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Shit Happens,
But So Do Miracles! by Tanya Allan |
Young Martin Collins was the youngest of five brothers, and no sisters! His mother, Jenny, had always wanted a girl, and although slightly disappointed, treated him no differently!
However, from a very early age, Martin himself realised that things weren’t quite right, and when playing with some girls his age, he made the discovery that was to charge his life!
He was in the wrong body!
Childhood should be a time of fun and laughter, but for Martin it was to prove a depressing and miserable time, until things started to change, and a light shone at the end of his tunnel!
Miracles are few and far between, but for Martin, his life went from bad to brilliant!
Tanya has a new website where she will display her latest works first and then to BigCloset TopShelf a few weeks later is here at Tanya Allan's Tales .
Tanya's Book Shop where she is selling her works in book form is at . Please Visit!
The Legal Stuff: Shit Happens, But So Do Miracles! ©2004 Tanya Allan
This work is the property of the author, and the author retains full copyright, in relation to printed material, whether on paper or electronically. Any adaptation of the whole or part of the material for broadcast by radio, TV, or for stage plays or film, is the right of the author unless negotiated through legal contract. Permission is granted for it to be copied and read by individuals, and for no other purpose. Any commercial use by anyone other than the author is strictly prohibited, and may only be posted to free sites with the express permission of the author.
This work is fictitious, and any similarities to any persons, alive or dead, are purely coincidental. Mention is made of persons in public life only for the purposes of realism, and for that reason alone. Certain licence is taken in respect of medical procedures, terms and conditions, and the author does not claim to be the fount of all knowledge.
The author accepts the right of the individual to hold his/her (or whatever) own political, religious and social views, and there is no intention to deliberately offend anyone. If you wish to take offence, that is your problem.
This is only a story, and it contains adult material, which includes sex and intimate descriptive details pertaining to genitalia. If this is likely to offend, then don’t read it.
The image used for the Title Presentation here on BigCloset Topshelf was purchased and used under royalty-free license from / user Flisk .
Please enjoy.
Chapter 6
Sunday came and Jenny helped Martina pack. It seemed strange to be packing up lots of girl’s things for the first time. Martina made her laugh as she had twice as many personal clothes as she had uniform. Eventually, they packed up the car and Martina went to change into her new uniform.
She came down again, and her mother was on the sofa in the sitting room.
“Well, Mummy. What do you think?” Martina said.
Jenny turned round and saw her daughter in her new uniform.
It was nothing special, a grey pleated skirt, light blue shirt, grey/blue pullover and a tweed jacket. She had warm tights and sensible shoes. But there was something else!
Martina was glowing with contentment. She was finally the person she had always wanted to be. She was no longer an androgynous child, with a foot in both camps. She was exactly like every other girl, and that was what she had always dreamed of!
“You look very smart. Happy?” Jenny asked.
Martina nodded.
“Because of going to a new school, or because that a certain someone is waiting there for you?” Jenny asked.
“Both, and the fact I can now life a normal life for the first time. I don’t have to pretend anymore, and it’s wonderful,” she said, her eyes sparkling.
Jenny thought she was a beautiful girl, but she was biased.
“Come on, let’s go,” she said, and they set off for Oxfordshire.
Martina was clearly excited and her conversation reflected her excitement. She flitted from topic to topic in a random manner, and Jenny had trouble keeping track of the subject matter.
“When are you going to tell the boys?” Martina asked her mother.
“I told Peter yesterday. Richard is in New Zealand, and who knows when he will surface. Mark is in Northern Ireland, and wouldn’t thank me for telling him that his little brother was now his little sister. I will see Simon this week, so I’ll tell him then.”
“How did Peter take it? What did you say?”
“I told him that you had a rare condition, which had caused a mistake to be made at birth and that it revealed the truth at puberty.”
“He’s a doctor, did he buy it?”
“He had to, the alternative was just unbelievable. Your brother went to bed one night and woke up a girl.”
“That’s almost how it happened.”
“Maybe, but his brain wouldn’t take that. Anyway, he accepted it very well; he said that that explained so much.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Martina said, a little hurt.
“You weren’t exactly the most masculine little boy,” Jenny observed.
“That’s true. How is he?”
“He’s very well. He is engaged, did I tell you?”
“No, you didn’t. Not to frog features?” Martina said.
“Rebecca is a very nice girl. You can be so mean at times.”
“Her eyes are too far apart, and she has a huge mouth. She probably can do amazing things with her tongue, so that must be why Pete loves her,” Martina said, wiggling her own tongue like mad.
“Martina, don’t be coarse!”
“Is oral sex fun?” Martina suddenly said, a few miles further on.
Jenny burst out laughing.
“You have a one track mind.”
“So. Is it?”
“I’m told it can be,” Jenny said, smiling in spite of herself.
“Are you meant to swallow, or what?” she asked.
“Martina. That’s enough!” Jenny said.
“I only asked, I never said I was going to do it,” she protested.
“You shouldn’t even be thinking it.”
“How am I ever going to learn if you can’t tell me?” she complained.
“Martina, this is the last sex question, agreed?”
“Then it’s entirely up to you. It’s supposed to be harmless, but tastes a little salty. Okay?”
“How salty?”
“Sorry, thanks.”
Martina lapsed into silence, for which Jenny was very grateful. She glanced at Martina who had a cheeky smile on her lips.
“You’re winding me up,” Jenny said.
“I have to have some pleasure in life,” she replied.
“What are you going to tell people about your past life?” Jenny asked.
Martina shrugged.
“I’m not sure. The truth is bound to come out eventually, it always does. But as long as I don’t tell any lies, then I should be okay. The trick is not what you say, but what you don’t say.” she said.
Once again, Jenny was taken aback with her daughter’s maturity and wisdom.
“I think you and Rob ought to get together and sort out what to say.” Jenny advised.
“Oh, never fear, I will get together with Rob.” Martina grinned.
“That is not what I meant, and you know it,” Jenny said, and looked at Martina.
“You’re winding me up again, aren’t you?” she declared.
“You’re so easy to wind up,” Martina laughed.
They arrived at the school, so Jenny drove straight to Cardiff House, the house in which Martina had been placed.
Mrs Williams came out to greet them, and her husband helped them in with the kit. Martina was shown her dormitory, which had only six beds in it, each with their own work station next to the bed. It was roomy, light and cheerful, with posters of Sting and Phil Collins on the walls. Martina felt at home.
She said goodbye to Jenny, and watched the Mercedes drive away.
A girl of Martina’s age came up to her. She was about three inches shorter, and a little plump. She has dark brown frizzy hair that looked totally uncontrollable. She had attacked it with about twenty clips, but still large sections were escaping in different directions.
“Hi, I’m Sophie. You must be Martina. We’re in the same class, and we were told you were coming. Why are you so late starting?” she asked.
“I had to leave the last school I was at, because my parents are going through a rather nasty divorce. My mum has reverted to her maiden name, and it has all got a bit silly!” Martina said.
“I had to do the same when my parents divorced, it was a real pain,” Sophie said. “But this is a much nicer school, I’m really happy to have changed. You’ll like it, there are even boys here.”
“Yes, I had noticed,” Martina said, with a little smile.
“Have you got a boyfriend?” the other girl asked.
“Oh yes. I have a boyfriend,” said Martina.
“Where does he go to school?”
“Really? Who is he?” Sophie’s eyes widened.
“You’ll see, I expect he will find me soon enough,” Martina said.
“Oh, you’ll have to careful, the gossiping is awful. You can’t keep anything a secret for long.”
“When is supper?” Martina changed the subject.
“We ought to go up now,” Sophie said, as they walked the four hundred yards to the dining hall.
Martina saw Rob lurking outside the dining room. He kept glancing in the direction of the girls’ houses, as he obviously had got wind that she had arrived; she smiled to herself. She noticed that he had seen her, and he started to make to intercept.
Sophie was a real chatterbox, so never stopped her running commentary for the whole way. As they approached, Rob came up, stopping in front of them. Sophie went very quiet.
“You made it then?” he said, with a lovely smile.
Martina smiled in return and nodded. “How are you, Rob?” she said.
“I’m much better now you are here. It’s great to see you!”
“You too.”
“How’s your mum?” he asked.
“She’s fine. I’m trying to make her join a dining club to find a decent bloke. But she is so stubborn,” Martina said.
Sophie was fidgeting.
“Rob, do you know Sophie?” Martina asked.
“Yes, we are all in the same class,” he replied.
“You too? Great!”
“Martina, we’d best eat,” Sophie said.
“Yeah? Right, okay. Rob, have you eaten?” she asked.
“No, I was waiting for you,” he said.
“How did you know I was coming?”
“I didn’t, but someone said that a new girl was arriving, and I thought it could only be you,” he said, with a smile.
“New girl, eh? How right they are,” Martina said, and the two of them laughed.
They followed Sophie into to Dining room, which was laid out like a self-service cafeteria. Rob went to queue for the hot dishes and Martina had a general look at what was on offer.
It was the usual school fare, so Martina selected a salad. Then she went and sat down next to Sophie and another girl.
“This is Martina,” Sophie said to the girl. “Her parents are divorcing and she had to leave her last school, just like me,” she explained.
“Hello Martina, I’m Kate. What do you think of the place?”
“It’s okay, but I’ve only been here half an hour.”
“Martina already has her boyfriend here,” Sophie said with a grin.
“Oh, who’s that then?” asked Kate.
Rob came over and said, “Do you mind if I sit here?”
Sophie went purple in the face, Kate went a mild pink, but Martina just smiled.
“Sure, help yourself,” she said, shifting her bum along the bench so he could sit down next to her. The two girls looked at each other and giggled. Rob had sat very close to Martina.
“I never thought we’d get to do this again, so soon,” he said.
Martina just smiled at him, and started on her salad. The girls giggled again.
“Where did you meet?” Kate asked, rather jealous, as the girls generally accepted Rob as the best looking guy in their year.
“We’ve known each other a long time,” said Rob, carefully watching Martina, as he was uncertain how much to say.
“Rob and I met up again in the summer, I live in Dorset and he came and stayed in a hotel nearby. We met up on the beach, and had a lot of fun,” Martina said, with a knowing look at Rob.
“That’s not long,” said Sophie.
“I first met Rob when we were eight, but last summer was special,” Martina said. Keeping the information limited, but true.
“Oh. I see,” said Sophie, working out that they had known each other for six years.
A couple of other boys saw Rob sitting with the three girls. One, David Carter, turned to his friend, Harry Paterson, and said, “Who’s the new girl that Rob is chatting up?”
“I don’t know. I heard that there was a girl coming, she had to change schools as her parents are splitting up. I suppose that’s her,” Harry said.
“She’s gorgeous! She looks much older than fourteen. She has quite big tits,” David observed.
“Rob was muttering about a girl he knew. Apparently, they have known each other for ages. There was some connection with Rob’s last school. I think she must have been the sister of one of the boys or something,” Harry said.
“Cor, lucky old Rob. Let’s go and join them.” David said, and the two boys carried their trays to the table and joined the others.
Kate and Sophie were delighted that the boys joined them. This was the first term for all of them and, although they had been at school for three weeks or so, they still felt a bit awkward around each other. The boys and girls tended to segregate naturally into their gender groups. But this changed with the arrival of Martina.
Martina was one of the eldest girls in the year, with her birthday in October. Rob was a few weeks older than she, and they both looked much older than their ages.
The conversation seemed to flow naturally at the table. Martina was very relaxed and easy going, all of her new friends instantly warmed to her, and she felt that she had come home.
The Headmaster walked into the dining room and noticed the little mixed group. He glanced around, and saw that the rest of their year was still segregated, but a small breach had obviously just occurred. He noticed that the catalyst seemed to be Martina, and he smiled, just watching them for a moment.
Martina and Rob with their backs to the door, were unaware of his presence, and behaved like the old friends they were. There was much laughter and gaiety, and Marcus liked to see it. He observed that every now and again Martina and Rob would exchange deep glances and little smiles. The implications were quite clear, so Marcus smiled a wry smile. Martina was rather too tactile with Rob for being just a friend. At one point, she brushed a spec of dust of his shoulder, in a very proprietary and possessive manner.
He, on the other hand, only had eyes for her, and occasionally brushed her hair from her face. This was a couple to watch, Marcus thought. Although, he couldn’t blame young Alexander, as she really was a delightful girl, he noted that there was already chemistry between them. He wondered how the poor child had ever managed with the dreadful mistake. He took it as a mark of her character that she was so well adjusted.
He walked over to the group, just as Martina was doing a Dolly Parton impression. It really was jolly good, and the others were all in fits of laughter.
The laughter stopped abruptly as he approached, and he was sad.
“Don’t let me interrupt you. I’m glad that you seem to be settling in, Martina. Is everything all right?” he asked.
The others all looked guilty or embarrassed, but not Martina. She simply looked round, smiled and said, “Oh, Mr Brady. Yes, thank you, sir. Everything is fine. I’m really happy to be here!”
Marcus actually believed her. She was so honest and open, he felt the warmth of her smile, and her joy was contagious. He looked at the little group, noting a subtle change had come over them. They were more relaxed, and beginning to inter-relate properly. It was as if Martina had arrived and instantly swept all the barriers away. He felt that this was confirmation that he had made the right decision to offer her a place, despite the potential baggage she brought with her.
“Jolly good. By the way, that was a very good impression.”
“Thanks. I have had practice,” she said.
“Well, we will have to get you involved with the drama group.” Marcus said.
“I’d like that a lot.” she said.
Marcus smiled, and moved on to another group.
The group finished their meal, and stacked their empty dishes. They filed out of the dining room, to find that it had started to rain.
“I have to get back to house, now,” said Rob.
Martina looked at him. The others all left them to it, running through the rain back to their respective houses.
“Thanks for coming,” he said.
“Thanks for being here,” she replied.
“We have got to be careful, there are rules about mixing,” he said.
“Let’s not mix, then. Let’s just fuck,” she said, very quietly.
He laughed.
“Seriously, we do have to be careful,” he repeated.
She looked at her feet, and then at him.
“Oh, I know. I was just teasing. Also, we have to make sure our stories are right,” she said.
“What, about before, and you know what?” he asked.
“Rob, I’ve taken shit all my life! I want to make sure you’re kept clear. As far as you know what is concerned, it’s simple — I’m a girl, I always have been.”
“I know that,” he interrupted.
“Wait, I hadn’t finished. As far as the version that the Headmaster knows, I have always been a girl, but due to a medical cock up, I was wrongly identified as being a boy at birth. Due to an enlarged clitoris, or something, and it only came to light at puberty. But this story only goes out if I’m outed, so to speak. Is that clear?” she asked.
Rob nodded.
“Otherwise we stick to the story that I had a brother at Halsey House, and we met there. It’s still the truth, as I’ve had four brothers at Halsey House and I did meet you there. Also, I will say that we were in the plays together. Lot’s of schools get in girls to play the girls’ parts. Besides, we need to be clear that no lies are ever told. Once a lie is told, we’ll get caught out, so always the truth, but maybe not all the truth. Okay?” she said.
Rob smiled and looked around. He took her hand.
“I do love you, and I’m so glad you’re here!”
“I am too, now we’d better go. I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you too,” Martina said, and was off running through the rain. Rob was left standing there; he slowly turned and walked back to his house, a very content young man.
The days passed, and Martina settled in very quickly. She was sharing her dorm with Kate, Sophie, a girl called Natalie and Maria. There was one bed unused in the room.
The girls became very good friends, and as the term progressed, they all began to look up to Martina who seemed to be the natural leader. She was certainly more mature, both physically and emotionally. She was also the brightest, academically. Indeed, she was probably the brightest in her year, but she had such humility about her that it was not an issue. There were only ten girls in the year, and fifty boys.
They were approaching half term, and she was an established central figure in the year, yet it was as if she had been there from the start. All the teachers, without exception, found her a delight to have in a class, and she charmed everyone she met.
She watched Rob play rugby, so was always there to cheer him on. He had been made captain of the Junior Colts, and for the first time in many years that the school had a team that started consistently winning!
She was introduced to netball, hockey and lacrosse. She enjoyed netball and hockey, but never really got the hang of lacrosse. But she threw herself into everything with enormous enthusiasm, even if her level of skill was still not brilliant.
The school drama teacher, a Mr Cooper, approached her one break time.
She was standing talking with a group of friends, and he came up to her.
”Martina, the Headmaster tells me that you have had some experience with drama.”
“Yes sir, I’ve been in a play and a musical. And we wrote, produced and starred in our own revue.”
“I’m impressed. What was the musical?” he asked.
“Oklahoma,” she said.
“Really? Which part did you have, Laurey?” he asked.
“Yes, sir.”
“You obviously have a good voice. I’m putting together a musical for Christmas. I want to do Jesus Christ Superstar. There is only one female role, so I need a Mary Magdalene. Can you come to the theatre after lunch and we can give you a trial?”
“Yes, sir. I’d love to.”
“Good, about one thirty then,” he said, and left.
She got to the theatre, half hoping that Rob would be there, but he wasn’t involved with the production. The main male parts had gone to boys in the upper and lower sixths. They weren’t really boys any more, as they were all seventeen or older and shaved three times a day!
She walked in, and Mr Cooper waved her down to the front. About fifteen of these older lads were there. Some were in the cast, the others were musicians or props and scene changers. The room went quiet, and she felt very self-conscious.
“Do you know the role?” Mr Cooper asked.
“I have heard the songs, but I would have to learn them from scratch,” she said.
He gave her a song sheet, and said, “Have a go, this is ‘I don’t know how to love him’. I will ask Richard to play the tune through, and then you have a go. Okay?”
She nodded and looked at the words on the page. She didn’t read music very well, but she remembered the song from the record at home.
Richard Wells, the music teacher, played the melody on the piano, and Martina followed it on the sheet. When he finished, she looked at him and nodded.
He started the introduction, and she counted herself in. She started right on cue, and sang her heart out, bringing all the emotion she could to the song.
The music and the song came to a climax, and ended. There was silence in the small theatre. Martina thought she must have made a mess of it. Then as she looked about, she noticed that some of these large, hairy, rugby players were almost crying!
Mr Cooper and Richard stood and applauded, and gradually everyone else in the room joined in. Martina went very red and smiled demurely.
“What can I say? Martina that was perfect, no, it was better than perfect. I am astonished. Where did you learn to sing like that?” Richard Wells asked.
“Nowhere, really. I sang a little at my last school, but no more than anyone else. I sang in Oklahoma once and do some Country and Western Numbers. But I have had no formal training,” she replied.
“Martina, if you sing like that, with no training, just think what you could achieve with training,” he said.
“Was it alright?” she asked.
“Alright? Martina that was brilliant! The part is yours,” said a beaming Mr Cooper. He turned to the rest of the cast, and said, “What do you think lads, should she get the part?”
There was a huge cheer, so Martina went very red. She became the main female member of the cast, with a couple in the crowd.
Martina was back on the stage, and loved every minute of it. Rob became slightly jealous, until he realised that she didn’t have to kiss anyone. She had a few songs to learn so she would play the record over time and time again. It drove her friends mad, but they knew that it wouldn’t be for long.
Work and sports went on as usual, and half term arrived. It was possible to go home every weekend, but as Rob rarely went, Martina stayed to be with him. Besides, it was a long drive for Jenny to come all the way from Dorset, just for a couple of days.
