When tales come true Chapter 10

When tales come true

Chapter 10



Being laid up is not one of my favorite things especially when there is so much to do. I was not allowed out of bed except for the bathroom till the healer cleared me. That took another three days. I would be climbing the walls if I wasn't so stiff. I was told that cleaning up after the battle was a grim task. It was mostly done by the time I was let out of bed.

The first thing I did was create a mirror and open a portal to the school. If nothing else I had to send Ms. Teller back. I used a peephole spell to see if the coast was clear. It was so I stepped through leading Ms. Teller. The portal opened into the closet in the Headmasters office. I peeked out to find him alone. I opened the door and stepped out. He jumped up when he caught sight of me and Ms. Teller. "Your back, thank the gods. What happened? I tried after a few days to message Sanctuary but could not get through!"

I went and locked the door. "You don't want to know what happened. Let's just say bad things went down." I was still in Ember mode so I sat properly and looked at him. "What happened here?"

He sat back down "They searched your room and the rooms of four others. They did not find anything then left. I waited then tried to contact you. Are the other students that disappeared with you? We are all so worried!"

"Jenny, Jessie, Tina, Tara and Angel are all fine. We need to know about finals? Can we still take them? Then we will disappear for the summer."

"I will get the tests and you all can take them in secret. I don't want those people coming back. We can't have you six failing can we. Wait a moment Six of you? Does that mean? " he noted. Just then the Mirror on the closet door turned into a portal and Angel stepped though in full Queen mode along with Ben in full armor. I stood and curtsied to the Queen. The Headmaster looked shocked then bowed. Ms. Teller also curtsied she was getting better at that.

Angel spoke "Have you made the arrangements yet Lady Ember? This is a dangerous endeavor."

"I was just making them Your Majesty." I fell into the formal language quite easy. The Headmaster looked at Angel then placed her face.

He smiled "And will Your Majesty be returning to school soon? Without the crown of course. You look quite splendid in that gown but you also looked very good in your uniform." He seemed quite pleased with himself at his turn of complement.

Angel beamed a sad smile at him. "I will be here for finals then I am not sure. A Queens duty must come first." That smile could melt a stone heart. It worked on him just as well. He was putty in her hands. Ben just looked on in his quiet way. Ben let his weapon's speak for him.

"I will set the finals tests for tomorrow if it is ok with you? Contact me in the morning and I will confirm it." The headmaster bowed again. The Queen tuned and I went to the mirror to open the portal. "Will I be seeing Eric at the tests?" I nodded. We pasted through the portal.

I put a bar spell on our one mirror. I turned back from the mirror and Angel was in my face! "Do you know how much danger you put all of us in? she raged.

I was calm as I responded. "The address for sanctuary has changed. The chance that they would find this one mirror without a total retuning of their rings is minimal at best. Even your ring will not work to come back here if you leave. So I say it is safe to keep a promise." Strangely I was still calm.

Angel backed off a bit. "What do you mean my ring wont bring me back here? Wasn't that what it was made for?" She looked at the ring on her finger.

I told her why. "Your ring was made with a certain address in the enchantment, That address does not exist any longer. I will need to retune your ring to the new address. Same with the other girls rings. I will do this in time. I will add the address to the back door as well once I have put a new mirror there."

She looked at me. "So you retuned your ring first." She was not happy about that.

I sighed "My ring is a seven layer enchantment. It can tune into new addresses in a different way. Yours is only a three layer enchantment. If you remember I was laying enchantments on five rings at the same time so I could not make them all like mine. They are all three layer but have the capacity to be more once I have time to work on them all. I will add a layer or two to your ring when I retune it depending on the time I have."

Angel seem to be ok with that. So we went back to walking to Crystal Hall. She said "Did you bar that mirror?" I nodded she went on. "Well Lady Grand Mage We think there should be a memorial at the sight of the battle. Something to stand for the fallen and to name the hero's of the siege. In crystal I think."

I looked out over the lake. "You draw it up and I'll make it. Those that fell deserve it. There is much to do so not till after finals." Angel was quiet so I just walked. Most of the fight was a blur but so many dead on both sides. Some one should remember them. Ben put his hand on my shoulder and I knew he would remember all of them.

