The Silver Lining Part 7

Andrew McKenzie is a junior in highschool when a strange incident sweeps the world. In the aftermath Andrew is left confused and unsure what's happening to him as he slowly begins to notice changes. How we he and his family find the silver lining?

The Mall

The knocking on my door woke me up. It’d taken some time to finally get comfortable last night so it seemed I’d slept late. I had always slept on my stomach before but that was no longer comfortable so I was still struggling with finding a new position. Another knock on my door made me stir again.

“Alexis! Wake up! Mom said breakfast is ready!” It was my sister Amanda and I groaned finally tossing back the covers and answering the door. “Cute nightie…” Amanda laughed as she made fun of my old t-shirt being used to sleep in now. “Anyway here take these. You can wear this to the mall with mom. Now take a shower, get dressed, and get your butt down stairs.”

Closing the door I tossed the clothes Amanda had given me on the bed. I groaned and stretched before stripping down and hopping in my shower. Washing my new body was still any experience but one I was getting the hang of and I had to admit I enjoyed the way the warm water felt against me soft skin. The biggest issue showering now was drying my hair, and it took forever to do so. Hanging down below my shoulders I’d never had hair anywhere near as thick and long as I did now.

I finally gave up and just wrapped a towel around my head like I'd seen my sister and mother do countless times. Picking up the clothes they were nothing special another of my sister’s t-shirts and some work out pants that were stretchy enough to handle my wider hips compared to my sister. Both of them were tight though and getting used to how women’s clothing hugged their bodies more than they way men’s do would definitely be another challenge.

Still all and all it looked like something I'd seen plenty of girls wear after going to the gym or working out. I doubted anyone would find it strange to see someone wearing it at the mall, and that’s exactly what I wanted. Something that wouldn’t stick out. Now all I had to do was deal with how tight it was. Amanda had also given me some socks and a pair of her snickers so I didn't have to wear my old ones again along with twelve pairs of socks to keep them on my feet.

My feet were much smaller now but still larger than my sisters though. Her snickers squeezed my feet, but it wasn’t painful they were just a little small. Another deep breath and I tossed the towel I had wrapped around my hair in the hamper of my bathroom before heading downstairs.

“Morning hun. There’s pancakes and sausage on the table. As soon as you’re done eating we’ll head to the mall.” My mother announced as I entered the kitchen. I told her thanks and then grabbed a glass and some orange juice from the fridge before joining Amanda in the breakfast nook beside the kitchen. I could help but notice how beautiful of a Sunday it was outside as the sunshine poured in the windows around the table.

“You going to the mall with us Manda?” I asked as I fixed my plated a bit down on some sausage.

“No I wanted to but I can’t. I still have to read some books for one of my classes. I’m way behind.” Amanda sighed and pointed to a stack of books beside her.

“How are you behind already it’s only the first week of classes?” I asked between the delicious bites of pancakes I was stuffing in my face.

“Well there was this little thing where my brother became my sister that kind of distracted me, but it’s also college Lexy they don’t waste time assigning work.” Hearing her use a new nickname for me took me a bit off guard.

“Lexy?” I questioned.

“What? It’s not like there’s a lot of choices in nicknames for Alexis. It’s the best I could come up with. Deal with it.” Smirking she stuck her tongue out at me as mom finally came in and joined us with a cup of coffee.

“You not eating mom?” I asked noticing she didn’t make a plate.

“I already did lazy bones. It’s almost eleven hun you and your sister took forever to get up.” I was a bit shocked it was that late. I hadn’t looked at the clock and normally if I slept that late before I always felt awful. Not today though I felt fantastic other then the butterflies in my stomach when I thought about going shopping.

“Sorry. Still getting used to sleeping on my back all the time.” I announced continuing my meal and pouring some syrup on my pancakes.

“You’ll get used to it. Maybe we’ll get you a new bed though you’ve had that one a while and you’re supposed to replace them every 7 years. That should help you sleep better.” I nodded agreeing. My bed had started feeling lumpy and even before all this I was starting to think it was time for a change.

“Yeah. I think I might want to redecorate my room all together if that’s ok.” I asked before finishing off my orange juice.

“Oh really? Is this because of what happened?” My mother asked a bit suspicious some reason.

“No I had been thinking about it before school started, but... I don’t know it just seems like the right time to change things up.” I announced

“Well it’s your room. If that’s what you want its fine with me, but just in case you change your mind we’ll keep your old stuff in storage.” I nodded agreeing and finally finished my breakfast. I might have been drawing it out longer then I needed to feeling the butterflies flutter more and more in my stomach as our trip to the mall grew closer. I was done now though and there was no way to stall any longer.

“All done?” My mother asked as I took my last bite.

“I guess so.” I said wiping my mouth with a napkin.