Half term was a week, from Saturday to Sunday, and Martina was looking forward to going home.
On the Thursday before, she found Rob looking miserable, and asked him what the problem was.
“My parents have had to go to the States. My Gran lives in America and she has been taken ill. So I will either stay here or go to David’s for half term,” he told her.
“You could always come and stay with me,” she said.
His eyes lit up. “Really?”
“Of course, why didn’t you ask me earlier?”
“I’ve only just come off the phone. You’re the first to know, and I didn’t want to presume,” he said.
“Oh, don’t be such an arse! You know we’d love to have you. I’ll ring Mummy. Wait there.” She ran off to the phone box.
Martina came running back a few minutes later.
“There, no problem. Mummy will ring the Headmaster, and tell him that that’s fine. This will be fun,” she said, with a huge smile.
On the Saturday, the parents started arriving at noon. Martina was watching for her mother’s Mercedes, so was completely shaken to see her brother, Peter, pull up in a Volvo.
With her heart in her mouth, she went out to meet him. She was wearing home clothes, so had on a pair of very tight jeans, a tee shirt and a denim jacket. She had put on some makeup, which was banned from every day school.
He was standing by the car. She stopped and looked at him. He turned, saw her, and smiled.
“Well, well. Look at you. Haven’t you changed? You look really good, Martina, really good,” he said.
At that moment, Sophie walked past.
“Bye Martina, have a great time,” she said.
“Yeah, same to you Sophie. I’ll see you in a week.”
Peter came up the path and took her holdall. He was actually quite shocked, in a pleasant way. Jenny had told him about the mix-up and all the traumas which had occurred, so he imagined all kinds of things.
The last thing he expected was a very pretty and self-assured girl to meet him.
“Hi Peter. I haven’t seen you for ages. How’s Rebecca?” Martina said, as they put the stuff in the boot.
“She is fine. We’re engaged, did Mum tell you?” he said.
“Yes, she told me. When’s the big day?” She asked.
“We haven’t decided yet, Rebecca doesn’t want to wait too long, but I need to sort out where I’m going to specialise first.”
She noticed him staring at her breasts.
“I’m not the Marti you remember then?” she said.
He met her eyes, and reddened slightly.
“This is going to take some getting used to,” he admitted, his eyes flicking back to her breasts.
“If you remember that my eyes are up here, you should do better,” she said, with a smile.
“Huh? Sorry. As I said, this is not easy,” he replied, and got into the car.
She got in next to him, and pulled the seat belt across, ensuring the strap went comfortably between her breasts. She caught him looking at them again.
“Peter! I’m your sister, okay?”
“Sorry,” he muttered and started the car. “Now, where is this friend you are bringing home?” he asked.
She directed him to Leeds House.
“Why are you picking me up? Is Mummy okay?” she asked.
“Mum is fine, I was heading down for the weekend, so I volunteered to pick you up. She will bring you both back.”
“Oh,” she said.
“How did you cope?” he asked.
“With what? Being a boy, or being a girl?” she asked.
“Either, both, the whole thing. It must have been awful,” he said.
They pulled up outside Leeds House.
“Parts of being a boy were fine, but most of it was a bloody nightmare. Now, it’s like a dream come true. Okay?” she said, and got out to find Rob.
Peter watched her as she went to the door. A group of lads were hanging around, and they all smiled at her and called her by name. She joked and laughed with them. Peter could see absolutely nothing of the little brother he had hardly known. This was a complete stranger, and a very attractive one at that.
A tall, sturdy looking boy came out of the door. He was about six feet tall, and broad. He was carrying a holdall, and was wearing jeans and a pullover. He had short dark hair, and a ready smile. Peter saw the smile widen and the eyes soften as he noticed Martina.
She waved at the boys and headed back towards the car, with the tall boy in tow. She opened the boot, and he put in the bag.
“You get in the front, as you have longer legs than me.” Peter heard her say.
The boy got into the front passenger seat, and Martina got in the back. She sat in the middle, leaned forward and rested both elbows on the backs of the front seats.
“Pete, this is my good friend Rob Alexander. Robbie, this is my brother Peter. He’s a doctor, and is going to marry a girl called Rebecca. And before you ask, Pete, Rob has known me for nearly six years. Okay?” Martina sat back.
“Hello Rob, it’s nice to meet you. Right, have either of you forgotten anything?” Peter asked.
There was no reply, so they took off.
Conversation was light and sporadic on the way. Rob felt a little awkward, as he was aware that Peter had yet to really get to know his new sister. Martina acted as if there was nothing to worry about, and kept up a delightful patter for most of the journey.
They passed a pub, and Martina craned her neck to see if she could see a certain soldier.
“What’s the matter?” Peter asked.
“Nothing. I just picked up a soldier in that pub!” she said.
“Twice!” added Rob, with a grin. She had told him all about it.
Peter shook his head, as this was a bizarre experience!
They arrived home at about 4 o’clock. Jenny came out to meet them.
Martina ran and gave her a big hug, and then Rob shook her hand.
“Nice to see you, Rob. Martina, I put Rob in Mark’s old room, okay?” Jenny said.
Martina grinned, as she knew that Mark’s room was right next to hers.
“And no hanky panky. I know how your mind works, my girl!” she said with a smile.
She watched Martina take Rob inside. Peter came and gave her a hug.
“How are you keeping, mum?” he asked.
“I better now. I think we are over the worst,” she said.
“Was it bad — Martin to Martina?” he asked. Jenny looked at him in surprise.
“Martina? No, she has been simply wonderful. No, I’m talking about your father. Martina has been a delight and a great support,” Jenny said.
“Good, I’m pleased. How about Dad, have you heard from him?” he asked.
“Only through his solicitor. He is squirming, and trying to renege on the financial deal we had arranged. It seems that he has lost a lot of capital in the stock market, so is facing problems,” she told him.
“So what will happen?”
“Oh, I don’t think I have a problem, but he is screwed, plain and simple. It’s all rather dirty and nasty, I’d so much prefer an amicable arrangement, but he decided to be difficult. He thought by making things difficult for me, I’d back off and let him keep his precious money, but it’s only made me more determined to fight my corner, particularly for Martina’s sake,” she said, as they went indoors.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you. I didn’t know,” he said.
“Martina was here. As I said, she has been great.” Jenny heard a great peal of laughter coming from Martina, somewhere up stairs.
“It’s a hell of a thing, mum.” Peter said.
“No, Peter, it’s a bloody miracle. That’s what it is,” she said.
“She looks so natural, so happy. I can’t really believe that she’s the same person,” he said. “And we seem to have acquired a boyfriend along the way. It is really all very unreal,” he said.
“Martina is certainly unusual. Did she tell you about the soldiers?” Jenny asked.
“She mentioned that she picked one up in a pub. Rob said something about, twice?” he said.
“He was a very sweet boy. Drove a tank or something. He thought I was her sister, imagine? Your sister has this affect on men. They all want to fall at her feet and worship her. Don’t ask me why, but I can see I’m going to have my hands full,” Jenny said.
The two young people came back downstairs, so everyone congregated in the kitchen for a cup of tea. They sat around the table, where Rob immediately noticed the special relationship that Martina had with her mother.
“What are you two going to do this half term?” Jenny asked.
Martina shrugged, but watched Peter very carefully. Jenny was aware that she was about to say something outrageous, so she watched Rob.
“Oh, I don’t know, I thought we’d just make love a lot!” she said casually, as if she was planning to go to the movies, or something.
Peter spluttered into his coffee, spraying half the table with it.
Rob went a deep red colour, grinned, and looked out the window, while Martina burst into peals of laughter.
“Oh, Peter, if you could have seen your face, it was brilliant,” she said.
“Very funny,” he said, mopping up the coffee. He looked at his mother who was also laughing. “I suppose you saw that coming?” he asked.
Jenny was laughing too much to respond, so she just nodded. His indignant face made her laugh even more. Peter could not remember the last time he had heard his mother laugh, so very soon he joined them.
“Seriously, I haven’t a clue. What do you want to do Rob?” Martina asked.
“I don’t mind, anything,” he said, “Although I rather liked the sound of the first suggestion.”
They all convulsed into laughter again, but Jenny realised that Rob was quite a strong person, in his own right.
“I have a surprise for you, Martina. You know you told me I shouldn’t be lonely? Well come with me,” Jenny said, heading for the back door.
“Oh, Mummy, you haven’t got a man locked in the coal hole have you?” Martina said, and all four of them started laughing again.
The two of them went out, and Peter looked at Rob.
“It’s a bit mad here, I’m sorry,” he said.
“I’m used to it. I think I must be a little mad myself,” Rob replied.
“You’re Scottish?” Peter asked.
“Yes, Edinburgh. May parents were living near Oxford, but they moved back up North about three years ago. That’s why I was at Halsey House, and down for Broughton Hall.” he said.
“What do you think of all that Martina has been through, honestly?” Peter asked.
Rob looked at his fingers, but then met the man’s eyes.
“I’ve known Martina since we both went to Halsey House. We have been friends since the first few weeks. I’ve known she was a girl long before anyone else. She knew, right from the start, but couldn’t tell anyone, as who would have believed her?
“As a boy she appeared weak and feeble, but I knew underneath she was a very strong person. To have gone through what she has, she had to be strong! When at last she was able to be herself, it is like the dawn of summer. She is my best friend, and I love her to bits,” Rob said, looking at his hands again.
Peter felt embarrassed, as he noted that the boy was almost in tears. He stood up and rested his hand on Rob’s shoulders.
“Thanks. I can tell that was hard. I’m sure she couldn’t have gone through it without you!” Peter said.
Martina came back in, and she was carrying something.
“Rob, look! Mummy has bought a puppy,” she said.
She held a tiny puppy, a little Jack Russell Terrier, about six or seven weeks old. He had a dark brown head, and a white body, with a brown splodge at the base of his tail. He was looking rather sleepy, but interested in what was going on around him.
The next couple of hours were spent playing with the puppy, and of everyone trying to come up with a suitable name for him.
Martina eventually decided on ‘Turbo’, as that seemed most appropriate. He only had two speeds, turbo charged and asleep, and he could go from one to the other in a second!
Peter offered to take everyone out for a meal that evening, so they planned to go to a very fine fish restaurant in Swanage. Martina went to change, while Rob helped Jenny wash up some cups and things. Peter had to make some phone calls, so Jenny had Rob all to herself for a while.
”Thank you, again, for being such a good friend to Martina. I know how important you are to her,” Jenny said.
“It really is no trouble. She means a lot to me too,” he said, feeling a little uncomfortable.
“Oh, Rob. Things seem so different these days. You are all growing up so much quicker. I really worry about Martina, as she is so vulnerable, even though she seems so confident.”
“She’s not stupid,” Rob said, wondering where this was heading.
“No, she’s not stupid, but she’s very new at being a woman. I don’t mean a girl. We both know she has always been a girl, but I mean a woman. She has blossomed, almost overnight, into a mature young woman, with a woman’s heart, soul and sex drive. She is fourteen and more sexually aware than I was at twenty-one!” Jenny said.
Ah. Thought Rob, I thought so - Sex!
“Please, Rob, allow her to walk before she starts running, if you know what I mean. You’re her friend, and I suspect a lot more. Don’t let her do anything you both would come to regret. Please?” Jenny pleaded.
“I promise, Mrs Col…Bennett. I promise,” said Rob, highly embarrassed.
“Oh, call me Jenny. I’ll probably end up as your mother-in-law, so we might as well be friends as well,” she said, and Rob laughed.
“Thanks, Jenny. I’d never do anything to hurt her. I do love her,” Rob said, amazed at himself.
“So do I, Rob, so do I. Now we had better change as well,” Jenny said.
Rob went up to his bedroom and opened his holdall. He took out and put on his only decent shirt, and found a tie. He slipped on a pair of black trousers and a dark jacket. He brushed his hair, and was just tidying up when he heard a noise at his window.
He went to the window, to find that it was a French window that opened onto a large balcony. There on the other side of the window was Martina, grinning at him.
He opened the window and she rushed in. She was in her underwear.
“It’s bloody cold out there,” she complained, quietly.
“What are you doing?” he said.
“This!” she said, flinging her arms around his neck and kissing him.
Several moments later, she released him.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for weeks,” she said. She lifted her arms up and spun around. She had only her white bra, knickers and a pair of stockings held up by a white suspender belt. Rob felt definite movement in his trouser department, and found his collar had suddenly become tight.
“You look, very, very,…. Martina, you look fucking gorgeous,” Rob said, holding out his hands to her. “How the fuck am I supposed to keep my promise to your mum?”
Martina seemed to melt into his arms, and they kissed again.
“What have you promised mummy?” she asked.
“I promised I would let you walk before you ran,” he said.
“How about kneeling?” she said.
“What?” he said, perplexed.
She undid his trousers and knelt down. The next thing he knew she had taken his cock out and had placed her lips around it. He held the back of her head, and she took most of it all the way in. He was not long! She kept her lips tight, and he slid in and out of her mouth. He got faster and faster, until he felt himself coming, he said, “I’m coming!” And she only took him in deeper.
With several shudders, he came in her mouth, and she swallowed all his fluid. She licked him clean, and put him back in his trousers. Then she stood up and kissed him. He could taste himself in her mouth.
“Yup! Salty,” she said, and kissed him again.
“I’d better get changed then,” she said, and went back out the window.
Rob sat on the bed. He couldn’t believe what had just happened. He was sexually ignorant, so had never imagined doing what had just taken place.
The rest of the evening passed as a vague blur for poor Rob. Martina and Jenny both looked very glamorous in their dresses, although Martina was showing an indecent amount of leg.
Peter could not really believe that Martina was the same person as Martin, and kept looking at her cleavage.
Martina was witty and chatty, and teased her brother every time she caught him looking at her breasts.
Rob just couldn’t forget what had taken place in his bedroom. He began to look forward to the week with a new perspective.
After the meal, they all went back to the house, and Jenny and Peter retired for the night. Ron and Martina sat together on the sofa, and watched the late film. The rest of the house was silent.
It wasn’t long before he felt her fingers at his zip. He took her hand, and held it.
“My turn!” he said.
She smiled, and opened her legs. He then noticed that she had taken her knickers off, and only had the stockings and suspender belt on under her dress.
“What are you like?” he said.
He knelt on the rug, and looked at her perfect vagina, with its light fuzz of golden blonde hair. He gently touched it, and she moaned softly. He opened the lips and saw the light pink beyond, a pearl of moisture was hanging from one of her light hairs. He slowly slid his finger into the moist and warm tunnel, and she squirmed in pleasure.
“I’ve never done this before.” he admitted. “You will have to tell me what you like.”
She said nothing, but took his hand, and showed him the little round spot just on the outer top of her opening. He gently rubbed it and she moaned louder.
He leaned forward and gently probed around the little cherry with his tongue. She almost screamed, and grabbed his head in both her hands.
He found her taste and smell intoxicating, so he started to lick her harder. She moaned and squirmed and all of a sudden he found a gush of liquid came form her, and then another. She shuddered, but he kept going, inserting his fingers inside her, and thrusting deeper and deeper. She gave another little scream, and arched her back.
“Oh Rob, Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh My God! YES! Argh!. Rob, Rob, Oh Rob, Rob - Argh!” Martina was writhing and panting, great shudders wracked her body, until finally, she took his hand and pulled him out of her.
“Stop. Rob. I can’t take any more just now,” she said. She passed him a tissue box.
“Clean yourself up, you seem to have me all over your face,” she giggled.
He wiped himself down and then he sat next to her, kissing her, letting her taste her own juices that were still on his face.
She kissed him, and they held each other close.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Mmm, that was amazing,” she said. “I think I came about ten times!”
“How, no, where did you learn about this?” he asked, not sure if he wanted to know.
“You know I read a lot, well some of the books are more descriptive than others,” she said, with a sly smile.
“Oh! The film has finished,” he said.
“What film?” she asked.
Rob laughed and shook his head.
“Let’s go to bed.” he said.
“Good idea, come on,” she said.
“No Martina, separate beds,” he said.
“Spoilsport,” she said, and kissed him again.
They went quietly up stairs, where she kissed him goodnight and went into her room.
Rob went into his room and got undressed. He stood for a moment, and gazed at his erection. He felt a draught on his back and noticed the window was open. He walked over and shut it.
He turned round and saw Martina in his bed. She held up the covers, and he saw she was naked. He swallowed and jumped in next to her.
They held each other, exploring, touching and caressing, his erection threatened to explode. She laid him on his back and started to kiss him all over.
He had one hand on her vagina and he gently stroked it. She kissed his cock and balls, and she then started rubbing her breasts on them. Then she swung her legs over him and he found her soft little tunnel was right in front of his face. She took his cock into her mouth, and started to rock back and forwards. He held her waist, and buried his tongue in her.
They came together, and finally they subsided next to each other, completely spent. He just held her. His mind was in a whirl, he had expected to become close to her, but not this far, this quickly!
“I can’t believe we just did that,” he said.
“Didn’t you like it?” she asked.
“I loved it, it was brilliant, but I still can’t quite believe it,” he said, with a huge smile on his face.
“If that was good, do you think full sex is even better?” she asked.
“I expect so, but let’s not try, yet,” he said, with half a mind on consequences.
“Do you think we can run yet?” she asked.
He just laughed, and they went to sleep in each other’s arms.
Rob woke as the radio alarm came on. It was eight o’clock. He sat up, naked and alone. He wondered if it had all been a dream. He put on his shorts and wandered out looking for the bathroom. He looked out the window on the landing and saw Jenny outside, in the garden with the puppy.
“Morning Rob!”
He turned round and saw Peter, dressed and on his way downstairs.
“Morning. Where’s the bathroom?” he asked. All the doors looked alike, and he was confused.
Peter pointed, so Ron thanked him.
Rob went into the large and well-appointed bathroom, and had a pee.
He looked at his penis, which looked none-the-worse this morning.
“Well, old man, how are you this morning?” he said.
“Do you normally talk to your genitals?” said Martina, who stood by the door. She was wearing a very flimsy nightie.
Rob jumped in surprise.
“Oh Rob, don’t pee all over the floor,” she said, walking into the bathroom.
He had to finish what he had started.
“Martina, you’re a tart!” he said.
She simply smiled and kissed him.
“Fancy a shower?” she said.
“What about your mum?” he asked.
“You can ask her, but I think she already had one,” she said.
“No, you know what I mean. Won’t she mind?” he asked.
“Probably, but at least we aren’t going to fuck. Do you want one or not?” she asked.
He smiled, “You know I do,” he said.
They stripped off and got into the large shower. They enjoyed lathering the soap over each other, and it was not long before they were both aroused.
She soaped his cock and rubbed him until he came all over her, as he rubbed her. Then they had to wash again.
It was nine o’clock by the time they went down for breakfast.
Peter wanted help to fix the trellis in the vegetable garden, so Rob went off and helped.
Martina was in the kitchen when Jenny came in with Turbo.
“Did you sleep well?” she asked her daughter.
“Yes thanks.”
“Was the film any good?” Jenny asked.
Martina grinned, so Jenny rolled her eyes.
“If I did want to go on the pill. How do I go about it?” Martina asked.
Jenny turned from the sink and looked at her daughter.
“How far did you two get last night?” she asked.
