Well, I have gotten a setback in terms of getting SRS.
I was supposed to go to Arizona for a consult in January, but as I have not gotten notice that my plane ride will be covered by the Alberta government, I cant go.
I knew this was coming, its not a shock, really. And I've been trying to tell myself that it doesn't matter. It's not what's between my legs that makes me a woman.
Turns out I didn't believe me.
i sobbed on the phone with Jaci and another friend for five to ten minutes over this disappointment.
I'm far too scared of pain to arrange a little workplace "accident", so that's it.
I'll survive (I hope) but between this and the other crap going on right now, with my mom's surgery, my leg pain, and how much PTSD I've been coping with ...
All huggles and prayers appreciated.
Another batch on the way!
I'm send you a new batch of electronic huggles are on their way to your place. Please, be careful as this batch are the some type of holiday huggles. I was told not to feed them chocolate, fruit cake, and definitely NO ALCOHOL! They are absolute party animals should ANY two of those things happen, and with all THREE they are worse than teenagers on spring break in Florida. Take care and try to relax!
You are right
It is not your body what makes you what you are. You are not a body.
Some day, maybe not too far, changing sex will become about as easy as changing clothes. Soon after that, the sex will become a part of the dresscode. You got to work as a truck loader, you got to be male. After work, you have a community meeting, you got to be female. Everyone will be changing sexes several times per day. The few ones that cannot accept it would probably be regarded as queers. Talk about being defined as a person by your body? :)
(Or, advance the things a little more, where changing gender becomes a snap. Imagine just pressing a button on a phone-like gadget and suddenly being completely comfortable with a sex of your choice - including sexes that currently don't even exist. Convenient, eh? :) )
Head up, girl. You are not what is between your legs - you are what is between your ears.
And have a very, very happy New Year! :)
Sending emergency package
Sending emergency package of Hugs. This is the extra large package containing at least 25% bonus huggles.
Anne Margarete
None of us need hits like that Dorothy. I have a huggle here for you, it's soft and furry and it's going down the phone line now.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
well the huggles are nice and all
But dorothy loves to share them. Unfortantly the usual recipient is me so cut down on the hugs.
Happy new year all.