Darla came up to us. "We need to talk about the shortage of knights we have on hand."

"After Finals Ben and I will go recruiting some more at the trading posts. I still have some coin from the other time." I said. I looked at Ben and he winked. Dang that guy can get to me without saying a word. I wonder what he would be like on a Date? Where did that thought come from? I will have to explore that later.

Darla said "I see you took back Ms. Teller did you arrange for finals then?" I nodded She added "I was meaning to ask about the rings?"

"I will retune them when I get a chance. I changed the resonance so the address changed. Right now only my ring has the new address." I said.

Darla frowned "I was afraid of that. I was going to go out and check the damage to our reputation."

I sighed "Give me your ring I will tune it. Looks like no rest for the wicked." I turned to go back to the mirror. lifting the ring Darla gave me. "A five layer, not bad. This should take an hour." Angel gave me that look. I sighed and held out my hand. She placed her ring in it. "Make that two hours." And so that is how I spent the next two hours retuning rings.

I was too drained to do much else that day. I returned the rings and went to bed after taking off the bar spell on the mirror.

The next morning I opened a link to the mirror in the headmasters office. He answered right away. "Good morning Headmaster, how are the tests coming?"

He sighed "Not good we are being watched. We will have to send a teacher and the tests to you. Have you six take the tests there. I'm looking for a teacher that has the knowledge and I believe can handle this. This is not easy without giving the game away. Maybe Ms. Bell would do it can you come get her and the tests in an hour?"

"This is not the way I wanted it but ok one hour!" I sighed. This is getting out of hand. All just to finish finals. in the hour I had Ben and Byron standing by and got ready with a shield spell just in case. I opened a peephole it looked clear. I opened the portal gave Ben the thumbs up and stepped though. I quickly went to the door and locked it. Then walked over scanning for magic. Nothing unexpected turned up.

"The tests please and let's go." I said. The Headmaster handed the folder to Ms. Bell and waved her to follow me. Here goes nothing. I opened the portal took Ms. Bells hand and stepped though pulling her along. On the other side I quickly closed the portal. Ms. Bells eyes were wide and she was looking around like we were on mars. "Kind of mind blowing don't you think? Welcome to Sanctuary! Come this way. We will take the tests in the Crystal Hall. Ben and Byron stepped up. She looked them over all steel and weapons. She was very close to freaking. I motioned them back. I needed her for now. I led her to the Crystal Hall. I didn't think it was possible but her eyes got even bigger when she was shown that.

Ms. Bell spoke "It is like out of a fairy tale. I can't believe it. Where did it come from?"

Angel stepped out smiling in full Queen mode. "Lady Ember created this Hall. pointing at me." At the blank look "Have you two not been introduced? Let me do that then. This is Lady Ember Rose Del La Silver Grand Mage of Sanctuary." That seemed to stun her.

I took up the speaking "And this is Her Majesty Queen Angel Flower of Sanctuary. Now that the titles are out of the way we have some tests to take." I smiled at her.

Ms. Bell frowned "There is no Ember Rose Del La Silver on my list. There is a Angel Flower though."

I sighed and took her in a side room. "There is no Ember on your list because away from this place I am Eric Vine." When she looked like she didn't believe me I stood there and shifted. That was too much for her she fainted. I caught her and put her in a chair. I shook my head and shifted back and called a maid to watch over her. I went to see that the others were in the test room. I was in the test room telling the others what happened when the door opened and the maid led a slightly white Ms. Bell. She straightened and said "If you will take your seats I will pass out the tests. That is how it went for the rest of the day. Just six girls taking tests. After all the test were done and collected I led Ms Bell to the mirror.

I looked at her "Now that you know our secrets please don't tell anyone. You can talk to Ms. Teller if you have to she has been here and knows who we are. The Headmaster knows some but has not been here. Well time for you to go back."

Ms. Bell smiled "Thank you for letting me se this great place. I hope we can do this again when I could stay longer. I would like to get to know the people here."

I opened the portal after checking that it was safe. "Off you go be safe." Then she stepped through and was gone. Finals were over and the summer was on!

The portal opened and Darla stepped though with ten knights and ten combat mages followed by Queen Aslina. I looked at Darla she said "We needed the help. the troops will stay till our troops are back up to par. I curtsied to Queen Aslina. I knew Darla was right. We only had two knights and one combat mage.