“Salty!” said Martina, with a knowing little smile.
“Oh, dear God! Martina, what can I do with you? You’re only fourteen, for heaven’s sake,” Jenny said.
“And multiple orgasms are the business,” she said with a grin.
“I asked Rob to be careful,” said Jenny, looking stern.
“It wasn’t Rob, Mummy, it was me. He was just putty in my hands, bless him. He was wonderful, and kept trying to back off. No Mummy, this is all my doing. I actually think I could get by without, you know, doing it, but I don’t know for how long,” she admitted.
“Can you last the year?” Jenny asked.
“Probably,” said Martina, a little doubtfully.
“Then for your fifteenth birthday, we shall take you to the doctor. Okay?”
“Oh, by the way, congratulations, as you are now officially female!” said Jenny, showing Martina the new Birth certificate that had been sent through the post.
“I found that out last night. But it is nice to have it in writing,” said a very mature fourteen-year-old.
“Martina, I know all this freedom is heady stuff, but you must learn to be responsible. You’re dealing with other people here, their emotions their feelings. You must take care. You may feel like the centre of the universe, but actually you aren’t! You owe Rob that.”
Martina looked at Jenny for a long time, and then she nodded. She looked down, and then she said, “Can we make that my sixteenth birthday then, Mummy? I can at least say that I outlasted my mother!”
The two women laughed and hugged.
The rest of the half term went very quickly. Peter returned to his surgery on the Monday, and the young couple spent all the time with each other. Rob was quite grateful that they never repeated he first night’s activity, as Martina was beginning to intimidate him slightly. Although they did have a shower together every morning.
On the following Friday they cycled into Swanage for the morning. They had a snack lunch and went to the cinema in the afternoon. They were just coming out of the cinema, when they heard a female voice above the general noise.
Martina turned and saw Amanda. Caroline was nowhere to be seen
“Hi Amanda, where’s Caroline?” Martina asked.
“Oh, she has gone off on a piano weekend.” She noticed Rob. “Who’s your friend?”
“Amanda Cartwright, this is Rob Alexander. Rob is my boyfriend,” Marina said, without batting an eyelid.
Amanda’s jaw fell open, and she was speechless.
“Hello Amanda,” said Rob, trying hard not to laugh.
Amanda grabbed Martina by the arm and whispered to her, “Does he know, about, you know what?”
Martina stopped Amanda.
“Amanda, you have known me a long time ago, so you and Caroline have always known about me, but I can tell you that there was a mistake. You were right all along - I never was a boy! I am now and always have been a female. I have a vagina, just like you, I have boobs, slightly bigger than yours, by the look of them. I now have a boyfriend, whom I love very much, and with whom I will probably have lots of babies. Now Rob has known me for six years, and he would never lie. Rob, am I a girl?”
“No Martina, you must stop fooling yourself. You are not a girl, you are all woman,” Rob said. “I should know!”
Amanda looked at her friend, as she had seen Martin since he was very young, she had seen the worm. She still needed convincing.
“Rob, be a love and wait for me. This won’t take long,” Martina took Amanda by the arm, and they went back into the cinema, heading for the ladies loo.
Rob was standing in the same spot when they came out. Amanda was doing goldfish impressions.
“Did you have the operation?” Amanda asked.
“No Amanda, I’m legally, physically, psychologically and completely female. I was the subject of a very rare condition, which only sorted itself out recently. I am, what I have always know, a girl!” Martina said.
They left Amanda gawping after them, and headed home.
The next morning Martina felt awful, and when she pulled back her duvet she screamed.
Rob came rushing in to find Jenny already with Martina. There was blood everywhere, so he was really worried.
“What’s the matter, shall I call a doctor?” he said.
“Rob, it’s all fine. Martina is now completely a woman. Do you understand?” Jenny said.
It dawned slowly on Rob, and he became embarrassed, so he left them to it.
Martina came down for breakfast in a very subdued state. She had on a pair of jeans and her big fluffy sweater. She had put on a little make up, but looked miserable.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
She nodded and poured herself a strong black coffee.
She sat down next to him and snuggled up to him. He put his arm around her shoulders.
“Is it bad?” he asked.
“Not brilliant,” she said.
“A bummer,” he said, and she laughed, weakly.
“Do you want breakfast?” he asked.
She shook her head. “Just hold me,” she said.
He was happy to oblige.
Jenny came in, carrying the soiled sheets and bedclothes. She put them into the washing machine.
“Well this is one task I never thought I’d do,” she announced.
“Whoop-de-doo,” said a very sarcastic Martina.
Jenny laughed.
“Well, get used to it, girl, because every twenty-eight days, you’re going to have this little pleasure. The only exception will be when you are pregnant,” she told her daughter.
“Rob, Take me upstairs and give me a good seeing to. I want to be pregnant,” said Martina.
They all laughed, rather uneasily.
That day was spent at home taking things easy. Turbo thought all the attention was wonderful.
Jenny watched the two young people, as they threw a small ball on the lawn for the energetic Turbo. Rob was a very sensitive boy, who was devoted to Martina. Jenny came to appreciate his quiet strength. It can’t have been easy for him, and he must have been very strong to stand by her through all the problems.
He was patient and tender, and Jenny guessed would have waited forever for Martina. Jenny thought it was a shame that they were both so young.
The telephone rang, and Jenny answered it. It was Susan. Jenny listened for a while, and started to smile.
Finally, she interrupted her friend.
“Sue, stop! Let me explain. Amanda is not mistaken. It seems we all were. Apart from Martina, that is. She knew what the rest of us didn’t.
“It seems that she had a rare condition which caused a mistake in gender identification. So what we all thought was impossible turned out possible, and Martin was in fact Martina all along.”
Jenny listened for a few moments.
“Look Sue, why don’t you come over? Bring Amanda too, Martina is still here with her boyfriend. She is feeling a bit rough, poor girl, she’s got the curse.”
“Right, we will see you in a few minutes. Bye.”
Susan must have broken the speed limit, for she arrived in a spray of gravel a few minutes later.
Jenny was in the kitchen when Sue and Amanda came straight in.
Sue was bursting to find out the truth.
“Hi Sue, Amanda. How are you?” Jenny asked, filling up the kettle.
“Come on Jenny, tell me everything! Where is the poor girl?” Sue asked.
“She is in the garden with Turbo and Rob.” Jenny said.
“Who on earth is Turbo?” Sue asked, just as the little person in question shot through the opening back door, and skidded across the floor.
“That is Turbo,” said Jenny.
Martina and Rob were close behind the little puppy.
Martina saw Amanda first, and then saw Sue.
“Hi Amanda, Aunty Sue. Mummy, where did Turbo get to?” she asked.
“I think he is in the pile of dirty washing in the utility room.” she said.
Martina disappeared after the dog, and Sue was shattered. The change was really profound. She could hardly believe that Martina was the same person.
She noticed Rob for the first time. She saw a tall, very good-looking boy, who looked about sixteen, or perhaps older. Jenny introduced him to her.
“Rob, this is my good friend and incredibly nosey neighbour, Susan Cartwright. You have met Amanda already. Sue this fine young man has been Martina’s rock throughout her whole traumatic ordeal. His name is Rob Alexander, and he is a real gem!”
“Hello Rob. Where did you meet Martina?” Sue asked.
“We were at prep school together, I’ve known her for six years.” he said.
“Has she had a really hard time?” she asked.
“I think some of the time was harder than others. The worst was pretty awful, but there were good times. She always knew she was a girl, and I believed her. It seems we were right,” he said with a smile. He had a lovely smile, and Sue thought that Martina was lucky to have him.
Martina returned with a wriggling puppy, and Amanda was at her side in a flash. They sat on the floor, and played with the dog.
Sue watched them for a moment. The she asked Martina, “I understand you have a visitor?”
“Oh yes, isn’t it a drag? But as I said to the doctor, it’s a small price to pay,” Martina said.
“So you are completely fine, completely normal?” she asked.
“Yup, fit, flirty and fertile,” she said with a grin at her mother.
“So, how on earth could they make such a mistake?” Sue asked. “I was under the impression that Martin was a normal little boy, you know, down there?” she asked.
Martina laughed at the question, and shrugged. “I’m not sure, but the only alternative is that it did it by itself overnight! And no one thinks that can happen. Besides, we found this bit in an old medical book, which seems to fit my case. The doctor thinks that a hormone imbalance caused an extra growth of parts of the female anatomy, which somehow looked so much like a willy and stuff, so I was thought be a male. When my oestrogen kicked in at puberty, the effect was reversed and Martina is your aunty!”
“Was it very hard being a boy?” Amanda asked.
“It was murder! Being a girl is so easy, but then I never was a boy, was I?” she asked.
“So what was the hardest part?” Amanda asked, very interested.
To everyone’s surprise, it was Rob who answered.
“The hardest part was trying to fit into a world as something she didn’t want to be. It was trying to live a lie, and having to step away from things she loved and wanted. Wasn’t it?” he said.
Martina looked at him with such a tender expression, that Sue found tears well up in her eyes.
“That’s absolutely right. There was this time I was in this play, and I was playing the leading female role, so I had all these lovely clothes, my hair was long, I wore make up and padding. Everyone said I really looked like a real girl. I even tricked the headmaster,” she had to stop to giggle.
“Anyway, I had Rob opposite me as the leading man, and we really hit it off. I felt like the person I should have been, but every night I had to change back and be something I didn’t want to be,” she paused as Turbo tried to eat her finger. She passed him to Amanda, who was only too happy to take him.
“I think I fell in love with Rob then, and I couldn’t do anything about it. I knew who I really was, but to the world I was something else, and that made me a freak for feeling what I did.”
“But I had help. There was a really nice lady called Hilda, who immediately saw me for what I thought I was. The Headmaster’s wife was clueless, but very nice. My drama teacher was sympathetic, but I think he fancied me! And then there was Rob. Rob was always there for me. He spent most of his time completely confused, and didn’t know his arse from his elbow. He went through his own traumas, and, bless him, he is still here. I couldn’t have done it without him. And Mummy, of course! What other mum, would buy her son girl’s clothes just because it made him happy?”
They all laughed, but the mood was rather sombre. None of them had really any concept of how hard Martina’s life had been.
Sue and Amanda stayed for lunch, and Rob felt that he was no longer an outsider anymore. Amanda and Martina went off and talked girl’s things, so lacking an interest in such things, Rob was more than happy to let them go. He sat in the kitchen, where, for the first time in his short life, he conversed with two older and mature women on their level, and was treated as an equal.
Sue was staggered to find out he was only fourteen.
“You look so much older. What was the hardest time for you?” Sue asked him
“I think when my brain told me that she was a boy, my heart told me she was a girl, and I feared for my own sexuality. I found myself with strong feelings for someone, and it appeared that she was a boy, and yet she wasn’t. I couldn’t show my feelings, I couldn’t talk about it to anyone, so I went through a terrible period of self-doubt. I didn’t know what it was to be in love and I was pretty miserable. I didn’t want her to get hurt, and it was awful.
“Then I saw how much more unhappier she was. It made my problems seem small by comparison. You shouldn’t have to put up with these things when you are twelve or thirteen. You should be enjoying your childhood; you should be running around with your friends. Martina was robbed of much of her childhood. That’s why she is trying to grow up so fast!”
“What do you mean?” Jenny asked.
“The plays were the catalyst. She had to play an eighteen-year-old girl. Now they found that she could look the part, so everyone encouraged her become what she thought she was. But they built her up as an eighteen year old, not a twelve year old. The problem was she wasn’t acting a girl, because she was a girl. But they couldn’t see that. She had to act every day, as a boy, but she was given two roles, a twelve-year-old boy, which she found hard, and an eighteen-year-old girl, which she found easy.
“In the latter role, she commanded respect, and even attention. She enjoyed the power she had over people, particularly men. She was truly in the limelight, and loved every minute. Deep within her that is where she wants to be,” he said.
Jenny and Sue looked at each other. Rob may be young, but he was very switched on.
“The other problem,” he continued, “is that she has the body of a fourteen-year-old and the mind of an eighteen-year-old. I have to be honest, she has grown up so fast in such a short time that it frightens me sometimes. She has to stop and enjoy the journey, rather than just rush to get to the other end.”
“Have you told her this?” Jenny asked.
“I’ve tried, but I now know that I love her so much, I just want her to be happy, just like you.”
The conversation had to stop, as the two girls returned.
“I bet you were talking about me,” Martina said.
“No actually, we found out how much Rob has been through, over the last few years,” said Sue.
“Oh,” Martina looked guilty. She stood behind Rob, who was still sitting on the kitchen chair, and put her arms around him.
“Robbie is always so strong, I forget he hurts too,” she said.
Sue was surprised to see her crying.
“Poor Robbie, you never deserved all this, did you?” Martina asked.
Rob held one of her hands. “It was worth the wait. But I shouldn’t ever like to repeat the experience,” he said. “If you ever change back, then forget it, you’re on your own!”
They all laughed, but the seriousness of the statement was clear.
Sue and Amanda left a short time later, so Jenny took her daughter aside. Rob was in the sitting room watching TV, but he could hear them in the kitchen. At one time, he heard raised voices, but they died down again. Then Martina ran through the hall and ran up stairs, slamming her bedroom door behind her.
Jenny came out after her, and then joined Rob in the sitting room.
“I know you are too young, but this has been a bloody long day. I’m having a gin and tonic, would you be a love, and join me?”
Rob grinned and accepted a small beer with pleasure.
“Can I ask what that was all about?” he asked.
Jenny sat on the sofa next to him. She took a long swig of her gin, and let out a deep sigh.
“I have been a single parent for the last twelve years, more or less. I know that I’ve made mistakes, and I may not have been a very good mother. Sometimes, I may have made things worse. But I never intended any harm. Martina is my most precious possession, and I want her to understand what being responsible really means. It means not using people, it means being patient and respecting wisdom. It means doing the right thing, even when you don’t want to do it!
“Now what she doesn’t know about sex probably isn’t worth knowing,” Jenny added, and Rob spluttered into his drink.
“But she knows very little about being a woman, so she needs to learn the basics before she attempts the advanced stuff.” Jenny took another sip.
“She tells me everything, and I love it, but she also needs to listen to advice,” Jenny said, and took another long pull from her glass.
“Everything?” Asked Rob.
Jenny looked at him and smiled.
“Yes, Rob, everything! She may be a tart, but she has a heart of gold!”
Rob went the colour of crimson.
“For example, the other day she asked me about going on the pill. We agreed that she would wait until she was sixteen. Now you and I both know that if she lasts that long it will be a bloody miracle. But it is a start!”
Rob couldn’t look at her.
“Rob, tell me honestly, if Martina had taken precautions, would you have made love to her?”
Rob laughed, a short and nervous laugh.
“Jenny, she hadn’t taken precautions, and I very nearly did! Luckily neither of us really knew what we were doing. But it was she who stopped, and it was she who kept her cool. She may be a tart, but she is not stupid!”
Jenny laughed.
“Thank you, Rob, you’re a true gentleman, and honest as the day is long.”
Jenny got up and went upstairs, and into Martina’s room.
Rob stayed on the sofa. He felt safer there.
About an hour later, they both came out, and Jenny went into the kitchen to make supper. Rob offered to help, but Jenny told him to look after Martina.
He found her on the sofa with Turbo.
“Hi, are you okay?” he asked.
She looked up, her eyes were red and she had obviously been crying. She nodded. She held up her hand and he took it, sitting down next to her.
She leant her head against his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Robbie. It was too far, too fast, wasn’t it?” she said.
“A little, but I enjoyed it,” he admitted.
“I just love being a girl, and it is all such a wonderful adventure. Mummy told me some of what you told her. You’re right, I did miss out on being a little girl.”
“I didn’t mean to say anything nasty, it was just the way I see things,” he said, feeling bad.
She put her arm across his chest, so he wrapped his arm round her shoulders and she snuggled in close to him.
“If I seem to be running again, can you tell me to slow down?” she asked.
“You know I will.”
“Thanks, Oh, Robbie, what would I do without you?”
“You’d manage, you’re a survivor. Anyone who can get through what you have will always survive,” he said.
The just sat for ages; the little puppy went asleep on his back on Martina’s lap, with his little legs in the air.
Jenny walked in and looked at them, smiled and walked out again.
A little later, she called them for supper, so they sat down for a rather subdued meal.
Martina was a little more herself when Jenny took them back to school. She got them back just after lunch. They had stopped at a pub in Woodstock for lunch. Rob told Martina not to pick up a soldier. She had retorted that the way she was feeling, she would be hard pushed to pick her nose.
Later, as Jenny drove home by herself, she contemplated her own future. Martina was settling down, and would indeed be flying her nest to build her own, only too soon. Jenny enrolled in a local dining club. What the hell, at least she would get out more!
They went into a cubicle, where Martina revealed all.
Chapter 7
Martina was the first back in her dorm. She unpacked some of the stuff she had. She had brought three framed photographs. There was one of her from Oklahoma, alone. Her favourite was the one of her dressed as the tart from the revue, when she sold the chair for eight pounds. The last one was of her mother.
She also had brought a laminated copy of the review of Oklahoma, which had been in the local paper, and it referred to her as Miss Marti Collins. Alongside that, she had a laminated copy of the programme from the first play. Again, where the misprint had her as Marti Collins.
She put the photographs round her bed and workspace, and put the laminates in her scrapbook. Then she went to the common room to watch TV.
It wasn’t long before some others arrived back, and she made her way back to the dorm. There was a small crowd around her bed, looking at her pictures and things.
Sophie saw her first.
“Hi Martina, did you have a nice half term?”
“Yes thanks, it was lovely, except for the last bit,” she replied.
“Why, what happened?” Sophie said.
“The curse happened. I woke up on Saturday with blood everywhere. It was all very nasty,” she said.
“Is that your first one?” Kate asked.
“I started when I was eleven,” Kate said, “but they aren’t too bad.”
There was a general discussion over things female for a few moments. Then Natalie pointed to the photographs.
“Where were those done? You look very good,” she asked.
“I got involved with some plays at the school. That one is me, in a production of Oklahoma, and that one was when I did a revue, and played a French tart. That’s my mum,” she said.
“Cor, you look very tarty! I like the clothes, are they yours, or just from the costume department?” asked Sophie.
“The skirt is mine, but the rest came from the school wardrobe,” she said.
“I like your hair like that, you look like Lisa Minelli in Cabaret, but blonde,” said Natalie.
“That was the aim,” Martina said.
“You look very like your mum,” observed Sophie.
Life was back to normal.
The term continued. Martina practised being Mary Magdalene, and entered into every activity with as much enthusiasm as she could. She became extremely popular, so her circle of friends grew. Every twenty-eight days, she reluctantly played hostess to her little visitor.
Rob played rugby well, catching the eye of a county selector. He turned out for the Oxfordshire Under Fifteens, which soundly thrashed the Surrey team.
Martina would practice her part most evenings, so one evening as she arrived at the theatre she found four of the musicians practising. They were playing rock and roll, together some more recent hits, so she went up and stood by the piano. She only knew the name of the guitarist. He was a very tall, fair-haired guy, called Andy Cotton. He was an upper sixth former, and played in the first XV. He had an acoustic guitar and an electric one. Martina thought he was a brilliant guitarist.
