe's service he was bored when he wasn't close to a battlefield. Currently he was satisfied. He had encountered many beings in the Underworld. None held his attention the way Phoebe did. She was a constant source of amusement and confusion. He decided now would be a good time to sleep and did so.




The Academy was buzzing once again. This time there was much snickering and giggling with it. After all, it wasn't everyday that a future Duke was seen wearing a maid's outfit and performing such demeaning duties as sweeping and mopping floors, serving tables and cleaning them. The catch was, it wasn't an official maid's uniform. It was a costume for playing a maid. The skirt was MUCH shorter and the neckline more revealing.

The morning had started with Jeffries Talfar reporting to the Headmaster's office. Fiona Doucet handed him the outfit, complete with lingerie and shoes.

"Get changed. You have a lot of work to do today," Fiona stated firmly without any humor.

Several long minutes later he returned from the restroom in the outfit trying very hard to conceal his anger, and failing at it. Within five minutes the first wolf whistle sounded and it continued from there. It wasn't long and Talfar was dodging a third pinch of the rear-end. Serving the tables prompted even more lurid attention. Not from the boys, it was the girls.

Many of them remarked using some of the very same comments he had used on various young women that were service oriented and more than a few underclass girls. His big shock came, though it shouldn't have been such a surprise, when a hand snaked under the skirt and gently but firmly cupped his bottom.

"My! Don't you look simply delectable," Prince Vaan Arento oozed. "A marvelously wonderful morning to you Ladies!"

The table of first year girls grinned and giggled, "good morning your Highness!"

Vaan smiled to them but did not remove his hand, "isn't it just delightful to have such CHARMING service?"

The girls giggled and Vaan crowded Talfar closer and began to softly squeeze, "not to worry about your first day on the job. I'll be MORE than happy to look after you my DEAR."

Talfar snatched up the tray from the table and rushed off.

"Aww. Shy little thing. I shall simply have to do all I can to bring her out of her shell! Please do excuse me ladies," the flamboyant Prince said with a wink then followed the mortified future Duke. "MUFFIN? OH DARLING?"

The entire Dining Hall knew what he was up to and did their best not to roar with laughter, though many had to lay their heads down to muffle themselves. Even the instructors had to hide their faces behind their hands or napkins. The Headmaster tried to hard to maintain his own composure. It was a sure thing that today would be forever engraved in Academy history.

Complaints regarding Jeffries Talfar had been coming in since his second week at the Academy. First the maids, then the Gentry girls followed by lower Nobles. It wasn't long and the complaints started coming from the towns as well about his behavior. Off Academy grounds his title carried weight. On the grounds, there were no witnesses or evidence other than just the complaint. Until now. Crossing a Solo was different. They had no agenda. Solos had to be provoked in very specific ways. Talfar knew that. The big question was; why had he been so stupid as to do exactly that?

Most of the buzzing stopped and eyes were cast to the doorway. Patrick Fotens was entering. As usual he paid no mind to the collective and simply went over to an empty table and sat down to read notices. The notices came from one of the registry offices and from the Academy's office as well. Not many knew what they were. The Headmaster and instructors did. The notices were of the latest unit listings, locations and activities. Goods and services used predominantly by Solos. Events to update information or other workshops pertaining to business. Within certain notices were carefully disguised social events as well. Only Solos of greater than a year of experience knew how to understand those and decipher the instructions.

Tables began to be cleared of dishes as first and second year students frantically completed written assignments. Almost ten minutes later the Third and Fourth years began to leave casually. The bells chimed, causing the underclass to loudly exit. Wolf whistles and catcalls began going out in the corridor.

Jeffries Talfar had been sweeping the the corridor after being practically chased from the dining hall by Prince Vaan Arento. He had been blanking his mind against the fact of his apparel, but that was shattered when the bells chimed and the corridor filled with students. Many of whom began to grab, pinch and swat at his backside. Some of the girls were trying to flip the skirt of the dress. Most passing by made some lurid comment. In short; he was being subjected to the same treatment he had made others suffer, for the past four years.

When the corridor emptied Fiona Doucet finally strolled by.

"You're enjoying watching them do all of that to me. Aren't you," Talfar asked the Countess sarcastically.

Fiona turned around and stepped back over to him, "have you seen me smiling?"

