When tales come true Chapter 12

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When tales come true

Chapter 12

You never Know!


We crossed the lake and headed to my home. It did not take long to get her settled in. That night I was practicing my magic putting all my magic into a gem to make a star gem for Angels crown. It was to be a complement to her sword. Suddenly the gem shattered and I was splashed with all the magic I had been putting in the gem. I put my shield up but the interaction with the two magic's caused a blow back explosion.

When I woke up I was in bed. I felt different. Something had gone very wrong. I looked at my bed table and seen that the calendar said Sunday the 21. That can't be right. That is when I started the Hall of Magic. I got up feeling very weak. I looked out the window and where the Hall was nothing. It can't be? I was thrown back in time before the Siege! This can't be happening? The explosion, the mixing of magic's could it do that? I need to test this. If this is that day Zoe would be downstairs playing maid. Hmm, I guess I should go down.

I went down and decided some things. History is going to change. I went into the kitchen Zoe was there playing the good maid. I scanned her for magic. Yes, it was there hidden but strong never the less. I smiled. I decided to have a little talk with my maid. I said "Zoe we need to have a talk. I just scanned you for magic and I picked up yours. I thought to talk to you about this earler but things just got in the way. So what's up with you?"

Zoe shook her head "I thought you would catch me. I work for the Archmage. She thought it would be a good idea to watch you. That is why I was sent. To watch and protect if necessary. I am a combat mage, fire type." She shrugged. "being a maid was to be unconscious. It also keeps me close to you most of the time."

I sighed "Ok if you want to watch me fine. Just no more maid bull. You will become part of the defense of Sanctuary or at least this side of it. You can still stay here or build your own house. Just no more lying! I have too much to do to put up with that. Can you read wards?"

She looked thoughtful "Yes, if I know that they are there. What do you have in mind? There is almost nothing on this side of the lake worth warding. Only the mirror room."

I smiled "That is just the room we need to protect. I don't need uninvited party crashers dropping by. I am going to put a few traps to safeguard the mirrors. I am going to take out all but three and trap them. I will teach you how to activate the traps if I am not here. Then I am going to suggest the others do the same on their side. I have a feeling we are going to need it." Zoe looked at me thinking hard. She nodded to me.

After Breakfast and cleaning up. We both cleaned up the dishes. Zoe changed into a combat mages outfit. Then we headed to the mirror room. Zoe watched while I set the wards. I looked at me and nodded. She could read them. We went into the mirror room and took down all but three mirrors and stored the rest. I thought for a few moments then created shutters that were mirrors themselves. The trap would close the shutters so that the portal would be forced back on itself. That would send the person traveling through right back where they started. A neat little trap if I do say so myself. If they get past that one I set a hammer trap that would smash the mirror.

"I think that as safe as I can make them at this time." I said. It took till lunch to do that. So we went back and fixed lunch together. This was working out well so far. I decided to work on the Hall of Magic next weekend. I gathered a few books on Ice magic and got out my Elements book to look up a few spells for Angel. I needed to make up to her. I wrote out the plan to protect the mirror rooms including traps so I can give it to Angel to think about. Then I decided to go back to the school before dinner. I was leaving Zoe to watch over the mirror room during the week.

I passed through the mirror into my room. I left the books and went to sign in. After dinner I was laying in my room reading about reinforcement spells. I heard a knocking sound but it was not coming from the door. I glanced at the mirror and caught sight of the ripples caused by a link spell. I went over and opened the link. Angels face appeared on the mirror. I sighed "Your Majesty you need something from me?"

Angel smiled "Do you have a good book on ice magic? Darla said you have all the books we will need."

I smiled back "Yes I do. Hold on I will get them." I got under my bed and pulled out the books and papers. I opened a small package portal and handed them through. "There are also three I spells for you out of one of my spell books. These might be a little ahead of where you are now but never to early to start your spell book. It is a sort of apology for how I acted. I was a jerk. I am sorry. Has Darla taught you how to make your own spell book yet?"

Angel nodded "I was working on that. That's why I needed the books. I forgive you!" Out came the thousand watt smile. "Does this mean you will be coming back?"

I sighed "Not right now but if you need me use the link. I am preparing a Hall of Magic for upper level practice areas. Learning some spells can be dangerous so it is good to have a place away from the main area to train."

Angel looked thoughtful "I had not considered that. All you have done so far is create things. I haven't considered that they can destroy too. You did right after all. Are you good at those type of spells too?"

I shook my head "I am no combat mage but I can use some pretty strong spells if I have too! We will need to get a Combat Mage to teach that type of magic. I don't think right away though. Have the girls get used to magic then choose a type to follow."

Angel looked behind her. "I got to go. I am glad we cleared things up. Good night and sleep tight." I closed the portal and she closed the link. All was quiet again. I went back to my book happier than before. So much for fixing things with Angel.

The week went well I was finding it easy. Friday could not come fast enough. After school was out for the day I signed out and used my mirror in my room to port to Sanctuary. I had brought the Queens gift and Darla's along with me so I used the mirror room on there side. When I got there I headed for The Crystal Hall. The Queen was in the Throne room with Darla. I smiled and curtsied. Angel asked "And what brings our Mage calling on us today?"

I held out a box to the Queen and Darla. "These will help when you need to get a hold of me. They opened the boxes to find pretty bracelets. "They do voice only but it would keep us connected."

Angel smiled "How do they work and do they do anything else?" It was clear she liked the gift.

"They work like a link. Just tap the sapphire. It does have a second feature, a shield. One use only so use it carefully. To activate place your fingers on the two stones at the same time. That is all there is to it." I said "There is one more thing I think we should think about. Security for the mirror rooms. I have a plan of what to do if you will." I handed Angel the plans. "As you can see I have thought a lot about this. I have already implemented this plan on my mirror room. It is as safe as I can make it."

Angel handed Darla the plans. " It seems a good plan. Who do you have watching the wards on your side? Besides yourself I mean."

I chuckled "That's just the thing. Zoe is watching that side. She is a combat mage sent to protect and watch me! We have talked it out and she is not hiding it any more. She is now part of the overall defense plan for Sanctuary."

Angel was speechless so Darla spoke. "Who sent her and do you think you can trust her? I don't like this at all."

I said "It was the Archmage. I have confirmed it. Yes I do believe I can trust her. We need her skills. Of course I will need to get s new maid."

Darla Shook her head. "It is your life if you are wrong."

I grinned "Getting back to the plan. You need to set some wards and train people to read them so we can stay safe. Guards are not the only line we need to have. Your Majesty what do you think?"

Angel thought a moment and turned to Darla "What do you think as second mage?"

Darla thought a moment. "It is a good plan. a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If Your Majesty wishes I will get right on it?"

Angel nodded "Go ahead and make the changes. I just hope we don't need them. What would our number one mage be doing at this time?"

I sighed I will be working on a alarm system so people can know when there is trouble. Once that is completed I will work on the Practice hall on my side of the lake till I am needed." I curtsied and prepared to go.

"Just a moment Lady Mage. Mother sent a person to apprentice with you. Dixie come in now." From a side chamber came a girl a few years older than me. She glided over and curtsied deep to the queen and Darla. She turned to me "Dixie Rain this is Lady Ember Rose Del La Silver the Grand Mage of Sanctuary. She curtsied and presented a letter. It was from Queen Aslina. It was just a short note asking me to take care of and train this girl. Angel looked at me like well?

I looked Dixie over. Then turned to Angel "Looks like I got another mouth to feed a brain too. Looks like I won't be getting back to the Hall of Magic this weekend. Do you need anything else before I go Your Majesty?"

Angel came down from the Throne and showed me a book. "Does this spell look right? I could not read your writing." She smiled that great smile of hers.

I glanced at the spell. I reached into the bag at my side and pulled out the Elemental book and flipped to the spell to check it. I pointed to the word she had got wrong. She quickly changed the word. I said "cast it." She did but it fizzled. I shook my head and showed her the right way to cast it. A tiny Ice Dragon formed to my call and the cold in the room dipped twenty points. Just then Cryss glided in and landed on my shoulder. She was not happy about another dragon being around and a Ice one at that. I said "Do you want the ice dragon or can I let Cryss have it?"

Angel said "Cryss can have it with my blessing." Cryss looked at me eager. I nodded and she acted. A single burst of flame from her mouth and the Ice dragon was gone. Cryss looked pleased. The room heated back up. The Queen was impressed. "You did not tell me Cryss could do that."