They played a couple of numbers, but she noticed that none of them attempted to sing the words. The pianist had the music, but the drummer and Andy played without any.
“Don’t you do the vocals?” she asked, when a number ended.
“We can’t sing,” admitted Andy, with a grin. “We tried, but sounded awful.”
“I’ll sing the next one, if you like?” she offered.
“Okay,” said Andy. They all looked through the books for one that they all knew.
She discovered that they each knew a lot, but few in common. At last, she found an old one, The Leader of the Pack, which had been a hit ages ago.
She sat on the piano stool, next to Guy, the pianist, and Andy looked between them for the chords.
They played it through once and Martina sang at half volume. They made a right mess of it, and Tim, the drummer, dropped his sticks twice.
“That was good,” Martina said, sarcastically. She noticed that some of the other members of the cast were starting to arrive.
“No, it’s okay, I’ve got it now,” said Andy, saying he didn’t need to see the music. Guy found another songbook, and so Martina was able to stand a little way from the piano, where she could hear the drums and guitar as well.
Tim made the “vroom vroom” noises at the start and counted them in.
They launched into the song, and Martina gave it her best shot, recalling the original version, trying to get her voice as close as she could to copy that.
Richard Wells, the music teacher, was standing watching at the back, enthralled. The musicians were not brilliant, but the girl carried them through it. As the song progressed, they really got it together, and considering it was a scratch attempt, he was very impressed. But what impressed him the most was Martina’s voice. She had a huge range, with enormous depth and volume. She could really hit the high notes, and could sound deep and very sexy when she wanted to.
He reluctantly had to call a halt of the impromptu jam session, so they began the practice in earnest.
After the practice, Richard took Martina aside.
“You really have a superb voice. I think you ought to seriously consider professional voice training. I can see you turning professional with little difficulty,” he told her.
“Thanks, sir, but I think I’m a little young. I don’t want to muck up my life too early. I want to just do normal things for a while. You know, do my GCSEs and stuff. I really love performing, whether singing or acting or both, but I need to be a normal girl as well. I’ll get involved as much as I can here, and I’m sure I can learn a lot,” Martina said.
“What I will do, Martina, is ask a lady I know, Sheila Manning, to come and give you some lessons. She is a retired opera singer, so has been teaching all kinds of singers for a number of years. She lives locally, and I would love to have her assess your potential,” Richard said.
Martina thanked him and he then left her with the few that were still hanging around.
Andy was playing a number from the Shadows, and everyone else was packing up.
She went over to him and listened for a moment. He grinned, made a mess and stopped.
“You’re very good,” she said.
He shook his head. “Not really, I should learn to read music, but I find it hard. I’m dyslexic, so those little dots drive me mad. As long as I get the chords, and hear a piece, I’m fine,” he said.
“Is the guitar easy to learn?” she asked.
“It’s okay. It’s playing it well that’s hard.” he replied. He put his electric guitar into its case, and picked up the acoustic. He gave it to her, shoowing her how to hold it.
“Look, you put your fingers here, and here. This is the bridge, these are the frets and these are the strings. To change chords you do this, and key, like this. Good. Now, take this plectrum, and just strum. Good!”
Martina had her first guitar lesson, and all of it rather close to a very good-looking boy called Andy! However, as the event came closer, the practices became more frequent, as did the guitar lessons.
Rob started to hear rumours about Martina and Andy, so experienced jealousy for the first time.
Despite the fact she was always so happy to see him, and never gave him reasons to doubt her, he began to feel possessive and angry. Mostly the anger was directed at himself, as he knew that she was a free person, and could associate with whosoever she wished.
It was then that he fully realised how deeply he loved her.
They had a monumental argument one Sunday afternoon, which ended with both of them saying things they didn’t mean, and instantly regretted. But the damage was done, and he watched her run back to her house in tears.
The next week passed, and they didn’t speak to one another at all. He kept seeing her with Andy, and his heart felt as if it was withering and dying.
The following Saturday, there was only a week to go before the show, and the end of term. Andy was playing in the firsts away, and Rob was playing for the colts at home. Just after half way through the match, Rob suddenly saw a familiar figure on the touch-line.
He could identify Martina anywhere, even wrapped up in coat and scarf, with her hood on. Something strange happened to him; it was as if all the anger and hurt evaporated, instantly. It was a very cold December day, yet he suddenly felt a warm tingle, and his spirits soared. He found a boost of energy and began to play as if his life depended upon it.
The team was losing, and the coach, a retired Guards RSM, was purple in the face. As he noticed Rob suddenly pull his finger out, he was as surprised as he was pleased. Within seconds, Rob had tackled their very fast left wing, picked up the dropped ball, and broken for the enemy try line.
Within ten minutes, they were even, but by the end of the match they had won by only four points. The coach was over-the-moon, but was asking Rob why the hell he hadn’t played like that from the start.
The two teams clapped each other off the pitch, and everyone made for the changing rooms. Rob saw that she was still standing by herself, looking very lonely. He put on his track-suit top and ran over to where she was standing.
He stood a few feet from her, and they looked at each other. She had a blank expression, so he couldn’t tell what she was thinking.
“How are you, Rob?” she asked, her voice dull and hollow. His heart gave a lurch.
“Fucking miserable,” he said. Deciding that honesty was the best policy. Much to his relief she smiled.
“That makes two of us,” she said.
“Look, Martina. I’m sorry I said some of those things. I was hurt, angry and confused. I had no right, and I behaved like a jealous idiot,” he said.
He saw a tear squeeze slowly from her eye and roll down her cheek. She made no move to catch it, and another fell from her other eye. He thought that he had lost her forever.
“Oh, Robbie, what happened to us?” she asked.
“I dunno,” he said, feeling dreadful.
“I said some awful things too,” she said.
“Yeah, but I deserved them. Look, Martina, I was wrong to say what I did. I just got jealous, that’s all,” he said.
“Why did you get jealous? I hadn’t done anything,” she asked.
“I know, but in my jealousy I imagined all sorts of things. Oh Martina, I have been so bloody miserable this week, you have no idea,” he said.
“Oh? Haven’t I?” she said. “Then why have I cried myself to sleep every night? Why have I stood in the rain by your house hoping that you would come and see me?”
“You did that?” he asked, surprised.
“Yes, I did, and it was bloody freezing,” she said, with a little smile.
“Oh,” he said.
“The way I see it we have two choices. One: we each go our own way, and see what happens, or two: we both grow up. You learn to trust me, and I learn to tell you things before you start listening to rumours. Which is it to be?” she asked.
“What do you want?” he asked.
“I’ve already made my choice, but it depends on you,” she said.
Rob felt very cold. It began to rain harder now, and he shivered. He looked at Martina, and then at his fingers, which were about to turn blue.
“Martina, I can’t imagine life without you. Do you mind awfully if we try for number two?” he said.
Half the school heard a strange shriek at that moment, as Martina launched herself into Rob’s cold and muddy arms. The Headmaster looked out over the rugby pitch and saw Martina and Rob in a rather close clinch. He reminded himself to have words with these two at some opportune moment.
When Martina finally released Rob, she was still crying, but she was also laughing.
“Oh Robbie, you know I can’t live without you?” she said.
“Yeah, same here.”
“But you must let me be me. Is that too much to ask?” she asked.
He shook his head.
“Neither of us know what’s ahead, but I know what’s behind us. I won’t risk your friendship over anything silly. But if you can’t give me breathing space, then it will be very hard. Trust me, Robbie, please?”
“I do, Martina, I do, it’s those other buggers I don’t trust,” he said.
“Oh yeah, and just how far are they going to get?” she asked, her hands on her hips.
“I know, I’m a fool, but hey, I’m only fourteen, what do you expect?” he said with a silly grin.
She tried to box his ears, and missed. Then she noticed that he was cold.
“Oh, go and get your shower before you get hypothermia,” she said.
“Do you want to join me?” he asked.
“I wish,” she said, with a saucy grin. “Kiss me?”
“Yes, go on. No one is watching,” she said.
He kissed her, and they both felt better.
“Promise me something?” she said.
“Anything, what?”
“Promise me, that we will never go to bed angry with each other, ever again?”
“I promise,” he said. “I’ll see you later.”
“Count on it,” she said, and watched him run off the pitch. She turned and walked slowly back to her house. She felt all warm and fuzzy again.
After that, Rob often felt little pangs of jealousy, but learned to dismiss them. He gave Martina her space, finding, to his surprise, more often than not, she didn’t use it, and remained close to him. They both grew up a little.
As the end of term loomed, they both had made a deep impression on all the staff most of the pupils. Not only as talented and bright individuals, but also as a rather staid, domesticated couple.
The day of the school production of Jesus Christ Superstar arrived. It was on the Saturday evening, with the Carol Service on Sunday afternoon to follow.
As the parents, pupils, staff and local invited guests all filed into the theatre, Martina was experiencing the worst case of nerves she had ever had.
The previous times she had been performing, she was a girl, pretending to be a boy, pretending to be a girl. It was all so involved that she detached herself from the reality of having to perform in front of people. Her whole life was a performance. Now her life was normal, she was getting very jittery.
Rob sent her a huge bunch of flowers, which made her cry. She was wearing a crimson and black long dress thing, which they thought to be appropriate for a first century whore.
Finally, the auditorium filled, the lights dimmed and an expectant hush fell. The music started and the curtain raised.
The show began.
Mr Cooper was in the wings and was, as ever, probably more nervous than those taking part.
The musicians were good, everything flowed smoothly, and then it was Martina’s solo scene.
She was kneeling on the stage, starting on cue, building the volume gradually. She was portraying the Mary Magdalene, at a most crucial point of her relationship with her Christ. She had changed from being the whore to being his most devoted follower. Martina put her heart and soul into the role.
She sang the lines. “He’s just a man, and I should know, I’ve had so many men in so many different ways!” In such a heartfelt way, that those watching were in no doubt that this Christ could change lives!
She put in such an emotional performance that there was hardly a dry eye in the house. Her voice was so strong, that it was as if the music was irrelevant, and as she finished, she emphasised the emotion through a waver in her voice, as she sang…. “I love him so!”
When she finished, she was lying prostrate on the stage, and there was a stunned silence.
Then the applause started, building into a crescendo, but it just kept on going!
Eventually, the show went on, and everyone sang well. Martina sang her heart out, receiving a rapturous applause whenever she did. The others were just as good, but she had a certain quality that just made her special. The show was a brilliant success.
Unbeknown to Martina, in the fourth row, watching his son, Mark, in the role of Judas Iscariot, was a John Harrison. He was totally enraptured by the Magdalene. He knew the show very well, as he was in the business. Many years before, in the early 1970s, he had been involved in the very same production in the West End, with big names in the title roles. Since then he had become a very successful agent, and was always on the lookout for new talent.
He read the programme, trying to glean some information about this wonderful creature. All it said was: Mary Magdalene……Martina Bennett. No blurb, and nothing else of any use.
There was something about the girl playing Mary that got to him. Her voice was superb, but there was something else. She had the ability to make you want to believe in her. Such was her presence that she actually became Mary Magdalene, for a short time everyone in the audience truly believed that she was the woman who washed Christ’s feet with her hair, two thousand years ago.
Near the back, Jenny was in tears. She had Simon, now the second youngest boy, with her, and he was speechless. He had been very uncertain about coming, as his relationship with Martin had not been good, and they had never been close. To be told that his brother was now his sister, and that she was performing in a show, near Oxford, where he was a studying, was all a bit much. Christmas was coming, and his mother was going through a nasty divorce, so his elder brother Peter had told him to get his arse in gear and support mother, and his new sister.
He had tried to glean what he could from Peter, but his brother had been an utter sod, and just smiled, and said, “You’ll see!”
Well, here he was, and see he had! He still couldn’t really believe what he had just seen. For a start, there was nothing in that girl that reminded him of his little brother. She was 100% woman, and her voice was so rich and full, he was feeling very confused.
Backstage, Mr Cooper and Mr Wells were grinning from ear to ear, despite feeling shattered. The cast were all congratulating themselves, and a crate of lager had appeared from somewhere. Martina sat on a props box and watched.
She was exhausted, and was drinking her second glass of water. Richard Wells came over to her.
“You were fantastic, Martina, well done!”
“Thanks,” she said, rather weakly.
“Tired?” he asked.
She nodded.
“Sheila was in the audience, she wants to meet you,” he said.
Martina had to think for a moment, and then she remembered their previous conversation about voice training.
“Oh, okay,” she said.
“The Headmaster is holding a reception for all guests and cast. If you get changed, then you will be able to meet her,” he said.
Martina nodded, and reluctantly stood up. She was feeling very tired. She had a small dressing room all to herself, so she went and hid out there for a bit.
She managed to wash off the make up, and changed into her uniform. There was a knock on her door. She answered it. It was Rob, and he had brought Jenny, but lurking just round the corner was Simon, unable to meet her eyes. She laughed.
“That was absolutely brilliant,” said Rob enthusiastically, as he hugged her. “I found these two looking lost so I brought them down. I’ll see you later.” He disappeared, but Martina was sad to see him go.
“Well done, sweetie, I was overwhelmed! You made me cry every time you sang,” Jenny said, and hugged her.
“Thanks Mummy.”
Martina looked at Simon, who was looking distinctly uncomfortable.
“Aren’t you going to hug your little sister?” she asked him.
Rather reluctantly, Simon did as he was told, but was surprised at the softness and affection that she exuded towards him. When she released him, he looked her up and down.
“You’ve changed a bit since I last saw you,” he said.
“Well don’t do what Peter did for the first two days, will you?” she said.
“What did he do?” he asked.
“He kept staring at my tits. It was most disconcerting. I know Rebecca is a little light in the chest department, but that’s no excuse,” she said.
“Martina!” said her mother.
“Well, she is like two peas on a plate, isn’t she Si?”
Simon smiled and had to nod in agreement. He found himself staring at Martina’s respectable chest, and they were definitely larger.
“You are bigger than Rebecca, that’s for sure, Martina,” he said.
She folded her arms across her bust and giggled.
“Men!” she said.
Jenny and Simon sat down while Martina finished changing.
“What’s it been like Martina?” Simon asked.
“Which bit?” she asked.
“Coming to terms with being a girl, I suppose.” he said.
“Oh that’s brilliant. It was the first fourteen years that were a bastard,” she said, standing up. “I’m ready, let’s go to the reception. You get a free glass of cheap plonk, and can be lectured by Marcus,” she announced.
Simon held out a hand, touching her on the shoulder.
“Look, I know it’s all in the past, but I didn’t make your life any easier. In fact, I think I was really nasty, so I just want you to know that I am really sorry. I didn’t understand, and I was very stupid. Please forgive me?” he said.
Martina looked at him.
“I know, and I forgive you.” She then kissed him on the cheek. “Now I have four gorgeous brothers to boss around, so I promise that you’ll come to hate having a sister,” she said.
“If it’s any consolation, you’re a very attractive little sister, so I can see I’m going to have to stand guard and beat the boys away with a big stick,” he said, immediately falling in love with her.
She looked at him, “You can beat them all, but if you touch Robbie, I’ll castrate you with my curling tongs! Okay, ‘Big Brother’?”
“Okay,” Simon said, holding up his hands in surrender.
Martina caught up with a little news from Jenny, on the way to the reception.
“Your father has done a bunk,” she told her.
“Well, it seems that he and his lady friend have up-sticks and left Hong Kong. The lawyer I had over there can’t find any trace of them. They have simply vanished,” Jenny said.
“What does that mean, for us, financially?” Martina asked.
“I’m alright for a while, as the trust is intact, so your education fees are set aside. I have still some money from my parents, and there is the house. Unless we contact him soon, I may have to sell that. Either that or I’ll have to get a job,” she said.
“Then I’ll have to become a famous star of stage and screen,” said Martina.
“If tonight is anything to go by, you may just do that,” her brother said.
They had reached the main hall, where the reception was being held. They entered and, much to Martina’s embarrassment, she was given a round of applause. She turned bright scarlet, and wanted to run and hide.
Marcus Brady, the Headmaster, stepped forward, and greeted Jenny and Simon.
“Mrs Bennett, congratulations of having such a gifted daughter. You must be very proud of her?” he said, after the introductions were over.
“Oh, I am. Every time I see her on stage, I really can’t believe she is my daughter,” Jenny said.
At that moment, Richard Wells fought his way through the crowd, with a very elegant lady following him. She was a tall lady, about 5’8”, and very large. She was in her sixties, with her white hair piled on her head. She was dressed expensively, but conservatively, and her extensive jewellery was probably genuine.
“Martina, this is Sheila Manning. Sheila, this is the young lady I have told you about, Martina Bennett.”
Martina shook the lady’s hand, so her bracelets and bangles rattled for ages.
“I was very impressed with your performance, Martina. Particularly when Richard tells me that you have had no formal training at all,” Sheila said.
“Thank you. I had a little drama coaching, and my music teacher helped me with a role in Oklahoma when I was thirteen. But I really just picked it up as I went along.”
“Which do you prefer, acting or singing?”
“I love both.”
“Have you tried more formal works, such as opera?”
“Not yet. I don’t really know much about it, but I’m not sure that I’m very fond of opera, from what I’ve heard, it’s a bit too disciplined for me. I rather like the freedom of more contemporary work,” Martina said.
“There is contemporary opera, you may enjoy it,” Sheila said.
“I will need to hear it first,” Martina said, smiling.
“I must confess, you have a style that is more in tune with modern music, but your presence on stage is wonderful. I believe that you have great potential as a performer, my dear. But we need to seriously consider in which aspect you should concentrate.”
“I should like to try everything, first, only then I will be in a better position to make a decision.” Martina said.
“Very wise. I have arranged to come in once a week, for as long as it takes. I will give you one hour each week, and we will see where it takes us. We will start after Christmas, if that’s all right with you?”
“That would be lovely, thank you,” Martina said, and the large lady moved off, like a galleon in full sail.
Martina was not alone for long, for very soon she was swamped with admirers, all of whom wished to offer their congratulations and to find out a little about the girl with the wonderful voice.
One of them was John Harrison. He grilled his son about Martina, and he simply said, “I dunno, she is some new kid in the third year.”
Finally, he managed to get to her, having had to virtually fight his way through.
“Hello, Martina is it?” he said, grabbing her right hand.
Martina looked at the man in front of her. He was expensively dressed, and rather fleshy. He gave her the impression of being a bit too smooth for his own good. He was good-looking, in his mid-forties, 5’10” with rather long dark hair swept back and greying at the temples.
“My name is John Harrison. My son, Mark, was Judas. I thought that you sang beautifully,” he said.
“Thank you, I think everyone did really well,” she said.
“Yes, they did, but you put them all in the shade. Have you ever considered a professional career?” he asked.
“I was talking about it earlier, but I don’t believe that I am ready for that yet. I understand the upheaval that it can cause, and I don’t know if I want to risk what I have just for material wealth and a little bit of fame. I need specialist training, and I need to live my life. Yes, Mr Harrison, I have considered it, and I have decided to wait, for a couple of years at least. I have arranged professional voice training, and if ever I do go professional, I won’t be a ten minute wonder,” Martina said.
John Harrison was stunned into silence. All his usual patter, which normally had them eating out of his hand, was gone. Here was a girl with her head firmly screwed on, so she would not be a pushover.
