"Misty," I said, as calmly as I could, "can you smell me?"
"Smell you? Yes, of course I can smell you. You really need a bath."
My breath caught in my throat. I was horrified. Misty smiled in a friendly way as she watched my expression change.
"No, Misty, no!" I cried. "I don't want to die! I don't want to die today!"
She frowned, as she would at a disobedient child. "Marcie, you don't know what it's like. I think you'll like it. And we can be together. We can be BFF: best friends forever, right?"
"Oh, Misty! I can *wait* to find out what it's like, believe me! Besides, we wouldn't be together! I wouldn't be at your house! I'd be stuck in this dirty, disgusting shack!" She looked around the room and made a face. "AND... I'd have to wear this ugly school uniform! It would UCF: ugly clothes forever!"
Her mouth twisted, and she looked at what I was wearing.
"And how do you know, if I'm a ghost, that you'd be able to find me? You said you don't know where we are!"
"I'd just think of you..."
"But have you ever done that with a ghost? Thought about another ghost and just gone to them? Maybe it only works with living people!"
She frowned. "I don't know any other ghosts. But, anyway, it ought to work."
"If it doesn't, I'll be alone here, and you'll be alone back home! Besides that, how do you know that I'd even be a ghost?"
She blushed slightly. "I have a feeling," she said. "I'm pretty sure you will be. I mean, you can see me; I can talk to you. We have some kind of connection."
"Oh!" I growled in frustration. I wondered for a fraction of an instant whether the men downstairs could hear at least my side of the argument, but they were still shouting at each other. Honestly, I didn't care if anyone could hear me at this point.
"Misty, look: YOU might be ready to take the chance that I'll be a ghost who can hang around with you, but I'm not! What if it doesn't work? Then you lose one of the few people who can see and hear you... and I lose everything!"
I thought I was making a strong case... heck, it wasn't just strong, it was air tight! But Misty wasn't buying it.
She just sat there, staring at me, knowing that all she had to do was wait...
I looked into her eyes as I wracked my brain, trying to find something to say, some way to convince her to help me... But the only one time I felt that I'd reached her at all was when I mentioned the clothes.
"Misty," I said, making a huge effort to stay calm, "can you smell me?"
"Smell you? Of course I can smell you. You really need a bath!"
"I know that I do. But I can't have one. They won't let me. Misty, I want you to tell me something: When I die, will I still smell bad? Will I be stinky forever?"
Her gaze never left my face, but she didn't answer. Maybe she didn't know, but if she did, she wasn't telling. I had the distinct feeling that I would smell bad forever. And if she was going to hang around me after I was dead, she was going to be smelling it!
"And Misty, here's something else to think about: We're almost the same size. If I die, would you want to swap clothes sometimes?"
Her face wrinkled into a grimace of disgust.
"Misty, listen to me: if I die in these clothes, dirty like this, smelling like this, I will never be able to wash. Ever. Not me, not my clothes. I will wear these nasty rags for all time. When you were alive, you wore a uniform like this once. Did you like it?"
Again she twisted her mouth to the side, and looked over at the window. "No," she admitted.
"Did you ever wear one for two days straight? Dirty like this?"
She took a deep breath. At last, it seemed I was getting through.
Her eyes flitted over my outfit, and I could see that finally she was wrestling with herself. She looked at my face, then at my uniform, as if they represented the two sides of her dilemma.
I couldn't believe it! My only hope of staying alive was a ghost, and she liked the idea of my being dead! I had to convince a dead girl to keep me alive, and the deciding factor was going to be my clothes!
I gave it one last shot: "I'm *begging* you, Misty. Don't stick me with these ugly clothes for all eternity, please! They're not even clean!"
"You could take them off before they kill you..." she started to say, then thought better of it.
My ghostly friend was silent for a space. Then her face fell into a sad, resigned look. She stared at the floor and she heaved a heavy sigh. After a leaden, sullen, "Okay," she faded out.
In spite of my fear, shock, and desperation, I found myself wondering how Misty could sigh if she didn't breathe. Ghosts don't breathe, do they? I realized I'd had this question a couple times before. At some point, I had to ask her.
In the meantime, my captors' argument had shifted to the ground floor. Aside from that movement, it didn't sound like they were getting anywhere.