"Cryss is growing up no telling what she can do as she grows." I turned to Dixie "Are you ready to go?" Dixie went to get her things. I tuned back to Darla "Do you know any healers? We might need one some time and it would be better to have one here than have to go looking for one. I know some healing but was never trained in it. So I only use it if I have to!" I smiled another mess fixed.

Darla thought a moment "yes, I think I do know one that might like to live and work here. That was a good thought Ember." I just smiled.

Dixie came back and we left the hall. We got to the boat and got in. A flick of magic and we were on our way. I did not bother to do the boat test I knew what she was. When we got to the other side I showed Dixie to my home. Zoe had started a home of her own while I was gone so she was sleeping there but still eating in my home. It was almost dinner time. I was glad Zoe had started dinner. It was a long day already.

Saturday morning I looked at Dixie and Zoe "You both have a free day today. I have a project I need to get to. I will see you both back here for dinner. Dixie I hope you can cook because it is your turn today." I chuckled and headed to the crystal storage room.

Once I got there I looked for the best set of small matched crystals. The biggest set I could find. That was twelve pieces. I pulled out the spell book for useful spells. That was the catch all book. I found the alarm enchantment and set the crystals in a circle and first cast a link spell then the enchantment. Now where to install them. On this side of the lake I decided on My home, Zoe's home, and right outside the mirror room. I set aside one for the Hall of Magic when I get around to building it. Then I headed to the other side of the lake. I set one outside the main mirror room. I went to the bunkhouse and put one there. Then in the throne room. One each in the Sixes homes and that finished them off. That took most of the day. I had skipped lunch so was very hungry as I got back home for dinner. It turned out that Dixie was a pretty good cook. After dinner I tested Dixie a bit having her shape some things. The results were as expected. She was a healer. I activated the link to Darla.

I said "I have found Dixie's talent. You won't believe this but she is a natural healer. Her test were really good."

Darla said "You called it didn't you I have talked to Janis my healer friend She will be here tomorrow. I go to pick her up in the morning. I am sure that she can teach Dixie well."

"I that's good. Have a good night." I shut off the link. Well that's it for tonight I'm going to bed.

Sunday morning I Finally got to work on the Hall of Magic. Strangely I took all I had and could barrow from the waterfall to create the crystal weave walls. I was exhausted by the time I had finished the basics. I had dinner, it was Zoe's turn, before getting ready to head back to school.

When I went through the portal and shifted it was hard to do. Shifting had never been that hard before. I guess I had exhausted myself more than I thought. Going back to being Eric was always a pain but this was different. Maybe going back in time had weakened me? Only four weekends left till summer begins. I spent the week keeping up with my schoolwork so I could have my weekends free. On Friday I found myself really looking forward to see what Dixie can due with a little training. Darla had fixed up Dixie to Janis and she was to start training last Monday. After school I signed out and went through the portal shifting halfway between. It was easier to go from Eric to Ember but it was still harder that it used to be.

When in Sanctuary I headed for my home. Half way there I felt a tingle at my wrist that meant I had a call coming over the link. I opened the link. It was Darla "Ember are you in Sanctuary yet? I need your help at the Crystal Hall."

I smiled "I'll be right there. What's the problem?" I was in a good mood and hoped the problem did not destroy that.

Darla's voice was stressed "Queen Angel is not here and Queen Aslina is here. Angel is stuck at school right now and can't get away. You are number two so it is up to you to deal with this."

So much for my good mood. "I'll be right there." Forget the boat it is too slow. Looks like it is wings again. Good thing I memorized the spell. So I cast the spell and I grew wings real fast. Off I flew to see to this problem. It only took a few moments to get across the lake. I landed by the Crystal Hall folded my wings and walked in. I have to remember to leave extra height for wings in my next hall. As I entered the Throne room I headed right for Darla and Queen Aslina. They both turned to watch me approach. I put on my best smile and curtsied wings out to Queen Aslina. I always like the effect. "Your Majesty what brings you to the Crystal Hall today?"

She looked at me and my wings then spoke "I have the first three People ready to come over to Sanctuary. Are you ready?" She smiled knowing this puts us in a spot.

I spoke "Your majesty with all due respect our agreement was you would not send us people till the summer. That is still three weeks away. We are working very hard so we can give your people the attention they deserve. If you would just wait a little bit longer I am sure you will like the results. I know it is going to be very impressive. We are almost ready. Summer is still three weeks away you know? Our main people will be getting ready for finals right now. School is important don't you agree?"

Queen Aslina looked me up and down "Are you refusing my request?" Her smile was cold as ice.

I sighed "To add any more stress at this time would adversely affect Finals and in direct proportion the heath of the six. So I am afraid I will have to say no to any new people till after Finals!" I was standing straight and looking her right in the eye as I said this.

She looked me up and down once again "I see. This is your last word?" I nodded "Very well I will wait for Three weeks." She turned to the door. "Tell my Daughter I was here."

That was all, she was gone. I took a deep breath my wings ruffled. Darla looked at me "You have grown. I like the wings." I was not sure how to take that. With Darla you never know. A half hour later Angel hurried in. She looked around then came over to Darla and me.

Angel looked worried "Where is she? I got back as soon as I could. What happened here?" Darla looked at me and then filled in the Queen. I just stood there and listened. I was just glad that I did not have to tell it. Angel looked me up and down much as her Mother had frowning. Angel sighed "I guess it came out as best as it could. I don't think stalling would have worked. You did very good. Thank you for filling in for me."

I curtsied to the Queen "Do I have your permission to withdraw?" I was still in formal mode.

Angel looked around and leaned over and gave me a hug. She whispered in my ear "I love your wings. You will have to teach me that spell." I truly knew we were good now. She let go and I left. As I was heading for the shoreline I ran into Jenny, Jessie, Tina and Tara. We got caught up on each others lives quickly. It was good. I said later then took to the sky. I flew across the lake slowly relaxing.

I headed into my home I realized it was my turn to cook for Zoe and me. I really need to get a new maid. I started making dinner as Zoe came in. I looked at her "Do you have a portal ring?"

She shook her head. "I was told to leave mine behind. If I needed one you would get one for me."

I smiled at her. "I'll take care of that after dinner. I have a extra Rose Crest Ring I will modify and change the crest. You can use that. If you want that is?"

She smiled "That would be nice, thank you." She sat and we chatted while I finished making dinner. I was not the best cook but I get by. After we ate I went and got the ring and started to add a few layers to it. When I was done it was a five layer portal ring. It had addresses for the main and back up mirror rooms as well as Crystalis. I had been saving my magic all week so it did not totally drain me. The last thing I did was press the crest of my ring to the Rose Crest and put some magic into it. The Rose Crest changed to the Sword and the Rose Crest same as my ring. The ring was ready.

I looked at her. "Do you swear to serve this house as the leader of the combat mages for as long as you wear this ring?"

She looked startled. She stood up straight "I swear to do so on my Honor as a Combat Mage of the Fire Dragon Troop!" I placed the ring on her middle finger of her right hand.

I smiled "It is done. May you lead with honor and heart." I waved and went to bed.

Saturday was a let down from the start. I worked on the Hall of magic all day making chairs and benches. I used crystal weave to make the chairs and benches. Working with crystal was my best and easiest thing. I thought I would cast the reinforcement enchantments on Sunday. I was too tired to think of doing that on Saturday. By dinner time I had the basics ready for the Hall. Maybe I will show off the Hall Before going back to school on Sunday.

After Dinner There came a knock on the front door. It turned out to be Angel, Ben and Darla. Angel had some books in her arms. I smiled at them and waved them in. Angel was dressed down and not wearing her crown so I just nodded to her as I did to the other two. I said "Welcome what brings you three over to my door? Would you like some tea?"

Angel said "That would be nice. I came to return these books to you." I motioned them into the kitchen and I put on the kettle. Angel handed the books to me.

I said "Thank you did you find them helpful? Darla, Ben Tea?" They both nodded. I poured four cups of my night time favorite tea. I looked at Darla "Your not saying much I am used to that from Ben but you?"

Darla looked at the Queen and sighed "I just came to see this Hall of Magic you spoke about. When Angel heard I was coming over here she decided to come along. Then Ben did also." She sipped her tea. "Good tea, Lilting Rose is it not?"

