The Enhanced: TRI - 12

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By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are
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business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


“Your assessment is essentially correct Young One. The casual disregard for life and property caused the Professor to first unleash the mechs of the safety protocols, and then order the destruct sequence. All communications and monitoring were cut off from your siblings, which caused a malfunction in the neural bonding of The SIX. It is my belief that the neural bond has not been completed with their hosts. I do not know if their bonding can be repaired,” Solomon intoned ominously.

Chapter Twelve

Riding The Tiger

‘So-called human rights have to be fought for, sometimes even to the death.’
Professor Julian Saber

Trish let out a gasp.

“Are the others… dead? I thought they would have blended with their hosts… but how is it possible when Greg and I…” she began to sob but the Professor quickly interrupted her.

“Darling Tricia, of all of the Sabers, you are unique. Your physio-neural enhancement suit contained your complete essence. With the others, there had to be a constant transmission updating their programming from the base. However, when the attack occurred, that flow of information stopped abruptly. Had the neural rebuilding been further along in The SIX, your brothers and sisters might have been able to ride along in their hosts’ brains, but I see that by the time the hosts’ brains were ready, we were already offline here. I fear it may not be possible to restart the update processes.”

Trish pounded on the wall until a dent appeared in the steel.

“Oh Goddess! Then, they’re all gone!” she continued her tirade. The Professor was quick to reassure her.

“Tricia, they can never be gone, we have full backups of them. They can be reactivated as soon as we have full systems capacity. No, what worries me is that The SIX have no restraining influences. Sudbury proved that. We will have to depend on the hope that the beings that I chose as hosts are good and intelligent people. The only way to complete the bonding of The SIX and their others is to connect them physically to the network here. That will be difficult, as we are most likely under some form of passive observation by the person or persons that initiated the attack and took me away,” he finished.

Then Greg spoke up.

Pardon me, Professor… could we possibly set up some sort of remote facility that isn’t under such close surveillance?

“Well Gregory that had been a part of my long term plans that were, it seems, interrupted,” the Professor said wryly. “I was going to ask you to set up a facility on that island of yours. That’s why all this equipment was earmarked for your AERI.”

But now the AERI is under discreet surveillance as well… Greg pondered for a moment.

“Well, that should be no problem, we can relay a tight beam signal to… was it Hestia? She can accept delivery to the AERI proper of a containerized cargo module. It can be brought in by helicopter,” the Professor started planning, “ and we will have to work through intermediaries. You’ve managed to keep a low profile, so a delivery to a research station would not be questioned. We’ll send equipment and servomechs to dig a vault into the bedrock of Franklin Island and install a new base station there. It will improve Hestia’s quality of life as well,” he reasoned.

Hang on… wait… wait a minute Professor, you’re suggesting that we create a secret base on Franklin Island, discreetly? Just how subtle can hard rock excavation actually be? Greg asked in disbelief.

“Gregory Howard, this facility was constructed over the course of three years without anyone knowing. The only evidence of habitation was the Professor’s house on the mountainside,” Solomon spoke up.

“I think what Solomon is trying to say is that until last December, no one knew anything about the manufactory. I have a feeling we were betrayed by the law firm I had to engage on occasion, which could be a good place to begin your investigations Tricia. Gregory may we have your permission to begin relocation to your island?” the Professor asked formally.

Um… may I discuss this in private with my wife please Professor? Greg pleaded.

“By all means Gregory, I will cut our linkage, just speak aloud when you wish to re-establish communications,” the Professor complied.

Greg breathed a sigh of relief as he considered how to approach his beloved with the concerns he had about this plan of action. They seemed dangerously close to drawing attention to themselves and now to Hestia as well… something he had vowed never to do.

Trish, My Love… how do I begin? I am honestly worried about what the Professor’s AI is proposing,

Greg’s thoughts were strained with genuine concern.

I could feel your apprehension Greg, and I have my doubts as well. If Father was here in the flesh, I would say ‘Yes, go ahead.’ However, as you’ve taught me, we have to consider the human factor. Logic doesn’t operate the way the AIs believe it should in the real world, and for all that he has Father’s memories and personality, his AI is working from the basis of raw logic,

she replied.