In a minute or less, an unsmiling Misty returned with my cell. I switched it on, wondering why phones take forever to come up, and praying that the men didn't hear the loud, stupid startup music.
While waiting to see how strong the signal was, I noticed a strange symbol that usually I ignored. "GPS!" I softly exclaimed.
"What's that?" Misty asked.
"It's a locator. It lets people see where the phone is. The police will be able to find me!"
The phone had a strong signal. There must be a tower nearby, or on a hill or whatever. I called 911. It took a little work to convince the operator that I really was Marcie Donner. She already knew my name and that I'd been kidnapped. I explained about the GPS.
"I'm going to leave my phone on so you can find me," I told her, "but I have to hide it so the kidnappers don't find it. If they find the phone, they'll turn it off. So I'm not going to be able to talk to you, and I'm going to turn the sound way down. So PLEASE DON'T TALK, okay?"
As if she hadn't heard me, the operator replied, "Marcie? Marcie? I'm going to ask you to stay on the line. Please stay on the line with me. I need you to stay on the line..." Instead, I turned the volume as low as possible, and put the phone inside the sleeping bag to muffle the sound.
I returned to the door to listen. The argument had gotten more heated. There were blows and thuds and scuffling. The driver shouted, "No! No! Don't do it!" almost like a scream. Furniture was knocked over and heavy objects were thrown. I flinched with each bang and crash, as though I was the one being struck.
I know that my words can't communicate the horror of listening to the fight downstairs. It may not sound like much, the way I describe it like, but it was like listening to the end of the world. Things were wildly out of control down there, and I was scared nearly out of my wits. Do you know why? Because all of that violence, once it finished downstairs, was going to come upstairs for me.
At last, there was a gun shot, a sickening thud, some scuffling, a gun shot, and a second lifeless thud. Then silence.
My blood froze inside of me. There was no way on earth that anyone could reach me in time. Now that the two brothers were dead, there was no one left to defend me.
"Misty, please don't leave me," I whispered. "I don't want to be alone when this happens."
She nodded in a cold, almost clinical way, and stood next to me, watching. Now she was perfectly solid, like a real live person. For a moment, she put her hand in mine, and squeezed it.
I could almost feel what was going through her head. She knew there was a strong chance that soon I'd be walking through walls, too. At the same time, she must have seen – or at least known – that a lot of people had died during the time she was dead, yet she was still alone. She was hoping the two of us could be ghosts together, but she'd probably been disappointed many times before.
I'd already told the 911 operator that Honororia's brother was the bad guy, so even if he killed me, they would know who'd done it. It was a small consolation, but at least he wouldn't get away with my murder, and now the murders of the two brothers.
He came upstairs, unlocked the door, and walked inside. Misty was standing next to me, but he didn't see her.
"He looks familiar," Misty said. I didn't reply.
He motioned with his gun, and said, "Let's go downstairs." He grinned. "It's kind of a mess, but don't worry. It's going to get messier."
I walked slowly toward him, looking for some sort of opening, for something I could do, but there was nothing. If I tried to hit or kick him, he'd bring the gun down on my head. I descended the stairs ahead of him. All the furniture was up-ended. Some of it was broken. There were knickknacks and books and things thrown everywhere. Worst of all were the bodies of the two brothers. My stomach heaved and I wretched loudly. The two men were lying in their own blood. Even worse, blood was still pouring from their wounds. I tried to looked away, but the man pushed me and I had to grab the stair rail to keep from falling.
He shoved me toward the kitchen, where things were slightly cleaner. "Have a seat," he said, and he used his foot to turn a kitchen chair upright for me. He straightened another for himself, still using his feet, and sat down near me, facing me. Not close enough for me to hit or kick him, but he had longer arms and legs, so even if I couldn't reach him, he could easily grab me. He seemed relaxed... happy, even.
"I need a story here," he said. "and I think I have it... almost. Because, see, I was never here. Eventually someone's going to find you three, and it has to look like you killed each other."
He smiled and leaned back. "What I'm thinking is that somehow... doesn't matter how... you got hold of a gun. You heard the two of them fighting... probably when they realized they got the wrong girl. You came down the stairs, see? and you shot the two of them from up there." He pointed. "That explains why the angle is high, get it? Then, hmm..."