The future Duke remarked, "not with your mouth."

"Not at all. That little outfit is nothing. One girl had once said she'd like to see you done up in a Brothel-girl's outfit. I strongly considered doing that. The day isn't over," Fiona remarked as she turned away to leave. "No one told you to stop working."

Talfar wanted to argue with her, but held his mouth closed and went back to sweeping. The idea of dressing as a Brothel-girl was not appealing at all. He had thrown around the comment of a girl being better suited to be one so many times, trying to figure out who suggested it was useless. He had only paid a price for it once prior. The twelve year old daughter of a High Noble. The girl was standing outside a stable while her father was inside having an adjustment being made to his horse.

Not even two minutes after the words left his mouth he found himself on the ground from being punched. What was worse was the Noble recognized him and knew his father. Duke Talfar had been furious to hear of whom he had insulted. It ended up costing him an ally and business deal as well. Jeffries had not been punished for what he did, only for whom he did it to. What was worse was the girl had been who a marriage negotiation with him had been with. Now there was last minute rushed negotiation with the Doucet family. In the end Fiona had established the terms and no matter what, Talfar interests were of the lesser. Jeffries didn't care about that. That was his father's and her father's doing. Personally all he cared about was the house he would have out of their sight for the girls he would start collecting to service his needs.

"Solo Fotens," the Headmaster called out.

Talfar glared as he swept, watching Patrick Fotens meet the Headmaster.

"Headmaster," Patrick greeted him.

The Headmaster said to him, "there was a misunderstanding yesterday afternoon. Your payment has been delayed until this afternoon."

"I was told midday," Patrick replied.

"Ah yes. That was what Prince Arento told you before being bought out. The Academy will be paying you instead and I was supposed to have it first thing this morning. Unfortunately for me there was a mistake and the payment has not become available yet. Since that happened a delay penalty applies and will be included in your payment this afternoon," the Headmaster informed him.

Patrick gave a half shrug, "an hour or two from the original time wouldn't constitute penalty."

"True, but I had stated for the record a new time which is much earlier. Over half the day would constitute a penalty, which of course will be paid. The Academy will always be above-board," the Headmaster stated.

Patrick regarded him for a long moment then nodded, "acceptable."

The Headmaster watched the young Solo walk away and resisted the urge to shake his head, "that young man took to the way entirely too easy. If he makes it to retirement, he'll go insane a day later."




Jessica Weyden, Lamia Tuala and Aruna Monning sat on a bench in the courtyard during the afternoon break. Not far away they could see Jeffries Talfar, still in the costume, sweeping off the walkway.

"I was talking to a Fourth year. She said that had it been anybody else Countess Fiona wouldn't have done that. It would have been going too far. So said, she did this to him because of a personal reason of her own," Aruna said in a low voice.

"SH," Lamia shushed quietly then spoke up. "Afternoon Countess."

Fiona nodded to them, "afternoon ladies, Highness."

"Things seem to be going well enough," Jessica remarked.

Unless speaking softly or whispering they knew that Talfar could hear them.

Fiona regarded the future Duke, "about as well as can be expected. There IS room for improvement of course."

Aruna asked gently, "Countess, are you sure that such is warranted? There may be argument of going out of the way."

"What be the measure of a man? To what standard shall he be held? There must of course be one who did set such standard for others to be held to. Verily there must be exceptions to that standard of man; lest there be no men who are exceptional," Fiona said the last part looking at Patrick Fotens across the way.

All three girls looked over and saw him too. Jessica was the first to stand up.

"Point eloquently made Countess. We'll leave you to your; business," Jessica said with a nod and left, followed by her two friends.

The moment was broken by Talfar's quiet snarl, "if only our fathers weren't acquainted."

Fiona turned around and walked over to him with a blank expression, "give thanks that they are. Otherwise I would not have intervened and you would currently be residing in the infirmary. There are those that view this as me taking mercy on you."

"Mercy," Jeffries scoffed.

Fiona began to walk away, "its true. I AM showing you mercy. And it would be unwise to make me rethink it."

