I am not sure why, but it seems like my social anxiety levels are sky high.
First, I had to fight anxiety off just to go to a store and get help fixing our shower chair, and then today, I was going to go to volunteer at the local food bank (It was something my councilor recommended), but I got so anxious I didn't go.
Sighs ....
Hang in there Hon.....
I could suggest all the little tricks, like imagining everyone else is in their underwear, etc., but the simple truth is that they don't really work.
What I have found is that you just have to push through it. I have even engineered it in the past so that I found myself in a situation where I was forced to face my fears. Like purposely forgetting to pack any male clothing when going on a trip so that I eliminated the ability to give in to my fears.
My only really practical suggestion would be to go with a friend until you build up enough confidence to go it alone. There really is safety in numbers, but more important, there is confidence and support in numbers. Find a friend to go to the food bank with you - someone you are not only comfortable with, but someone you trust to have your back.
And always remember, you are never alone Hon.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Sounds like good advice,
you build up to it.
Wish I could be there for you.