Queen Aslina looked at me and said "How is my Daughter? Was she in Danger?" That's a Mother for you. Well some Mothers.

I said " Queen Angel is well. She was never part of the fighting. I thank you for the lend of the troops. We are still recovering but I am sure now that finals are over we could take some people a few at a time. How many I don't know yet but some. Would you like to see the Queen?" When she nodded I led the way to the Crystal Hall. I left the two Queens to talk and headed home to rest.

Zoe was at my home but not playing the maid. She was moving out of the servants quarters to a house of her own that she was building a little ways from mine. She was a fully recognized Combat Mage and part of our defense. I smiled at her, first Dixie moves in with the healer Janis, now Zoe was moving out. I felt lonely already. In the morning I will go to one of the trading post and get a new maid and maybe a few knights. I should take Ben but he would probably be working with the new troops. Well I'll ask him if he wants to go. I went over and started to fix dinner.

After dinner I went to read in the den. I was writing a refinement to my wing spell to make the side effects easier when my bracelet jingled. I opened the link to Angel "Good evening Your Majesty what can I do for you?"

Angel's voice was tense. "I need you to go out and get us more troops fast. My Mother is trying to get a foot hold in Sanctuary and I don't like it. If you need coin you can have some of mine but we need troops!"

I sighed "I was planning a trip to do just that in the morning if you can spare Ben to escort me? I was going to go to Whitewater it is the biggest trading post. Hopefully we can get some Combat Mages there as well as knights. I need a new maid too."

Angel sounded not as tense as before "You can have Ben for half a day. Make the most of it. I need to get some rest so goodnight." That was it she shut down the link. I finished what I was doing then headed up to bed.

The morning came all too soon. I headed to the shoreline and used the boat to cross the lake. Slower but used less magic. I headed to the bunkhouse and Ben was sitting outside waiting for me. At my look he said "The Queen sent a maid to inform me last night about this trip. Shall we go?" I nodded and we went to the mirror. There was two knights and a Combat Mage on duty in front of the mirror room we nodded as we passed them. I opened the portal to the public portal mirrors in Whitewater. That was a benefit of using this trading post. We stepped through.

Whitewater was more of a small town than a trading post. Ben and I looked at the map posted there and headed for the hiring hall. It was a bit of a walk but that gave me time to wake up. The hiring hall was much bigger than the one in Crossroads. Ben opened the door for me I smiled at him. A woman came up to me, I was in Grand Mage outfit complete with staff, and asked "Are you here to hire or be hired?"

I looked her up and down "I am here to hire several servants and some troops as well."

She smiled "The woman at that desk over there will help you right away."

I nodded and walked over to the desk. The woman asked "May I help you?" She was looking over both of us trying to set prices.

I looked directly at her cold as ice. "I need two maids, four portal mages, ten knights and ten Combat Mages. Can you help me?" Ice maiden the whole time. I loved it. She opened a few folders and Hmmmed a bit.

She said "Yes I can fill your order it will be five silver per for gathering them."

I countered "I will pay your fee if they pass my tests and I will give you three gold if all pass." Her eyes lit up. She excused herself and hurried in to the back. It pays to pay a little more to get better service. She was back quickly. A knight was with her.

"I am Commander Sean Dugan I hear you are looking for a fighting force? I have twenty paired knights and Combat Mages plus three officers. Does that sound like what you need?"

I looked him over "Have you heard what happened at Sanctuary?"

He frowned "You are from there? That was some heavy fighting. I heard only three walked away from the final battle."

I flinched a bit but Ben said "Four but one was being carried. We held the line!" He put his hand on my shoulder. "We believe that the fighting is over but no promises." The two looked each other over.

I looked at Ben he nodded. so I said "IF your willing to sign on for five years we can talk." I looked over at him he nodded. good! I tuned to the woman a little of the ice chipped away. "What about the others I want?"

She handed me a folder "This is who we have for maids. As for the portal mages I will ask around while you look through these." I nodded and she got up and walked quickly away. I looked through the folder picked four and waited. Ben and the Commander talked quietly about money. She was back soon and sat down and handed me some papers. "These are all I could find that have portal experience. I see you have picked some maids?"