That’s the first time I’ve heard you refer to the AIs as separate from yourself.

Greg drew a deep breath,

I’m glad you understand that you are as human as anyone is. Nevertheless, you do see my point. If you feel that the risk to OUR family is minimal, I’ll agree to go ahead. However, I cannot make that decision unilaterally. Hestia is still too young to see past the romance and intrigue and we have to make a decision in which we will also have to live with any consequences that may arise,

Greg completed his line of reasoning.

This is why I love you so much my true other and this is why I’d be willing go to hell and back for you, Trish began. You always think of us, of others, no matter the situation. I have figured out the risks, but I also have a few suggestions for the plan that will reduce the risk factor significantly,

she said encouragingly.

That’s my girl,

Greg cheered up a little.

I truly love you and don’t you ever forget that. So… what can we do to bring the safety factor up?

We use more equipment rather than less. Speeding up the construction increases the safety margin. Servomechs, yes, but lots of them and also as many nanomechs as possible should help considerably. Putting Hestia in charge will make sure that the new Saber Base will be as secure an installation as possible. The girl is as security conscious as you are, almost to the point of paranoia,

Trish listed her ideas.

Hey now, who said it’s not paranoia, just healthy caution?

Greg smiled gently.


she continued,

in addition, building the entire place with a powerful adaptive camouflage matrix, stronger and more capable than ours, will make the place as near to invisible as possible and that’s how it has to be,

she finished forcefully. Greg thought for a moment.

I agree with you completely, and if the AIs don’t, than it’s a ‘no go’ situation. Nevertheless, I would prefer they cleaned out this complex completely and left just enough broken and damaged equipment to fool anyone who didn’t really understand the full extent of the place. We should leave it as cold and dead as we found it... no beacons, no power emanations, nothing. I can arrange for the transportation of the equipment from a neutral site, however, this base must be left dead, dead, dead. Does that sound OK by you?

he asked.

Absolutely my Darling, but it looks like the in-laws are moving in. You should handle this,

Trish chuckled.

They exchanged forms again and Greg spoke up.

“Professor, Solomon, we’ve come up with a plan that will increase the safety margin considerably, however, this is a completely non-negotiable point, do you understand?” Greg was all business and his tone of voice brooked no compromise.

“Please continue Gregory,” invited the Professor.

“Awaiting input,” responded the machine in kind. Greg outlined the plan he and Trish had worked out and overall, the AIs agreed with the logic of it. The only sticking point seemed to be the fact that he required Hestia to be in charge of operations.

“Look guys, it’s really very simple, if and when Trish and I bring the Professor physically back to the AERI, I will require Hestia to relinquish command to him, but until then, she’s in charge. I will not argue with you on this point. In theory, as the only fully functional physio-neural bond, we are effectively in the position of field commander here. Do you agree? Understand that the whole plan hinges on this point,” Greg lectured.

“Agreed Gregory, this is a combat operation after all,” the Professor’s AI conceded.

“Your logic is sound. We will cooperate,” Solomon also agreed. Greg left the AIs to work out the details and financing of the relocation and opened a secure link to Hestia.

Hestia? Are you there Princess?

Greg reached out with his thoughts.

Daddy? What’s been going on? There have been some serious network probes from an IP address I can’t pin down. I would have spiked them if I could have found them!

she reported.

Easy there Tiger, I know you would have, but I have some exciting news. We found Solomon and the Professor, sort of…

Greg hesitated.

Sort of, what do you mean?

Well, we found an AI based on the Professor’s neural patterns at least. We’re closing down what’s left of the Professor’s Swiss Base and shipping it off to you, he explained. Mom will send you all the details, but I wanted you to know that I’ve put you in charge. Don’t let Solomon or the Professor bully you when they come on line, OK?

You can count on me Daddy,

she chirped happily.

I know I can Princess. The basics of the plan are that five or more cargo containers will be delivered to the AERI by helicopter. They are not, I repeat not, to be opened by the delivery agents. All the details will be worked out from this end. There will be a shipment of servomechs and nanomechs in one that will start excavations from within the containers,

he informed her.

Make the ACM plans available to them for inclusion in the constructions and order any materials you may need to be delivered directly to the house. Solomon and the Professor will handle all payments and such,

Greg instructed his daughter.

