breaking down at church

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Well, I was all set to regale you all with my tips for surviving a move when the brown stuff hit the fan - first in the form of a flashback just before church started, then I came home to find out my mom's car had its battery die on her.

Sigh ...


That doodoo keeps hitting the

That doodoo keeps hitting the fan. *sigh* Someone should put up a doodoo filter on that thing. Who keeps throwing that at the fan, anyway? Sheesh.


Lisa Dani

(Sorry about not being around much, folks, had my own doodoo/fan issues)


Rhona McCloud's picture

I think the expression Situation Normal All F****d Up might have come to the UK with the American GIs Dorothy and it sounds as though Normal hasn't changed. Still I have confidence in you Dorothy and the sun will be out soon

Rhona McCloud