I've been working to complete a story that I started years ago and trying to fight off the relentless win10 boogieman. With so many open projects, I don't want to allow that onto my desktop while not knowing how to use win10.
So, I have an aged Toshiba laptop that has been running the upgrade since 9:00PM last night. It is 9:33 AM and it seems to have finished.
What have I done?
You've installed an operating
You've installed an operating system that, while appearing to work fine for the most part, is still a bit buggy, and has some huge privacy concerns. If you want to stay 'private' online, just find one of the guides that'll show you the 12 locations in Windows to turn off the reporting back to Microsoft functions. Then you're about the same system as Windows 8.1 - but with automatic updates you can't turn off.
It won't harm your documents, and it won't turn your potted plants into demon eating monsters.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Whathave you done?
Made a big Mistake perhaps?
You can roll it back though.
the roll back option works really well
I had to roll back because my graphics card wasn't properly supported. I was pleasantly surprised to find out how well it worked and how quick and easy it is (for 30 days).
I am less happy to find I can't tell Microsoft where to stick their 'upgrade' for my laptop (desktop worked fine). And no one is ever going to write a Win10 driver for a 5 year old laptop graphics card.
try this
go to google and look up drp it should have a program to update all drivers
only if a driver exists
Unfortunately it's not because the driver hasn't been found, it's because it doesn't exist. HP Pavillions of that age with AMD chips had a special graphics chip that could swap between an ATI HD 4500 chipset on battery and an HD 5400 on mains power. HP have no plans to write a driver for this special chipset and I can't imagine anyone else will bother.
There are Linux drivers for it. Maybe I could reverse engineer one...
Good thing about Linux is...
You don't have to reverce engineer it's drivers in most cases as there should be source code available...
See if there's BSD support -
See if there's BSD support - if so, make it a hackintosh.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I had Win 07 professional on mine when I picked up a bug and had to restart the computer from scratch but MS been pushing Win 10 and thru auto update they destroyed Win 07 to the point that no choice but update to win 10 I've lost a lot of info because I having trouble finding stuff on 10 and I hate it to the point I'll probably buy a recondition Apple next and MS can go to hell because Win 10 is a joke. when I turned it on this morning they said they downloaded a new feature but to use it I need to buy a App from them anybody know how to save to my favorites list so I don't have to search for that favorite because the only favorite list I can find is the one that was there when I upgraded and I still haven't been able to add to it or find my list of contacts in my e-mails?
Re: Win10
I've not yet been caught up in the Windows 10 upgrade options. But to find your Favorite listings you could use a different file manager that can show hidden files. I use Total Commander, you can download and use it a few times without registering or paying for full use. On Vista you can find Favorites under \Users\name then copy the folders off to a safe location.
What you can do is make a
What you can do is make a hackintosh - http://getintopc.com/softwares/operating-systems/niresh-mac-...
Especially for older hardware, you can load FreeBSD modules into the system in order to support your video card(s) and similar peripherals.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Been there and done that
I upgraded to win10 as soon as came available, didn't take me long to realise I had made a big mistake and rolled it back.
I sent an email to Microsoft and told them it was the biggest load of crap they had produced, I got a reply asking me what I found wrong with it and told them that just about everything was wrong with it an it would have helped if
1) they had finished he OS instead of making it available half done as usual.
2) it would help if they had issued some sort of instruction sheet on how to configure the various bits.
3) the new Edge browser was the biggest waste of developers time as you were forced to use that damned Bing as a search engine.
Funny though I actually got a reply thanking me
I am glad that I let it happen on my laptop so I could get some familiarity with it. One thing that I will make sure of first is how to limit, regulate, or avoid the action of OneDrive. I do not wish to take a chance of my work being shared openly on the internet. When I understand that part of it, I think I will do it. I am hearing from people I know who work at MS and Intel is that eventually we will all be assimilated into the win10.
I remember in the 90's Microsoft and I had a very good relationship. I was even a Beta user on a couple aps and they were very proactive in helping to solve issues related to their software.
Now days, with Bill and Paul out of the picture, and the new guy running it, well I'll just wait and see. One thing for sure is that I am pleased to have a Microsoft store about a mile from me. There is no way I will attempt to work with Microsoft on the internet or phone, having had some bad and costly interactions with guys with an Indian accent who turned out not to be with Microsoft.
I am not a computer geek and do not plan to become one.
Funny thing is...
... that I use bing from time to time as it still usually searches for thigs I asked and not the things that Google search deduced from my query... And so often Google produces search results that do not contain any of the words I asked for... Or just "nothing matches" when I have at least one page that matches open in another tab...
For those who upgrade and
For those who upgrade and miss the traditional start menu there is a small app called StartMenu8 from Iobit. It is free and can be found on majorgeeks.com or download.cnet.com.
Broke down a year or so ago, saved up and bought a Macbook Pro. Best computer decision I ever made! Their support and service is outstanding. Will never, ever go back!
Macs are good computers...
But if you need to run some specific programms you need to run Windows emulation... Back to square 1...
run parallels
or dual boot using bootcamp. or use vmware. or virtualbox.
Win 10 Reminder Remover
Google GWX Control Panel - it will get rid of the annoying push for Win 10.