Camp Kumoni : 26

“Alright, Dani, take her to the nurses station then come on back here.” Skyler sent them on their way.

Skyler went back to the group. “Now don’t any of you go teasing that poor girl about this. If I hear that you that you have, you won’t be allowed near MY rope course.” He looked to each and every girl. “Okay,” he smiled. “Who’s next?”

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Chapter 26
“Today, we’re not going to take a hike.” Grizzly Adams greeted the girls.

There was a collective sigh of relief. They had already been around the lake once this morning and they really didn’t want to make another circuit.

“We do have to walk a bit to get to where we are going.” Grizzly smiled at them. “Come.” He turned and began down the path that led around the lake.

The girls all looked to one another wondering where he was going if they weren’t to circle the lake again. About a third of the way around the lake, Grizzly stepped off the main path and onto what looked like a deer trail that went into the woods. A few minutes later, he led them into a small clearing. A bit of grass managed to grab hold here in among the towering trees. A large log occupied one side of the clearing.

“Have a seat ladies.” Grizzly instructed them. Once he was satisfied that they were reasonably comfortable he stood before them. “Today we’re going to begin your instruction on survival skills.”

For the next hour, the girls of Columbine and Grizzly Adams discussed different skills and ideas of surviving in the wild. Yeah, eating worms and beetles was a gross idea, but it sure beat starving, didn’t it? As for starting a fire with sticks? They had discussed it and Grizzly even showed them how it was done after they had each taken a turn at rubbing them together.

“My favorite way of starting a fire using two sticks is this one.” He smiled. He reached into a pocket brought forth a match and struck it against the rough bark of the log and started the kindling to a small blaze.

They went on to talk about building shelters and using each other for body heat. They talked about surviving in inclement weather as well as good weather. About dehydration and the need to leave signs and tracks if you intend to find your way out, so that others might be able to find you.

“Tomorrow,” he said, “We will put what we talked about today into practice. Wear jeans and good shoes. We will be making shelters, snares, and setting up a camp.”

The girls all looked to one another with excitement and disbelief, that is all of them, but Rachel; she had been coming to this camp for three years now.

“Go on back to camp.” Grizzly waved them away. “Smokey the Bear says, I’ve got to put out this fire.”

“What is this rope class?” Rachel asked Phoenix. “It must be new, cause we didn’t have it last year. Is it like tying knots and stuff?”

“You mean I actually know something that you don’t?” Phoenix teased her. “I guess you’ll just have to find out along with everyone else.”

Once back in camp, Phoenix led them out towards the road, then took a new trail that Rachel had never been down before, let alone seen. A little way into the trees, the underbrush opened up to reveal ropes all over tied between trees up high, and down low.

“Welcome Columbine.” A sinewy young man called to them. “I’m Skyler, and this is my rope obstacle course.

“Cool!” Rachel exclaimed.

”Oh Fuck!” Katie muttered.

Dani looked up at her tall friend, shocked at the four lettered word that she had just uttered. “Katie!” she admonished.

“I think I’m going to be sick.” Katie’s face drained of color.

“Huh?” Dani questioned.

“I’m afraid of heights, remember?” Katie leaned up against a tree.

“Okay,” Skyler greeted them all with a smile as he finished wrapping up some rope. “Who here is afraid of heights?” He looked directly at Katie, and chuckled. “For some unknown reason, it’s usually the tall ones who are afraid of heights.”

Katie nodded her head.

“Anyone else?” Skyler glanced around at the girls. Erika saw Victoria hesitantly put her hand up. Skyler nodded in her direction and scanned for more. “Anyone else?”

Erika looked around as well. She felt kind of excited, she had seen the rope obstacle courses on various Television shows, and had always wanted to try it. She looked over to Samantha who looked to be almost as excited as she was.

“Alright, let’s go over safety issues before we get you swinging around like spider monkeys.” Skyler smiled.

Katie groaned.

He led them over to a large container that held helmets, and handed one to each of the girls. “Over in that box,” he pointed, “are gloves, go ahead and pick out a pair that fits you please.”

The girls found a pair that they were comfortable with then gathered around Skyler again.

“Okay, Ladies, let’s get rule number one straight: like Todd and his lake, this is MY Rope course. Anyone breaking the rules on MY rope course will be evicted immediately. Now, let’s go over some of the rules of MY rope course.

Skyler spent a few minutes outlining the rules for HIS course before taking a volunteer, which happened to be Samantha and showed them all how to get into their safety harnesses. He then had them all do so and checked to see that they were fitting right. Each harness had a number of carabiners. Skyler described the safety clips and how to use them, and how not to use them, such as clipping an unknowing cabin mate to a tree or rope.