"Yes I would like to meet these four. If they pass I will take them all." I looked at the papers "Yes these seem fine have them brought here." I was still the ice maiden just a little warmer. It only took her a quarter hour to get the maids there and the portal mages weren't far behind. They all looked good so I hired them all. I paid and we headed out.

There was not a line at the mirrors so we got right back to Sanctuary. I stopped inside "Ben you take our troops and get them settled in and I'll take the rest to see the Queen." We split up and I took the maids and portal mages to Crystal Hall. Angel was in the Throne room with her Mother. I curtsied to the two Queens then said "Your majesty my trip was a success. I also hired some more maids Two for here two for my place. I will take the twins Tasha and Sasha that leaves you Eva and Betty." Angel clapped her hands and a maid came out.

"Take these new maids to their rooms and get them settled in." After they were gone "Who are these others?" Angel was in Queen mode direct as always.

I smiled "These are the portal mages we talked about a little bit ago."

Angel thought then the light came on. "Oh yes your plan to make going between the two sides of the lake easier. So you will be seeing to that?"

I said "Yes Your Majesty I will take care of it." I did not want to say too much in front of Queen Aslina. I curtsied an withdrew taking the others with me. There are artisan quarters on my side of the lake so that's were the mages will stay while being tested and trained. The twins will stay in my home in the servants quarters. To get there I created a six person boat. When they were loaded I flicked the boat with my magic and sent it across the lake. I let my wings grow then flew across watching the boat just in case. I landed on the other side before the boat. I just folded my wings and waited. When they were ashore I led them to their new homes. This all seen most of the day shot. Just as I was walking into my den to relax that jingle went off again. I opened the link regretting giving the Queen the bracelet. "Yes Your Majesty how may I serve you?" Dang it formal gal is back.

Angel said "Mother is sending the first of the people she promised in the morning I want you there to meet them and bring them to me." Dang it what am I her maid? I guess she sensed something because she changed her tone. "Please Ember do this for me. I am trying to set a image here.

I sighed "by destroying mine, I guess that is how it goes. I will be there. I will be testing and training the new mages in the afternoon so I hope this does not take long. Good night Angel." I closed the link. Why can't she get one of the other girls to do some of this stuff. This was not as it was to be. I made her Queen so I would be left to my Magic. Now I am doing all this stuff and not working on my magic. There needs to be a better way.

In the morning I stood by the mirror room waiting. The portal opened and four people stumble though. They looked around like they didn't know where they were. Two women and two men looking eighteen or so. Their clothes marked them as nobles but something told me they weren't the good type. I stepped forward where they can see me. One of the girls looked at me and gasped. It could have been the dragon on my shoulder or the wings but she did not like the look of me. I said "You four follow me now and no talking." Of course they all started babbling so I brought my staff down with a thunderclap. That shut them up! "Follow now!" They did. I was not happy and was not hiding it. Two guards fell in behind them. I took them to Crystal Hall and marched them into the throne room. Angel was sitting on the Throne looking over some papers. I curtsied with wings out to the Queen. I still like that effect. Then I waited for Her to speak.
"Thank you Lady Ember, I know your time is limited so I will have Lady Tina take care of them from now on." I nodded then curtsied again then left. As soon as I was outside the Hall I took to the air just blowing off steam for a bit. I flew to the waterfall and got a drink then flew home. Flying is such a kick sometimes.

I gathered the portal mages to test what else they could do. I found that after a lot of testing we had two rock shapers and a wood shaper. Number four took me by surprise, she was a shifter. All useful talents for when they were not working the portals. Stone and wood shaping are both good for making houses. A shifter is goon for many things from entertainment to spy. These gals were good for the silver. Just as I was putting everything away Darla and Tina came up. "This place sure is useful don't you think Tina?" Darla quipped.

Tina said "Yah it is a good place to hide from those imports. I think I'll fly a little bit." Then she went pixie and flew around. Darla looked at Tina flying and sighed.

I said "Don't even think about it I am not taking on those four people for anything. I met them at the portal and they are nothing but trouble." I shook my head.

Darla looked at me "Ok fine let them drive Tina nuts. She just don't matter much." She pointed to Tina.