He turned his head as he pondered, and glanced at the front door. The bald brother was lying face down, one arm reaching for the door. He was obviously trying to get outside when he was shot. "Ah – oh, now I got it! You shot him, see? but you didn't realize that you hadn't quite killed him. Right! So he's lying there, and you don't know it, but he's not dead. You go out the door, and he shoots you from behind, from the floor. Yeah! That way, I can let you run from me, and it will look good." He grinned at his invention. "If you're really fast," he laughed, "you might even get away! I could count to five or even ten. Maybe even fifteen. Give you a sporting chance."
"I won't run," I told him.
He shrugged. "Facing the house works too," he said.
"I won't stand up," I replied.
He thought for a moment and shrugged. "It doesn't matter. Sitting, lying, it will all work. Even if I have to knock you out first and then shoot you. I can make it all work." He looked at me and smiled. "If you walk out the door, though, you get to go out as a hero. Isn't that important to you?"
I frowned at him and shook my head. What in the world was he talking about? I didn't care about being a hero.
"People will say, What a brave girl! If only this-or-that, she'd still be alive. Still, she did what she could. That's what you want, isn't it? Have people think you're strong and fearless? The girl crime-fighter?"
I shook my head.
He shrugged, smiled, and continued.
"After that, all I have to do is put a gun in your hand and one in Frank's hand and fire them so you both get gun residue on you. Then I'm clear."
"What about your tire marks outside?" I asked.
He nodded approvingly at me. "Not bad. Good thinking. Maybe you would have made a good detective, if you'd lived." He laughed. "It's Frank's car. I'm just going to drive it back to his house. The tire tracks won't mean a thing."
I suddenly realized that Misty was gone. She hadn't followed us downstairs. A chill fell over me, and the cold coming through the open front door seemed to pass into my bones.
"I've covered every angle," he gloated. "In half an hour, I'll be home free. I'll have to work up a new plan for the money, but I can do it. I've got time. And here..." he glanced over the wreckage, "it will be an unfortunate, but very closed case."
"It won't work," I mumbled.
"What?" he asked in a patronizing tone, "I didn't hear."
"It won't work," I said, after clearing my throat. "I called 911 and told them you're involved."
His eyes widened. "You're lying," he said. "There's no way!" Still, he turned his head to the side when he looked at me. I knew he wasn't sure.
"Believe what you like," I told him.
He studied my face, weighing the possibilities, and said, "Your phone is in your purse, in the van, outside."
I looked him in the eyes, but didn't respond.
"You couldn't get to it," he said, but I saw his certainty crack.
I smiled.
"Shit!" he barked, and jumped to his feet. He paced back and forth for a moment, then shouted, "Up!"
We walked upstairs, back to my prison cell. He scanned the room, but saw nothing. He listened, and heard — as I did — the 911 operator's little voice chirping. His eyes stopped on the sleeping bag. He pushed me into a corner, far from the door, and still pointing his gun at me, stuck his hand into the sleeping bag. In a moment, he fished out the phone.
His eyes widened as he saw 911 on the display. The call was still active, and the woman's tiny voice was asking, "Marcie? Are you still there? Marcie, answer me! Are you all right? Marcie? Marcie?"
He hung up the phone and turned it off. Holstering his gun at the back of his belt, he took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped his prints off the cell. Then he dropped it back into the sleeping bag.
"You're done," I said to him. My face went all jerky, and my arms and legs were spazzing.
"So are you," he sneered, and reached for his gun.
© 2007 Kaleigh Way
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And you're going to make us wait aren't you?
What an end to the week.
I think Misty's got a thing going on now, but that's just more speculation.
Wonderful-if short-chapter as always. I can't wait till Monday for my last chapter till I get back from France.
Have a good weekend Kaliegh.
I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
I wonder
Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
I think you may have hit the nail on the head there
I didn't want to elaborate, but I think you may be right.
We'll have to wait and see.

I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
What's keeping Misty around?
Okay, I won't pretend to know anything about ghosts - the ones in my neighborhood won't talk to me, so I'm no expert. But isn't the idea that that a ghost is stuck haunting someplace due to unfinished business? I was thinking about what Edeyn wrote an episode or two ago about the cop possibly being Misty's killer - and in this episode, didn't Misty recognize the cop? Since he's the sister's brother, that might not mean anything, but I wouldn't be surprised if Misty has discovered a possession trick - and the pistol has mysteriously migrated to Marcie's hand.....