Talfar wanted to say and do many things at that moment. However, he did not. The whistles and cat-calls hadn't stopped. By the time the kitchen had shut down for the night Talfar looked haggard and the stockings looked as if he had walked through a field of unkempt rose bushes. In the High Nobles' lounge, his entrance was noticed with silence. Heads that had turned to see who had entered quickly turned away. Talfar wanted to scream and throw things but figured that if he did Fiona would take immediate action, even though she was not in the room. Instead he simply went upstairs to his dorm room.




Phoebe sat on her throne. Battles had been searched for with no results. Both she and Daalumos had become accustomed to this. Sometimes there were so many battles raging they could barely keep track and other times nothing would happen for almost a month. They had enjoyed the evening's prayers from the Malzeek household and noticed that more had participated, making it stronger and more potent.

"Mistress," Daalumos called to catch her attention.

Phoebe's eyes had opened already, "yes. I felt it too. A God is approaching."

A moment later a lone male in battle garb entered through the darkened archway.

"Are you She," he asked.

Phoebe regarded him then answered, "I am Phoebe. The Nightmare Rider."

He nodded to her, "I am Rudianos. You felled my son."

"Do not insult me with a false display of paternal obligation. He was a tool to you. Nothing more than homage to yourself," Phoebe scoffed.

The War God glared at her, "you slight me girl. I would have you for less."

She had already been wearing her armor so simply took up her sword, "you could not lay claim to me on your best of days. Dare you to challenge me?"

Rudianos nodded, "of course. On the next moonrise. It would be pointless to make you fall if no one witnessed."

"Very well then. A duel of course between you and I. Following to the victor. Since you have named the time, I shall determine the place," Phoebe stated.

"Do so and find your doom there. I will take you, your following and your body's pleasures," Rudianos declared.

Phoebe laughed as she confronted him, "I will have your following, your wealth and your head."

"Thus is our duel pact," Rudianos declared.

Phoebe generated an image in the air of the place. Rudianos studied it then nodded and left. When his presence was no longer felt Daalumos laughed.

"You will face him on your consecrated ground. This should be interesting to say the least. Its been so long since you faced a God or Goddess," Daalumos remarked.

Phoebe sat back down, "it matters not. He will fall to my sword."

The BloodLust chuckled, "such unshakable confidence. I think it may be infectious."

"That shall be a vote in my favor then. Now to gather the others," Phoebe commented and closed her eyes.

Daalumos knew what she was about to do and laughed.

She reached out to all connected to her and filled their minds with her image and voice.

" The faithful must gather upon my consecrated battleground. There I will remove any doubt of my power as your Goddess," Phoebe projected. She felt the presence of a witch nearby and could tell she knew of her. " Hear me witch. You have told other mortals of me. It is time you saw for yourself. Come to the appointed place for the battle."

That said she left their minds then eased into sleep.




Jessica sat at the breakfast table with four other princesses. She had already finished her meal and was drinking juice while helping two first year princesses with a question from class they didn't understand.

"Your Highness," the Headmaster interrupted.

Jessica stood up, "yes Headmaster?"

She noticed Lamia and Aruna standing close by and fidgeting.

"For some reason there are two women at the main door seeking your Highness, Duchess Monning and Lady Tuala. Follow me please," the Headmaster stated then led them out.

Moments later they reached the main entrance. Standing inside was the woman from the pastry shop and the old woman that had told them of the Nightmare Rider.

The shop owner curtsied, "I apologize my Ladies. She insisted she must see you immediately."

Jessica nodded to her with a smile then gently took the old woman's hands in her own, "Madam what is so important for you to come see us? Are you in distress of some kind?"

The crone smiled, "a different girl is before me than the one I told of the Nightmare Rider. Your heart has changed. I was visited by the Rider during the night. She commands us to gather as witnesses. The journey is far. I can not go there on my own."

Jessica was stunned. The old witch wanted to be taken to see the Nightmare Rider? She looked over to Aruna and Lamia. Lamia looked uncomfortable but the young Duchess looked excited.

"The Nightmare Rider is frightening. Are you certain that you should go to this place," Jessica asked.

The crone chuckled to the princess, "girl; one thing you should never do, is refuse the invitation when One such as Her does so personally! I expect quite the sight to see. A battle between a War God and the Nightmare Rider."

Jessica had to admit to herself, she had never seen such a thing before and the chance may never come again.