I Shrugged "Guilt trip much! No, not going to work. I have four new mages to look after so tuff luck. Not to mention all the work the Queens been throwing my way. I don't have time to work on my own magic so no!" I felt a little bad but then not that much. Just then came that little jingle at my wrist. "Speak of the devil." I opened the link "Yes Your Majesty? How is your evening going?"

Angel sounded stressed "Ember you know where Tina is these so called nobles are driving everyone crazy. I put her in charge of them like I said and now she can't be found. I need help."

I sighed why can't anything go my way. "I will take care of it. Where are they?" I just wanted to relax but that's not happening. I grew my wings and brought out my staff. I was irritated and they were going to get all of it.

Angel sighed "Thank you Ember they are here at the hall."

"I'll be right there!" I said as I took off at a very fast pace. I flew right up to the door of Crystal Hall. I folded my wings and walked in. I followed the sounds of a party. I entered a room a few doors down from the throne room. I looked around. How can four people make so much noise? Well they want noise all right they get noise! I lifted my staff and brought it down hard. The thunderclap that resulted shook the whole hall! When I could hear again I walked over to the four and told them off in no uncertain terms! The crystal walls were still vibrating as I did. "Go to bed! You start work in the morning! So you better sleep. If I have to come out here before the morning I am going to be angry! You don't want to see me angry! To bed now!" I was not taking any guff. After I seen them to their rooms I sealed their doors so they were not getting out till morning. No more Miss nice mage! I went to see angel. She was in the throne room looking a little jumpy. I nodded to her and said "It is handled for now. I will be back in the morning to find some work for them."

Angel said "I thought the whole Hall was going to come down it was so loud! What did you do? Blow something up?"

I smiled "Just a little thunderclap. Thanks to my air magic. It shut them up for sure." I grinded. "They are afraid of me now so I should be able to get things going in the right direction." I ruffle my wings. "I hope I did not break anything outside of that room. The walls can take it but small glass things can be broken." I smiled and waved then left.

Darla and Tina were sitting on my porch drinking tea when I got back. Darla looked at me "You are getting better at that thunderclap of yours. We could hear it clear over here. I take it the mater is handled?"

I glared at her "Yes it is handled those four are very afraid of me now. The guys almost pissed themselves. The girls seemed to be made of stronger stuff they only cried. Now I got to go back in the morning and put them to work doing something. Any ideas on what?"

They both shrugged. Tasha brought me out some tea. I sat and wondered. "Dang it, now I am all keyed up I'll never get to sleep. Oh Darla will you take my mages and see what you think of their skills in the morning?" She nodded. I stood up I'll go tell them then I think I'll make something. Goodnight you two." I set down my tea then went to tell the gals what's up. Then I went to the storage room with the steel in it. I filled a tram with a bit of it then got some silver and crystal. I had been thinking of this combination for a bit I hope it works. First I shaped the steel into a sword. Then I laced it with the purest silver I had. Then I pushed crystal into every pore of the metal. Then I used the greatest enchantment I knew calling on the elements.

Fire and Ice
Earth and Sky
Come together
To Harmonize!

I repeated the chant as I cast many enchantments as I could think of. Twenty four different layers to make this sword unbeatable. I smiled a five foot badge of office for the captain of the royal guard. Perfect for Ben. I took the sword and flew to the house where Ben was staying. I knocked and Byron answered "Your Ladyship how nice to see you. What brings you to our door?"

I smiled "Is Ben home? I have something for him." I was almost dancing I was so happy.

He smiled "Ben there's a Lady here to see you!" Ben came down the stairs. He looked good. Dang it working so much magic has got me turned on and he really looks good to me.

Ben leaned on the doorframe "What can I do for you?" Man of few words as always.

I smiled at him "I thought that the captain of the royal guard needed a special sword so I made you this!" I handed him the sword. "It is a Heritage Blade, Only you and those in direct line from you can use the full power of this blade." He lifted the sword and the blade took fire without burning him. "The Blade has excepted you as its master. You two are now one. The Blade will do as you command. Remember only those in your line can use this sword." I stepped back.

He could not take his eyes off the flaming blade "You made this? Does it have a name?"