"I chuckled "Yes it is. Well after tea I'll show off my unfinished Hall. It is about half way done. Then I need to fill it with equipment and practice aids. Despite the fancy name it is just a big Gym with smaller practice rooms on the sides. The end of next weekend it will be ready to equip. Ben you look like you have something on your mind?"

Ben looked at the others and when they nodded he said "You have a mirror room on this side I think I should station some troops over here to guard it."

I smiled "Yes you can there is a bunkhouse on this side too to house them four should be fine. Zoe is here so it is not unprotected." Ben looked confused "Ben, Zoe is a combat mage."

Ben frowned. "Your maid is a combat maid? when did you find this out?" He did not like this news.

I sighed "Relax, It is all taken care of. She will be true to my house forever. I made sure of that with a magical oath. She could not betray me if she wanted to." I filled in the three of them in on what happened earlier and what it meant.

Darla smiled "And that is why she is the Grand Mage of Sanctuary! I would have not thought to use a oath to make sue of her."

Angel said "But I thought you trusted her? Didn't you say that?"

I looked at her "I do trust her but I don't trust who sent her! It is just politics of a different type." I shook my head. The three of them looked at me. We finished our tea.

I led them to the Hall of magic and showed them around. I was not to happy with it yet but what can I do. They seem to think it was great.

Angel said "You do seem to like to work in crystal a lot. Could you have done it from stone instead?"

I shook my head "Not of this size or quality, I am a crystal mage after all." This weave will withstand much more force than any simple rock. After I put the reinforcing enchantments on the walls in the morning it will be practically indestructible. That is good for a place where they will be throwing around high level spells."

Angel frowned "Why did you not put those enchantments on the Crystal Hall?"

I shrugged "I always meant to it just takes time and magic to do. I found the spell in one of my Grandmothers spell books. I will do it for you but it will have to wait till I get some time. I will have to go room by room, wall by wall to do it right and that takes time. I will do it just give me a month. We need another experienced enchanter here. One that could teach would be good. Do you know any Darla?"

Darla put in "I'll look into it. Not many doing it that are not already working. But I'll add it to the wish list. Any others you can think of as long as we are wishing?"

I thought "Not at this time but I will think on it. Well it is getting late. Anyone staying over? Now that Dixie has moved in with Janis I do have a free room." I could see Angel thinking it over. Darla shook her head as did Ben. I waited.

Angel sighed "Better not you have work in the morning and so do I.

I decided something. "Angel how would you like to learn a new spell real fast. Just for fun." Angel nodded. "Ok here is how it goes." Then I taught her the wing spell. Both parts to grow them and to make them go away. She took to it right away but when her wings grew they were made of Ice! That was something. I grew my wings and taught her the basics of flight. It was fun. Darla and Ben left while I was teaching her. So I flew across the lake with her to be safe. On the other side I got a hug then I flew back. I went right to bed after that.

In the morning I ate a quick breakfast then went to work at the hall. Casting reinforcement spells. I was taking a mid morning break when I caught sight of Darla's boat hitting the shore. I walked down to see what's up? Jenny and Tina came out of the boat.

Jenny smiled "We thought we would spend the day with you if you don't mind? Darla's away so lessons are off today."

"You could use the practice rooms in the Hall of Magic if you want? I will be working on some of the rooms but you should not bother me. What type of magic does she have you doing?" I asked.

Jenny said "Tina's working on wind magic and I am working on fire magic."

"Ok I'll teach you both a spell you can practice then we will see how it goes." I fished around in my bag till I came up with the right book. "For Tina, Pixie wings would be good! For Jenny, Dragon wings will do!" They both looked at each other very happy. I wrote out the spells. Then took them to the Main room in the Hall to practice. I watched and corrected as they cast their spells. Both sported the right wings. Tina buzzed her wings to show them off. Jenny flapped hers a few times to get used to them. I smiled at their antics. After I had them fly around the room a few times the side effects of the spells became apparent. Tina shrank to six inches tall and Jenny turned scaly and red. At that point I told them to break the spells. When they did they both returned to normal almost. Tina retained the pointed ears and Jenny remained slightly reddish. We talked of the spells and they both wanted to prefect the casting the spells. If they can take it to a certain level and stop maybe the side effects would not be so bad. Jenny looked at me and said "Why do you not have side effects when you grow wings?"

I smiled at her "I do have side effects from my wings. Every time I grow them it gets harder to make them go away and I get addicted to having them. The compulsion to find high places to soar is very strong even now. In magic the stronger the spell the stronger the cost! When I created the Crystal hall there was a great cost. It is a part of me and if it is harmed I am harmed. Same with everything I create to some extent. You see I am now linked to Sanctuary in a very real way." The girls looked at me not knowing what to say. I just smiled and said "Shall we fly across the lake?" Both shook their heads no. "You can shift your selves back if you change too much but then that's another spell." I grinned "Don't worry just remember everything we do has a cost." I sent the girls back over the lake.

I went back to my casting till lunch. I got one side of six small rooms done. This is taking so long. Before dinner I got ready to head back to school. I was heading back early to get some studying done. Eric had finals to get ready for. Dang it is hard when I am two people. Who is the real one? Oh well I guess I will find out after I am done with school till then I will just live two lives. I went to the mirror room and ported shifting halfway through back to Eric.

At the school I signed back in and set myself to study in the study hall. An hour later two people sat down beside me. it was Ms. Snow and Ms. Wright. Well isn't this a kick in the head. I sighed "Can I help you two?

Ms. Snow said "We want to talk to you about what your mother gave you. It is very important."

I looked at them and decided to tell them a little bit of the truth. "My mother just delivered a ring box with a ring in it. Nothing of note outside the family."

They looked at me like they were trying to decide if I was telling the truth. "Can I see this ring box an ring?" Ms. Snow asked.

I shook my head. "I have already passed it on to another family member. Before you ask I have no reason to tell you who or where they are. The Box and ring are nothing special so it does not matter. I have nothing else to say on that matter. So just leave me alone."

Ms. Snow looked hard at me. In a quiet voice she said "We know you are hiding something and it has to do with magic! You wear a ring of one of the great houses so You are a noble and We will bring you to justice if we have to. No one is above King's law"

I looked at them "You are chasing the wrong guy! I live under no King. You must have the wrong country. As for Magic that does not even require a response. As for my being a Noble, my family was at one time but that was centuries ago. I wear this ring as a memento of my Grandmother. Your barking up the wrong tree!" I was getting real ticked at them. They were hitting a little too close to home.

A teacher came over "Is there a problem here?"

Ms. Snow "No problem here." She glared at me "This is not over. You will see!" Then strode off with her sidekick following.

I was really ticked off. The teacher asked "Are you all right? Should the Headmaster be made aware of this?"

I nodded. "I will tell him myself. This is going to be trouble." I put my books away and headed for the office.

The Headmaster was in even though it was a Sunday. I knocked on his door. I heard "Enter." So opened the door. I stepped in. The headmaster looked up. "By the look on your face there is a problem. Sit down and tell me about it." I sat

"Sir, Those two from the other day were back. They are bad news. I don't like where this is headed. You wear the Rose Crest Ring so you know about portals and the other world. I held up my hand. I live part time in that world. These Tangent people are haters of people like me. They are watching and there is going to be trouble soon. I would not put it past them to get a search warrant to check out my room. Perhaps others as well. I need to disappear for a bit we will work out how to do finals later. There will be five others that will go with me. My grades are good so if you can get me and the others our class work through a package portal we can keep up well. Keep it all quiet and all will be fine.

The Headmaster looked at me. "Those two are proving a problem. Though they are right you are hiding things. I knew your Grandmother. I knew many of her secrets. I am not sure how far you are into those secrets but I don't like how it is disrupting my school! If this is what we need to do then we will do it."

I will contact you on your mirror in the morning. My friends and I will be gone after school today. Don't look for us." I added "You wear the Rose Crest Ring so I know you know more than most. I think you don't want to go into who I am on the other side."

He frowned "I may not want to but I think I have to. Your life there is splashing over into this side. So I will ask you once and only once to tell me what is going on?"

I thought for a moment. "I don't think it is wise to tell you everything but I will tell you that I used to work for Queen Aslina directly. I now am a founding member of the new Sanctuary."

He held up his hand and I stopped. "I can't believe that the Six are all young women. So you can not be one of them." When he stopped talking I got up and locked the door.