I understand,

she replied.

This isn’t an easy decision for you is it Daddy?

You’re absolutely right Sweetie, it isn’t. This is all moving excessively fast, so I want you to make security your top priority. Non-lethal defences if possible, but if you are threatened… well, use your discretion Darling. You and Mom work out the details. I have to figure out the mechanics on this end. Miss you Princess… love you.

Love you too Daddy. I’m very proud of you. Bye.

Greg let Trish and Hestia talk and breathed a heavy sigh as he sat down against a wall. He ran his hand across his face and shut his eyes. This was wearing him out, and although he thought he had gotten used to surprises, this one really took the blue ribbon. The Professor and Solomon were arguing about the fusion plants in the background and all he wanted to do was become a hermit again. But he couldn’t do that anymore and still have Trish as well, and she had become his life. He opened his eyes again.

“Professor?” he began.

“Yes Gregory?” came the reply.

“I need a piece of land nearby, remote enough that I can fly the containers into but accessible by road and rail, an old lumberyard or sawmill would be ideal. Can you arrange that?” he asked.

“I think so… there is a nearby town called Biel that seems to have the facilities you require,” said the Professor.

“No third parties, no lawyers, just purchase it electronically in the AERI’s name,” Greg instructed. “Let them think I’m setting up a second research centre if you need to. If you have an alternate ID, use that. I wish absolutely no connections with the Saber facilities. Secrecy is our maxim,” Greg spoke determinedly.

“Consider it done. The servomechs will have the bulk of the facility packed by the 22nd. You will be able to transport the containers to the site that night,” the AI responded.

“I’ll leave it in your hands then. Make sure the mechs constructing the containers make them look well used, and don’t forget the customs documents. I’ll need access to Professor Saber’s funds to arrange the transport, but I feel confident that you’ll be ‘digging in’ by the middle of next month.”

“’Digging in’? That was a very hideous pun Gregory,” the Professor retorted.

“So sue me, I’m very tired,” Greg shrugged.

“I haven’t yet had the chance to thank you for what you’ve done for my family Gregory. I look forward to meeting you in person someday soon Son.”

“And I look forward to thanking you for allowing me to have Trish in my life someday too, Professor. Right now, we have to get back to Bonn and eat. My systems are at 35 percent and I’m exhausted,” Greg yawned mightily.

“Keep the icon I gave you,” the AI offered. “It’ll allow me to send the details of the land transfers to you and Tricia. Get some rest Son, you’ve earned it,” smiled the Professor paternally.

“Thanks Prof. Oh and next time Solomon wants to try and invade Hestia's systems, have him introduce himself, at least buy her dinner, my daughter is a lady, as is yours,” Greg snapped. The Professor just chuckled and signed off.

Greg, you were wonderful. You get some rest and I’ll get us back to Bonn,

Trish cheered.

Thanks Hon, are you sure you don’t want to go to dinner in Geneva?

Nope, I’m looking forward to a shower and room service in our suite at the Domicil,

Trish assured him.

Thank you Love, you’re the best,

he sighed.

Greg didn’t wake up until 11:00am on the 16th, and he felt relaxed but vaguely worried about something.

Trish? Did yesterday really happen or was it just a very weird dream?

he inquired sleepily.

No Darling, it was real, why?

I’m just having a hard time believing that we organized a massive covert operation in under a day and that when we get home, it will be a completely different place.

He shook his head.

Yesterday was the easy part Sweetheart,

she responded with amusement,

the difficult part is managing a covert operation while looking casual.

Greg snorted and looked over at the chair where the ACM was draped. He didn’t remember removing it.

You didn’t, I did. Solomon got very chatty last night and oh… and he thinks you’re very bossy by the way,

she smiled.

Oh does he?

Greg raised an eyebrow.

Yes… and then he wanted to play word games all night. I finally just said goodnight and took off the ACM,

she filled him in.

It sounds like he’s a little lonely without the Professor there physically. Hmmph, can we just hang out as you today Trish? Or as anyone but me today, I’m feeling about as miserable as anyone who has you in his life can feel. Which isn’t much, but I crave anonymity, for a day at least,

Greg wheedled.