I could not stop smiling. "Yes I made This Blade for you. It has a name it is called Kiss of the Eternal Rose! Well, I have to go now use it well my friend. Oh yah remember the crest you wear when you have a sheath made for it. I will see you later." I walked away as fast as I could the flew back to my home. I dreamed quite wild that night.

In the morning I got up and went though my morning routine. I headed downstairs for my morning tea. Darla was at the table when I got there. She smiled "I have a job for the ex-nobles. I think we need all the supplies counted and sorted. It is something that has been needed for quite a while. What do you think?"

I smiled "Sounds good and it will keep them out of trouble for a bit. By the way I made a Heritage Blade for Ben last night. twenty four layers of enchantments with a Elemental overlay. It's called Kiss of the Eternal Rose. He loved it." I stretched and yawned.

She glanced at me "You can't be serious. You don't do things small do you? Twenty four and a overlay. What element?" She shook her head.

I grinded "Earth, Sky, Fire and Water a Harmony overlay. Twenty reparations in all. My best work to date. Steel, silver and crystal core combination."

"You got to be kidding me? That type of sword would give Excalibur a run for its money. And you just gave it away? What are you nuts?"

I giggled "Excalibur is this swords pale sister. Ben was the best one to wield it. You should have seen the flame that came out when he raised it. It took him for its master right away." I munched my breakfast.

Darla looked thoughtful "Can you make one of those swords built for a woman to use? Something that the Queen can use?"

"What are you thinking you know how a heritage blade works? Only those in direct line can use the swords full power. No one else can even touch the sword. Well I can touch it because I made it. No others would be able to." I shook my head.

Darla was smiling "I'll take your tasks today you get on that sword. How long would you think it would take? Do you have everything you need?"

I said "Two things You are already taking my mages to test this morning. Then there is the Imports that need to be dealt with. You can't do both at the same time. Tell me how you are going to do that?"

"I am going to get some help. I am going to call in Ben and Byron to look after the Imports. I'll test your mages as I said I would. Sound good to you?" Darla said.

I smiled "Sounds good the seals on their doors should be opening in a few. I will get to work as soon as I finish breakfast. All I ask is that I am not bothered until I am done."

A quarter of a hour later I was picking out the steel and silver. Then I grabbed several large sapphires to replace the plain crystal. This was going to be my greatest work ever. I looked through every book my Grandmother gave me for enchantments. The number went up to forty strong enchantments. I was ready to start. The blade I designed was delicate and down right pretty. It was totally fit for a Queen. I added more silver to the steel than last time. Last I laced in the sapphires. It was time for the casting so I took a deep breath and started. Forty times I cast and Forty times I chanted the overlay. I was totally spent when I finished. I wrapped the sword carefully for the trip over. I walked out of my work area and spotted Darla talking to Zoe so I walked over. "It's finished call everyone for the presentation." I said weakly.

Darla said "Everyone? How about the core group with a few extras? How did it come out?"

I sighed "You will see soon. It is even stronger than the first try. forty casts and overlays." I turned to the shoreline and got in to the boat. Zoe and Darla got in behind me. Darla sent us across the lake. When we bumped into the other side I got out a little unsteady. Zoe steadied me. I made my way slowly to the Crystal Hall and the throne room. Soon everyone that was here after the siege was assembled. Angel took her Throne in full Queen mode. I shifted my clothes to my gown and staff. Cryss settled on my shoulder. Everyone went formal with their looks. When ready I approached the throne unwrapping the sword. "Your Majesty This sword was made for you with all the skill I possess. It goes beyond any weapon I have made or even heard of. It is a Heritage Blade. It has more power than even I know about. I present this blade called The Eternal Roses Heart to you and your line." Slowly the Queen reached out to close her hand around the hilt. She stood raising the sword towards the sky. A blue flame slowly covered the sword then covered the Queen. She was totally still as if in a trance. This lasted for a few moments then the flame retreated to the blade of the sword. The Queen lowered the sword.
The Queen spoke "I accept this gift my Lady Grand Mage. I and all my line will hold it in highest regard!" After that the formal part of the gathering was over. So we had a short party. Well short for me. I was almost falling over with tiredness. I was soon heading home and right into bed.

To be Continued
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