The Danish Girl

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Lots of history about others who wore women's clothes long before this. The Danish Girl is probably the first to transition?

None of the gender therapists or doctors seem to realize that they, themselves, are responsible for creating the roadblocks and hurdles placed before transgender seeking peace and unity within their mind and body. Most all gender therapists and doctors prescribe to the Harry Benjamin rules where transsexual people must describe a fixed set of symptoms and recite a history that has been edited in clearly prescribed ways to get a doctor's approval for what should be their inalienable right to be the person whom their mind tells them.

Imagine if you can a woman or man having to go through all the hoops and a year waiting before they could have any elective surgery. Breast implants or reduction..., answer all these questions about your personal life and come back and see me in a year. Tummy tuck, face lift, lip collagen, etc. If you can answer all these questions to my satisfaction I may consider you for surgery in a year.

Down Barb, down! Someone get out the hose and cool me off!

Believe in yourself for if you don't no one else will either. God gave the Boy-Girl a double blessing. Use it to your advantage not as a handicap.



I literally watched the trailer....

Andrea Lena's picture

for the upcoming movie only minutes ago. I have already seen the questions understandably raised regarding the lack of a transgender actress to play the part, but I can only say that after watching the trailer, I am excited about the portrayal given by Eddie Redmayne. Between his skills and his reputation as an Oscar winner, I expect that the movie will do well to advance transgender issues. It took me all I could not to cry when I viewed this; Mrs. D was sitting on the other couch making out a nice note to a friend for a tea she's attending in just short while, and I did have the earphones in. As I shared elsewhere, I am hoping to view this in the theater with Mrs. D... little steps.

Thanks for the timely post. I have so much to be grateful for with folks like Lili Elbe and Roberta Cowell and Christine Jorgensen and so many others, including many of you here, and I'm hoping that by sharing this story with my wife I might gain more understanding.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


You know something when some of the scenes in the movie trailer is enough to move you to tears. I found them very powerful. Who knows if the movie will hold up as a whole, but I am hopeful.
Thank you for posting this Barbie!

Not the Doc

I agree with you entirely. It is preposterous.

However, it's not the fault of the doctor. Standards of Care are exacting in malpractice situations. Their hands are tied.

Doesn't make it right.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

That's why we have legal forms

BarbieLee's picture

Hon, we know all they would need to do is fill out the legalities from the Alpha to the Omega and it would be malpractice zero count. It is why multi million dollar deals are done in triplicate. Ever read about anyone suing the military because they didn't get the job description they signed up for? No? Those legal forms we signed states in no uncertain terms, the Navy, Air Force, Army, Marines owns our body for X number of years and we are allowed to ride along.

Let's change the system softly, quietly, one small step at a time, instead of marching, protesting. I won't see it in my lifetime but maybe I have made a difference, even if just a small one. One voice crying in the wilderness for understanding, compassion for those blessed with a double helping of boy-girl.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Um, yes

erin's picture

"Ever read about anyone suing the military because they didn't get the job description they signed up for?" Um, yes. In fact, I was involved in the settlement of just such a case back in the 1970s; the judge in the case took a year off my enlistment whether I wanted to or not. I was a spy and they lied to me! :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

First to Transition?

Puddintane's picture

Probably not, unless one restricts the field of discourse to modern medical interventions without any hint of religious context...

European, Asian, and North American shamans very commonly occupied transgendered roles within their communities, whether "male" or "female" in their natal gender, and the Cult of Cybele in Roman/Greek antiquity had roughly the same rules and customs, with some proportion of those who devoted themselves to her service taking on the role and dress of women, often after a symbolic self-castration, although not always. They were usually referred to by feminine names and titles once completing their "transition," and the cult was tolerated (even honoured, in some contexts) in Rome despite laws which forbade castration, even of a slave, and a great deal of public distrust and contempt. The Romans were amongst the first male chauvinists, if nothing else, so men who deliberately took on the roles of women were regarded with deep suspicion by many.

Just saying....

In any case, the first people to "transition" were most probably living in the late Stone Ages, whenever that happened to be on the local timeline.

>>> Most all gender therapists and doctors prescribe to the Harry Benjamin rules...

Interesting, considering that Benjamin was most probably a fraud who falsified and distorted his "research" to suit a personal adgenda.




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style