Sure thing Sweetheart, it’ll be good practice for us as well. What do you feel like doing? Skiing? Après ski?

she asked wickedly.

Après ski sounds good to me. The idea of sitting in a chalet drinking cocoa or hot cider is very appealing right at the moment,

Greg replied innocently.

Trish pulled on the ACM and sealed it in its non-combat form. Grabbing some cash and credit cards, they stepped out of their room and ducked into a stairwell.

Hold on to your boots Greg, one snow bunny coming up…

she grinned.

Trish took the pattern of one of the Lufthansa flight attendants they had sampled and quickly transformed them. With the physical transformation taken care of she directed the ACM to become a fashionable skiing outfit, more suited to the chalet than the slopes. They walked toward the elevator bank and caught one to the lobby. Greg glanced into the mirror and saw what they had become. The woman was just under 182 centimetres tall and proportioned like a small Amazon. She was quite beautiful and very blonde.

Hey, wow!

Greg gave a low wolf-whistle.

Nice and anonymous Sweetheart, but you’d better get some make-up before we hit the slopes,

he teased.

OK Inga, behave yourself or I’ll put you in the driver’s seat.

I’ll be good…mostly

he promised. Greg complied quickly but when he glanced back at the mirror, he saw that Trish had somehow made up their face.

OK, that’s a neat trick. Care to explain it Copperfield?

I had the bugs create some natural pigments in the places and colours I wanted. Pretty simple compared to the jobs they usually do,

she sounded proud.

Who’s the clever girl, then? I’ll bet you’ve been waiting to try that one out for a while,

he joshed her.

The elevator doors opened onto the lobby and Trish gave a small start. There at the hotelier’s desk was a face she recognised immediately. Monsieur Richard DeLongiles was speaking with the desk clerk. Trish focussed her ears and picked up the conversation mid-sentence.

“…ring his room, one moment please” the Concierge replied.

“Merci.” DeLongiles did not look pleased to be there.

“I’m sorry Sir but there is no answer from Doctor Howard’s room,” said the desk clerk.

“Fine, may I leave this envelope for him please?” growled DeLongiles.

“Certainly Sir, I will give it to him when I see him. Is there anything else I can help you with?” the clerk inquired formally.

“No, merci. Just see that Doctor Howard gets the envelope,” DeLongiles answered brusquely then turned and stalked from the desk towards the exit. Trish followed him into the street at a discreet distance.

Hmmmm, maybe not the best choice for surveillance, but who knew we’d be on the job today?

she thought casually.

Not your fault Trish, I should have realized that the espionage business was 24/7. Anyway, we can get closer like this than as you or me. What do you think dumb blonde or predator?

Greg questioned.

Let’s just see what works best on him,

Trish offered.

DeLongiles turned into a nearby cafe and they followed. Greg spotted where he had been seated and asked Trish to have the waiter seat them directly opposite. They ordered Café Complet and sipped delicately at the cappuccino while making subtle eye contact with DeLongiles. They had definitely gotten his attention as he swept his eyes up and down their form. He looked at his watch and then at the entrance. He was expecting someone… good. Trish refocussed her hearing to his table, filtering out the ambient noise. A familiar form passed Trish and recognised Natalia Ravensclaw immediately.

Curiousier and curiousier…

mused Trish.

This from a woman who has done eight impossible things before breakfast,

Greg countered.

Shhhh… I don’t want to miss any of this,

she hushed him. Natalia had seated herself and ordered coffee.

“Did you see him?” she sneered.

“Howard? No, he wasn’t in his room. I left the envelope as per your instructions, Ms. Ravensclaw. I really shouldn’t be here… I don’t fully trust Johnson to handle the PMO,” he said nervously.

“Quiet Dear and quit drooling over that blonde bimbo. Yes, I saw you,” Natalia purred dangerously. “You may fly out today, I have a personal interest in the dear doctor.” DeLongiles grimaced.

“Your father would not like your ‘personal interest’,” he reminded the young woman.

“And just how might he find out dear Richard? You’d be wise to remember your place and the power it currently affords you. Doctor Howard is my… project now,” she warned him.

“Have they found out anything from that Professor?” DeLongiles asked.

