Sara, Becka, and me. - Chapter 10


Sara, Becka, and me.
by Teddie S.


Chapter X
The Second Week
Friday - Oh no! & The Rehearsal
Friday Evening - The Rehearsal Dinner

Well, my nails are now long and very fancy. And, we’re at West Point. And, so far so good. Everyone is still seeing me as girl. The wedding is tomorrow. And, I wonder if Linda is as nervous as I am. And, about last night, . . .

The Second Week: Friday – Oh no! & The Rehearsal

When I woke up on Friday morning, something was different. Very different. I was cuddled up with someone in my bed. Then I remembered last night, and thought, ‘Oh my God. Did last night really happen?’ And, the more I thought about it, the more I knew that it had really had happened.

I was naked, and cuddled up to Sara, who was also naked. Last night we had made love. Both of us for the first time in our lives. And, it was wonderful. Even if we were both a little nervous.

Finally, Sara started waking up. She rolled over, looked at me, smiled, kissed me, and said, “Good morning lover. Did last night really happen or was I dreaming?”

“If you were dreaming.” I replied, “So, was I.”

“So, it did happen. And, it was wonderful.”

“Yes it was. Very wonderful.”

“I wish we hadn’t waited so long. We have a lot of time to make up for.”

“And, a lot of time ahead of us. What about your promise?”

“I know. I do feel bad about that. But, I promised to not do anything until I found my life partner. And, I have.”

“You have?”

“Uh huh. Haven’t you?”

“I don’t know. Have I? Is it you? I don’t know.”

“Brat. If it isn’t me, then who is it?”

“I think you may even know her. She’s a red head with emerald green eyes. She’s about five-four. Has a great body. Loves long walks in the park, to ride bikes, to go to movies, and to go to the zoo. Loves to dress her boyfriend as a girl. Hey! That sounds like you.”

I then bent down, kissed her, looked into those gorgeous green eyes, and said, “Sara. Yes. I’ve found my one and only love. And, it’s you.”

“You are such a brat”, she said with a smile, as she play punched me.

“And, you love it when I am.”

“And, I love what you did to me last night. It was fantastic. And, I want more.”

“Well. Did you buy more than one of those little blue packages?”

With that sly little smile of hers, she said, “Of course. Look under the pillow on my bed.”

I got up, looked under her pillow, looked at her, and said, “Six.”

She grinned, and said, “I figured that a girl has to be prepared.”

“You are so bad.”

“You know it lover.”

As I walked back over to my bed, I pointed to my breast forms, and said, “I wish I didn’t have these things on right now.”

“I don’t mind.”

It was an hour later before we were finally getting out of bed. We were meeting Sara’s parents and Linda for brunch. So, we didn’t have to rush around getting cleaned up. And, we actually got to the hotel’s restaurant before anyone else did.

As we were eating, my cell phone rang, and it was my dad. I answered it, “Hi dad.” . . . “Yeah. We had a good trip. But, it took us a little longer then the Colonel thought it would.” . . . “Oh really.” . . . “Not till Saturday morning.” . . . “Hold on a second.”

I said to everyone, “My dad had to go into work today. And, they won’t be in until Saturday morning sometime. But, they’ll be here for the wedding.”

The Colonel said, “Tell him that’s fine.”

“Did you hear that dad?”

Just then I saw a police officer and the hotel manager walk into the restaurant, the manager point towards us, and then they walked towards our table. I told my dad, “Hang on a minute dad.”

As they walked up to the table, the police officer asked the Colonel, “Sir. Are you Colonel Charles Monroe?”

“Yes I am. What’s wrong?” the Colonel replied.

“Sir. I’m afraid that your vehicle was stolen from the hotel parking lot last night, and was destroyed in a crash and fire.”

The Colonel just sat there for a few seconds in apparent shock, before asking, “Completely destroyed?”

“Yes sir. I’m afraid so.”

“Damn. Now what do we do.”

The hotel manager said, “I’m sorry about this sir. We can help you get a vehicle that you can use while you’re here. I know you’re in town for your daughter’s wedding, and we’ll help you in any way we can.”

“Thank you. I really appreciate that. Now all I have to do is figure a way home.”

Then I said into my cell phone, “Daddy. Did you hear all of that?” . . . “Yes. They said it was completely destroyed.” . . . “No. I think everything was out of it.” . . . “Hold on.”

Handing my cell phone to the Colonel, I said, “Colonel. My dad wants to talk to you.”

My dad and the Colonel talked for a few minutes, then I heard the Colonel say, “Fly back with you and Jean on Sunday. That would be great. Sure I’ll tell everyone. Thanks Hank. Here’s Becka.”

I said goodbye to my dad. And, the Colonel said, “It looks like we’ll be flying home with Becka’s mother and father on Sunday.”

Then the Colonel got up, and walked out with the police officer and hotel manager. I then looked over at Linda, and she looked upset. So I said, “Linda. Everything will be fine. These things happen.”

“I know.” Linda said, “But, this isn’t a good way to start a wedding.”