“I so respect your decision. I’m in the business, you see, and I get young people every day, who haven’t half of your talent. They come to me and say, ‘Make me a star, Mr Harrison.’ If only it was as easy as that. But having seen you, I know that I can indeed, make you a star. So please, when you decide to launch yourself onto the professional scene, please give me a call. And I will do everything I can to make it easy for you to reach the top.” He handed her a card.
He went on to list all the famous names that he allegedly handled, and tried to impress her by name-dropping for nearly twenty minutes.
Martina looked around desperately, and saw Simon looking her way. She tried to be polite and kept John Harrison talking, but signalled with her eyes that she needed help.
Simon smiled. He had been watching her, and was completely taken by her. She was so delightful and charming, he watched as everyone she spoke to left her with huge smiles on their faces. She was now faced with a real bore and needed help, so he worked his way through the crowd, and appeared at her side.
“Hi Martina, how is it going?” he said.
John Harrison stopped and looked at the interloper.
“Mr Harrison, this is my brother Simon. Simon, Mr Harrison was telling me all about his job as a theatrical and performers agent. He has given me his card, isn’t that wonderful?” she said.
“Great, you can put it with all the others. It was a pleasure to meet you, Mr Harrison. I’m afraid I have to take Martina away, there’s someone who wants to meet her,” Simon said, whisking her away before the man could utter a word.
He took her out into the fresh air. She breathed deeply.
“Thanks, Si. I tried everything, so if you hadn’t rescued me, I’d have had to knee him in the bollocks. He was so thick, he couldn’t take no for an answer,” she said.
Simon laughed, deciding that he was going to like having Martina as a sister. She was very refreshing.
She looked at the card, deciding to keep it, just in case.
The Christmas holidays arrived, so Martina returned to Dorset, and Rob went north to Edinburgh. They had a very emotional farewell, and pledged everlasting love too each other, in the way fourteen-year-olds always do. The difference with these two was that they both meant it.
Christmas in Dorset was to be a very happy one for Jenny. For the first time for as long as she could remember, all her children were to be home. Mark was due home on leave from the army, Peter was bringing Rebecca over, Simon was bringing a very pretty girl friend called Francesca, and Richard returned from New Zealand, unannounced and completely broke, and with a deep tan.
It really started on the 21st December. Simon and Martina were at home, and getting to know one another better. Francesca was due to arrive by train on the 23rd. Mark was due to arrive on Christmas Eve, and Peter, who was still at his home, was just about to go and collect Rebecca, when he got a phone call from Richard who was at Heathrow and wanted picking up. He hadn’t even enough money for a bus!
Peter managed to pick up Rebecca with all her cases, and then collected a rather smelly Richard from the airport. His rucksack was as large and as rank as a small pony that had been out in the rain for several weeks! He squeezed into the back of the Volvo with his stinking rucksack, so Rebecca was not impressed.
Peter used the journey to update Richard on Martina and everything that had happened. Rebecca was beginning to question whatever she saw in Peter, and opened the window a bit more.
Their arrival in Dorset turned tranquillity into chaos. Turbo had never had so much attention, so entertained anybody and everybody for as long as he could. Jenny met Richard at the front door; where she hugged him, briefly, and then sent him round to the back door, where she made him undress in the utility room and then put everything straight into the washing machine. The rucksack, she made him leave outside.
She then sent him naked up to take a bath, so he had yet to glimpse his new sister.
Rebecca had met Martin once. She had heard all about Peter’s wonderful sister, who had such an unfortunate experience. She was somewhat sceptical, and was wholly ill prepared for Martina in the flesh. She had a mental image of a sort of pathetic androgynous creature, who was neither male nor female, and was rather dreading the experience. At least Simon’s girlfriend Francesca would be there, for although Rebecca had never met Francesca, she sounded fun.
Rebecca was in the bedroom, unpacking and hanging up some dresses, when a voice from the doorway interrupted her.
“That dress is simply lovely, is it Italian?”
Rebecca looked round, and saw a stunningly attractive blonde girl in jeans and a pretty top. She was quite tall, around 5’ 7”, and looked to be about eighteen or so, and Rebecca immediately thought that this must be Francesca.
“How clever of you! Yes, Peter and I got it when we went to Florence,” she said.
The girl came in and looked at the dress.
“It really is lovely. I must admit, this design is super, but I find I have too much up top to be able to wear them without a bra, and a bra ruins the whole effect,” the girl said.
“You must be Francesca, I’m Rebecca,” she said to the girl, who immediately burst out laughing.
“Oh Rebecca, don’t you remember me? I suppose I have changed a little bit. I’m Martina. Francesca isn’t coming for a while, and she’s dark in any case. It is super to see you again, as Peter has been telling me all about you, and your forthcoming wedding. It’s really exciting,” Martina said.
Rebecca opened her mouth, but no sound came out. This girl was so natural, and so charming. She remembered Martin as a rather moody and surly little boy, who just sat and looked miserable.
“I am so sorry Martina. I heard about everything, but hadn’t realised how much you have changed. You look lovely! How old are you now? You look older than I thought you are.”
“Mummy says I’m fourteen going on twenty-four. Actually, I'm fourteen, but I've had a rough life,” Martina admitted.
“Well you look older,” said Rebecca, warming to the girl.
“Thanks, that’s what the barman at the pub said,” Martina said.
Rebecca looked at the girl, and realised that she was teasing her. They both laughed, and then Martina helped her unpack the rest of her case.
“Have you picked a day yet?” Martina asked.
“No, I’d like to get married in June, but Peter wants to sort out his career before we actually get married. At the moment he is tied into his job at the hospital, but by this time next year, he will be finished, and able to do his own thing.”
“Does he know what his own thing is?” Martina asked.
“Not really, but I rather fancy him as a GP in a Cotswold Village or something like that,” Rebecca said.
While the girls were talking, Richard came out of the bathroom and went into his room. He found that his mother had laid out a set of clean clothes, so he started to dress. He just put his boxer shorts on, when he heard a female voice say.
“Cor, nice tan!”
He saw a pretty blonde girl peeping round the door. She had a big grin on her face, but she was vaguely familiar.
“Martina?” he said uncertainly.
The girl nodded and came into his room. She was completely unconcerned that he was nearly naked.
He saw that she was actually very well built. In fact, she was gorgeous, a bit young, but still gorgeous!
She sat on his bed, and looked at some of his souvenirs.
“How were your travels, Rich?” she said.
“They were fun, so I’m going out to Greece in the spring. I’ve a mate with a water ski centre. I loved New Zealand, but ran out of cash. It was a lovely country, and has such a variety of scenery.” he said.
“Is water skiing fun?” she asked.
“It’s brilliant, you should try it. There’s always someone we know with a boat at Studland, if I’m around in the summer, we will get you up!”
“I’d like that. Did you hear about Dad?” she asked.
“Yeah. How’s mum taking it?” he asked.
“She’s okay. He’s well and truly screwed her financially. She will probably have to sell the house,” she told him.
He shook his head. “I can’t believe it, I always thought he thought the world of her,” he said.
“He obviously found another world,” she replied.
“How are you?” he asked.
“Me? Oh, I’m great. I’m really happy, and enjoying being me for the first time.”
“I hear you have a boyfriend already. That was quick,” he said.
“You mean Rob? Oh, he’s great. I miss him, he’s up in Scotland,” she said, watching him get dressed.
“Did you meet any nice girls out in New Zealand?” she asked.
He went red, so she giggled.
“Go on. How many?”
He shook his head.
“Three? Four? Oh, go on, Richard, how many?” she persisted.
“Mind your own business,” he said, and she laughed at him.
As Richard dressed, he watched Martina. He, similar to his brothers, hadn’t really known what to expect. Just like his brothers, he was very pleasantly surprised at what he found. She sat on his bed, and they chatted away as if nothing had happened. Richard, like his two brothers, fell in love with his sister.
When he was dressed, he pulled her off the bed, and said, “Come on, let’s go down.”
The rest of the day was spent decorating the tree and wrapping presents. Martina and Jenny had been to Bournemouth earlier, where they’d spent a silly amount of money. As Jenny said, it would probably be the last Christmas they all spent together.
The evening meal was very relaxed, and the boys began to appreciate their sister. Martina loved every minute. She was so relaxed and natural that the brothers couldn’t help but respond in kind. She laughed at their jokes, and told some herself that Jenny was shocked that she knew. They teased her and she teased them, but in such a manner that Jenny was very thrilled with her family.
Despite always being rude about Rebecca, she was actually sweetness itself to her, so they became very friendly. Rebecca found her to be far more mature than her years, and had a wicked sense of humour.
On the 23rd, Simon went and collected Francesca from the station, and she fell under Martina’s spell within minutes of meeting her. They were closer in age, and Francesca was another to be surprised at Martina’s true age.
Martina got together with Amanda and Caroline, that evening, and they went carol singing.
The three boys got a chance to speak with their mother, to get updated as to the situation with their father. They took Martina for granted, and Jenny was so pleased that the accepted her without reservation, and all her fears were dispersed. In fact, the only comments were highly positive.
Simon said it all when he said, “It seems as if I’ve known Martina all her life.”
“You have, dear,” said Jenny.
“I mean, I feel that she has been Martina all her life,” Simon corrected himself.
“She has,” Jenny said, with a smile.
“Oh, you know what I mean, it’s if Martin never existed, and she has always been here!”
Jenny just smiled, for her family had finally accepted her daughter.
On Christmas Eve, the boys were cutting logs, while the four females of the house were preparing food as if there was a siege in the offing.
Martina, not the most wonderful cook, was being helpful and watching very carefully. Every day was a learning exercise, so she found it all so exciting.
Her mother asked her to go and clean out the main fireplace, ready for the logs that were coming.
She was kneeling in front of the grate, using a dustpan and brush to clean up all the old ash. She heard someone come though the front door and walk into the hall.
“Hello?” said a male voice. “Anyone here?”
Martina got up and went to see whom it was. Mark Collins, Captain, Royal Horse Artillery, (Airborne), was a man used to dealing with unusual situations. He had faced many dangers, so had the medal ribbons and scars to prove it.
As he stood in the home he had been brought up in, he never expected to be rendered speechless by a fourteen-year-old girl.
“Hi, Mark. Mummy is in the kitchen,” said a delightful voice to his right.
He turned and saw a very attractive teen aged girl, who looked remarkably like his mother must have done thirty years before. She was about 5’7” even with her slippers on, and she was wearing a short tee shirt, which left about four inches of flesh between it and her jeans, exposing her bare midriff. He noted that she had a lovely figure, and in a year or so….
She had quite short blonde hair cut in a pageboy style that suited her, setting off her round and pretty face delightfully. She had a lovely smile, and her blue eyes had a sparkle.
“I’m sorry, have we met?” Mark said.
Much to his discomfort, she girl put both hands over her mouth and giggled uncontrollably.
At that moment, Jenny came out from the kitchen and rescued him.
“Mark, my darling, how lovely!” She walked over to him and he gave his mother a hug.
“I see you’ve met your sister?” she said.
Mark stared at Jenny, and then at Martina, who was still giggling. She came and stood next to her mother, and they put their arms around each other. Mark looked from one to the other, there was no doubt that they were mother and daughter. But how?
He still had his mouth agape when Richard came in, carrying some logs. He saw the tableau and laughed.
“Hi Mark. You didn’t read mum’s letter, did you?” he said.
Mark looked at Richard.
“Hello Richard. No, I didn’t. I’ve been a bit busy of late, and I haven’t been able to pick up my post. I came straight home, so I suppose it will be waiting for me when I get back,” he said.
He looked at Martina, and a curious smile appeared on his lips. He shook his head slowly.
“Am I to suppose that somehow, in the relatively short time I have been away, and for some strange reason, my little brother has somehow managed to turn into a very pretty sister?” he said.
Martina’s giggles turned into laughter, and Simon and Peter arrived. Rebecca and Francesca came out from the kitchen, to find out what all the commotion was about.
Mark looked at everyone, and focussed on Peter.
“Pete, as the medical member of this mad family, could you please tell me what the hell has been going on?” he pleaded.
Peter stopped laughing enough, to talk.
“Oh Mark, if you could see yourself?” he said. “It seems that Martina has always been a girl, but due to a very rare condition, her gender was mistaken at birth, and she struggled through to puberty as a boy. When the female hormones started kicking in, little Martin turned into the lovely Martina. It’s a real life ugly duckling story.”
Mark stood there, staring at Martina. Then he held his arms out, “Come and say hello to your big brother then, Martina,” he said, with a smile. She went over and they hugged each other.
They took Mark into the kitchen, where Jenny made everyone some tea or coffee, and an impromptu break happened.
Mark sat next to Martina and plied her with questions. As she calmly explained her story, for the umpteenth time, they all began to appreciate her strength of character.
When Jenny recounted the story of Martina picking up the soldier in the pub, and then returning for seconds. He burst out laughing.
“It’s a jolly good job he’s not one of mine,” he said. “I’d have him for fraternising with an Officer’s sister. Honestly Martina, a Trooper! What were you thinking of? Next time go for a First Lieutenant at least, as I would hate to think this family would let their standards slip”
Gradually everyone went back to their allotted tasks, and Martina went and finished clearing the fire grate.
Mark sat on the sofa and watched her.
He was completely captivated and fascinated by her. He tried to see anything of Martin in her, and couldn’t. Martin hadn’t been born when he went to Halsey House, but Mark vaguely remembered his mother giving birth in the October of his final year at that school.
Martin had only been five or six when Mark had left school altogether, and then he was off to the army. He remembered a rather solemn little boy, who was in awe of his big soldier brother. Mark felt very guilty that he had never really tried to get to know him.
Martina was a joy. She teased him rotten, and he loved it. She seemed genuinely interested in his life, so he found himself telling her all about his adventures. She finished the fire, and knelt on the rug at his feet, with her arms on his knees. She looked up at him with those big blue eyes and ready smile, so he instantly became her slave.
Simon came, built up the fire and started it. Gradually, the family and friends found themselves gathering round the fire, all listening to Mark’s war stories.
Mark only saw Martina, and Jenny came in to say that supper was ready. She took in the scene and began to weep silently. Peter saw her, so went and put his arm around her.
“What’s up, Mum?” he asked.
“I’m just so happy,” she wailed.
“Have you told Mark about dad yet, or was it in the letter he never got?” Peter asked.
“It was in the letter,” she said.
She composed herself, and told everyone that the supper was ready, so they all trooped into the dining room. Martina and her mother brought everything to the table, while Richard opened the wine.
Mark looked at Jenny and said, “No Dad?”
Martina said, “No Dad, he’s buggered off! Who wants some potatoes?”
Jenny sat at one end, and Martina insisted that Mark sat at the other. He felt uncomfortable, but Martina pointed out that he was now the head of the family, so he should just do as he was told!
Richard poured the wine, hesitating before pouring some for Martina.
“Come on Richard, if you don’t give me some I will have to go to the pub,” she said.
“She would too,” said Jenny. “All right, but just give her one glass.”
They had a very happy meal, and Richard took great delight in topping up Martina’s glass when Jenny wasn’t looking. Martina realised that she was getting sloshed.
It went on for ages, for after all the food was eaten, they sat and chatted for a long time, somehow reluctant to break up such a happy time. The four young men were all equally captivated by their new sister, and she adored having such handsome admirers. Rebecca and Francesca warmed to her, and did not feel threatened by her at all. Jenny just sat and watched the interaction, thanking God for so blessing her with such a lovely family.
Mark called for silence.
He stood up.
“I should like to propose a toast. To Martina, who has descended like an angel to be amongst us mere mortals! Thank you for your beauty and your laughter. May your future be filled with happiness!” he said, and raised his glass.
They all drank her health, so she stood up, a little unsteadily, Jenny thought.
“I’d like to propose a toast to Mummy, for believing in me, and being there for me. Mummy! Oh! Richard, my glass seems to be empty?” she said, with a sly little smile.
Laughing, he poured a little wine into her glass, and they all drank to Jenny.
After supper, when the washing up was completed, Martina said she didn’t feel very well and went to bed. Richard felt guilty, but Jenny was worried.
Mark took her to one side and explained why.
“Oh! Richard is a little sod, he should realise that she is only fourteen, and not used to wine.” she said.
“The problem is that she looks and behaves so much older. Richard may be four years older, but she behaves the same age as he is,” Mark observed.
“I often forget how old she is, myself. She has had such a tough time, as it has made her miss a lot of her childhood. But isn’t she great?” Jenny asked.
“She’s wonderful. She’s very like you, did you know that?” he asked.
“So I’ve been told. But she is so much more courageous. Mark, she really had a dreadful time at Halsey House,” she said.
“I can understand that, knowing what we know now. But hindsight is a wonderful thing,” he said. “You haven’t mentioned Dad. What happened?”
Jenny went on to tell Mark all about Charles and the split. He became very sombre and angry.
“So where do they think he has gone?” he asked when she had brought him up to date.
“They think he may have gone to Australia. It’s so big, and I’m told it is easy to get lost. Look at John Stonehouse,” she said.
“Ah, don’t forget, Stonehouse was found. I have a friend in the Australian Police. I think I may ask a favour. Don’t worry Mum; we’ll look after you. Don’t sell the house, if Martina is going to be as beautiful as I think she is, then you’ll need the room for all the entertaining you’ll have to do,” he said, smiling slightly.
“She has that affect on people, doesn’t she?” Jenny asked.
“What’s that?”
“You can’t stay angry or hurt for long,” Jenny said, and Mark smiled.
“I never got a chance to get her anything special, I was going to give Martin a book token for Christmas,” he said.
“I’ve a set of pearl drop earrings, you can give her those,” Jenny said.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, your father gave them to me, so I’ll never wear them. I’ll even wrap them up for you, I know what men are like with wrapping up presents,” she said.
“Thanks Mum.”
Gradually the house settled down for the night, and silence descended.
Martina awoke with a headache in the morning, and she was feeling rather delicate. She received no sympathy from her mother, who, after wishing her a Happy Christmas, told her to hurry up and get dressed, as they were all off to the ten o’clock service.
“And wear something smart, none of your really short skirts,” she said.
Martina pulled the duvet over her head and wanted to die. It was suddenly wrenched off her, and Richard grinned at her.
“Happy Christmas, Martina! Oh, and Mum says you are not allowed to go back to sleep,” he said.
“Bugger off, and give me my duvet,” she said.
He laughed and tickled her feet.
She was out of bed in an instant and chased him out of her room.
She went and stood under the shower until she felt ready to rejoin the human race, and then dressed in a knee length dark skirt, a pale blue blouse and a navy blue pullover. She had some nice warm dark tights, which went well with her favourite knee length boots with high heels. She dried her hair, and put her make up on. She tried for the older and mature look, so was very happy with the result. She looked at her reflection and this stranger looked back at her. She tried to remember what Martin had used to look like, but gave up. She didn’t want to go there ever again.
She went down to breakfast and was soon her cheerful self. She had a large cup of black coffee and a bowl of cornflakes. It was a mild day, so she didn’t really think that it felt like Christmas.
Jenny thought Martina looked very grown-up and smart. She dug out a black wide brimmed hat, which she gave to her daughter.
“Oh great! It is just like Clint Eastwood’s in A Fistful of Dollars,” she said, immediately putting it on, so as to be low across her eyebrows. It really suited her.