"This is to not go outside this room." When they both nodded I shifted. Ms. Teller had seen it before but this was new to the Headmaster. He frowned harder. "As you can see it is true. I will not let those Tangent people interfere with the work I am doing. I keep my two lives apart as I can but there is some bleed over."

"Eric what you are telling me is out there even for the other world. Are you really a boy or a girl?" He asked.

I smiled "For now I am both. A boy here and a girl there. After I leave school I will decide what side of the fence I will live on. For now I live two lives. If you can't handle this I can take the memory's from you." I am hoping he can so my circle enlarges. He looked like he was considering it.

He shook his head "If I am going to head off these people I need to know this. So I will keep my memory's. Just one more Question, is there any more of the six here at this school?"

I smiled "The short answer is yes. But you did not here that from me. I will just say that the trouble is to do with only me. I don't know why but they are targeting me." Just then the phone rang and the Headmaster answered it. He mostly listened so I was not sure who it was.

When he hung up. He said "We got a problem those Tangent people are at the gate with a search warrant."

"I how long can you stall them? I will port to Sanctuary from my room. I can be away in just a few moments. There is nothing in my room of interest to them."

The Headmaster asked "Do you really need to go to your room or can you port from elsewhere?"

I shrugged "I just need a full size mirror. The rest is me. I don't keep anything in my room." The Headmaster opened a closet door to reveal a full size mirror. I opened a portal. "I said "If you need to talk to Ms. Teller she knows. Good bye for now. Once on the other side I headed for Crystal Hall. Half way there I caught Angel. I said "We need to talk Angel. Things are coming to a head. Have you ever heard of the Tangent Institute or the King's Law?"

She looked startled "The Tangent Institute is a Watchers group. They know about this world and make sure that the two don't mix much. If they are spouting about the King's Law they are a faction that think there should be no crossovers. Not good, not good at all this is real bad. Tell me everything that has happened." That was not Angel asking that was the Queen commanding! I quickly filled her in as we headed for the Crystal Hall. It did not tale too long. As we passed the Throne room door she shifted into her sapphire gown and crown. This was becoming a official thing. I shifted my dress into a silver gown and pulled out my staff of office. Ms. Teller stood off to one side watching. Cryss swooped in to settle on my shoulder. This was as official as it gets. The Queen sat on the Throne and thought. "You did right getting out of there. I am not sure if you can ever go back there? The danger is high right now." She clapped her hands. One of her maids came to see what she wanted. "Call all the Six here at once!" She was pulling in everyone this was bad!

"How far has the progress made to safe guard the mirror rooms?" I asked hopping it was done.

"You will have to ask Darla she was put in charge of that project." Angel answered. Just then Darla came in.

I asked "Darla How far have you gotten with the mirror room project? Please tell me you are done!"

She nodded "It is done. Why do you need to know so bad."

I sighed " bad stuff going down. Close the Shutters we are in danger. The back door is shut." Darla closed her eyes for a second then nodded it was done. That would make us a little safer. This will make finals hard to get to. We need to get this settled fast. It took a few moments but everyone was there. Everyone was in their best outfits. If it was not such a dire circumstance I would think it was a party. We talked for two hours before the first attack came. They were really trying to get to us. Apparently they did not know about the second mirror room as no attack came there. Our Shutters held fast through the first attack and three more.

So the siege of Sanctuary began. Darla and I did back to back watches to fend off the attacks. The knights were placed half by each mirror room. Things were very tense. The maids made emergency packs and kept everyone fed. The first line of defense was Darla and I. Our magic was the strongest so we held the door closed. As I sat my watch I read my combat spell book. We kept bar spells over the shutters to help. When they found the back door things got a little tense. I had to go there to keep the bar spells strong while Darla watched the main room. The attacks came randomly for two days but we held. Finally they gave up and no more attacks came for a full two days.

I was able on the second day using a small mirror to use a link spell to contact the Headmasters. I used a package portal to get our class work then shut down the portal and link. Two hours after I got our work the Attacks began again. Lucky we had not let down our guard so it did not get through. This went on for three days. Then they stopped again.

I took another mirror out of storage and re-tuned it to a different address. I trapped it but set it up in a far cave. I had the shutters closed for now but we need food soon so I worked out a plan. Someone would go to Whitewater and buy food for us. They would have to have a portal ring and know how to use it. Two knights would go with them as well as taking as many bags of holding we have. I would open the shutters and a portal for only as long as it takes them through then close it again. Shutters bar spell and all. Give them link bracelets so they can call for me to open the portal back. I seems to be a sound plan.

I called Darla and Angel aside to ask what they think? Both gave the go ahead. It was just picking the people to go.

The knights would Be Josh and Terry. The leader of the group would be Zoe. I did not like the thought of our only combat mage going but she had been to Whitewater and had a portal ring. I put the new address in the ring then sealed it. No one could take it off Zoe's finger with that seal in place. I gave her a link bracelet and sealed it to. I was not taking any chances. Darla gave her six bags of holding to carry the food. We set a time for them to check in and come back. They had to be on time because we would only open the shutters for a short time. Then off they went.

I was not used to being the one to sit and wait. It did not go with who I was well. Though that is the way things had to be. Sanctuary came first and my comfort second. I watched and read and drove everyone crazy for the four hours they were gone. Everything went as planed and everyone got back safely with all the food we needed.

The next day the Six and Darla got together to talk about finals. It was quickly decided that the safest way was to bring a teacher here and take the tests here. I opened the link to the Headmaster to talk it over. He was glad to hear we were all right. He was resistant to our plan at first then gave in to the logic.

He said "I will find a teacher I think that can handle it and fix up the tests for you six. When should we do this?"

I answered "First thing in the morning tomorrow. Give plenty of time for the tests. I will open a portal to your mirror then be in and out in just a few moments. That is the safest way."

He said "If that is the way it must be.

In the morning had Ben and Byron standing by and got ready with a shield spell just in case. I opened a peephole it looked clear. I opened the portal gave Ben the thumbs up and stepped though. I quickly went to the door and locked it. Then walked over scanning for magic. Nothing unexpected turned up.

"The tests please and let's go." I said. The Headmaster handed the folder to Ms. Bell and waved her to follow me. Here goes nothing. I opened the portal took Ms. Bells hand and stepped though pulling her along. On the other side I quickly closed the portal. Ms. Bells eyes were wide and she was looking around like we were on mars. "Kind of mind blowing don't you think? Welcome to Sanctuary! Come this way. We will take the tests in the Crystal Hall. Ben and Byron stepped up. She looked them over all steel and weapons. She was very close to freaking. I motioned them back. I needed her for now. I led her to the Crystal Hall. I didn't think it was possible but her eyes got even bigger when she was shown that.

Ms. Bell spoke "It is like out of a fairy tale. I can't believe it. Where did it come from?"

Angel stepped out smiling in full Queen mode. "Lady Ember created this Hall. pointing at me." At the blank look "Have you two not been introduced? Let me do that then. This is Lady Ember Rose Del La Silver Grand Mage of Sanctuary." That seemed to stun her.

I took up the speaking "And this is Her Majesty Queen Angel Flower of Sanctuary. Now that the titles are out of the way we have some tests to take." I smiled at her.

Ms. Bell frowned "There is no Ember Rose Del La Silver on my list. There is a Angel Flower though."

I sighed and took her in a side room. "There is no Ember on your list because away from this place I am Eric Vine." When she looked like she didn't believe me I stood there and shifted. That was too much for her she fainted. I caught her and put her in a chair. I shook my head and shifted back and called a maid to watch over her. I went to see that the others were in the test room. I was in the test room telling the others what happened when the door opened and the maid led a slightly white Ms. Bell. She straightened and said "If you will take your seats I will pass out the tests. That is how it went for the rest of the day. Just six girls taking tests. After all the test were done and collected I led Ms Bell to the mirror.

I looked at her "Now that you know our secrets please don't tell anyone. You can talk to Ms. Teller if you have to she has been here and knows who we are. The Headmaster knows some but has not been here. Well time for you to go back."

Ms. Bell smiled "Thank you for letting me see this great place. I hope we can do this again when I could stay longer. I would like to get to know the people here."

I opened the portal after checking that it was safe. "Off you go be safe." Then she stepped through and was gone. Finals were over and the summer was on!

I planned to go on a little shopping trip if there was no attacks by tomorrow. I will ask Ben if he would like to go. I headed back to my home so I could fix dinner.

