Well, today I wanted to share a dream I had during my move.
In the dream, at first I found myself in a classroom, and a drill instructer of a teacher was making a boy parade in front of the class because he had come to school previously in ripped pants. We were to sacastically applaud the fact that today he had chosen to wear pants without a rip in them.
Then I looked down at myself, and at first I thought I was wearing red pajamas, so I thought I would be next to be humilated, but the instructor ignored me, and instead clapped his hands together.
This caused the classroom to change into a theater stage. On the sides of the stage were facades of buildings, and in the rear of the stage was the front part of a castle. The rest of the stage had been set up like a town square, and the class began to get into costumes to play the townspeople. I was directed to the castle, and I realized that the front entrance was real, going to backstage, and there was a second level with a balcony and a couple of alcoves on either side of the balcony.
I was sent to one of the alcoves, and then I realized that my outfit wasnt pajamas, but a red bodysuit as I was to play a captured sunbeam. I danced in the alcove doing traditional ballet moves, then looked over at the other alcove and saw a girl dressed in greys and black, who was playing a captured moonbeam. She was turning her dance into a athletic, even eroctic showcase, so I followed suit, using a pillar in the middle of the alcove as a pole.
Dont know how my dance was received, becase right then I woke up ...
Weird, huh?
At least you can remember your dreams.. I know I dream but most are the kind I want to forget. HUGS and snuggles
I do remember one about fighting a (huge) roomful of crocodiles and giant cobras. A few times, I've been lost at night in some combination of places I've lived (maybe), very dark, with sharp hills and steep valleys. I've had enough nightmares, that I sometimes insert appropriate nightmares into my stories.
Of course, there are the dreams of being back in school -- perhaps some combination of high school and elementary school, or college. I realize I've really badly blown off perhaps one particular class, and I'm in trouble now. When I wake up, I often remember reality shifting in the dreams. Once, I spotted a reality shift in real time. I *was* prepared, so history and such shifted so that I was now horribly unprepared as usual.
-- Daphne Xu