Jenny then gave Martina a long black coat, and was astonished at the result. Martina looked about twenty-one.
The others all eventually surfaced, so they piled into Jenny’s Mercedes and Peter’s Volvo. Martina saw Mark’s black Porsche on the drive, so told him that he was going to take her for a ride later.
It was only a ten minute drive to the church, so they were soon there. It was an old church, some parts of it dating back to the twelfth century. It was in keeping with the Dorset stone, so was rather chilly, despite the electric heaters liberally dispersed through the rafters.
The family had rarely attended the church, but Jenny had started going by herself regularly in recent months. Martina couldn’t remember ever going there, but thought that she must have at some time or other.
They walked in, to be given books by an elderly couple who lurked by the door for just a purpose. The church was very full, and as with most churches, it filled up from the back, forwards, so as they were a little later than most, the only free pews were right at the front. So the eight of them filed to the front and filled one pew length.
Jenny was very proud of her family, particularly of her beautiful daughter. She was also aware that Martina’s presence may cause some tongues to wag.
The service started soon after they arrived, and the first hymn was announced. The vicar, the Reverend Michael Drewett, who had actually christened young Martin, (although they had both forgotten the event), announced the first Hymn. He nodded to Jenny as he had walked past her, as she had come to him when things had become bad over her husband. He saw that by her fine looking family surrounded her. He noticed the boys, and imagined that the three attractive young women were some of their girl friends.
He became aware, during the first hymn, Oh Come all ye Faithful, that one of the girls had a superb voice, and was singing far better than any of his choir. He worked out that it was the tall girl dressed in black, with the hat and boots. Martina was about 5’ 10” in her heels.
Martina actually enjoyed the service, as she just loved singing, so she really gave it her best during the hymns.
She found it useful to reflect on the words of the liturgy, particularly the creed and the confession. She had always believed in God, but had never thought much about Christianity or church. As she prayed, she let her mind lift up all she had to be thankful for, and found herself nearly crying.
She remembered the enigmatic Michael, from the ditch, and repeated, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” quietly, over and over.
The sermon was mercifully short, as the pews were a little hard, but it focussed on the fact that Christmas was a celebration of beginnings, so one must look forward with hope, and that hope came in the form of Jesus Christ.
Martina agreed, as she never wanted to go back to what had been!
There was Holy Communion, and everyone went up to the communion rail. The vicar was a little surprised when two of the girls, Martina and Rebecca, did not put their hands out to receive it, so were only to be blessed.
After the final hymn, everyone began to leave. The family were nearly the last to leave, so the Vicar was interested to know which girl belonged to which of Jenny’s sons.
Jenny introduced Rebecca and Francesca as being the girlfriends of Peter and Simon. She explained that Rebecca came from a non-orthodox Jewish/Christian mixed marriage, and although now a Christian, she had yet to be confirmed, or baptised into membership of a church.
“Then, to whom does this fine young lady belong?” The vicar asked, when Martina came to shake his hand.
“I don’t belong to anyone, yet,” she said.
“This is my daughter, Martina.” Jenny said.
The vicar was clearly confused.
“I’m sorry, I meet so many people. I had forgotten that you had a daughter. I had thought you only had sons,” he said.
He shook Martina’s hand, recalling her singing.
“Ah, you’re girl with the most wonderful voice! I could do with you in our choir every Sunday,” he said, hopefully. “Have you not been confirmed either?”
“Not yet, but I’m at a Christian School, so I’m sure that I shall be soon,” she said.
“You’re still at school, why how old are you?” he asked, as he had thought her almost too old for school.
“Fourteen,” she said, and the vicar was visibly shocked.
Martina had an impish smile as they left the church.
They arrived home, so Jenny went to check on the turkey. Jenny had asked two of her elderly aunts for lunch. She had visited each of them and told them all about Martina. She wasn’t sure if any of it had registered, so she was a little worried about them coming.
While they were waiting, everyone mucked in to laid the table and get the place looking smart. Mark and Martina re-set the fire and initiated a roaring log fire in the grate.
“Mum says you’ve a good voice and been singing in school performances. Do you like singing?” he asked.
“I love it, and I love acting. I got a lot of practice at acting,” she said.
“Oh yes?”
“I got very nearly fourteen years of it, pretending to be a boy,” she said, with rather a sad smile.
“Wasn’t any of it fun?” he asked.
“Some of it was alright. I don’t really remember much before I was six. But once I was about ten or eleven it started to get worse. The good bits were when I had to play girl’s parts in plays. I just was myself, so I had fun. That started me thinking, but thinking didn’t help.
“Some of the teachers were nice, and a lovely lady called Hilda was super. But it was hard going back to being a boy again,” she said, as she stared into the flickering flames.
“Did you not have any friends at all?” he asked.
“Not many. There was Jon, he was a gentle boy, and we had a lot in common, and fat Andy, he was a laugh. And then there’s Rob.” She paused to looked at Mark.
“Rob is special,” she said, smiling.
“Rob is a gentle giant. He never judged me, and from when we first went to school, he was always a friend. He was sporty and tough, but he never followed the crowd. We had nothing in common, yet he always was nice to me. When the teacher selected us for a play, he was the hero and I played his girlfriend. Anyway, something happened between us, and our friendship got a little deeper.
“Poor Rob, he thought he was going mad or gay, or both. It was about then that I became convinced that I really was a girl, but the world wouldn’t accept me. I told him, and he sort of believed me. Anyway, he stayed being my friend, and even a little bit more. We did another show, a musical, but then we left school. We met in the holidays, as he came to Studland and we met up for a couple of days on the beach. Mummy let me dress as a girl then, as I had started to grow my boobs and things were moving down there. Anyway, he couldn’t believe the change in me, and we had a really great time.
“I had to go to Granton, and he went to his school. I was really pissed off, as I hated Granton. Mainly because you four had all been so bloody wonderful, so they reminded me of how brilliant you all were every day.
“I hadn’t been back long when, wham! The change hit me. It really was very sudden, so I went straight to the doctor. I was out of there in a jiffy. It was so fast; I still can hardly believe it. I think the headmaster was terrified of getting the press involved.
“I came home, and Mummy got me an interview with a school in the Cotswolds. And here I am,” she said.
“Has Rob seen you since, you know, you changed, so to speak?” he asked.
“We go to the same school,” she said, with a cheeky smile.
He laughed, and nodded. “Good planning, I approve, well done!”
“He’s been very sweet, so we are really quite a staid couple now! We’ve even had a domestic,” she laughed.
“What happened?”
“I was getting some guitar lessons from this really dishy sixth former called Andy, and Rob got very jealous. We had an argument, both saying some really horrid and silly things. I fled in tears, and he stomped off in a right strop. We didn’t speak to each other for a week, but then I went to watch him play a rugger match. He sort of went all silly and heroic, winning the match almost single-handed. I realised how much I missed him, and we made up. Silly isn’t it?” she asked.
“No it isn’t silly. It’s all part of growing up. It’s all useful experience, so you are lucky to find someone who you can be fond of. It is important not to be alone,” he said.
“You’re alone, aren’t you?” she asked, making him smile.
“Yes and no. In my line of work, you can’t really afford to have to serious relationships. Oh some do, and many are married, but I’m only twenty-seven, so I can wait a couple of years yet.”
“Has there never been one particular woman?” she asked.
“Once or twice, but the army usually finds a way to ruin things,” he said, a little sadly.
“Then leave the army,” she suggested.
“Eventually I shall, but I love the life too much at the moment.” he admitted. “How did you get on with the guitar?” he asked her, changing the subject.
“Oh! I really loved it, I’d love to get my own, but Mummy can’t afford one yet. They are very expensive,” she said.
“What type were you playing?”
“Andy had two, an electric and an acoustic. He started me on the acoustic, so I played the electric only a little bit. I’d really love to get good on them, and we could form a girls group or something at school,” she said, her eyes sparkling.
Mark looked thoughtful, but then Jenny shouted for some help, so she ran off.
Mark went up to his room, rummaging around in his wardrobe. Feeling frustrated, he thought for a while, and then remembered. He pulled the loft hatch down and ascended into the attic. He rooted around for a while and finally found what he had been looking for. He had learned the guitar years ago, but when he went off to Sandhurst, he had put it away and forgotten all about it.
It was still in its case, so he opened it up.
It was an acoustic guitar, still with all its strings. In fact, there were even a few spare strings in the case, as well as all his old music books.
He smiled, closing it up again. He took it to his bedroom and cleaned it off with his face flannel.
It needed a polish, so he sneaked downstairs, taking the furniture polish from the cupboard and a cloth. He then polished the guitar until it gleamed. Finally, when he was satisfied, he tied a big pink ribbon round the case, finishing it off with a large bow.
He wrote on a little card, which he attached to the ribbon. It said:
To my darling Sister, Martina. Have a very Happy first Christmas. Lots of Love. |
He then went down stairs and hid it behind the enormous Christmas tree.
The two aunts, Eileen and Audrey, were both sisters and widows. They were Jenny’s mother’s younger sisters, but after their husbands had both died within a couple of years of each other, they set up home together. Eileen was the elder, she was eighty-four, whilst Audrey was only a mere eighty-one.
Peter had gone and collected them from their home near Ringwood, which was only about half an hour away. Whilst he had them in the car, he had taken the opportunity to tell them a bit more about Martina,
To his amazement, neither of the elderly ladies was surprised that Martin had turned out to be a Martina.
“I knew that she was too delicate to be a boy, right from the outset, I saw how sensitive the poor little mite was,” said Aunt Eileen.
“I remember how he never joined in with his brothers. Peter, you must have thought it strange that he never really played with you?” asked Audrey.
“Well actually, he was a lot younger than us, so it’s hardly surprising he never joined in with us,” Peter said.
“Well, I’m glad. I always said Jenny should have had a daughter, particularly now she’s a bit old to try for one.” said Audrey.
“Especially as Charles has left her, it’ll take her a while to find another young man, and then it really will be too late,” observed Eileen.
Peter went on to explain that his fiancée, Rebecca, was there, and Simon’s girlfriend was Francesca, who would also be there.
Thus by the time they arrived, they were quite prepared to find a timid and shy little girl, so they weren’t quite prepared for Martina.
In fact, when they walked in, Martina, looking very sophisticated and elegant, met them.
“Hello Aunties, how lovely to see you both. Let me take your coats, I think Richard had opened some champagne. So please go through, and he’ll give you each a glass,” she said.
Both women were confused, they were trying to work out who this girl was, and were having a difficulty. Martina saw what was happening and rescued them.
“Oh, silly me, I’m so sorry, I’m Martina, just in case you didn’t recognise me. I think I might have changed a bit since you last saw me,” she said, as she relieved them of their coats.
She kissed both of them on the cheek and then hung the coats up in the cupboard under the stairs. Both the ladies were lost for words.
Jenny had asked a few of their friends in for a pre-lunch drink, and amongst them were Hugh and Susan Cartwright, and the twins.
Amanda and Caroline always liked coming over to Martina’s house, as her brothers were gorgeous! Richard pounced as soon as they arrived, and offered them champagne.
About twenty close friends came for drinks. Most had been told about Martina, and as she was so relaxed and natural, there were no problems at all. Martina got rather fed up of going all through the story again and again, but she realised that as it became more accepted, then it would be forgotten. Her fear was that some journalist would get to hear of it, and she would end up on page 3 of the Sun.
The drinks guests all departed, so the family sat down to lunch. Jenny and Martina did most of the work, and Mark, at the head of the table, carved the turkey.
Martina had always enjoyed Christmas, but this was by far the best ever.
Richard didn’t give her too much wine this time! And Jenny was delighted with the way Martina spent so much time talking to the two old women.
After lunch, everyone collapsed, with extended waistlines, into the comfortable chairs and sofas in the drawing room. The only two with any energy were Martina and Turbo.
Martina was elected to take the little dog for a run, and the men washed up.
On her return, everyone was in the drawing room again. It was time to open the gifts.
Martina elected herself as the distributor, and brought everyone the gifts from under the tree. She started collecting a little pile of her own on a chair by the piano.
She would lurk by whoever was opening their present that she had given, and eagerly watch their expression as it was revealed.
She gave her mother a really rude apron, which aunty Eileen didn’t understand.
She gave the pair of old ladies some deluxe chocolate biscuits.
She gave Richard a coffee mug that had a girl in a swimsuit on it, and when you put hot liquid into it, the swimsuit disappeared.
She gave Peter some woolly things he could put on the ends of his golf clubs, and to Rebecca she gave a book entitled, The Golf Widow’s Companion.
She gave Simon and Francesca a bottle of Champagne and two glasses, for their engagement or separation, whichever came sooner!
For Mark she had bought a white tee shirt with the following inscription:
Join the Army — Travel to distant, exotic lands, see the smiling friendly people, and shoot them!
She also gave her mother a large 15” x 28” framed colour photograph of herself from the production of Jesus Christ Superstar, which had been taken by a professional photographer. She also gave her a cassette of the soundtrack so she could listen to her daughter sing.
When they were all handed out she started opening her presents.
She loved them all, the earrings from Mark, the clothes from her mother, the smelly stuff from Richard, and the record tokens from Peter and Rebecca. Simon and Francesca gave her some really crazy very long socks, which almost came up to her thighs, with wonderful hoops and colours.
Her old great aunts gave her some book tokens, and she was really pleased with everything. She had just gone round and given everyone a hug, when Mark got up and brought out the guitar in the case.
She was stunned, and for once everyone else had the pleasure of seeing her speechless!
She opened the case, and took out the guitar, and gently strummed it. Mark watched her, with a smile on his face, for never did he imagine that his gift would make her so happy. She was gently strumming, with a huge grin on her face and tears just rolling down her cheeks.
She jumped up and flung her arms around his neck.
“Oh! Thank you so much, Mark, it’s brilliant!” she said.
She spent the next hour entertaining them with an impromptu concert, and surprised them all with her wonderful singing voice.
Jenny came up to her daughter.
“Rob sent you this, and asked that I give it to you after every other present had been opened.
She handed Martina a little parcel. Martina opened it, it was a ring box, and inside it, was an eternity ring, with a single sapphire surrounded by five small diamonds. It really was beautiful, and Martina burst into tears. She immediately put it on her right ring finger.
She had sent him a gold neck chain, with Martina engraved on one side of a heart, and Rob on the other.
Just before supper, the telephone rang. It was Rob, calling to wish Martina a happy Christmas.
Martina spent nearly an hour on the phone to him, and Jenny was glad that he had rung her for a change! Hardly a day had gone past without one of them ringing the other. Jenny was worried about her phone bill. She never remembered having such a problem with the boys.
The rest of the holidays passed, gradually the brothers had to return to their own lives, and Jenny found herself with only Richard and her daughter.
The twins had a party in the first week of January, and Martina was invited. So was Richard, but he had another engagement. Martina had never been invited to a party and she was delighted but rather nervous.
She spent ages trying to work out what she was going to wear, and was beginning to drive Jenny round the bend. She would decide one thing, and then change her mind and select something else. Then change it a third time, and so on.
Eventually she went in a short black sleeveless dress, with her boots and tights. The dress was very low at the front, so she showed an awful lot of cleavage. She had a white jacket, a set of black earrings and a matching necklace. She still had on the ring that Rob had given her. She painted her nails dark red, and her make-up was also quite dark. The punk era had hit Dorset!
When she was ready, Jenny was a little worried, for she looked considerably older than her fourteen years. Richard told her that she looked fabulous, and persuaded his mother to relax. As they drove the couple of miles, Jenny started to warn Martina against drinking too much or smoking anything.
“Oh, stop fussing. If you think that after all I have been through to get to this point, I'm going to risk my future by being silly, you don’t know me very well.”
Jenny felt chastised.
On their arrival, she told Martina that she would be back at midnight to pick her up.
Martina went into the house, feeling very vulnerable and self-conscious. With adults she felt secure, as they were predictable and controllable. But other kids! She was very worried.
She had been to the Cartwright’s home so often that she knew the house as well as her own. She walked into the hall, to be met by Amanda, who gave her a hug.
“Martina! Great to see you. My God, you look fabulous! Come in, lots of people are here already. Caroline and I haven't told anyone about you know what, so don’t worry,” she said.
Martina walked into what was usually the main drawing room. But the carpet was gone, leaving a lovely wood floor to dance on. The furniture was pushed to the ends of the room, and a disco was set up in a corner. The lighting was almost non-existent, and the flashing lights of the disco were about the only light available.
“Food is in the dining-room, later!” Amanda yelled, to be heard over the over the music.
She followed Amanda to the dining room, where the food was all being laid out. It was all buffet stuff, and there was a bar at the end of the room. There were lots of people here, but she didn’t know anyone. Most of the girls were Amanda and Caroline’s school friends, and the boys were a mixture of school friends and locals.
She was offered a drink, and she asked for a fruit cup. It wasn’t alcoholic, and the Cartwrights were not about to start serving alcohol to fourteen and fifteen year olds
She stood by the bar, as Amanda ran off to greet some new arrivals. Martina wished that Rob was here.
A tall, rather spotty, red haired young man came up to her. He looked vaguely familiar.
“Hi. I’m Bruce. I don’t think we’ve ever met. Who are you?” he said.
Bruce? Not the Bruce from the playground? She looked closely. Yes, it was the same boy. And he wasn’t any better looking, she thought.
“Hello. I’m Martina Bennett.” she said, as coolly as she could without telling him to piss off.
“Nice to meet you Martina. I used to go to school with the twins, but they go to a private school. Do you go to school with them?” Bruce asked.
“No, my mum went to school with their mum, and we go way back. I spend most of my time in Oxfordshire.” she said.
“Oh. I don’t think I have even been to Oxfordshire.” he said.
Martina saw Caroline and she gave a little wave. Then she saw the other girl talk to an older boy who had just arrived. He was quite tall, 6’1” or 6’ 2”, wearing a check shirt and blue jeans. He had very short fair hair cut in a crew cut style. He looked slightly out of place.
Bruce had asked her another question, and she had missed it.
“I’m sorry, what?” she said.
“I asked if you wanted to dance.” Bruce said, hopefully.
She was thinking of a suitable reply, when the tall boy appeared.
“Martina, how great to see you!” he said, and embraced her. She noted that she had an American accent.
She saw Caroline give her the thumbs up sign, and realised that she had sent the seventh cavalry, knowing that she and Bruce went way back!
So she responded and flung her arms around his neck, saying, “Yes, isn’t it?”
Bruce skulked off, disappointment written on every movement, and she breathed a sigh of relief.
The young man took her a little to one side, he was grinning. Martina thought he was very handsome, very clean-cut.
“I’m sorry, but Caroline said that you could be doing with some help,” he said. “I’m Jason, I’m a cousin of the twins. We have been staying with Mom’s other sister near Bath, and we arrived here yesterday.”
“We?” She asked.
“Oh, sure. My Mom and Dad, and my little sister, Elizabeth, that’s her over there,” he said pointing to a pretty girl, about Martina’s age, wearing a really frilly dress. She had very long straight fair hair, which almost reached her waist.
“Oh, what lovely hair!” said Martina.
“You’re Martina, is that right?” he asked.
“Yes, I’m sorry, you kind of put me off. Yes, I’m Martina, and I’ve known the twins for years. When do you go back to America?” she asked.
He looked feigned hurt. “Never! We’re Canadian!” he said.