“Hush Dear, not in public please and no, not yet. Daddy is reluctant to use more … effective methods on the man. I just hope our Gregory is somewhat more tractable,” her smile was pure poison.

“Well then, Ms. Ravensclaw, I must run. There is more silly talk in Ottawa about easing the marijuana laws in Canada, and we cannot risk having happier and more relaxed citizens now, can we?” he smiled wanly.

“No indeed M. DeLongiles, no indeed. Farewell and,” Natalia paused, “don’t even think of going over my head on this or you just might find that my name is not the only thing with claws.” DeLongiles paled visibly and rose to leave. He cast one more longing look at Trish and exited the restaurant. Ravensclaw just chuckled and finished her coffee. Trish was shaken by the conversation, but she hid it well. She finished her breakfast and signalled the waiter for the bill.

I was right, that woman is a total bitch, but she seems to know about Daddy. Now she has her claws out for you Greg. You have to be careful,

Trish worried.

Well, forewarned is forearmed, as they say. Still, I think I should frustrate and avoid dear Natalia for a while. And while I’d like to check out that law firm your father mentioned, I think tailing Ms. Ravensclaw might be a more productive activity,

Greg reasoned.

We’re in agreement there,

said Trish,

but I think Inga should go bye-bye for now. How about Constable Ed, he’s young and handsome enough for Madam-X over there.

Good choice, but we’ll have to make him a little bit more Euro-trash than our clean cut boy,

he agreed.

They paid the check and went to the powder room, and began the transformation while ducking into the men’s room. Soon Greg was looking at himself in the mirror but not for long. He was slightly nervous as he’d never initiated a full transform before, but finding the correct file, he simply initiated it and voila! It felt very different this time as he took note of the process.

Relax Darling, you don’t need to monitor the process that closely, the bugs know what to do,

Trish chided.

He relaxed slightly and the process became automatic. Soon he was looking at Ed Page in the mirror, he lengthened the hair slightly and grew a days worth of fashionable stubble. Pleased with the result, he smiled and changed the ACM to a casual Armani suit. A spritz of cologne from the counter and he was done. Exiting the rest room, he walked through the restaurant and took a seat at the bar. After ordering a double shot of espresso, he casually glanced around the room. Natalia seemed interested and caught his eyes. He raised an eyebrow as she signalled him to join her at the table.

“Buon Giorno, Bellísima…” he greeted Natalia.

“Buon Giorno, Caro. And how are you this fine day?”

“I am… how you do say…” Greg affected unfamiliarity with English, “Spectacular? after meeting such a lovely flower. I am being Guillermo Setizi at your service.” Greg contrived to bow over her hand, a difficult thing from a seated position, but somehow made it look easy.

Ooooh, you smoothie…

gibed Trish.

“You are being very charming, Guillermo. I am Natalia Ravensclaw.”

“The…uh how do you say… pleasure is yours?” Natalia smiled at that.

“Something like that,” she purred. “Would you show a lady around town?”

“Ah, yes please,” Greg stood and offered his hand. Natalia took it and rose sensuously. He applauded.

“Brava!” Greg helped her on with her full-length fur though he was disgusted just handling it, or her for that matter, he realised.

Ugh… she’s as much a mink as these poor animals were. Trish?
Yes darling Guillermo? Hehehe…

she tittered.

Can you see if Solomon or the Professor might have any better luck identifying this… ‘woman’,

he shuddered inwardly.

OK Caro,

she mimicked.

Go ahead and enjoy yourself Dear, I’ll just sic DeLongiles on you…

Greg mock growled.

I’ll be good… mostly, love you Dearest.

Greg paid the tab and escorted Natalia from the restaurant into the street.

“Where would you like to see, Bella?” his smile was all sunshine.

“My hotel is nice…” Natalia suggested. Greg felt the hair on the back of his neck rise.

YIPES! She just doesn’t stop, does she?

asked Trish.

“Ahhhh, Caramissa, you joke on Guillermo…” Greg managed. Her smile was that of a predator.

“No joke Handsome, let’s see what you’re made of,” she licked her lips invitingly and dragged Greg into the Hilton and up to her room.

To Be Continued

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