After dinner I activated the link to Angel. "Good evening Your Majesty, I have a plan to ask about. I was planning to go to Whitewater to pick up some more people tomorrow if don't mind. I think we could use more combat mages and some portal mages. A few more maids wouldn't hurt and I am not sure who else but there may be more. I would like to take Ben along as escort. What do you think?"

Angel said "Do you think it would be safe? To have Both our Grand Mage and our Captain of the Guard gone at the same time? With these Attacks and all. Do you think it wise to go at all."

I said "I believe the risk is minimal. There has been no attacks for three days and they haven't found the new mirror yet. We do need the people. I think it will be safe."

She said "Ok you can go but take someone besides Ben."

I sighed "Ok I'll take Zoe. She is a combat mage and we are looking at combat mages. Is that ok with Your Majesty?" I was tired and getting testy.

"That's fine." Was her response. I guess she was Testy too.

"I'll talk to Darla in the morning to see if there is anyone she can think of. I am sorry to bother you tonight. Goodnight Your Majesty." I cut the link before anything else could be said.

In the morning I opened the link to Darla. "Morning, I am going to pick up some more people in Whitewater. Do you know of any I should look for?"

Darla replied "Morning, You're going on a recruiting trip I hear. I thought about it and what we need are Enchanters, Shapers, Elementist and a good Generalist. I suggest you go to the mage hall and ask there. Take only level three or above. Level three should be able to teach. That should give us a good start on a mage hall of our own. I have written a letter of introduction for you present it to the elder when you see her. Her Name is Grayson, Wilamina Grayson. She is a pesky old bird but fair. I will meet you at the mirror in one hour. How does that sound to you?"

I smiled "That will be fine. I will make a quick stop at the hiring hall for maids then the mage hall. It should be a full day. I need to pick up Zoe and then I'll be off."

An hour later I opened the portal to the public portal mirrors in Whitewater. That was a benefit of using this trading post. We stepped through.

Whitewater was more of a small town than a trading post. Zoe and I looked at the map posted there and headed for the hiring hall. It was a bit of a walk but that gave me time to wake up. The hiring hall was much bigger than the one in Crossroads. Zoe opened the door for me I smiled at her. A woman came up to me, I was in Grand Mage outfit complete with staff, and asked "Are you here to hire or be hired?"

I looked her up and down "I am here to hire several servants."

She smiled "The woman at that desk over there will help you right away."

I nodded and walked over to the desk. The woman asked "May I help you?" She was looking over both of us trying to set prices.

I said "Yes, I believe you may. I am here to hire maids. Four maids ready to move to a new home right away. Who do you have available?" She handed me a folder.

She said "All our maids are of the live in type. They are all well trained and willing to work hard."

I found the four I wanted and added two more. I said "These will do fine. Have them here in one forth of an hour and I will double your fee."

She smiled "At once Miss. They will be here." They were there on time. So I paid and we went to the Mage Hall.

The Mage Hall was quite impressive and somewhat overdone. I told Zoe to stay outside with the maids while I take care of things inside. She was not happy but did it. I strode up to the doors and opened them. The inside of the hall looked like a office building. I went up to the desk and asked to talk to the Elder Grayson. Surprisingly I was led right back. The office of the Elder was more like my Den at home. All dark woods and tones of books. I loved it. The Elder herself was a small woman about my size. She had piercing gray eyes and a hard line for a mouth. I put on my Ice maiden face and set to work.

I said "Elder Grayson, I am Ember Rose Del La Silver of Sanctuary. I have a letter of Introduction for you." I handed her the letter. She read it then seemed to come alive more.

She said "Darla sent you to me? That is nice of her. What is it you need of me?"

I replied "I need a few mages to work and teach in Sanctuary. A Elamentalist, a Enchanter, Shapers of all kinds, and a good Generalist. All above level three that can teach."

She smiled "That is a tall order. I think I can find who you need but what is in it for me? Level three mages do not grow on trees you know."

I Smiled "Let's get right down to it. What do you want to see this happen?" I went from Ice maiden to hard core in a flash.

She looked me up and down. "Fifty gold and a consultant place for me in Sanctuary when I retire in six months!"

I thought "The consultant place is easy it can even come with a house but that is too much coin. Three gold per person you get me sounds better. We are just starting out here."

She smiled "I had to try ok those terms are good. A house you say that would be nice." She rang a bell and a maid came in. "Get me the level four unattached file please." The maid rushed out. The Elder looked the way she went. "Poor girl has not spoken a word since her twin sister died." She looked back at me. So you are a Grand Mage at your age that is quite the accomplishment. Darla said you got your Crystal Mage rating at twelve. You must really be a prodigy."

I blushed "I like working with crystal and the rest just sort of happened. Rise to the occasion and all that. I am just a really feisty kid trying to live up to what everyone keeps pushing at me. When I burn out it is going to be quite a show."

She smiled "Well save me a seat for that. I love a good show." The maid came in and handed the Elder a file and a note. "Looks like your in luck no level four's but a few level five's. Hmm yes these four will do you good. Each are very good and can teach. I'll send for them." While she did that she handed me the files to look over. First thing I noted was that all were young just in there twenty's. This looked like it would work. A little wile later a knock came at the door. When let in the four seemed to know one another. The Elder said "Lady's Today you are all lucky you have jobs. You work for this lady. Her name is Lady Ember Rose Del La Silver Grand Mage of Sanctuary. You leave right away so I hope you are packed like I requested?" When they all nodded she went on "You have been fine mages here I hope you do just as well there." She tuned to me "Will you need any one else?"

I smiled "As a matter of fact yes. I need ten combat mages. Got to protect what we are building after all!"

The Elder Chuckled "Of Course, I will have them ready by the time you finish the paperwork on these four." She rang another bell and the girl that led me in returned and led me off to do paperwork. It was a long day.

When I finally got all through and headed out with fourteen new people behind me it was late. We all headed to the mirrors. When we got there I opened the link to Darla. I said "Open the door I'm coming home. I got a whole lot of new friends coming with me."

Darla "So you got what we need? Both parts of the trip?"

I said "All accounted for as always. We will need to make another food trip soon. is the door open yet?"

Darla said "Open, come on home. I will be waiting to see who you got with you."

I opened the portal and we all stepped through one at a time. Once we were all on the other side I closed the portal and the shutters. I told Zoe "Take the combat mages over to our side of the lake and put them in the artisan housing till a proper bunkhouse can be made for them." I tuned to Darla "You take the four specialist and find them a place to stay till their houses are ready. I'll take the maids to the Crystal Hall."

We all headed off to do our duty's. When I got to the Crystal Hall I took the maids to the Throne room. Angel was on the Throne and looking pensive. I curtsied to her and presented the maids. "Three are for here, Three are for my side of the lake. Yours are Tammy, Betty, and Stella. That leaves me Eva Tasha and Sasha. All should be fine. We will need another food run soon though. What do you think Your Majesty?"

Angel clapped her hands and a maid, Wendy came out. Angel commanded "Take the new maids and get them settled and on the job." Wendy curtsied and took the maids away. Angel turned back to me. "My Mother linked in, she wants to send people here now. Like first thing in the morning. Through the main mirrors. Do you think it is safe?"

I sighed "We did make that deal. We have to take them. We have not had a attack for four days so I think we can use the main mirrors if we do it smart. Set a time then open the shutters for only so long. If they miss the window then it is not our fault. When they get here set rules right away so to keep everyone safe. Do you want me to meet them?"

Angel looked a little relived. "Yes would you meet them please. I know you can handle any one who comes through. I will link my Mother and set the time for eleven o'clock. How does that sound. It should not take long. Once you bring them here I will have lady Jessie take over. What about having troops there to set the tone?"

I nodded "I will bring two of the new combat mages and we should have four knights on duty. That should keep the peace. How many are coming?"

Angel frowned "Mother did not say. I will ask and let you know. We will change plans if we need to. I feel better about this now." She smiled. "You always seem to help keep this place safe."

I bowed my head "That is part of my job Your Majesty. Oh as long as I am thinking of it. If you need me to hire any more staff you will need to give me more funds to work with I am almost out. Mages are expensive. Well it has been a long day. Does Your Majesty have any more need of me tonight?"

She smiled "No, I think I can spare you for the night. Good night my mage." She waved me away with a smile. I took my maids and headed for the lake shore.