“Good put your dish in the sink and I’ll go get my stuff.” We stood up together and leaned over giving Amanda a hug not really sure why as she sat at the table beside me reading one of her books. I think she was as surprised as I was but she smiled and returned it.

“See you later Manda.” I added as I headed to the kitchen with my plate.

“Have fun with mom, and I want a fashion show when you get home.” Amanda announced before returning to her reading.

I met my mother by the front door and reaching into her purse she handed me a brush. “Here honey you hair's a mess you can brush it in the car. We’ll pick you up some brushes while we're out, and you need to learn to use them after waking up or washing your hair now. Otherwise your hair is going to be a knotted mess, and you’re too pretty for that.”

I took the brush and nodded. Soon I was going to need to need to start making a list off all the things I was going to have to learn. I did as I was told though and on the way to the mall I brushed my hair out in the car. It wasn’t long before we were parking in front of the mall entrance, and I sat staring at the people going in and out.

“You ready?” My mother asked looking over at me and taking the brush as I handed it back. I took a deep breath and nodded not really sure if it was true. She placed the brush back in her purse and we both headed into the mall.

It was my first time in public really and deep inside me I felt as though everyone would be staring at the guy wearing girls clothes. I knew it didn’t make sense to everyone else I looked like a girl, but I couldn’t help it. I looked around at the other people nervously. No one was staring and other than a few smiles when I made eye contact with someone everyone was busy with their own tasks.

The mall nearest our house was fairly large and had a lot of stores. If I had come alone I would have had no clue where to start, but my mother did. I followed close behind her until Finally she entered a store as a guy I had never been in. It sold only women’s clothing and there was a lot of choices.

“Go look around. See if you find anything you like. I’ll pick some stuff out and then you can try it on.” My mother told my while she thumbed through a clothing rack.

I wandered around a bit feeling like I was somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be, and having no clue what I was looking for. I slide hangers this way and that looking at tops before moving onto the next rack. It was clear I was lost so I guess it was no surprise when one of the girls that worked there approached me.

“Can I help you find anything?” The pretty red head asked. She couldn’t have been much older than me and wore a name tag the said Katie. Her hair wasn’t natural red it was more a bright dyed red color, and it fit her really well. She was about my size probably someone I would have drooled over a week ago. I didn’t feel that at the moment though. I was nervous and though I knew she was pretty it didn’t seem to have any effect of me.

“I’m just looking for some clothes.” I said softly trying not to make eye contact.

“Alright, well you look like you’re about the same size as me so I'm guessing about a size six?” I nodded my mother had told me my sizes before we left. The one good thing about all the measuring the doctors had done at the hospital is there was no need to figure that out now. My mother knew exactly what size I was.

Katie dug through a few things and then held a light blue top and a pair of jeans up in front of me. “This would look cute on you. Here have a look in the mirror.” Following her she lead me over to one of the large mirrors in the store and held the outfit in front of me. The top was a bit more frilly around the collar then I would have liked but she was right it’d probably look cute on me.

“Yeah that looks cute.” I said with a nod and Katie smiled.

“Here go try it on. See if it fits.” I knew from what my mother had told me on the way to the mall that despite something saying it was my size that it still might not fit. She had said to make sure I try everything on because I might be a six in one brand and an eight in another.

Taking the top and pants Katie showed me to the changing room and I paused for a moment outside. This was definitely somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be a week ago but I reminded myself I was a girl now and followed her in. Thankfully there were several free stalls so I went into one and changed into the outfit. It fit well from what I could tell. The jeans were tight but it was the same with all girl’s clothing I'd worn.

“Let’s see how it looks.“ Katie called from outside the stall. Unlocking the door I stepped out and stood in front of the mirrors in the changing room. Katie smiled behind me. “Oh that’s super cute. Those pants make your butt look to die for.” I spun and looked at my bottom in the mirror. Regardless of how I felt about it I knew the cloud had given me a curvy body and my butt did look good in the jeans.

“So do you go to Riverside?” Suddenly my heart sank. Did she recognize me somehow?

“Uh...yeah. I’m a junior.” I said nervously and trying to avoid eye contact.

“I’m a senior! Wow I can’t believe I’ve never seen you around.” I glance at her trying to see if I remember her from anywhere. Thankfully our high school was fairly big and it was hard to know everyone. I was certain I'd never seen her before, and it was apparent she didn’t recognize me after all.

“Yeah. Same here. I’m sure I'd remember that red hair it’s awesome.” Katie smiled and nodded.

“I love it! Makes me feel like a badass.” She laugh and I couldn’t help but join her. It was the first time I'd laugh since I changed and the giggle I now maybe was a lot different from how I laughed before.

“There you are!” My mother said entering the change room with a bunch of clothes. “Oh you found something yourself. That’s cute.” She exclaimed as she joined us in front of the mirrors.