"Princess Weyden," the Headmaster spoke up. "If you and your friends go it would not be an excusable absence. I will not stop you though."

Jessica looked over at the two, "Lamia if you don't want to go, you don't have to. Aruna I know you do. I'll admit, this is a prospect I don't think should be passed over lightly. Madam I will escort you there. I will meet you at the main gate in a few minutes."

Duchess Aruna Monning smiled, "I will DEFINITELY be going along!"

The pastry shop owner nodded, "then I leave her in your care my Ladies. I'll walk back and leave her my horse."

The Headmaster nodded, "I'll see you both out."

Jessica turned to her friends, "Armor and arms. Meet at the gate in fifteen minutes. I need to talk to the Solos."

Fifteen minutes later the three girls rode up to the gate and met the old woman again. All three were in their armor with battle swords, carrying shields and lances.

"Apologies for the delay Madam. I thought it best to purchase information from the Solos. I've been allowed to rent a map from one. Please tell me where we need to go," Jessica asked.

The location was named. Jessica plotted a way and found that though it would normally take over a full day, there was a course that would get them there faster if they left immediately. They set up with Jessica in the lead. She had the old witch ride between Lamia and Aruna.

"Highness. Is this what it was like when you went on that assignment with Solo Fotens," Aruna giggled.

Jessica looked back and laughed, "in some ways. I will say though, I feel much more comfortable in my own armor!"

Jessica had chosen a very difficult route but it was much shorter. Other routes would have been easier to travel but they would have been punishing to the elderly woman. Not that their current route was easy, but it wasn't constantly brutal to her old body. Jessica used all the knowledge she had acquired on the trip with Patrick. It paid off. They were able to arrive just as the sun was setting. Many people had gathered already. One group stood out from the assembling crowd. They were flying twin banners.

"We must go over that way. I feel a touch of the Rider's power," the old woman told them.

They eased over to the group. Sitting atop a black horse with red markings was a little girl. She wore a black silk dress trimmed in red as well and a black cloak. Hanging at the horse's shoulder was a shield.

"Goddess Phoebe will win. She never loses," the little girl said to a young man that had bowed to her.

"Of course Mistress Sania. Your faith, as her WarPriestess, is strong. The Goddess will win," the young man smiled up to her.

Jessica asked, "Phoebe?"

Sania heard her, "our Goddess. Goddess Phoebe, the Nightmare Rider. I'm Sania her WarPriestess. Who are you?"

"I am Her Royal Highness Jessica Weyden, Princess of Lurbourg. With me are The Duchess Aruna Monning and Lady Lamia Tuala. We are escort to this Elder," Jessica smiled. "Hello WarPriestess Sania."

"Mama. How do I curtsy if I'm still on Lamudos," Sania asked a woman beside her.

The woman took note of Jessica's wink and smiled, "I think she would know best sweetheart. You should ask her very politely."

"Princess. How should I greet you the right way," Sania asked.

Jessica smiled to the child, "when you get bigger and can get up and down all by yourself it would be nice of you got down and curtsied. But for now what you can do is put your hand over your heart, bow and greet me by saying 'Your Highness'. Since you're a WarPriestess that's what a knight would do."

The little girl did so then smiled and turned to her mother, "I learned something new!"

"Very good," Celia reassured her then turned to Jessica. "Thank you Highness. I am curious as to why you're here. Do you follow Goddess Phoebe?"

"I'm here more out of curiosity. I was also asked personally, along with my friends, to escort an Elder from one of the towns close to the Academy," Jessica stated.

"You go to the Academy? The one that teaches how to be a knight? I'm going to go! Goddess Phoebe made sure," Sania said proudly.

Aruna Monning smiled, "we'll have graduated by that time but we'll probably hear about you. I'm Duchess Aruna Monning."

"I'm Lady Lamia Tuala. Pleased to meet you," Lamia said and smiled too.

Several people began to call out from across the field. A lone man stood in armor. Immediately chanting began.


Sania's eyes closed then she quickly turned around and called out, "SHE'S COMING!"

The crowd parted as an unearthly shriek split the night, drowning out the chant. They all edged back as what appeared to be a carpet of darkness stretched back and a demon horse raced the length of it leaving a trail of burning hoof prints.

"The Nightmare Rider has come," crowed the old witch.