Erika was having trouble. The harness was riding and getting caught between her gaffe and thigh or it would start pinching. She didn’t have any idea how she was going to do this. The pinching that it caused was quite painful, but she knew she would just have to grin and bear it, unless she took time out to go to the bathroom and remove the gaffe. But where would she put it until after the class? As long as she didn’t fall, or have to rely too much on the harness carrying her weight, she would be fine. She would just grin and bear it today.

Skyler then had them all put on their helmets, and then made sure that they fit to his satisfaction.

“All right, ladies.” Skyler grinned at them. “The first thing we are going to do is have you walk up a rope ramp.” He led them to one end of the rope course. “It’s Krystal, right?” he smiled to the large girl.”

Krystal nodded nervously.

“Krystal, I’m going to ask you to take the first step.” He took her gloved hand and led her to a thick rope that was staked into the ground. The rope angled up at an angle up to a tree. At waist height, on either side of the thick rope was another smaller rope. These two ropes were attached to the thick rope by another rope that zigzagged up and down between the thick rope and the two side ropes. “Krystal, go ahead and step onto the rope there, and put your hands onto the two side ropes to use as side rails.” He instructed.

“Are you sure?” Krystal looked to the sinewy guy. “You sure it will hold me?”

“If I had a doubt, I wouldn’t have asked you.” Skyler smiled. “Besides, up there, your weight won’t matter.” he looked up “you will be like a squirrel or monkey scampering amongst the tree tops.”

Skyler took a rope attached to her safety harness and clipped it onto a rope that ran above the main rope. “Once you get half way up, I want you to stop and do as I say.” He grinned at her. He leaned in close and whispered into her ear. Krystal looked shocked and then relaxed. “Okay Krystal, go ahead. Show these girls how it’s done.”

Krystal’s first few steps were very hesitant as she tested the rope’s strength and stability. Once she was confident that the rope wasn’t going to snap or bend to the ground under her weight, her steps quickened. She got up to the middle of the rope ramp and stopped. She turned her head towards Skyler, who had placed himself between Katie and Victoria.

“Okay, Krystal, I want you to bounce a little on the rope.” He called up to her.

Krystal looked concerned for a moment, then nodded and began bouncing on the rope. The thick rope bowed just a little as she bounced up and down on it.

“Little more Krystal,” Skyler smiled.

With her hands held fast to the side ropes, Krystal put more effort into the bouncing of the rope ramp.

“Okay, that’s good.” Skyler instructed. “Now I want you to use your feet and begin swaying the rope sideways each way. It won’t move much, but I want you to get the feel of how the ropes feel when they move under you.”

Krystal soon had the bottom rope swinging side to side beneath her, as her upper body seemed to be holding still.

“Awesome, Krystal.” Skyler praised. “Now I want you go ahead and walk on up to the top of the rope.”

“See there’s nothing to it.” Skyler told Katie and Victoria.

Krystal’s steps were much more sure now as she practically pranced up the ramp towards the tree. She stopped and looked back to Skyler.

“Krystal, you’re doing perfect.” Skyler encouraged. “Now, reach above you and unclip your safety line. And clip it to the red rope to your left.”

Krystal did as instructed and looked over her shoulder. “Great job Krystal. How do you feel up there?” he asked.

“This is incredible.” She squeaked.

“Told you, you’d like it.” Skyler grinned up at her. Now, on your left is a rope bridge. Go ahead and walk across it.”

Krystal looked across the bridge that she was standing on. It was at lease fifty feet to the other side. She took a few steps out on the bridge and looked down for more encouragement from Skyler. “Oh my God!!” she gasped. She hadn’t realized how far off the ground she was until now. The forest floor was a good twenty feet below her.

“What’s wrong Krystal?” Skyler asked, watching her every move.

“It’s just a long way down from here.” Krystal took a deep breath.

“Are you alright?” he asked, concern filling his voice.

“I’m fine. It just took me off guard is all.” Krystal took another deep breath and walked across the bridge without further incident.

“You’re incredible!” Rachel called up to her.

“Okay, see that pulley on your right?” Skyler called up to her. She nodded. “Clip your safety line into the red ring.”

“Okay.” Krystal announced.

“See the handles on each side of the pulley?”

Krystal nodded.

“Grab a hold of each one and jump.”

“What?” Krystal screeched. “You want me to jump?”

“Hold on to each side of the pulley and jump.” Skyler repeated. The pulley is like a zip line that will carry you down to that pile of foam and mattresses.”

Krystal’s sight followed the line that the pulley was attached to and saw a large pile of foam pads and mattresses. She looked back at the rope that the pulley was riding on.
“Are you sure it will hold me?” She asked.

“One hundred percent.” Skyler was making his way to where the foam was. “You’ve got it all the way Krystal.”

“Go ahead Krystal.” Rachel called up to her.

“You’re doing great Krystal!” Erika followed. “Just jump and enjoy it!”