“Oh, I'm so sorry, I should have known, please forgive me?” she said, feeling awful.
“It's okay. Over here everyone mixes us up. I’m used to it now. We leave at the weekend. School starts next week,” he told her.
“Gosh, are you still at school? I thought you were older than that,” she said.
“Elizabeth is still in school, I'm in my first year of college. We call college ‘school’ sometimes. Which college are you in?” he asked.
She laughed. “I’m still in school. And that's school, not college,” she said.
“How old do you go up to in your school?” he asked.
“Eighteen, why?”
“You look too old to be in school!” he said.
She blushed. “Thanks, it must just be because I’ve had a tough life.”
“Do you live near here?” he asked.
“A couple of miles away, but don’t tell Bruce!” she said.
“Bruce? Oh, the guy? Right. I won’t, I promise.”
“Where about in Canada do you live?”
“Do you know Ontario?”
“Yes. I know where it is, but I’ve never been there.”
“We live in a place just outside Guelph; about an hour from Toronto.”
“Oh. Do you like it there?”
“Yes, it's pretty cool.”
“What are you studying at college?”
“Geography. I hope to be a teacher, one day,” he said. “How about you, what do you want to do?”
“I’m not sure. I love singing and drama. Maybe I’ll become an actress or a singer. But I have to get through school first,” she replied.
“Would you like to dance?” he asked.
“Why not?” she said, so they moved into the other room, joining the few others that were already dancing.
Conversation was not really possible under the circumstances, so Martina was just content to dance.
Jason watched the girl as she danced with him, a little bit worried. He had promised his girlfriend, Chevonne, that he wouldn’t touch any English girls. She was of Irish descent, and was very insistent on that subject. But as soon as Caroline had pointed her friend out to him, he was a little bit smitten. Martina was obviously older than most of the girls here, so he was surprised to learn that she was still in school. She danced with real grace, which was an art in itself, considering the music!
He made his mind up to tell her about Chevonne, and thereby not complicate life still further. Elizabeth was watching him like a hawk, and he knew that anything she saw would get reported back!
After several songs, he suggested a drink, to which she agreed, but first she went and lost her jacket.
He poured her some fruit cup and she appeared at his side. Without the jacket, her dress was really sexy, so he almost changed his mind.
“Do you want to get some fresh air, it’s really hot in here?” he asked.
She nodded, so they left the house, going into the garden, and sat on a bench. Considering it was January, he couldn’t believe how warm it was. It was about 4 °, whereas back home it was about -15 °!
He said as much.
“It never really gets that cold here, in Dorset. In Scotland it gets really cold. I have a friend, Rob, he lives up there, and he always moans about the cold,” she said, unconsciously twiddling the ring on her finger.
Jason breathed a sigh of relief. She had thought the same way he had.
“You've a boyfriend then?” he said.
She nodded. “You?”
“No, but I have a girlfriend, Chevonne,” he said.
She laughed.
“I wasn’t going to tell you, but I felt a little guilty. Silly isn’t it?” she said.
“Not really, I was thinking along the same lines. The Atlantic is not exactly a boon to relationships,” he replied. “I have to confess that I nearly didn’t. You are the prettiest girl here by far!”
“Oh don’t be silly, there are lots of pretty girls here,” she said, blushing.
“Yeah, sure there are, but you beat them all,” Jason said, and wondered why, considering their last exchange.
She stood up, “Come on let’s dance. We can at least have fun while you're here.”
The rest of the evening passed very quickly, and Martina found herself in Jason’s arms during the slow dances. He held her close, but not too close, with her arms around his neck, but not to tight. They fooled no one, so it wasn’t long before they were kissing!
Midnight arrived, and Jenny arrived with the other parents, all of whom were corralled into the small sitting room, as the party slowly wound down. She caught a glimpse of Martina in the arms of a tall young man, and they looked rather too intimate for Jenny’s liking.
Sue came up and gave her a cup of tea.
“He’s my sister’s boy, from Canada,” she said. “They have been like that all evening. They look good together, but he is nineteen!”
Jenny was shocked.
“Oh shit! Bloody typical! When is he going back?” Jenny asked. Sue laughed
“On Saturday. He's a really nice boy, very gentle; he wants to be a teacher. He's at college, his sister is the same age as the twins.”
They watched, surreptitiously, as Martina led the boy out onto the patio, again.
“Thanks for tonight, it was fun,” she said.
“It sure was, Look, I’m sorry, I never meant to come on so strong, but I sorta felt safe, as you had a boyfriend and all,” he said.
“You are safe, Jason, I won’t get between you and Chevonne. I like you very much, but I do love Rob. As I said, it's been fun. I’d like it if we could stay friends though?”
“Sure, I’d like that too,” he said.
She went up on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek.
“Bye then.”
“Goodbye, and thanks,” he said.
Martina walked through the door and, without turning to her mother, who thought she was concealed behind the curtain, she said, “Come on Mummy, it’s time to go home.” Then she walked out to the car.
Martina said nothing in the car.
Finally, Jenny asked, “Well, Martina, did you have fun?”
“Yup. It was really cool.”
“Jason seems a nice boy.”
“Yes he is. But he’s nineteen, Mummy. He thought I was eighteen.”
“And did you tell him you are only fourteen?”
“I forgot,” Martina said, with a grin.
“You are terrible,” said Jenny, smiling in spite of herself.
“Look Mummy. It’s fine. He knows about Rob, and he has a girlfriend too. We had some fun, but everything is cool. We're just friends, or didn’t you hear that bit?” she said.
Jenny shook her head and dropped the subject. They arrived home, so Martina kissed her goodnight and went to bed. She went to sleep thinking of Rob.
Meanwhile at the Cartwrights, the house was being tidied up. When Jason found out that Martina was only fourteen, much to the twins’ amusement, he was rather horrified. His sister thought it funny, and teased him unmercifully.
Sue mentioned that Richard was at home, and he was the same age as Jason. The twins suggested that they all got together with Martina and Richard on the following day or so, and plans were made.
Martina slept in, to be woken by the telephone. While she woke up, Richard popped his head round her door.
“Are you decent?” he asked.
"It’s a bit late now, you're in,” she said.
“That was Sue, we have all been asked over for lunch at the Cartwrights, and then there are plans for us youngsters to go to Poole. Are you up to it? Apparently, the Canadian you snogged all last evening can’t bear to be without you for another moment,” he said, ducking out as a slipper was thrown at his head.
Martina had a shower and put on a pair of her new socks, with a short denim skirt. She had a sweater with a denim jacket over the top, and a long scarf. She used slightly lighter make-up than last evening, but kept her nail varnish.
It was almost noon by the time she got downstairs, and just had a cup of coffee. She saw Richard getting his mother’s Mercedes out of the garage, so with some shock, she realised that Jenny was going to let him drive.
They arrived at the Cartwrights at about half past twelve, to be met by Hugh, who immediately roped them into helping move the furniture back to where it belonged.
Jason came over to Martina and Richard. Martina introduced the two boys to each other.
“You never told me that you're the same age as the twins.” Jason said.
“You never asked. Why, does that make a difference?” she asked.
He smiled, shaking his head. “No, I guess not. You still look real good,” he said, smiling.
“Thanks, but don’t forget Chevonne!” she teased.
Richard said, “I understand you are at university in Canada?”
“I am at college. Yes.” Jason replied, and the two boys were dragged off to do some heavy work.
Elizabeth came up to Martina.
“Hi, you are Martina. Jason told me about you. I’m Jason’s sister, Elisabeth. We didn’t get a chance to speak last night.” she said.
Martina and Elizabeth hit it off from the start, and spent the whole of lunch chatting. Much to the relief of Jenny, because she was finding life complicated enough already. Sue, who didn’t want to have the complication of having Jason involved with Martina; and Jason himself, who thought that Martina was just too much for him! He would find it very easy to fall in love with her, and thought he might have a little already!
Jason and Richard had a lot in common, and became good friends in a short space of time. The fact that they were the same age helped. Poor Jason had been dragged round all his mother’s relatives, and they all had children younger than he was. At last there was someone the same age!
After lunch, the kids all piled into the Mercedes, and Richard drove them into Poole. They went to the cinema, and then on to a pizza restaurant.
Whilst going into the cinema, Martina had thought about renewing her acquaintance with Jason, but decided not to. She recognised that emotions were fickle things, and she respected Rob too much. But she was tempted! So she sat next to Elizabeth and Amanda.
After the pizza they returned to the Cartwrights, and spent a very relaxed evening. The Canadians were leaving the next day, and Elizabeth and Martina decided to write to each other.
It was nearly eleven o’clock when Richard drove them home again, after saying their goodbyes.
Jason had given Martina a hug, and told her to look him up in a few years time, if they were both free!
Chapter 8
Before they knew it, the holidays ended, and a new term began.
Martina was sad as the holidays had been fun, but she was excited at the prospect of seeing her friends again, one in particular!
She surprised her mother by being packed and ready long before she had to be, and Jenny started driving much earlier than she had intended.
They arrived early, and Martina found herself one of the first to return. She got herself unpacked, and made her bed, and then went in search of anyone she knew. As it was the evening before the official term start day, they were allowed to be in home clothes. So she was wearing her long socks and denim skirt. She was also wearing makeup, which was not allowed during the working week.
She dashed round to Leeds House, and rang the bell. No. Rob wasn’t back yet, he was due on the train, which got in at 16:20, and then he had to get the minibus from the station, so he wouldn’t be here until 17:00.
Martina was very frustrated, she had nearly two hours to wait. She went up to the main building and read some of the notices, and then went back to the house. On the way the minibus passed her, and stopped outside of Cardiff House.
When she got there, some girls got out of the bus and unloaded their stuff. Martina went up to Mr Simmons, who was on bus duty that day.
“Are you doing the four twenty run?” she asked.
“Yes, why?”
“Could I come with you, or will there not be enough room?” she asked.
Mr Simmons grinned at her. Her relationship with Rob was common knowledge amongst all the staff.
“I wonder who is due on that train then?” he said.
Martina grinned back at him.
“There is room, I’ve only got three on that run. I’ll pick you up at ten past.” he said.
She thanked him, and he drove off.
She went to her room, and took out her new guitar. She tuned it up, and started strumming. She practised some scales and some set pieces, and played some simple melodies. Richard had given her a book of basic chords, and she practised some of them.
Two of the older girls heard her playing and came in to listen. The girls, Sylvia and Jessica, were a year ahead of Martina, but Martina managed to cross the year barriers and actually got on better with them than some of her own year.
“You sang very well in the concert, last term.” said Jessica.
“Thanks. I really enjoyed it.”
“You have a brilliant voice, why don’t you go professional?” Sylvia asked.
“Mr Cooper is arranging professional singing coaching for me this term. So I may eventually.” Martina replied.
She played a bit more, and tried to show the others what fingers did what. The others got a little bored and left her to it.
Then Sophie arrived, and calm was shattered. She came in like a small Tasmanian devil, with hair exploding all over the place.
“Martina! I love those socks! They are so sexy! Did you have a lovely Christmas? I did, it was wonderful. And I met this gorgeous boy! He is called David, and I miss him dreadfully already!” Sophie was definitely back!
The bus stopped outside Cardiff at ten past four, and Martina ran down to jump in.
It was only ten minutes to the station, and they arrived before the train. Martina went onto the platform and waited. It wasn’t long, and she heard the rails whistle before she heard the train. Then it came round the bend, and stopped.
At first she thought that Rob had missed it, but then she saw him, lugging his stuff from the last carriage. She ran up the platform to meet him.
He stopped and watched her approach. He realised then how much he had missed her. She had a huge smile on her face, and his heart simply melted. It was at that moment, that Robert Alexander decided that Martina was going to be his wife. Regardless of everything, he swore that she was the only girl he could ever consider growing old with.
He dropped his bags, and she was in his arms. Officially term had not started, and he just enjoyed holding her. His emotions were soaring. There was joy, pride, love, tenderness, and a little bit of lust. But he held her as if his life depended upon it. Their lips met, and the kiss went on and on.
At last they had to break off to breath.
“I have missed you so much!” she told him.
“Me too! I loved speaking to you, but it’s not the same is it?” he asked.
“No. The ring is so lovely. I’m never taking it off!” she said, showing him. “It is the right size, you are so clever!”
“I asked your mum, and she told me what size you are. Thanks for the heart, I won’t take it off either.” he said, showing her.
They kissed again, until Mr Simmons shouted.
“Come on Romeo and Juliet, I’ve another train in an hour, would you like me to leave you here for another hour?”
They thought about it, and decided to catch the bus.
They sat next to each other and Martina chatted about her holidays. She told him about her presents, her brothers, their women, the aunts, the party, Jason, Elizabeth, Bruce, the film, and most of all, how much she had missed him.
Rob felt a real pang of jealousy upon hearing about the Canadian, but remembered a party in Scotland where he danced closely with a certain girl called Jane. Soon he found himself sharing all about his holidays, the parties, and the girls.
Then, as he looked at her, he realised that there was no need to feel jealous. She was here, and he was here, and that was all they needed. They arrived back at school, and she got out of the bus with him. She took advantage of the lax rules on this day, and helped him in with his stuff.
She helped unpack his clothes, and even put things away in his wardrobe. She was kneeling on the floor, folding his clothes, as he would just stuff things away any old how.
One of the sixth formers came in, noticed Rob, nodded, saw Martina, and smiled.
“Lucky sod! I wish we all could have a wife to help us with our kit!” he said, and walked out.
Martina blushed, and Rob was embarrassed.
“What was that all about?” she asked.
“We are such an item, they sometimes refer to you as my wife. I’m sorry, but it just happened.” he said, looking hurt.
She put his clothes away, and closed the drawer. Then she stood up, and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“What is wrong with me being your wife?” she asked.
“Nothing, but they can be cruel.” he replied.
“What is cruel about marrying me?”
“Nothing. I…. “ Rob went quiet.
“Martina, you know that if I could I would marry you today, but I don’t think that it would go down too well! Do you?” he said.
“Who said that I wanted to marry you?” she teased. Rob looked so miserable, that she smiled and kissed him.
“Oh Robbie! You know that we go back so far, and have shared so much, I always will love you. I will probably end up having your children, and your ring will be on my left hand instead of my right. Did you know I go to sleep with this ring on my left hand every night?” she asked.
She nodded, and kissed him again.
The sixth former came back in.
“All right you two knock it off. This is neither the time nor the place. Martina, I think you should leave this poor man alone, can’t you see you are sapping his strength!” he told them.
They were all finished there, in any case, so they walked up to the dining room, hand in hand.
The term was soon underway, and life returned to normal, a normal that Martina was so grateful to experience.
She started guitar lessons, and Sheila Manning arrived every Tuesday evening, and gave her an hour’s voice coaching. Martina quickly realised that it may only be an hour a week, but Sheila expected at least three hours exercises every day!
It was a short term, and, just after half term, winter gave way, rather reluctantly, to spring. Soon Easter was rapidly approaching, and it was to be holidays again.
Martina worked hard, played hard, and took her time with Sheila very seriously. For her recreation she played the guitar. Her teacher was really encouraging, and she came on leaps and bounds. She seemed to have a natural rhythm, and her flair for music helped.
Rob was involved in sport, and represented the school at soccer and cross-country running. He and Martina sat next to each other in nearly all their lessons, as the teachers found that they tended to pine for each other if separated. By the end of term, the whole school knew them as Mr & Mrs Alexander.
Rob was secretly pleased, and Martina actually revelled in it.
The Easter holidays came, and before they knew it they were back for the summer. Jenny’s phone bill threatened to exceed all previous records, she never had this problem with boys!
The summer term saw Martina blossom in an aspect of sport she had never tried, she played a lot of tennis, and found a sport she loved. Rob played cricket, and was involved in the athletics. He even encouraged Martina to try middle distance running, and she found she could run a passable 400 and 800 metres.
She was free of the stigma of being the worst at sport, and for the first time actually enjoyed it!
At the end of term the school held a “Festival of Folk Music”. They invited youth bands from the County to come and play. Andy Cotton and his band, stayed specially to take part. The three guys had finished their A levels, and could have left, but they wanted to play together for one last time. They asked Martina to join them and be their vocalist. She accepted, and they had fun practising on many evenings. Martina brought along her guitar, and under Andy’s guidance, and her tutor’s, she was good enough to play as well.
Rob would often go and watch, and became interested in the drums. Tim was helpful, and suggested that he take them up, as there was no one coming up the school who was learning to play. Needless to say his parents were somewhat guarded with their reaction that he wished to learn, but agreed he could start lessons in the autumn.
The festival was a great success, with fifteen bands taking part. One band, from Oxford, had been playing together for nearly four years, and deservedly won, but the Broughton band managed a sterling second, and considering the competition, they were more than pleased with that.
Still no word from Australia. Mark had left it with his friend, and hoped for a break-through, realising that as far as police priorities went, Charles Collins was small potatoes. Then news came from Hong Kong that he was suspected of a fraud, and he had disappeared at the same time as a substantial amount of money belonging to his company. He was now a higher priority!
The summer holidays arrived, and Martina came home to a hectic social life. She suddenly found herself more in demand, and her circle of friends increased.
Rob and his family went to America to stay with cousins in Virginia for a whole month! Martina thought she was going to have a fit. But Rob, taking advantage of the cheaper phone charges over there, rang her every week.
Jenny thought that some time away may dampen the relationship somewhat, but far from it, somehow the separation seemed to strengthen their commitment to each other.
On Rob’s return, he came south, and stayed with Martina for a whole week. Jenny thought she would have to prise them apart with a crow bar in order to get Rob back on the train. Jenny was aware that the couple had spent at least one night sleeping together, but said nothing
The 1981 Autumn Term arrived, and with it two 15th birthdays, first Rob in September, and then Martina in October. Martina declined the visit to the doctor’s around her birthday, saying that she wished to keep what she had for the man she was going to marry. Jenny had absolutely no doubt that she meant Rob, but the thought showed she had grown up.
Rob, although only fifteen, was selected for the first XV rugby team. Martina became a common sight on the touchline, and almost became their mascot. Indeed, she badgered the rugby coach so much, that, in line with her experience, she was given the task of touch judge, but only for the home matches. As they played all-boy schools, they wisely decided that she would probably cause a bit of a stir in the bath afterwards. Besides, on the away matches, the touch judge acted as a substitute, and much as the lads would like to be in a scrum with her, the coach thought it would interfere with their game plan.
Thus it was that Martina, in her sexiest shorts, and as tight a top as she could manage, she began her illustrious career as the firsts touch judge. Guaranteed to put everyone off for every throw-in from then on!
This way she got to see every match, and had fun doing it. Strangely, every other team always looked forward to playing Broughton at home!
Martina’s singing came on tremendously, and Sheila was quietly confident that the world would soon be hearing an awful lot of Martina Bennett! She was very pleased with Martina’s commitment to her exercises, and her high level of self-discipline. As a result her voice had matured and developed, and was now capable of an even greater range, and exceptional volume.
Sheila thought the girl was good enough to make a success in opera, but also thought that she would be wasted there. Such was her personality and presence that she had to agree that more contemporary work would be far more appropriate.
Through Sheila’s encouragement Martina agreed to take the part of Eliza Doolittle in the school production of My Fair Lady, which was scheduled for the end of the Easter Term.
