Once again Rasufelle (Melanie E) has been the inspiration for a raft of new standalone stories.
While I applaud the skill and determination of the serial writers, I long for more short and intemediate stories.
Over the last few years Melanie has pushed, cajoled, and coaxed writers through contests and challenges to produce stories, mostly short stories. I shudder to think how few short stories would have been posted had she not been such a driving force.
She's my Easter bunny carrying baskets full of short stories.
Thank you! (When I grow up I want to be just like you.)
I join in the thanks
Yes indeed, it's a good thing to have someone who's a driving force for us. Like you, I like a good short story. I'm often reluctant to start reading a series. To often a good story just gets abandoned. I'm reading three serials that are currently being added to on a semi regular basis and there are two that only sporadically get added to. I don't complain, since this is all free. I doubt that I'll start any more until one or more of what I've got going are finished.
To top it all off, I've found the same problem with my Nook. I get into a series of books and find that the final book is still out there. That becomes a bummer when each book is not a standalone story written with the same characters and setting, but leads directly to another story which continues the story line and leaves the tale unfinished. I do like a story with an ending. Probably why I could never get into soap operas.
I personally don't have the patience nor can I feel confident in making the comment to write on a regular basis so I can get the stories finished. I have too many on my hard drive that I've started and not finished for one reason or another.
But thanks Melanie for all your efforts to keep us producing.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Thanks from all directions
She got me posting a story for the first time just recently.
On top of championing short stories, she's a nice person as well.
Defiantly has my vote for this years un-official Closetr Easter bunny
Thanks again for your help Melanie :)
And I swear the prizes are coming :D
Waiting on a response from Piper, then I should be good to go!
Thanks to YOU too, Angela, and Nessa, and Patricia. I'm not always the most reliable writer, whether that's in terms of my own stories or other projects, so trying to inspire others to write too is, I guess, my little way of at least making SOME contribution to the site :)
Melanie E.