Krystal grabbed a hold of each handle and closed her eyes. She didn’t jump but rather picked her feet up off the rope and screamed. The pulley moved slowly at first but it quickly picked up momentum and began its decent down the rope. Krystal took a breath and screamed again as she neared the foam padding. Just as she got over the foam, her hands slipped from the handles and she plummeted into the pads. She screamed again but this time the scream quickly turned into laughing out loud interrupted by squeals of delight.

“You were great, Krystal.” Skyler unhooked her safety line from the pulley.

Erika, Samantha and Rachel ran over to their mate and jumped into the foam around her.

“That was so brave!” Samantha told her. “Was it fun?”

“You're my idol!” Rachel hugged her. “You rocked that course.”

“That was really good Krystal!” Erika agreed. “I am so jealous, I wanted to go first.”

Skyler sent the pulley back up to the top of the zip line while Phoenix, Samantha, and Rachel helped Krystal to her feet.

“See Katie.” Dani looked to her tall friend. “It wasn’t so bad now was it? Krystal did great, and she didn’t fall or anything.”

Katie still looked as white as a sheet.

“Alright, ladies.” Skyler gathered them all around. “Krystal showed you all how to do it. Now it’s your turn. Katie and Victoria, did you want to go first and get it over with, or last?” Skyler looked to each of them. Neither spoke. “I’ll take that as last.” He smiled at them. “It’s okay,” he held each of their gaze for a moment. “I used to be scared of heights too.”

One at a time, each of the girls traversed the rope course while their cabin mates called encouragement up to them.

Victoria, through sheer determination and stubbornness, slowly made her way through the course. She was shaking when she landed in the foam, but she did it on her own.

Katie made it half way up the ramp and froze in place. Ten feet off the ground and she was like a statue, not moving, barely even breathing. Skyler tried talking her the rest of the way up the ramp, but she didn’t budge a muscle. She didn’t answer any questions or even make a noise. Finally, Skyler clipped in and went up the ramp to where she was and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and held her for a moment.

Erika watched as he whispered in her ear and held her. Slowly she was able to release one handrail then the other. Skyler relaxed his grip on her, but didn’t let go. He slowly took a step backwards, pulling Katie with him. She could see Skyler whispering encouragement into her ear as she slowly moved her foot back. Her eyes were clamped tight and her jaw was clenched. Her nostrils flared as she sucked in and blew out air.

“Phoenix, grab that red tackle box over there by that tree.” Skyler indicated with his eyes. “The rest of you I want you all to go over by the helmet and glove containers.”

“Is she okay?” Dani’s voice cracked with concern.

“She’ll be just fine.” Skyler smiled. “Katie and I just need some breathing room.” He turned back towards Katie and whispered softly I her ear.

Once on the ground, Katie collapsed in Skyler’s arms. Her knees buckled and he helped her sit on the ground, then laid her back cradling her head on his knees.

“What’s wrong?” Dani pleaded with Skyler and Phoenix.

“She just needs a few minutes to relax.” Skyler told her softly. “She’s doing just fine.” He soothed.

Erika watched with concern as Katie’s chest suddenly heaved a few times and began gulping air.

“That’s it.” Skyler encouraged. “Deep breaths. You’re doing wonderful Katie.

After a few moments, Skyler helped Katie to a sitting position. The tall model shook with fright and nervousness. “I’m sorry.” Katie turned red. “I’m so sorry.”

“You have nothing to be sorry about, Katie.” Skyler soothed. “You did just fine. You just happened to look down and got a little scared. It happens to people all of the time.” He smiled warmly at her.

“I’m so embarrassed.” Katie’s eyes darted towards her cabin mates then back at her lap.

“Your cabin mates are just concerned for you.” Skyler explained. “They care about you very much and just want to make sure you’re all right… do you think you can stand?”

Katie nodded. Skyler helped her to her feet. Then looked over to her cabin mates. “All right girls. Someone needs a group hug.”

Erika joined her cabin mates in a surrounding Katie and embracing her in a heartfelt hug.

“Dani.” Skyler called to the dwarf. “Could you get out of your harness and walk Katie down to the Nurses station? Oh, don’t worry. I just want the nurse there to check her out and make sure she is doing better. It’s precautionary, I promise.” Skyler then went up to Katie and started helping her out of her harness. “Katie, I won’t even ask you if you want to try it again. I could use your help on the ground though when your cabin comes. Will you help me?”

Katie nodded.

“If, and I mean if, you decide to try the beginner course, I want it to be your decision. Don’t let your friends push you into it. And whatever you do, don’t be embarrassed by this…. Okay?”

“Okay, Skyler.” Katie smiled weakly.

“Alright, Dani, take her to the nurses station then come on back here.” Skyler sent them on their way.

Skyler went back to the group. “Now don’t any of you go teasing that poor girl about this. If I hear that you that you have, you won’t be allowed near MY rope course.” He looked to each and every girl. “Okay,” he smiled. “Who’s next?”

To Be Continued...

End of Chapter Twenty-Six

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