Revenge can be a real B****, ya know?
He conquers who endures. ~ Persius
Misty Can Still Save Marcie
By causing the gun to jam and explode in his face.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
For a religious person
You certainly have a vicious streak don't you?
I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
...And Reached For His Gun
Interesting line to stop at. Do you suppose the gun is there, where he left it, tucked into his belt? Or, is it mysteriously missing?
Please forgive this flurry of speculation! It's been fun to follow along with the story and guess where it's going, or how it could get there. Audience participation! Here's mine:
Misty had just carried a cellphone upstairs after dematerializing it and taking it from inside a closed van through a few walls and up stairs into a closed room. Compared to that, exactly how hard would it be to take a gun away from the villain? Or even to put it into Marcie's hands in the same room? It's quite a bit more massive than a cellphone, but it doesn't need to go nearly so far or be dematerialized for so long. I'm betting she could do it if she was sufficiently motivated.
If nothing else, the sheer mental shock of that would incapacitate the psychopathic lunk, at least temporarily, not that it would matter if Marcie ended up with the weapon.
Hmmm... Even easier would be Misty just pulling the trigger while the gun is in his pants. After all, the safety was already off. A nasty pain in the buttocks and the back of one foot shot off?
Misty had let herself fade out of sight; perhaps that was to save energy so she could do something heroic when needed. She hadn't already blown the wad just grabbing the cellphone, because she solidly materialized after that to hold Marcie's hand for a bit.
I'm still a bit disappointed that the attic escape route was never explored, but hey, whatever works!
Yeah, Misty pull the trigger
If she times it right and uses the right presure, the cop will get a free orchidectomy. I want him alive and in prison, were he, a triple murderer and child abductor, won't live long. Though if Misty kills him and he knows his murder victim killed him from beyond the grave, that would be choice punishment. Too bad for the crooks, they weren't bad men for criminals.
I agree the 911 opperator should be fired. Or seriously retrained.
Honoraria needs detention, stupid nun. And it looks like the cop killed Misty all those years ago, because Misty recognizes him. Wouldn't it be ironic if Honoraria had somehow inadvertantly covered up for her brother's murder of Misty.
"That's a month of detention for you, Honoraia. Conduct unbecoming of a proper lady."
Nah, she'll give Marcie more detention, the dumb penguine. "Just because my brother murdered muultiple people over the years is no excuse for dispeying an adult."
"But he wanted me to run so he could shoot me in the back!"
"No excuses, young lady. A years dention."
In a perfectly balanced magical world, he would now forfit his life and Misty would be reborn, I hope into a girls body and not that murdering cops. More likely she will go to heaven. Still hope she can do something to make Marcie a real girl in every sense before she goes. Mind you three live, I;'m assuming the cop is about to die, have been lost to violennce, it would be Karmically nice to salvage something. Marcie could use a relable friens. Maise so far is crap.
Now I'm going out of town for a few days and will have to wait for the resolution.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Pull the trigger . . .
If she times it right and uses the right presure, the cop will get a free orchidectomy.
Oh so she's a sharpshooter now is she?
Sorry--nabbed from the long kiss goodnight, but that's gonna be some shot.
I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
Stealing thunder/stepping on toes....
I guess I should have read ahead to see what others were speculating about, since I seem to be thinking along the same lines as Pippa and John W. -
I'm also wondering if Misty might have help from two new arrivals to the other side, namely the kind kidnappers dead downstairs.... rather pissed off brothers, I'd say... with unfinished business as well....
I can't imagine Honoraria reacting well to the discovery that her brother's a murderer; I think a break-down is in her near future, no matter how the rest of the story goes.....
Yeah, the 911 operator definitely screwed up - but it's all recorded and will be part of her retraining/evaluation. I can see the session now:
Trainer: "So, what part of the victim saying 'I'm in danger, don't talk listen' did you not understand?"
Operator: Ummmm, she sounded like a kid so I thought, like, that I knew better than she did?
I can't help but think that Marcie's not going to walk away from this unscratched - the cops a cruel man, so if he tried to rape her as revenge, he might not react well to what he discovered.... and he does have that nasty gun, as far as we know....
