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Yesterday I terminated my relationship with my VA Counselor of 10 years. It's time I put my big girl panties on and run my own life. I am greatly reducing my relationship with Muslims and the Mormon church.
It seemed possible that there would be a relationship with"Transactive" here in Portland, but because I will not spout the PC agenda it seems like that is off. I was surprised. I will tell anyone that asks more but in a private setting.
Drinking seems like a pretty fine idea to me right now, but due to my Native American heritage, that blessed nectar, beer puts me into dangerous melancholy, so no beer. As to the rest of the stuff, it tastes like a cross between roofing tar and cough syrup.
Since the silly delusions of organized religion have been banished, perhaps I can return to something meaningful like writing, and can devote enough time to it that it will seem like a competent writer authored the work.
You are emotionally maturing.
You are realizing that sometimes it is best to walk away. And drinking, or doing something else that can be wreckless, will not help matters.
You are emotionally maturing.
Thank you.
In 2005, when all this started, my counselor said I had the emotional age of 12.
Thank You
Well, you have clearly grown up since then.
And you're welcome.
always supportive
Sometimes things start out one way and end up going another. I call it "the sideways factor". things may not be good or bad, just going in a direction you don't expect. I can speak from experience; booze doesn't help either. any problem or situation is many times worse with a hangover and/or churning tummy. I won't lecture on religion; who and how you worship is all on you, just as long as you do so willingly and don't hurt others. (this is where I should make a joke saying I worship the great god of slapstick and sacrifice a rubber chicken while wearing a the glasses, nose and mustache with a big cigar in my mouth; but let's not go there.) Best of luck dear and we're still behind you all the way with all the hugs you need.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
You're a Pastafarian, then?
You're a Pastafarian, then? A member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
If she is not, I'd happily
If she is not, I'd happily proselytize for it! :-)
terminated VA counselor relationship
terminated VA counselor relationship.
Hurray!! Let me explain, their records are NOT too private.
Writing, now there's a habit that may help support itself financially.
Alt use of beer COOKING
There is a wealth of knowledge and experience available on tap at BCTS.
Many of us are happy to share.
Let me say this.
First and foremost, you ARE a more than competent writer! I know we may all think we are barely capable of putting our muse's urgings in print for others to read, but the truth is, some of the best writers out there are right here in the TG genre.
Your stories have always had a kind of yearning, questioning backstory that typified your own search for something and they have always been more than readable. Quit putting yourself down.
Religion. You and I have had long talks about it and going by our last talk, you seemed to have finally realized that religion is for those who need something to try to explain their lives. You don't. You are a charming, intellligent and perceptive woman and I consider it my good fortune that we have become friends.
Just do what you do best Gwen and if someone else can't see your vision in your stories... well, there are others who will. BE the woman you have always been, even in your "former" life. Believe it or not, there are many people out here ininternetland who love you and your stories.
As always, I am only a skype call away and will always be here for you.
Your friend,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Firstly, Karl Marx wrote that religion was the opiate of the masses. Secondly, bad therapy is as worthwhile as outdoor plumbing with no T.P. Thirdly, and most importantly (!!!), get on your ass and start writing. I miss your tales!!!
May You Know Peace Always...
Considering the damage Karl
Considering the damage Karl Marx has caused in the last 110 years, I wouldn't use _anything_ he wrote.
Also, I wouldn't call it an opiate; it's more of a hope. It only dulls the senses of that minority that use it as the sole driving force in their life. For everyone else, it's a guide, not a force.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
More of your writing?
I like that!
About organized religions... If you will like to hear more of my educated opinion, pm me and we can discuss it (I recently started to have religious discussions with a Muslim guy... He expanded my understanding of how that religion works...) :-)
Ahout drinking... If you need to do some heavy drinking (and I perfectly understand that there are times when you just have to drink yourself into oblivion) drink vodka. Straight. No ice. No juice. Just vodka. Never seep vodka. Just go for it and down it in one gulp. 50 cc per dose for strong drinkers, 30 for the meak of stomach :-) Eat something after each shot. Not very good for your figure, but less of the trouble in the morning. If you need to get drunk fast cheap and dirty - mix 50 cc of vodka into the pint of beer. You probably will be out of it before you finish that glass. My poison of choice is red dry wine. :-) Drinking it right now :-) Never had a proper hangover drinking red dry.
(about vodka. Important. Vodka is always 40% alcohol 60% water. If the list of ingridients is longer than 6 ingridients - dont drink it. Never. Have a magnifying glass with you when you go to buy vodka. In the pub ask to see the bottle before ordering.)
Big problem with most LGBT groups as I see it is that they are designed to annoy straight people to the point of going physical. (Only way to see attempt to have a gay parade in one of the Russian towns on the day of paratroopers is as provocation. Paratroopers are not homophobic per se. It is just that anything on their day, when they are drunk and merry, will provoke a fight. So if you see news about gay bashing in Russia some time around 2-nd of August - disregard them. If you see news of gays in Russia not getting their right to have a parade - thank gods you belive in that someone was wise enough to save so many people from being beaten :-) )
Sorry, just old joke (hope my translation will make sence): "Special police forces disperced demonstration of mazochists. It was best day ever for both parties"
Do not become Muslim.
Do not become Muslim.Do not become Muslim.Do not become Muslim.Do not become Muslim.Do not become Muslim.Do not become Muslim.Do not become Muslim.
And that is my final word on the subject.
Now, there is nothing wrong
Now, there is nothing wrong with being Muslim. Some of us aren't anywhere near as bad as certain segments of the media make us appear. And that is one thing I will say on that.
As for anyone is an individual choice to follow their beliefs, whatever they are. And I will agree that some therapists are notoriously...I'd use the word evil. So happy for you, but no need to disparage others. :)
Samirah M. Johnstone
Um sorree
I still have the belief, but with everything that is happening it is just too dangerous unless someone really wants to study. Just my opinion.
Never intended to :-)
I'm a complete atheist. And have no intention to change it.
Jumping through their butts
Thank you all for the support, um and yes, love many of you have shown me.
The shrinky set at the VA seem to be "very concerned" that I have given up and will now "do it". The fact is that I am stubborn and a bit slow and am embarrassed to admit that it has taken me so long to finally admit that sometimes you don't get your way.
Suicide is not in my future full stop.
The family is not coming back, they never did love me, they just wanted to control me. The shrinks and all those drugs can't fix anything. The only one who can fix me is me, and I have to decide to now move on and have a life.
I can't see throwing my Qur'an, Niqab and other Muslim clothing away, but they will no longer be the implements of my submissiveness. I will remember my time with them, but I will NOT be told how to think by some man who thinks a cow has more value than me.
From here on out people who approach me about a belief system, better not start on me with hate and insecurity.
And yes, my whole life I have looked to others to validate me. That has ended.
Thank you. Hugs and kisses