“Wow you two are buying out the store.” Katie said seeing the arm full of clothes my mother had. “Well let me officially introduce myself I’m Katie!” Holding out her hand to my mother she took it and they shook hands.

“I’m Samantha and this is my daughter Alexis it’s very nice to meet you.” My mother gave me a surprised look and I shrugged as I shook Katie’s hand as well.

“It’s nice to meet you both. Alexis and I just realized we go to the same school.” I saw my mother’s eyes widen and a bit of nervousness show on her for once. “I can’t believe we’ve never met before but if you two need any help I’m your girl just let me know. It looks like your mother has great taste Alexis so I'll leave you two alone so you can try that stuff on.”

My mother smiled at me as Katie left and she sat down the clothing she’d picked out. “She was nice. A new friend?”

I shrugged and my mother’s smile just grew larger. Handing me some of the clothes she had pick we started going through her pile. Eventually I lost count of the number of things I had tried on, but after a while we had a bunch of stuff that fit and that we liked. It felt weird wearing them but I had even agreed on a couple skirts and dresses. Mostly I stuck to approve pants and tops though.

“Well I think we have a good start to your new wardrobe. Let’s pay for this stuff and then we’ll see what we can find at some other stores.” Gathering up the clothes we had picked my mother headed towards the cash register Katie was manning.

“Love your taste.” Katie announced as she was ringing up our purchases.

“My daughter is a little fashionista.” My mother smiled and I cringed.

“Well don’t be a stranger at school Alexis. I’m always looking for friends with good taste in clothes.” I didn’t say anything nodding slightly and smiling at Katie. Once my mother finished paying we grabbed our bags and said good bye heading out of the store. I finally noticed we had spent a couple of hours in the store, and it surprised me a little.

Normally I hated shopping but today it hadn’t seemed like it had been as long as it had, and I even enjoyed it a little. We took our purchases to the car so we didn’t have to carry them around with us and then headed back in for round two.

This time my mom went right for the shoe store and it didn’t take anywhere near as long as the last store. In short order I had some new sneakers, flats, and even a pair of wedges. I had to admit I like the height the wedges gave me back. I still wasn’t as tall as I used to be before but it was an improvement.

At the shoe store picking out stuff I noticed that my color choices surprised me a little. I hadn’t really thought about it with the clothes but I was liking the way bright colors looked more now. I had even picked some pink and purple tops earlier. My new sneakers even had some pink in them now too and they were a lot more comfortable than Amanda’s.

As we were checking out at the shoes store my mother handed me some sun glasses they had on display by the counter. They were the big frames with dark lenses that were popular with girls these days, and seeing them in the mirror I liked them enough to agree to them. As before once we finished shopping for shoes we took the bags to the car and then returned to the mall.

It seemed we were done with the big stuff and now we just grabbed this and that as we looked around from different store. At one store we grabbed socks and a bunch of new under along with matching bras, and then at another my mother picked out a brush set for me. Thankfully at the store we got the brushes form we’d also found a hairdryer something I desperately needed, and while there my mother had also managed to get me to agree to curling and straightening irons.

As the day went on we just kept repeating our process of loading up on purchases and then unloading them at the care before returning. I was enjoying myself more than I ever had shopping but I was starting to get tired of it now so I whined a bit as we started going back again.

“Oh come up only a couple more things the mall closes at five anyway.” My mother said noticing my reluctance. I sighed and agree and this time was a bit surprised that she walked into the electronics store this time. My excitement rose as I saw her approach the cellphones.

“Ok hun I have a deal for you. I know you have been wanting your own phone for a while. So I'll get you one, but the next two stops we make you have to go along with.” I stared at the phones. She was right I had wanted a phone for a while, but I wasn’t sure what she had in mind. It didn’t take me long to agree though I was too excited not to, and whatever it was she wanted next I’m sure it would be permanent.

Smiling ear to ear I played with my new phone following my mother to whatever she had planned. Entering another department I was confused for a second. She bribed me with a phone to get me to agree to more clothes? Finally I figured it out though as she approached the cosmetics counter and one of the make-up artists.

“Hello, I'd like to have my daughter’s colors done and maybe you can give her some tips on make-up?” My jaw hung open in shock as I stared at my mother and she just smiled. “You agreed.” she said and my stomach filled with butterflies as the make-up artist lead me to a chair.

I shivered in the chair as the woman worked trying out this brand and that until she found something that fit my skin. Doing my eyes and lips she offered tips and demonstrated things in the mirror as I sat there silent. When she was done my mother nodded and smiled approval. I had never felt more girly in my life leaving with make-up on my face. Not only had my mother had my make-up done she’d also bought me a bunch along with brushes and a light mirror.

“Listen stop being so dramatic it’ll wash off and I just want you to have your own stuff just in case. Most girls your age have been playing with make-up their whole life, but you don’t have to use it. You have it now so ignore it or play with it in private. You don’t even have to tell me.” I pouted like a little kid as my mother pleaded her case and wondered where she was taking me next.

