I'm back from my counseling appointment, and I am not sure if this is good news, but they want to do a full psych evaluation on me, because they think I'm having problems beyond the ones I'm already on meds for.
So I'm crazier than even I thought ...
I think that everyone is
I think that everyone is crazier than they think.
Being crazy is actually a good thing. It prevents you from going insane. :)
WE're all a bit nutty
Some of us more than others. One good thing is that I survived a very hellish childhood. My first diagnosis was Multiple Personality Disorder around 1985. God, they had no idea! Later they decided on GID, and to me at the time it was satanic persecution being the fundi Christian that I waz. Later they added PTSD and Borderline to that. In time they would have a whole shit load of diagnosies. (how do I spell that?)
In time I realized that I needed to get out of my own head and let my brain sort its self. Try to lose yourself in service. This is not the first time I have said this to you. Are you ever going to listen? You will find a whole bunch of people just as troubled as you and still functioning.
problem is
the definition of crazy is based on being different than is normal.
there is no accepted definition of normal.
so, by being crazy you are normal and not crazy.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
Who cares?
The only person whose expectations you have live up to and with are your own. Myself, I'm crazier than a bedbug but I've learned to live with it and occasionally be happy, and that's enough for me. Try to learn to live in the moment.
Yesterday's come and gone, tomorrow may never be, all we have is the present. It is a present because it is God's gift to us. Try to be happy in it as often as you can. May his Grace give you some measure of peace.
Creative for crazy and you might have something there.