Once we got to the lake I pulled crystal out of the ground and made a three person boat. that was harder than it should have been but I did not let on. Then I grew my wings. I stretched my wings loving the feelings. With a flick of magic I sent the boat across the lake. Then took to the sky to watch over them. I kept the boat moving steady while gliding in the air. It was hard to keep the boat moving while thinking about flying. When we were close to the other side I dove ahead to land on the shore before them. It was a fun exercise. I just folded my wings and waited for them. Zoe had seen me fly up and came over to say hi.

I said You get one of the twins do you want Sasha or Tasha? I have my reasons."

She looked at me "Tasha will be fine. I did not know you got one for me. That was nice of you."

The others bumped ashore and got out of the boat. I looked at them. "Tasha you go with Zoe. Sasha and Eva you come with me. This is how it will work for awhile. Let's get inside the morning will come very soon."

We all headed in and settled in for the night. After a quick dinner I was heading for my den to read a bit when my bracelet jingled. "Yes, Your Majesty how may I serve you?"

Angel said Mother thinks she should send fourteen people now that we are so close to being set up. I talked her down to four this week and four next week. We did agree that eleven o'clock was a good time. She is pushing me but I am not sure why? How close do you think we are to really being set up?"

I sighed "We are almost set up we have the people we just need to get them in place and housed right. I need more houses on my side of the lake for the teacher mages. I need to get the bunkhouse set up for the combat mages. Then set watches and we will be a long way to being set up for real. As fore your Mother pushing you I wont comment because I don't have the slightest idea why."

Angel sighed "Neither do I my friend. I am glad I was not fooling myself that we are almost there. Well it is late so good night. I will see you on the morning." she cut the link.

I did go into the den to read. I was wondering about Eva and how I could help her with her problem? I soon went up to bed with no answers.

In the morning I went down and found Eva serving breakfast to Darla. I smiled the Queen had given her a apartment in the Crystal Hall but she seem to be here almost half the time. I sat down and Sasha poured my tea. It is nice to have a maid again. Darla looked at me "You look tired. What are you doing today?"

I said "I am tired and I got another full day ahead of me. At Eleven I got to meet the first of the Imports from Queen Aslina. after lunch I need to shape a bunkhouse for the combat mages. That is going to make me more tired. I wonder if I should use crystal weave or just rock? I really need to work on my rock shaping."

Darla looked at me "You are doing too much! You are going to burn out at this rate. We got other mages here, use them!"

I sighed "Have them over here at one o'clock and I will put them to work. There is so much to do and now we have to deal with the Imports." I sipped my tea "You know I think I must have been crazy to take on this job!" Sasha put my breakfast in front of me. "Well some of the perks are nice." I chuckled.

After breakfast I headed over to where the combat mages were housed. Zoe had them out front of the housing drilling them. I walked up. I singled her and she stopped, I said "I need two of your mages for a wile. Escort duty."

Zoe Called "Anna, Sara front and center. You are to go with Lady Ember and do as she say. Do you understand?"

They both said "Yes, Captain!"

I smiled to Zoe then turned and headed to the lake. The two followed behind. We got to the lake and I pointed to the boat. They got in and waited. I grew my wings and flicked the boat with my magic and off the went. I took off flying a little ahead of them. Working on doing two things at once was why I was doing this. That and it was fun. We got to the other side and I folded my wings. I thought a moment and pulled my wings in so they did not show. When we got to the main mirror room I switched to my gown. I pulled out my staff and checked the time. right on time I opened the shutters. Almost at once a portal opened. Four people stumbled through. I closed the shutters. I was standing right out in the open with the combat mages behind me. The four looked over me and started to babble. I said "Quite please! We have a lot to do." I was ignored. I repeated myself twice. then I lost my temper. Up went the staff and down it came with a thunderclap that shook the room. After a moment or two to get our hearing back I said "I will take you to the Queen now. Please keep the talking to a minimum. This way please." As we passed the door the knights fell in behind. I walked at a calm pace. Mainly to seem unconcerned but really it was the three inch heels I was wearing.

We got to the Crystal Hall and I lead them to the Throne room. Angel was sitting on the Throne in full Queen mode. I curtsied to her. She nodded to me "Thank you Lady Ember for bringing them to me I know the time of a Grand Mage is always in demand. I will ask lady Jessie and lady Tara to take on the task of settling these new people into there new homes. You may return to the magic you so love."

I curtsied and withdrew. Once I got outside I switched back to my work clothes and let out my wings again. Anna and Sara were still behind me the knights stayed in the Hall. I smiled and stretched my wings letting the feelings flow. I was getting to hate hiding my wings. I looked at the mages "Ether of you a water type?"

Anna answered "I am My Lady. May I ask why?"

I smiled "You should be able to propel the boat to the other side of the lake. Do you think you can do that?" After she nodded "After that you two are done. You both can return to your unit."

They said "Yes My Lady. Thank you."

I nodded and took to the sky. I did keep a eye on them though. Their start was a little ruff but then smoothed out and they did well. I landed by my home and waved to them then went in. I was really hungry for lunch. Instead I walked into trouble. Eva was in tears and Sasha was looking pissed. I had a feeling I knew what this was about. I Sighed and asked What is going on here?"

Sasha pointed at Eva and said "That is a BOY! I Don't room with boys!"

I stopped her triad right there with a shake of my head. I said "I know of Eva's condition. I will not have her put to grief because of it! I plan to get with the healer and plan a cure for her condition. As always in this house you and everyone else will treat people as they present nothing more. If you can not do that I will have to think about getting a new maid and I will ship you back to where I got you. Do you understand? If rooming is going to be a problem I will add on a room for you. I will not have anyone in my service be in pain because of a medical condition! Now do we have a problem?" Both of them just stared at me. I was harsh and forceful but caring at the same time. Unlike how they had seen so far.

Sasha looked at me "Yes I understand and no there is not a problem here. I do request the other room though. We will work out the rest ourselves." She looked determined.

I looked at Eva "Well what do you have to say?"

She drew a breath and said "I have no problem here I am sorry if I caused one. I am willing to do what is necessary to continue working here."

I said ok we will forget this happened this time. Where's my lunch? I got work to do."

They looked at each other then scrambled to get lunch done. I sat trying to regain my cool. Soon lunch was on the table and the day moved on. At one o'clock Darla knocked. The fact that she knocked means she was not alone. I had Eva let them in. The four were looking a little tired. I said "All right I hope you got some sleep because it is time to work. First Enchanter, Jan is it?" She nodded "I have a good reinforcement spell I need cast on wall s in the Hall of Magic." I passed her a copy of the spell "Can you read my writing?" She nodded again. "It will be mind numbing but it hast to be done to every wall in the main room and the small rooms on the north side. I have already done the south side. Next Shaper, Sophie I need a Bunkhouse for ten combat mages. I will leave the design up to you. I will show you where though. Next Elementalist, Vanessa I need you to go over the elements of the combat mages and draw up a list of how to up their skills in their areas. Finally Generalist, Veronica I want you to work with Darla today checking on the studies of her students. Just in case she needs to be somewhere you can take over and keep them up. Is everyone clear on their duty's for today?" Everyone nodded "All right meeting is over I will show you all where to work then I have things to do."

So I set them all to work then looked at the back of the house and checked the size of the maids room. I went outside and gathered magic from the earth and waterfall. When I felt I had all I could hold I created the extra room I talked about. With all the care I made it look like the rest of the house. After I went inside and created the door and window. I was sweating quite bad so I went and took a bath. IT did not take long to feel better in the bath. After my bath I took a walk and checked on the mages. That's when the bracelet jingled, it was the queen.

Angel said. "I think Mother sent these so called noble's here to drive me crazy. Can I ask your help again?"

I said "I will take care of it. Are they at the Hall?"

Angel sighed "Yes having a wild party Jessie and Tara are just not able to stop them. I need you!"

I said "I will be there in a moment I am flying there now." And so I was. I had grew my wings and took off as soon as Angel called. I hope it goes better this time. I got there in a short time. I walked to the room they had and I could hear breaking crystal and giggles. I opened the door and got angry! They had destroyed the place I did not see Jessie or Tara. I used a different spell than I planned. I cast the spell and everything in the place stopped moving. I looked at all the smashed items all over. I looked at the four Imports I set myself down I released Josie's mouth. I said "Why?" She made a rude sound. I decided to take this to the Queen. I stuck my head out side the door and asked Tammy to bring several large carts. It did not take long to do so I moved the two boys on one and the two girls on the other. Then I and two maids pushed the carts to the Throne room. Angel looked up when we came in. I unloaded the four then broke the spell. The four fell to the floor. I spoke "Your Majesty these four have totally destroyed the Blue room. What do you wish to be done with them?" Angel looked them over from there indecent clothing to the offensive looks on there faces.