The Colonel was back a short time later, and said, “Well, I called my insurance man. And, we’re completely covered, including a rental. He also said that I could buy a car here or wait until we get back. I told him that I’d wait until we were back home.

“And, the hotel manager called a local car rental agency and got us setup with a van for the rest of the weekend.”

Mrs. Monroe said, “That’s good. I thought we’d end up taking a taxi. We have a busy afternoon. We’re meeting with the wedding planner at two. The rehearsal is at three. And, then we have the rehearsal dinner at six.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem, the van should be here well before that.”

“Girls.”, Mrs. Monroe said, “Why don’t you go to your rooms, and get changed. Then, we’ll meet down her at one-thirty to go to the church.”

As Sara, Linda, and I were going to our rooms. Linda said, “So, Becka. Your mother and father are flying in tomorrow?”

“Yes.”, I replied, “And, then your mom, dad, Sara, and I will fly back with them.”

“A private plane?”

“Probably a Navy plane.”

“Must be nice.”

“I guess. But, it’s starting to get a little embarrassing.” And, I told her about my dad having a driver pick him up for work every morning.

Sara and I both took quick showers, and redid our makeup. And, I put my hair in a ponytail. Then put on a cute print skirt, and one of my peasant blouses. And, of course I wore a pair of my dressy wedges. I had a cute gold chain necklace with a gold heart on it, and a bracelet that had some charms from the Navy on it. And, of course I was wearing the ring with the three hearts.

At about one-thirty we were getting into a very nice van, it had two automatic sliding doors, one on each side, and four captain’s chairs in the back. We were at the church at just about two, and we met Linda’s fiancé Phil and his parents. Then we met the wedding planner, Miss Plummer and what appeared to be her assistant. And, the wedding photographer. Who was going to become a permanent fixture until the wedding was over.

Right off you could tell that Miss Plummer was a take charge person. It was, this has been taken care of, that has been taken care of, the flowers will be here as promised, we need to do this, we need to do that, you need to be here at, and so on.

And, the way she talked to Mrs. Carter and not Linda, was like it was Mrs. Carter’s wedding and not Linda’s. I felt sorry for Linda, and whispered my feelings to Sara. All she said was, “I know.”

We spent about forty-five minutes going over every detail. Then everyone else started to arrive. The bride’s maids, the groomsmen, the flower girl and her parents, the ring bearer and his parents. And, the priest who was going to marry them.

Sara and I met the guys we were paired up with. All the groomsmen were Army officers, and of course were in uniform. My guy’s name was Lieutenant Gary Barker, and he seemed to be really nice. Me being the shy type, let him do most of the talking, but I did show interest in what he was telling me. I watched Sara and her guy, out of the corner of my eye, and they were chatting away.

The priest, once he could get a word in edgewise, went over how things should go. And, we had a walk through. Then he explained the Arch of Sabers Ceremony to us, and that was interesting.

Then we spent an hour going over the ceremony, then it was back to the hotel, where most of the wedding party was staying, and the rehearsal dinner was going to be. Sara and I went back to our room, and started to change for dinner.

The Second Week: Friday Evening - The Rehearsal Dinner

I put on a very cute emerald green sleeveless lace dress with a flouncy skirt, which hit me just above the knee. I also had decided to wear panty hose with a pair of flats. I took my hair out of the pony tail, and brushed it into a nice look.

Then I did my makeup. Still no foundation, but a little work on the eyebrows, then a light touch of a dark eyebrow pencil. I used a light covering of pale pink eyeshadow. Then a black mascara, got to bring out those lashes. Lipstick? Hm. Sara had gotten me a lipstick that I’d never used, so a nice coat of bright pink.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and smiled. Sara had been watching me, and she said, “Let me see.”

I turned and looked at her, and she said, “I just love that look on you. Can I try something?”

“Sure. What?”
She walked over to me, and took something out of my makeup case, and used a brush to lightly brush it on my cheeks. Then she said, “Take a look.”

I turned and looked in the mirror, and smiled. Then I said, “Wow. That looks great.”
She had used a light pink blush on my cheeks, and it looked really good.

Then Sara said, “Earrings. You haven’t had the stud in long, and your ears probably aren’t healed, but you need some cute earring for tonight. And, I’ve got a cute pair of hoops that you can wear. We’ll just need to put your studs back in before bed.”

She went and dug thru her makeup case, and came back with a pair of hoop earrings. She carefully removed my studs, then carefully worked hoops into the holes in my ears. When she was done, I turned and looked in the mirror. They really looked good.

I stood up, looked at Sara, and asked, “Well. How do I look?”

She smiled, and said, “Good enough to eat. I bet Gary will have problems keeping his hands off of you.”

“Ah. He’d better keep his hands off of me. You’re the only one that’s allowed to touch the merchandise.”

As Sara worked on her makeup, I sprayed on a little perfume, put back on my necklace with the heart on it, and my bracelet with the Navy charms, and slipped a few rings on my fingers.

Sara had on a fairly short black leather skirt, with an off-the-shoulder chiffon blouse. And, the spaghetti straps gives it a cold shoulder look, and it has long bell sleeves. She looks as cute as hell. Hmm. Maybe too cute. Was I feeling a little jealous that she was partnered with someone else for the wedding?