Done speculating....
He conquers who endures. ~ Persius
Did he kill Misty???
... and Misty's just "remembering" ...
Very Good, Kaleigh!
The girl logic that Marcie used to convince Misty to help her was great. It never occured to me that once Misty found Marcie that there would be an issue getting her to help.
What's the deal with Marcie going spastic? Is it sensory overload, or has Misty possessed her? Guess we'll find out next week.
Why she spazzed
She's alone with a big scary guy who wants to kill her. She tried to be brave, but the act cracked.
Of course it is . . .
You'll forgive me if I wait until the next ep to find out what's really happening eh?
I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
Don't you want a hint?
Just kidding!
Three times today (already!) I've written long comments and deleted them, because they'd short-circuit some of the speculation, even without giving Monday's episode away.
The temptation to reply...
... is sometimes all but overwhelming. :-)
I figured the guy tazed Marcie. It's an easy way to ensure compliance.
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Re: Tazed
Leaves very distinctive marks on the body that they won't need "CSI-New York" to spot.
Karen J.
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Thanks for the Response to My Question
I really hate actually looking forward to Monday.
I have to quit replying to comments!
I'll never learn!
Perhaps You Misunderstood My Comment
I'm appreciative that you answered.
What I'm complaining about is now looking forward to Monday (which is generally not a day to look forward too as I'll have to go back to work) to find out what happens.
Yeah, I did misunderstand. Much funnier your way.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Hopefully, the 911 operator
Hopefully, the 911 operator was smart enough to dispatch the police to the location. She should have had enough time from the cellphone to get a good position of the cabin. As to retraining, probably not, dispatchers are trained to stay on the phone and try to maintain contact with the victim(s). She is simply following her training. She should however, NOT be speaking, just listening and passing anything on that she hears or heard. That is unless the victim is speaking to her. I think Misty is going to pay a bigger role now as she seems to understand what Marcie was talking about. J-Lynn
Hmm Misty recognized...
... the brother/cop. I think. Wonder what he had to do with things when she died... "Boy Friend" Maybe? I hope not...
Will misty "drop" something on bad cop's head? "Show" herself to him? "levitate" something where he can see it?
I'll be curious how next week turns out. Somehow she gets out of this (you said there was another story, and I can't imagine you having a bunch of "ghosts" hanging out. :-) )
Maybe Kaleigh Fibbed
She said there would be more Marcie stories, but we don't have any proof of that, do we? The next stories could be Masie, who's adopted by Marcie's parents.
That oughta stir things up! ;-)
Karen J.
(Professional putter of cats among pigeons)
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I do NOT like that option!!! I sticks my tongue out at you and blow....
Though, it's no more far-fetched than some of the other speculation... THe three girls in the next book are Misty, Marcie & Maisie?
Oh well, time will tell.
Yosemite size cliffhanger
Aaaaaaaaaaaargh!! Wait until Monday? Well you really know how to get your fans riled up Kaleigh. I don't suppose you get a mischievous chuckle out of that do you? Anyway this has definitely put this story into turbo and a whole lot of secrets are going to come out. Surprised if Maisie really likes Marcie's mom that she just didn't keep her mouth shut. I would hope if forced to choose Marcie's mom would still pick her own child. Hopefully they can come to some resolution and Maisie will realize that others have been through much worse than her and don't treat people like dirt.
This story continues to entertain at a very high level. And we will quickly for give you for the cliffhanger when you post on Monday.
Kristi Lynne Fitzpatrick
Kristi Lynne Fitzpatrick
I don't think there is any doubt
Of course Marcie's mother would pick her over anyone...she's never indicated otherwise. The mom-swap was just about getting the new house set up and ready to live in like she wants it...and Marcie was less than useless for that :D
Heck, I'm sure Maisie's mom would pick Maisie over Marcie too.
Caught up!
Well, it took me a couple of days, but I read the whole series on a suggestion, and WOW! This is an excellent story and really kept my attention, and now I'm jonesing for the next chapter! *checks clock to see if it's Monday yet* Hrm, well, anyway, keep em coming, I can't wait for more!
They could be...
...the M&M's. Marcie, Misty and Maisie could form their own super natural support group.
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
the moment of truth
can anything save her?