Angel Spoke "I find your behavior to be destructive and disrespectful to Sanctuary. This is a place of peace. I do not wish to punish but you ask for it with your actions. I will think on this and will tell you my verdict in the morning." Angel was not happy.

I was not happy either. All crystal in and of Crystal was a part of me. To hurt the crystal here was to hurt me. I felt every broken piece of crystal. I was hurting right then. I was furious as well but I was not letting into the anger. Time to make magic.

The guards took the four away. I curtsied to the Queen and asked "Do you have anything else you wish of me right now Your Majesty?" She looked at me.

Angel said "You always come to my call. Thank you Lady Ember you are one I always know I can count on. I will see you in the morning. Good night." with that she stood and left the room. I left right after her.

I flew directly to the crystal storage room on my side of the lake. It was time for a new staff. I gathered all the blur quarts that was there. I added all the sapphires I could find. Then I went to the metals storage room an got the purest silver I could lay my hands on. I was ready to start. I put everything on a cart and went to the lake shore. Jan and Sophie came over wondering what's up with me? The could see I had laid out ten spell books ready for use. and all the crystal and silver. They could tell I was going to make magic big time! They asked if they could watch? I didn't care I was too into the process right then. I started pulling in magic from the earth, from the water, from the air and from the fire of my anger. I kept pulling till I thought I would burst. I started to shape the crystal quarts first for the base then added the sapphires one at a time putting magic into all of it. The shape was almost done I added the silver as ascents, the head piece and spike on the other end. It was shaping was done. I repeated drawing in of magic then opened the books and began casting the enchantments one after another. I reached twenty then went back and did the harmony overlay twenty times. It was a masterpiece. I gathered my books and stood to push the cart back to the storage room. I swayed a moment Both Jan and Sophie jumped up to make sure I did not fall. I waved them off.

I said "It is just the after casting tiredness. I will go to bed soon and it will be all right. I just have to put up this cart."

Jan said "I have not heard of several of those enchantments let alone being put on the same object. I don't think I could do that. and a overlay on top of that. That staff will be a weapon of unimaginable power."

Sophie said "And to start by shaping two types of crystal and silver. That is very impressive in its self. To add all those enchantments and overlays is a work of pure wonder!"

I shook my head "It is just what I do." I finally got the cart put up. I sighed and headed to my home. "Good night." The said goodnight then headed to the boats. I walked into the house to find another argument. This time about who gets what room. Right then I was too tired to care. They both shut up when they seen me. Looks of concern on their faces. I just headed up stairs to sleep.

In the morning I got up. I was still tired but happy about my new staff. I came down stairs for breakfast. Sasha served while Eva cleaned up. I got ready to go see the queen. I stepped outside and my wings came out without my thinking of it. I was soon in the sky. Gliding and swooping having fun all the way across the lake. I landed near the Crystal hall and went in. I Curtsied to the Queen then just waited. Angel did not look in the chatting mood so I left her alone. I was leaning half dozing when the four were brought in. That woke me up.

Angel spoke "It has been a long night and I for one did not sleep much. Down to business. You destroyed the blue room and showed disrespect to all of Sanctuary. That will cost you Fifteen days in the jail. since we don't have one I will ask our Grand Mage to make one. And you four will be expelled from Sanctuary if you do such a destructive act again. That is your punishment. Take them to holding till their cells are ready."

The four were taken away. I thought of ways to lock them up. I also thought of where. Ben walked up and said "Combat Mages work best when they are paired with a knight. Would you consider starting a pairing plan?"

I said "Talk to Zoe she leads the Combat Mages. I have heard that paired troops work best. I leave such matters to her though."

Ben said quietly "The mage dose not have to be a Combat Mage to pair effectively."

I said "What are you saying?" Let him spell it out if he wants to go that rout.

Ben said "I am asking you to pair up with me. A working pair at first then maybe much more?" I wondered if he was going at it this way to have time to get used to my other side?

I said "We could see how it goes for a bit then try pairing. How does that sound to you? I have a jail to build so I will see you later. "

Ben said "I will hold you to that. Later" He walked off.

I headed out to find a cave that can be used as a jail. It did not take long. I found two caves that had splits so I could easily make bars to hold them in. and a door and lock. The whole project too two days, one day for the girls one day for the boys. Most of it was not hard just making the lock was hard. The keys was crystal. I turned the keys over to the guards and left. My part of the job was over.

A few days later I decided to make another weapon this time for Ben. Then I went to the storage room with the steel in it. I filled a tram with a bit of it then got some silver and crystal. I had been thinking of this combination for a bit I hope it works. First I shaped the steel into a sword. Then I laced it with the purest silver I had. Then I pushed crystal into every pore of the metal. Then I used the greatest enchantment I knew calling on the elements.

Fire and Ice
Earth and Sky
Come together
To Harmonize!

I repeated the chant as I cast many enchantments as I could think of. Twenty four different layers to make this sword unbeatable. I smiled a five foot badge of office for the captain of the royal guard. Perfect for Ben. I took the sword and flew to the house where Ben was staying. I knocked and Byron answered "Your Ladyship how nice to see you. What brings you to our door?"

I smiled "Is Ben home? I have something for him." I was almost dancing I was so happy.

He smiled "Ben there's a Lady here to see you!" Ben came down the stairs. He looked good. Dang it working so much magic has got me turned on and he really looks good to me.

Ben leaned on the door frame "What can I do for you?" Man of few words as always.

I smiled at him "I thought that the captain of the royal guard needed a special sword so I made you this!" I handed him the sword. "It is a Heritage Blade, Only you and those in direct line from you can use the full power of this blade." He lifted the sword and the blade took fire without burning him. "The Blade has excepted you as its master. You two are now one. The Blade will do as you command. Remember only those in your line can use this sword." I stepped back.

He could not take his eyes off the flaming blade "You made this? Does it have a name?"

I could not stop smiling. "Yes I made This Blade for you. It has a name it is called Kiss of the Eternal Rose! Well, I have to go now use it well my friend. Oh remember the crest you wear when you have a sheath made for it. I will see you later." I walked away as fast as I could the flew back to my home. I dreamed quite wild that night.

Darla stopped by that morning. I said "By the way I made a Heritage Blade for Ben last night. twenty four layers of enchantments with a Elemental overlay. It's called Kiss of the Eternal Rose. He loved it." I stretched and yawned.

She glanced at me "You can't be serious. You don't do things small do you? Twenty four and a overlay. What element?" She shook her head.

I smiled "Earth, Sky, Fire and Water a Harmony overlay. Twenty reparations in all. My best work to date. Steel, silver and crystal core combination."

"You got to be kidding me? That type of sword would give Excalibur a run for its money. And you just gave it away? What are you nuts?"

I giggled "Excalibur is this swords pale sister. Ben was the best one to wield it. You should have seen the flame that came out when he raised it. It took him for its master right away." I munched my breakfast.

Darla looked thoughtful "Can you make one of those swords built for a woman to use? Something that the Queen can use?"

"What are you thinking you know how a heritage blade works? Only those in direct line can use the swords full power. No one else can even touch the sword. Well I can touch it because I made it. No others would be able to." I shook my head.

Darla said "It would be perfect. She would have to learn to use it. How long would it take you?"

I sighed "I wont be able to start it for a few days. I need to be recouped from making Ben's blade. But then one day should do it."

Three days later...

I was picking out the steel and silver. Then I grabbed several large sapphires to replace the plain crystal. This was going to be my greatest work ever. I looked through every book my Grandmother gave me for enchantments. The number went up to forty strong enchantments. I was ready to start. The blade I designed was delicate and down right pretty. It was totally fit for a Queen. I added more silver to the steel than last time. Last I laced in the sapphires. It was time for the casting so I took a deep breath and started. Forty times I cast and Forty times I chanted the overlay. I was totally spent when I finished. I wrapped the sword carefully for the trip over. I walked out of my work area and spotted Darla talking to Zoe so I walked over. "It's finished call everyone for the presentation." I said weakly.

Darla said "Everyone? How about the core group with a few extras? How did it come out?"