Phoebe and Daalumos tore past them all and erupted into the center of the field. She leaped from the BloodLust's back to land on her feet and charge the War-God drawing her sword. Rudianos drew his own sword and moved to meet her attack with a battle cry.

"THIS NIGHT WILL MARK YOUR END," Phoebe yelled as their swords clashed.

The Vulcan sword melted through the end of Rudianos' sword. He swung his shield up to block and a deep gouge marked the face of it. Phoebe stayed on the attack. In the crowd Sania carefully cut her left hand and let the blood drip to the ground.

"I give of myself to Her. I give my prayers to Her. I serve She who is my Goddess. I claim Her forever; Phoebe of Nightmares," Sania said squeezing her eyes tightly closed as she prayed.

Rudianos had no idea that he had been tricked so easily. The War-God had his followers on the opposite side of the field. Phoebe's bold attack on him, and previously killing the Demi-God had already planted fear. Her actions now fanned the spark of fear into flames of terror. Terror that she consumed and became even stronger, along with the prayers from her own followers and WarPriestess. The fact that the ground had been consecrated to her increased that. What was worse, Phoebe was using a mixture of two fighting styles. Techniques from the Underworld battles she had usurped and Mortal battles she had participated in.

Rudianos went quickly from defensive to disadvantaged in mere seconds. The more he defended, the more his shield suffered and would soon be destroyed. When he tried to attack, his sword was being taken away inch by inch. Another slash and his shield failed and burst into what looked like dust that faded away. Quickly Rudianos pulled out a war hammer and tried to attack with it only for it to burst apart with one slash. Phoebe was practically chasing him now as he tried to parry her attacks. Finally all he had left of the sword was the hilt which she slapped from his hand, scorching through the gauntlet.

The War-God dropped the useless sword remains and watched as she rammed the point of her sword through it then advanced again. Two arcing slashes and the breastplate of his armor shattered and he fell to his knees. His followers cried out in horror. Horror that only lent her more power as she swung her sword once more and the War-God Rudianos burst apart. She had broken his Divinity. To all his followers, she killed him. They all fell to their own knees and began pleading for mercy. Their fear spiked even higher now and flowed into her without any need to circulate it. It was raw and powerful. From the other side she was feeling the refined power of worship flowing into her, as did Daalumos.

"SERVE, OR FEAR ME," Phoebe called out.

The crowd scattered away in fear. Phoebe turned and walked back toward the crowd of her own followers to their cheers. Many kneeled before her as other bowed or curtsied. Even Jessica Weyden curtsied to her. Phoebe was not her Goddess, but that didn't mean she should not show respect to the Goddess.

Sania had been helped off her horse and rushed forward, "I knew you would win Goddess! I knew!"

"Of course you knew little one. One day, you too, will be victorious in battle," Phoebe stated loudly.

Daalumos had walked over and was regarding Sania's robotic horse.

"Good likeness little priestess. I am pleased," Daalumos said with a chuckle.

Sir Aldo steeped forward, "this young scribe here can also draw. He sketched your likeness as best he could so that the stable-mechanic would be able to attempt this. We hope you accept this as an honor to you and approve."

Many edged back and the BloodLust circled around, "hmm. This may be as close as can be. Mortal, I approve of this steed to carry the priestess."

"Thank you Demon," Sir Aldo bowed to the BloodLust.

Phoebe looked to the witch, "you have seen for yourself now."

The old woman nodded, "I have. You are indeed a Goddess as the spirits have told me. Your tale grows every day, Goddess Phoebe; the Nightmare Rider."

"Goddess. Since I will go to the Academy, shouldn't there be a place for me to pray there. Its far from home isn't it," Sania asked.

The old witch nodded, "you are her priestess. Only you may consecrate a place in her name child."

Jessica spoke up, "we are returning to the Academy. You and your family may ride with us. We will leave at first light."

"May we," Sania asked Tam Malzeek.

Tam nodded, "thank you Highness for the kind invitation. In return; you, your Ladies and Elder please be guests in our camp for the night."

They turned to see Phoebe settling herself on Daalumos' back.

"FAREWELL," Phoebe called out as Daalumos reared up then disappeared in a rush of flames.

The crowd slowly dispersed to the camps or return home. The new day would come soon.
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