A little while later, we were walking across the hotel lobby towards the banquet room. And, I was noticing people looking at us. Sara did too, and whispered, “You should be used to it by now girlfriend. People look at cute girls.”

“I know.” I whispered back, “But, it still makes me nervous.”

When we walked into the banquet room, it appeared that we were the last ones to arrive. And, Linda seeing us, said, “It’s about time you two. We were about to start without you.”

They really weren’t ready to start, so we walked around and talked to various people. And we found out that wedding party had assigned seating. Basically it was guy, girl, guy, girl thing. With the bride’s maid and groomsman that they were paired with sitting together. So, I was sitting next to Gary. And, Sara was sitting with Jeff, her groomsman. And, we weren’t sitting close together, and I was a little nervous that I didn’t have my safety net close to me.

The dinner was actually very good. And, so was the conversation. And, Gary and I started to get along. He was funny, and a good talker. Finally he asked, “Why all the Navy stuff on your bracelet?”

I smiled, as I said, “My dad’s in the Navy.”

“Really. What’s he do?”

“I’m not really sure. But, he works at the Pentagon, and is a Rear Admiral.”

Gary sat up really straight, looked at me, and said, “Your dad is a Rear Admiral!?”

Gary had said that loud enough so that a number of the other guys sitting close by heard him say it. And, they looked at me, as I said, “Uh huh. A Rear Admiral. You can meet him tomorrow. He’ll be here for the wedding.”

After I said that, I sensed a change in Gary towards me. Earlier I felt that he was trying to chat me up, but afterwards he was treating me with kid gloves. It was cute.

Later, Linda and Phil handed out the gifts to the best man, maid of honor, groomsmen, and bride’s maids. Phil gave the best man a gold pocket watch, and all the groomsmen a silver pocket watch. Linda gave Vicki a very pretty gold heart necklace, with matching earrings. She gave all the bride’s maids a very pretty silver heart necklace and really cute dangly earrings with cubic zirconium stones that were a couple of inches long. And, Linda asked all the girls to wear the jewelry to the wedding.

After we were finished with desert we all stood around and talked. Linda walked over to me, and said, “Boy did you stir things up when you told Gary that your dad was an Admiral.”

“Why?” I asked.

“I’m not sure, but it’s a big subject among the boys.”


“Don’t be. It’s given them something to talk about besides the Army. By the way, you look really nice tonight.”


“Who did your makeup?”

“I did. But, Sara added a little blusher.”

“You really do a nice job.”


As the dinner broke up, Sara and I went and sat outside on the bench overlooking the river. We sat there quietly for a little while, then Sara asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.”, I replied.

“Love. I know something is bothering you. Tell me.”

“It was just the way you were interacting with that Jeff guy.”


“Maybe a little.”

“How do you think I felt seeing you with Gary?”

“You were jealous of that?”

“Love. Once you relaxed with him, you were having fun talking to him. Yes, I was jealous. He was coming on to my girl.”

“You really were jealous. Weren’t you?”

She looked down at the ground, and whispered, “Yes.”

“Honey. Look at me.”

She slowly looked up, and there were tears in her eyes. As I wiped the tears away, I asked, “Why the tears?”

“I don’t know. I’m being silly.”

“No you’re not. It bothered you to see me with someone else. Even though you know I don’t like boys.”

“I guess. It shouldn’t have bothered me that way, and I know you don’t like boys, but it did. It’s silly, but I worry that I’m going to lose you.”

“Baby. You know that I love you. And, you will never lose me.”

“I know sweetheart. It’s crazy. I’m not smothering you. Am I?”

“No. I love being with you. I love what we do together. What we have together.”

I pulled her to me, and kissed her. I kissed her very deeply. She just held me tightly. We broke the kiss, I stood up, offered her my hand, she took it, and I helped her to her feet. She just hugged me.

Finally we looked at each other, she smiled, reached up, and fixed my lipstick. And, I fixed her lipstick. And, we walked hand in hand back into the hotel, and to our room. I knew that there were other people there, but I didn’t even notice them.

When we got back in our room, I took Sara’s hands in mine, got down on one knee, looked up at her, and said, “Sara Marie. I love you very much. We’re young, but I know my heart. When the time comes I want you to be my wife. I want us to spend the rest of our lives together.” And, showing her the three heart ring on my finger, I added, “And, this ring shows my commitment to you and only you.”

I saw the tears in her eyes, as she knelt down with me. She looked at me, and said, “Peter. I adore you. You’re my life. You’re my everything. And, yes, when the time comes I’ll be your wife. And, we will spend the rest of our lives together. And, yes love, I’m also committed to you.”

Then she took my face in her hands, and kissed me. A long, deep kiss.

As we removed our clothes and makeup, I also removed my breast forms. Sara saw me do that, and asked, “Why are you taking them off?”

I turned, looked at her, and said, “Well, we’re too young to go to the bachelorette party tonight. So, I thought we’d have our own party. And, I want to be Peter, completely Peter, as I make love to you.”

All she did was smile.

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