I was gonna rant about Julie, but I decided she's not worth my time.
Instead, I wanna talk about the ripple effect.
Basically, the ripple effect is the idea that when one person's life turns in a posititve direction, they spread that positivity to the people they meet, who spread the positivity further, and so on, like a ripple in a pond going ever outward.
Well, right now, I think we need some positivity, so I'm giving all my friends here a challenge - I want you all to do or say something nice for someone else.
Lets make a ripple that overwhelms all the negative crap!
sounds like a plan to me !!!
sounds like a plan to me !!!!! good idea there
You Want Something Uplifting?
Here's a nice tune. With an uplifting video...
Continuing the ripple...
Let's all be NICE! (Although the significance of that may be lost on those who aren't regular followers of NAV).
On the musical front: Don't worry, spread a little happiness - and feel free to clap along to the best song ever!
(Yes, I do have a warped sense of humour - still, bet you weren't expecting that version!)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!