If I was prepared for the make-up our next stop was an even bigger surprise. My mother had a plan all along. Start off easy with clothes and save the most girly things for the end of the day after a bribe. Standing outside of a jewelry shop I watched as a young girl got her ears pierced and then look at my mother.

“A girl your age not having her ears pierced stands out hun and I know you don’t want that. I know it seems like a permanent things but it’s not. Wear the studs for a while and if you're really hate them just take them out. The holes will close up on their own.” Leading me over to the lady doing piercings my mother gripped my by the arm, and it was a good thing she did because I felt like running.

“Really earring though come on mom!” I tried desperately to talk my way out of it.

“Alexis Madeline McKenzie you agreed.” Ouch I'd only had my new middle name for a couple of days and my mother had already used it on me. I sighed and covered my eyes with my hands as her ears pierced sat in the chair, and then heard the lady behind me laugh.

“She not a fan of needles?” the woman asked cleaning my first earlobe with alcohol.

“Not really. I’ve been trying to get her to get her ears pierced for years, but she’s been too scared.” My mother was lying of course but the lady laughed again. “I had to bribe her with a phone to get her to finally agree with it today.

“Oh so worth it then. A new phone for a little pinch? I’d take that deal any day. Plus I promise it won’t hurt much, and a pretty girl like you should have her ears pierced the boys will love it.” I shivered again and then heard the piercing gun snap followed by a pinch on my ear. Shortly after the same happened on the other side and then I was handed a mirror.

Two diamond studs stuck through my ear lobes now in the mirror, and along with the make-up my face felt like it had completely changed again. Even with my reservations I couldn’t help but like it a little though. I continued to surprise myself with the things that I didn’t just absolutely hate. I never would have thought I would like the way I looked with make-up or earrings but now that they were their maybe I did.

I was still confused as we finally left the mall for the last time, and even though I had doubts I wasn’t going to admit to my mother that her trick might have worked. I buried my face in my new phone as a consolation prize sitting in the passenger seat on the ride home. My mother’s back seat was packed with bags and the sun was starting to set as we finally pulled back in the driveway of our home.

Turning off the care my mother took my hand as I went to get out of the car. “Are you that mad with me?” She asked. “I didn’t want to upset you. I was just trying to get you to maybe open up to some new things hun.”

I sighed. “I know mom. I’m not mad. I just didn’t know if I was ready to go this girly.”

“And how do you feel now?” she asked staring at me with hope in her green eyes.

“I don’t hate it. I still don’t know if make-up and all this is my thing, but I’m glad you had me do it...And I really like my new phone.” I told her smiling and giving her a hug.

“That’s good enough for me now let’s unload the car so I can make us some dinner.” Grabbing bags we began taking load after load in and up to my room. Amanda squealed seeing me in make-up and raved about how much she loved it before pitching in and giving us a hand. Between the three of us it didn’t take long and once we were done my went to start working on dinner.

Upstairs Amanda and I worked on unpacking all the clothes and putting them away. Other than a few of my old t-shirts all my old clothes went into bags and storage as my closet filled with a more feminine selection. The t-shirts I kept to sleep in and maybe a bit to remind myself who I used to be.

Modeling a few things for my sister she seemed to approve of our haul and threatened to steal some of it. I hadn’t planned on opening the make-up and other things like that we’d gotten be Amanda was having that. Opening it all up she put it all away in my bathroom and disposed of the empty boxes. No returning it now I thought, but I was pretty sure your couldn’t return make-up anyway.

It had been another long day and the rest of the evening was spent eating the dinner my mother had cooked, and Amanda gushing over my make-up and earrings. We she was finally done I retreated back upstairs and slipped into some of my new comfier clothes. It was nice to have my own stuff again and to be able to lounge around in one of my old baggy t-shirts and some short we’d gotten at one of our many stops during the day.

Moving to my computer I played a few games still enjoying being the girl killing and beating all the guys. I wasn’t used to being the center of attention but like today online in games it seemed as soon as I spoke I was. Everyone wanted to chat and play with me. I knew it was just because I was a girl and they were horny boys but it didn’t seem to bother me.

When I finally got tired enough I quit my games for the night and finally headed to the bathroom and started removing the make-up. My mother had gotten me some make-up remover wipes and as I took one I looked at myself in the mirror and paused. Maybe the make-up wasn’t so bad after all, and maybe like my mother said I’d play with my own when I was alone after all.

Once my faces was clean and washed I threw on some moisturizer something my mother and the make-up artist had suggested. Tying up my hair with some of my new hair ties I was glad to have them now just to keep my hair out of my face when I slept. Falling into bed I crawled under the covers finally and closed my eyes. That night I had nowhere near the trouble I'd had the night before falling asleep.

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