I sighed "You will see soon. It is even stronger than the first try. forty casts and overlays." I turned to the shoreline and got in to the boat. Zoe and Darla got in behind me. Darla sent us across the lake. When we bumped into the other side I got out a little unsteady. Zoe steadied me. I made my way slowly to the Crystal Hall and the throne room. Soon everyone was assembled. Angel took her Throne in full Queen mode. I shifted my clothes to my gown and staff. Cryss settled on my shoulder. Everyone went formal with their looks. When ready I approached the throne unwrapping the sword. "Your Majesty This sword was made for you with all the skill I possess. It goes beyond any weapon I have made or even heard of. It is a Heritage Blade. It has more power than even I know about. I present this blade called The Eternal Rose Heart to you and your line." Slowly the Queen reached out to close her hand around the hilt. She stood raising the sword towards the sky. A blue flame slowly covered the sword then covered the Queen. She was totally still as if in a trance. This lasted for a few moments then the flame retreated to the blade of the sword. The Queen lowered the sword.

The Queen spoke "I accept this gift my Lady Grand Mage. I and all my line will hold it in highest regard!" After that the formal part of the gathering was over. So we had a short party. Well short for me. I was almost falling over with tiredness. I was soon heading home and right into bed.

In the morning I was quite sluggish and tired. Forging such a powerful yet delicate weapon took a lot out of me. It was strange that I was so up after finishing Ben's blade yet so bushed after the Queens Blade. Well I'll have to put that aside for later. It was good I waited three days before starting the blade.

Now was time to set new tasks for the mages. The bunkhouse was done and so was the enchantments on the Hall of Magic. There was a knock at the door. It was time for the Monday meeting.

Eva answered the door and let the mages in. We all took a seat and got ready to talk out what we need to do this week. I had decided to place a Mage Hall right next to the Hall of Magic. We talked over designs for a bit drinking tea.

Darla came in. "Sorry I'm late. Has anything been decided yet?"

I smiled "Not yet besides the outside needs to be Crystal weave like the Hall of Magic and the Crystal Hall. We haven't even decided how big the thing is going to be. I think relatively small. All the practice rooms are in the Hall of Magic. So this would just be offices and archives. We will also be starting a house for the top mages near the Hall. We haven't decided if it will be four small houses or one big one?"

Darla smiled "No not much done at all. Well did you forget the new Imports from Queen Aslina come in today. They are waiting for you to open the shutters and let them in at twelve. That is One half hour. You better hurry. I'll take over here."

I had forgotten. So I hurried out the door and took to the sky. I flew fast so it did not take long to get to the main mirror room. The troops were in place so I switched to gown and staff and opened the shutters. now we wait. It did not take long for a portal to open and twenty artisans and entertainers strolled through the portal a moment later four more jumped through. I sighed we have been had again! I called them all together and led them to the artisan quarters on this side of the lake. That is all but the last four who demanded to see the Queen. Just what we need.

I asked "And you are who to make such demands?

The leader of the four said "We are mages so do as we say!" Cheeky Moo!

"I am Grand Mage here so show some respect!" I responded.

The so called mage went off on a speech about all kind of bs. So I shut her down with a thunder clap. When we could hear again I told them "That sort of game playing will not be put up with! I have a meeting of the top mages to get back to so shut up and listen! I will See to your housing then you will wait till I am ready to deal with you!"

Darla and the mages came up. Darla asked "Is there a problem Lady Ember? We heard your thunder clap. Please my lady don't break anybody. They are so hard to put back together. Our healer is away right now."

The leader said "I know you, you work for Queen Aslila why are you acting like this whelp is something special? No whelp that age can be anything but a whelp!" Her arrogance was almost overpowering.

Darla said "I used to work for the Queen now I work for Lady Ember. I would be careful she is a powerful mage, a prodigy! You are coming very close to being DEAD!"

I moved my staff and the stone around her feet started to crawl up her legs. It wasn't till mid calf that the jerk realized something was wrong. By then it was too late. She was slowly covered till only her face remained. At that point she could not even get up a good yell. The look on her face showed she was very scared.

I stepped up to her. "Never underestimate a mage. Now you have two options one you apologize to me and everyone here two you die. I wouldn't take too long to choose."

She apologized quite quickly. I waved my hand and the rock cracked and fell away. Dissolving when they hit the ground showing that they were illusion.

I said "Jan take these to the queen if they give you or the Queen any trouble let me know. I have better things to do than play tour guide." Jan curtsied then led them away. Ben walked up Smiling. "Ben we need to talk."

"Yes My lady." He said. Was it me or did he stress the My part of what he said? Hmm maybe there might be a chance there. I walked over to my boat and got in. I looked over my shoulder to see if he would follow. He did so we set off I stopped in the center of the lake and turned to Ben.

I said "I don't know how to do this so I am just going to come out and say it. I like you and I hope you like me?" I waited to see what he say. It was a long few moments.

He smiled "I like you to. What do you want to do about it?" I had to stop myself from cheering. I thought for a moment.

"A date would be nice. What do you think? Do you think life would leave us alone for one evening?" I said. I was letting my guard down would he see that?

He chuckled "I think the worlds owes us at least that. How about this Saturday? We will meet in the cave behind the waterfall for a picnic. There is a path along the shore from both sides. Say about one pm?" I loved it.

I smiled "That sounds good for a first date. I will make a good basket of food for us. Is there anything you don't like?" He shook his head. I went on. "I don't think we should tell the others about this! At least for now that is." That made him smile bigger.

So he had a week to get his courage up to face both sides of me. If things go the same this is where the attacks start again. Life did not disappoint as the wards and the alarms went off. I sent the boat to the shore. I could feel something about this attack was different. I felt one of the Shutters start to go bad. We got to the mirror room. I could see the shutter glowing red hot. It was going to fail any second. I hit the second trap on that mirror. The hammer fell and smashed the mirror. The other two were starting to heat up. Then the wards from the back door went off. I used the alarm link and told Zoe to use the hammer trap on all the mirrors. She did I felt it. I used the traps and the attack was over or so I thought. They had found the side door. I hurried over there with Ben on my heals. I felt the shutters fail and a portal open. I got close and activated the hammer trap. The mirror smashed. I scanned twelve body's got through. I told Ben and the two knights and a combat mage with him. More were coming but we had to hold till they were there. I brought out my staff and Ben drew his sword. They reacted off each other and both took flame. We told the others to hold back. Ben and I pushed into the third mirror room. There was ten raiders and two mages waiting for us and they were mad! They attacked! Ben went at the raiders I held off the mages and shielded Ben an I. It was a pitched battle in a cramped space. I took down the mages knocking them out. I called for the others to back up Ben. The raiders fell fast after that.

In the aftermath I was surprised to find no one was killed, hurt yes but not killed. I kept the mages asleep so they would not be a problem. When our troops got there all the raiders were put in a side cave and I created bars of stone to keep them in. The enemy mages were kept separate and in spell sleep. We brought in our healer to look over our troops then the raiders. After everyone was seen to I headed to talk to the Queen leaving Veronica to watch that the enemy mages did not wake up.

I made it to the Crystal Hall pretty quickly. I walked into the Throne room. Angel looked up "What happened all the alarms went off."

I sighed curtsied and said "Another attack this one made it through into the third mirror room. It was contained and the raiders imprisoned and the two mages with them put to sleep. The bad news is we are out of mirrors, all of them got smashed. The Shutters worked for a while but now we need a new plan. I will make new mirrors with new addresses and better shutters and hammer traps maybe a third trap for if they get in. We can't get sloppy like we have been. The next time someone may be killed. We need to know how they got through the shutters! Then we can work to fix that flaw."

Angel said "I will think on this I am not sure there is anything I can do in this matter except give you the power to make the changes that need to be made. A political solution will not be what's called for. You can only fight magic with magic. The raiders will have to be sent somewhere so they won't hurt anyone again. How we will do this I do not know."

I thought a moment "There is a way. In one of my spell books there is a seeker spell. It seeks out places that are mirror like. These can be used to create a temporary portal. You use the peephole spell first then open the portal push them through and they are gone. That is if you want them anywhere but here."

Angel commanded "Gather the Six and Darla and we will talk of this and some other things of importance. I think it is time to clear the air on a few things."

I looked to Angel for a moment. This did not sound good. Then I went out to find the others. Soon I had found them all. We headed back to the Crystal Hall.

To be continued
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