Tg Aspergers

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So, in exploring the implications of the recent Transgender Activism here in Portland, Oregon, I met some very nice people. Somewhere I heard something about the high incidence of Transgender among Aspergers folk and I am trying to explore whether that assertion has any veracity at all.

One of the things I do to make up for a relatively low IQ is that I read and research intensely, thus giving the illusion of intelligence, or as my shrink said, "It's how you use what you have".

Now I am wondering if my GID diagnosis was actually just being Aspergers? Doesn't actually matter because that boat left the dock a long time ago.


It's unlikely

that one would be diagnosed for the other. Unless you deliberately set out to receive the psych evaluation.
I don't know why, relatively speaking, there is a large number of transgender people among the people with asperger. It might explain somethings in my situation though.

Anne Margarete

GID First

I was diagnosed with GID first, and now I am wondering if I was simply always a high functioning Aspie? And possibly not GID? The answer might actually be "both", but I wanted to ask the question.

Having a friend with

Having a friend with Aspergers, even before it was a useful diagnosis, I think I'm safe in saying that while the conditions that create GID can lend themselves to Aspergers, they are very distinctly different conditions, and would be easy to tell apart.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

High order Aspergers

Generally speaking I'm somewhere on the Autism spectrum. Most say since I'm able to at least pretend to act more or less normal, I have high functioning Aspergers. At times I'm not so sure, because, trust me, I don't feel like I'm functioning so well, but there you are. I understand that Zoe Brain the blogger at AE Brain is also on that spectrum.

It is my guess that it should be investigated, but good luck in getting the funding. Too many are more concerned about proving their own pet theories than in good science.


Gwen, take a moment to think.

Gwen, I have read you stories and your posts here. You type very well thought out statements.

You are very intelligent. You works here prove that. And don't let anyone else fool you into thinking otherwise.

A person with a low IQ, would likely be very violent in some of the situations you have been in. While you have been known to walk away from problems. Or, at least be civil.

You just come from a different point of view, than those around you, in your day to day life. And they don't know what to make of you.

And I speak from experience. I have been falsely accused of almost everything under the sun. And even to this day, in my day to day life, there are people that I can do nothing about, whom poison the minds of others, against me.

There are multiple points.

The top comment has multiple points. Since the Asperger's points were being handle. Gwen also stated she believe she had a low IQ.

I was pointing out how that was not the case.


One of the reasons for poor IQ scores for intelligent people is the inability to believe that test authors used extremely simple logics. So intelligent people have tendency to find more convoluted logics in the IQ test... Leading them to low scores.
So independent of IQ, Asperger's people are smarter in sciences, have better memory, and are good in seing hidden interdependencies. But are not too good with anything related to feelings, emotions, hints and other socialization skills that are natural to "ordinary" people...

if you think about it

there could be a link between the two - I mean, if you were struggling with your gender, you might also struggle with socialization, especially toward the gender you were assigned. And vice versa, I suppose ..

That said, I feel pretty confident in saying you're a woman, hon.



Andrea Lena's picture

Your demeanor and expression belie a low IQ, and I'd expect your evaluation was incorrect or incomplete.

Second? Much of what folks attribute to 'nurture,' including our ability to function in certain contexts, is a hard-wire issue much like being left handed or other physical expressions In the same manner, no one who resides on the autistic continuum chooses to relate that way, and I'm confident that your diagnosis of GID is parallel to any diagnosis of Aspergers you might discover? We have several folks here who are AS, and their gender expression seems to me to be in addition to rather than a component of AS, if that makes any sense.

The bottom line is you are WHO you are, as are we all, Gwen. Which would still leave you being the precious, adorable woman I've come to know and love! Thanks for being you!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Apserger diagnosie here

MadTech01's picture

It may be more common but is not a one auto gives way to the other situation. I have Asperger and do not have GSD I am happy as a guy.

"Cortana is watching you!"

IQ is just a number.

When I tried IQ test for the first time I got terribke results. Like under 80... Then I understood that you need to use most simple, most straightforward, most obvious dependencies. As soon as I learned it I started to get scores "in the top 5 percentile".
(problem with IQ test is that it is just a test to measure your ability to solve particular type of puzzle in the same way as an author of the test. So it is not a measurement of your actual intellect level but rather a measurement of how similar your intellect is to that of the test author)
As for initial question I would say that one of the main characteristics of Asperger is low socialization ability. So social mores are an enigma for many. So people with Asperger's are more prone to reveal their gender confusion and are more prone to have gender confusion. And also Asperger's people tend to be less strict in their perception of gender and gender roles. Things that are natural for "normal" folks we need to learn and train ourselves to correctly replicate ;-)