Shannara series

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I know this is going to bump my other blog off but this is more important.

The new Series "Shannara" is OK but I think there are several authors here who could have written it better. It's a very loose combination of "Lord of the Rings" and Bailey's "15ft of Steel".

The thing is wound too tight for me and too much tension but the actors seem good.



Already done

Dahlia's picture

I have been reading the Shannara series of books for 36 years. They are good books but totally predictable. Written by the author Terry Brooks who is also behind the TV series. I've seen the TV series once and was not impressed. For anyone who has time or the inclination, here is the link to Mr Brooks page.


P.S. Terry Brooks also wrote Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (film adaptation)

I saw the preview for the

I saw the preview for the series when I saw Episode 7 and read the first book. Was not a fan of the book.

Since LotR was first published,...

...everything was influenced by it :-)
I have The Sword of Shannara right by me. Looks like it was printed in 1985. Back cover is headed by: "A tale of mythic proportions, in the grand tradition of The Lord of The Rings."

After Two or Three Episodes

It seems OK. The story is a bit of a plod, but I like the players. The special effects are pretty good. I have to face that I am a hopeless romantic and do not like a lot of bloodshed.