So, Martina began yet another round of practice sessions.
The Christmas Holidays arrived, and everyone departed once more. Jenny’s phone bill started to increase, and the social life rolled out again.
Christmas was less hectic this year, as money was a bit tight, and Mark was unable to get leave. He was back in some trouble spot or other. The twins invited Martina to go Skiing in Obergurgl, Austria, with the Cartwright family. So in the first week of January 1982, she hit the slopes for the first time!
Martina adored skiing, and once she got over her initial wobbles, was actually very good at it. The twins had been before, but by the fourth day she was able to ski almost as well as them. The aprá¨s ski was fantastic, and Martina was hardly the shy and retiring type. She met an awful lot of very nice boys, and was very glad that Rob couldn’t see her. But she never went beyond the dance floor, or perhaps the odd goodnight kiss on the doorstep, and she remained steadfastly loyal to her Robbie, much to the twins’ amusement.
Her ski instructor was a blond hunk. He introduced himself to the group thus, “My name ist Reinhardt, und I hope ve enjoy each udder!”
There were about seven girls between the ages of 14 and 24 in the group, and with the exception of Martina and the fourteen-year-old, by then end of the week, he had!
Martina picked up the most gorgeous tan, and, much to the disconcertion of Hugh and Sue, she and the twins also picked up a following of expectant young men!
They were very relieved to catch the plane home!
Spring term arrived, and Rob was met on the platform with an incredibly tanned and glamorous Martina, whose blonde hair was now getting very long. She had got very fit whilst skiing, and she looked even more beautiful than ever.
As he got off the train he looked along the platform, and there she was.
His heart went flipityflop, and seconds later they were in each other’s arms. They took the minibus up to the school, and just sat next to each other in silence.
Then, when they were alone, Rob just let her talk, for about half an hour, without taking a breath. She told him about the skiing, and Christmas, and her parties, and her dancing, the randy ski instructor, and all her admirers.
Rob realised that her probably should feel jealous, but for some obscure reason he didn’t. A year ago he would have gone bright green, but as he saw her smile at him, and read the love in her eyes, he knew that jealously wasn’t necessary, because here she was, back with him!
Then he simply said, “My God! I love you so much!”
She smiled, and said, ”I’m glad, because I love you so much it hurts!”
The work and play went on, singing took over much of Martina’s spare time, as the dates for the performance loomed. The show was to be put on the Friday and Saturday on last weekend of term. There were to be two showings, as it was quite a large production for a school, they felt that they should make the most of it. The school theatre was big enough for 600 people, and as there were only 250 pupils, invitations were sent to parents, as usual, and also local people.
With two weeks of the end of term, Martina got a call from Jenny.
Mark, it seems, had had contact from his friend in New South Wales Police. He hadn’t told anyone that this friend happened to be the Assistant Commissioner, and this man had managed get his men to locate Mr Charles Collins. Charles was living, under the name of Richard Bartlett, with a false New Zealand passport. He and his wife, to whom he was bigamously married, were running a small hotel on the coast.
Charles was arrested for illegal entry to Australia, using a false passport, bigamy, and three counts of attempted deception. He was now in prison, on remand, awaiting his court case and possible deportation, firstly to Hong Kong to face more theft and embezzlement charges, and eventually back to Britain, where the Child support agency could get their claws into him. Only by the time he would get to the UK, Martina would probably be a grandmother!
Jenny and Mark were going to fly out to Australia, in an attempt to seize assets, and serve divorce papers on him. Martina was welcome to stay with the Cartwrights, or her brother Simon said he would be happy to look after her for the holidays.
Martina went and found Rob, he was in his house, and came to the door.
“You know your parents went to America?” she said.
“Yes, so?”
“My Mum is off to Australia. My dad has been found, and arrested. It seems he is now in prison, and will probably stay there a long time. He’s even got another wife, even though he hasn’t divorced Mummy.” she told him.
Rob took her hand. “That’s awful!” he said. No really knowing what to say.
“No, it’s brilliant! But it leaves me with nowhere to go for Easter. I could stay with the twins, or Simon would have me.” She looked at Rob, and he smiled.
“I’ll go and ring the old man. Hang on!”
He dashed off to the phone box, and rang home. His mother answered.
He explained Martina’s predicament. His mother was a little concerned that this arrangement might not go down well with Martina’s mother, so Rob gave her Jenny’s number and said that he was sure it would be fine, as he had stayed with them.
Rob’s mother said that she would call Jenny, and then call him back.
Rob came out to find Martina still waiting.
“Well?” she asked.
“My Mum is ringing yours.” he told her.
“Oh!” she said.
They chatted about this and that for a while, they seemed to wait for ages, until the house-master called Rob back in.
“Your mother is on the phone.” he was told.
“Hi Mum!” he said.
“Rob, I have called Jenny. She sounds a lovely woman. She says that you are such a sensible young man with such lovely manners. Why is it we never see that at our home?”
“Yeah, thanks Mum, well?”
“Oh, I feel so sorry for her, that bastard of a husband. I really don’t know how she has coped. It is so lucky that her son had a friend in the Australian Police….”
“Mum! What did she say about Martina?” Rob almost yelled.
“Oh that. She told me a little of Martina’s horrendous difficulties. I had no idea, the poor girl. So I agreed, particularly as you two have been friends for so long. Is she the delightful girl we saw you with in Studland, and who you have stayed with a couple of times?”
“Yes Mum. What exactly did Jenny tell you?” Rob asked.
“Everything! She said that it wasn’t a secret, but that it was best kept as quiet as possible. She told me that Martina is very well adjusted, and just wants to get on with her life. Oh Robert, now I understand why you couldn’t tell us. So of course we would be delighted. We will meet you at Waverly Station as usual. Is she fussy about her food?”
“Martina will eat anything!” Rob said, and then smiled a wicked little smile. “Absolutely anything!”
They spoke about train times, and then he hung up. He went back to Martina.
“There is good news and not so good news. The good news is that you can stay with us for Easter. The not so good news is that your mum has told my mum everything!” he said.
Martina nodded. “That makes sense.” She said, much to Rob’s surprise.
“How so?” he asked.
“Look at it logically. We are never going to be able to keep it a secret forever. Eventually it will come out. But if all the people who matter already know, then no one will be shocked or surprised. It may get a brief airing, and then what? Then nothing, where can it go? No one is shocked, and no one surprised, just ordinary people leading ordinary lives, hardly headline news.
“If mummy hadn’t told them, then I would have done. She has just made it easier for us. We don’t have to pretend up there, just as we don’t at my home.” she said, and Rob saw that she was right.
It soon became known that they were to spend the holidays together, and the ribbing got heavier, but they both quite liked it.
My Fair Lady was an unparalleled success, and had a huge impact on the school. Sheila was delighted with Martina’s performance, and confirmed to her that here was a star in the making. Whereas her small successes at Halsey House had made little ripples locally, this production was reviewed in several Oxfordshire papers. It helped that the editor of the Oxford Mail had his daughter in the second year in the same house as Martina.
In the ‘Entertainment’ section of the Mail, there was a huge photograph of Martina, dressed in her elegant ball gown, and in mid song. It was very flattering, and with her hair piled up a la mode, she looked every inch the Edwardian lady!
The review read:
My Fair Lady is quite a production for the West End, let alone a small independent school, set deep in the heart of the Cotswolds. But Broughton Hall bit the bullet and produced one of the finest examples of school ingenuity and flair. Set in a very small theatre, the imaginative sets and wonderful costumes were the first to make one aware that this was to be an unusual show. From the moment one was introduced to a stunning Eliza Doolittle, played by the very talented Martina Bennett, one remained captivated by her for the duration. Professor Higgins, played by a remarkable Michael Moore, captured the essence of the chauvinist that lies at the heart of most men. The supporting cast were brilliant, and the choreography very slick! But the heart and soul of the show rested with Martina’s wonderful voice, who sang her way into everyone’s hearts. Martina looked every inch the star that she will no doubt become very soon. When I discovered that she was only fifteen, I was amazed, as her looks and voice were so mature, that I thought she had to be at least eighteen. I have never enjoyed a production of this show so much. Broughton Hall is to be congratulated for a highly professional and exceptional production. |
Martina was thrilled, but sad that her mother had been unable to watch her.
Marcus Brady felt completely vindicated that his decision to take her on was not only right, but also brilliant. The school secretary began to receive many enquiries about placements at the school, and the future looked rosy for Broughton Hall, particularly in a decline in the independent boarding schools.
The end of term arrived, and kit was packed away. The school was sensible, and stored the pupils’ kit over the two shorter holidays. That way trunks and huge cases didn’t have to be lugged all over the world
Martina still managed to pack a suitcase as large as a small caravan, with all her own clothes. Rob was carrying one small bag, and he laughed when he saw Martina with the huge suitcase and her guitar case. He stopped laughing as he realised that he was going to have to help her carry them.
They caught the train, which was quite empty, and Martina disappeared to the loo. She came back, having changed out of her uniform, and was now wearing a short dark skirt, with her stockings and favourite boots. She wore a white blouse, and a short black jacket. With her face made up, and her long blonde hair, she instantly looked eighteen, at least. Rob felt enormously proud of her, as she sat opposite him.
“You look gorgeous!” he told her.
She held his hand. “I only do it for you!” she said.
Rob felt rumblings in his trousers, and released her hand. She immediately came and sat beside him, and they travelled snuggled up with each other.
They had to change once, and rolled into Waverley Station, in Edinburgh, in the late afternoon.
Rob carried her case, and she carried his bag and her guitar. They saw Rob’s dad on the platform, and he waved at them.
As the young couple approached, John Alexander looked at the girl that Rob thought so much of. Mary, his wife, had told him about all her problems, and looking at her, he was quite surprised, as she seemed perfectly normal. In fact she was really quite stunning! He rather envied his son, as she was a very good-looking girl.
He recalled meeting her once a while ago in Dorset; he thought that she had filled out a little since then. In all the right places, of course!
He relieved her of the guitar, and let Rob struggle with her enormous case.
“Hello Martina, I’m John, I don’t expect you remember me?” he said. He had a slight Scottish accent.
“Hello, Mr Alexander, Of course I remember you. It really is so kind of you to have me to stay. I really appreciate it, as my mum is going through a really tough time, and it is one less thing for her to worry about!” she said.
“You are welcome. Please call me John, I would be much happier. I hate getting old, and Mr Alexander sounds rather old!” he said.
“Thank you, John. I will.” she replied, with a lovely smile. Yet another man fell before her charm!
John then noticed his son, who was bright red in the face and sweating.
“All right, Rob?” he asked.
“All right, Dad!” Rob replied.
John led them to a black Range Rover Efi, and opened the back up. He and Rob lugged the cases and guitar in. John then opened the front passenger door for Martina, and she got in. John couldn’t help but notice her long and lovely legs as she did so.
Rob noticed his father, and rolled his eyes upwards.
They lived in a lovely house in Duddingston, near Arthur’s seat, a large hill overlooking Edinburgh. It took them only ten minutes to get there.
John pulled the car onto the drive, and Martina said, “Oh, what a lovely house!”
They unpacked the car, and Mary Alexander came out to greet them. She hugged her son, and looked at the girl he had brought home.
Mary had actually spent some time since, on the phone to Jenny, and was about aware of the whole situation as anyone could be.
She remembered a tanned girl in a bikini two summers ago, but it was so brief, that she could not picture her face. The tall and rather sophisticated girl who now stood admiring her home was nothing like she had imagined.
Martina saw her and smiled, as only she could. She went to Mary and held out her hand.
“Mrs Alexander, I am so happy to be here! You are so kind to put up with me. Thank you so much.” she said.
Mary took the girl’s hand and hugged her, kissing her cheek.
“It’s lovely to have you here, my dear Martina. Please call me Mary!” she said. Martina noted that she had an American accent, and then she recalled that Rob mentioned about a grandmother in America, who had died whilst his mother was over on the trip when Rob had stayed with her.
“I was so sorry to hear about your mother. I know that my mum still misses her’s!” Martina said.
Mary looked a little taken aback, and then she hugged Martina again. “Thank you, Martina, so many people just can’t seem to talk about it, and that is so much worse. So thank you!”
They took the cases indoors, and Rob’s little sister Lucy appeared. Lucy was 10, and she was small and dark. She was a pretty child, who looked at Martina with deep suspicion. They had only met once, on that day at Studland.
Martina was shown to a delightful double room, with its own bathroom, and a lovely view over the city. She unpacked her case, and suddenly realised that she was being watched. Lucy stood by the door and was looking at her.
“Hello Lucy. Would you like to give me a hand?” she asked.
The girl shrugged, and then said, “Okay.” Her Scottish accent was more obvious than Rob’s.
Lucy would take the things out of the case, and passed them to Martina who either put them in a drawer, or hang them in the wardrobe.
“You have a lot of clothes.” Lucy observed.
“That’s what Rob says, but I’m here for four weeks, so I might need them.” Martina said.
Lucy passed her black evening dress.
“This is a nice dress.” she said.
“Thanks, have you got lots of pretty dresses?” Martina asked.
“Aye, one or two.” the girl admitted.
“Which is your favourite one? That is mine.” said Martina.
“Would you like to see them?” Lucy asked, brightening.
“I’d love to. Shall we finish here, and then you can show me?” Martina asked.
They finished unpacking all her clothes, and then Lucy took Martina into her room.
It was a real little girl’s room. It had lovely curtains, and a matching canopy above the bed. There were about 15 dolls and cuddly toys on a special shelf. She had a really pretty dolls house in one corner, and the wallpaper depicted scenes from Peter Pan, with Tinkerbell all over the place. Lucy opened her cupboard, and showed Martina some super little dresses.
Martina sank to the floor and started to weep.
Lucy looked very worried, and came over to her.
“Martina, what is the matter?”
Martina couldn’t speak. This was the room she had always wanted, but had never been allowed to have by fate.
Lucy ran out onto the landing and shouted, “Mummy! Something has happened to Martina!”
Rob and Mary were there very quickly, and Mary immediately understood. She ushered her son and daughter out, and closed the door very quietly, and knelt down by the sobbing girl.
Martina knew what was happening, but couldn’t seem to stop. She felt really awful but the tears just wouldn’t stop.
Mary held her in her arms and let the girl cry for what seemed for an age.
Finally, Martina managed to control herself, and stopped crying.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened. I feel awful, you must think me so silly!” she said.
“Shush, don’t worry. I understand. It’s the room isn’t it? It’s the room you never had?” Mary said, gently stroking the girl’s hair.
Martina nodded, and the tears returned.
Lucy popped her head round the door.
“Is she okay, Mummy?” she asked, very worried.
Martina said, “I’m fine, Lucy. Please stay!” Lucy came into the room and knelt on the floor by Martina.
“You have such a lovely room, Lucy. I always wanted to have a room just like this one, but I never was allowed it. You see Lucy, I was born in another country, and the doctors weren’t very good, and they made a mistake. They told my mummy and daddy that I was a boy, but I wasn’t. I had a rare thing wrong with me, which meant that what I had looked more like a boy.
“I was brought up as a boy, and had boy’s clothes and boy’s toys. When I was eight I got sent to a boy’s school, and I met Rob there. He was one of the few people who were always nice to me, and we became friends. It was there that I really knew that I was a girl. Rob was the only one who believed me, and I think he got teased about it.
“Anyway, we both left that school, and went to different schools. It was at this time my body started changing, I was becoming a like a grown up girl. The school I went to was for boys only. I hadn’t been there long, when my body finished changing. I was a normal girl, and I had to leave that school.
“So you see I missed out on being the little girl that I always knew that I was, and somehow seeing your lovely room has brought it all out! I am so sorry to worry you!”
“Would you like to sleep in my room?” Lucy asked, and Martina almost started crying again.
“No Lucy, but I would like you to show me all your favourite things!” she said.
“Are you sure you are okay, honey?” asked Mary.
Martina nodded. “Yes, I’m sure. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to get all silly.” she said.
“Don’t you worry, I’m just glad that we could be here for you. It was bound to happen sooner or later, so now is as good a time as any.” Mary said.
“Thanks.” said Martina. “I really am okay now.”
Mary looked at Martina in a new light. She had been through so much, and was still a lovely child.
“Take your time, walk before you run!” she said.
“You sound like my mum! Have you two been speaking?” Martina asked with a smile.
“As it happens we have, but she never mentioned that. I think you ought to wash your face, your mascara has run.” Mary said, and helped Martina up.
Mary descended back down stairs, and Martina went to her bathroom, and washed her face. And then, in her bedroom she re-did her make up. She returned into Lucy’s room and let her show her all her favourite things. She had a lot and Martina wanted to know all about each one. It took a while.
Rob was feeling a bit spare, sitting at the kitchen table, and his Dad had disappeared to his workshop. Rob was worried about Martina, and was relieved when his mum came back.
“Is she okay?” he asked.
“She’s fine now. She just had a bit of a wobbly in Lucy’s room.”
“What happened?”
Mary sat down by her son.
“Rob, she has been through an awful lot, very quickly. You two have had to carry a lot of secrets for a very long time. You know that she has missed a lot of her life, and some of it just caught up with her.” she said.
“I’m glad that it is coming out. It drives us spare trying to keep it all quiet. I am just afraid of how cruel people can be. I don’t want to see her get hurt, Mum!” Rob admitted.
“You really are fond of her, aren’t you, Rob?” she asked.
He nodded. “More fond than is probably good for me!” he admitted.
“She is a sweet child, but then, both of you are children still. Despite looking so grown up!” Mary said.
“She had to grow up awfully fast. She overtook me!” he said, with a grin.
“She might well look an act grown up, but she needs to find the little girl inside of her, and let her be free!” she said.
“She is so afraid of the scandal!” Rob said.
“The secret with a scandal, is to let it out in a controlled way. You let out a bit at a time, so when the whole story breaks, there isn’t the shock factor. The government do it all the time, they have something that may embarrass them, so they leak a rumour, then part of the story, and by the time the full facts come out, it is no longer news.” she told him
“Oh. So we should start letting it out a bit at a time?” he said.
“Yes, I think that now would be a good time. Just start with the bare facts, so that you can fill in the details as people ask you. That way no one gets shocked, and no surprises. Should the press get hold of it, it is just an old story, of little interest to anyone, and therefore worthless as far as journalist are concerned.”
“It’s up to Martina really.” he said.
“Yes, but this would be a good time. The school is hidden away, and she is very low as far as profiles are concerned. If you wait, and if she is as talented singer as you say. Then imagine the impact if it came out when she is a star. It could ruin her instantly!” she said.
Martina walked in at that point.
“There is also the fact that my dad will probably make the headlines as soon as the press get hold of his little story!” she said wryly.
“I’m sorry Martina, we didn’t mean to talk behind your back.” said Mary.
“That’s okay, I heard enough and I agree. I think now would be a good time! I was waiting for all the family to get to know, so they wouldn’t be surprised. And I needed you to know, as they are bound to find out how special Rob has been to me. The last thing I want is for any of you to get caught up in any of the dirtiness.” she said, as she sat next to Rob.
“The best thing is if you let it out at school first, just subtly, to your friends first, and then treat it as if it was nothing. Once everyone who knows you are aware, and by and large I expect they will just accept you for who you are now. You must tell the headmaster, so the school is prepared.” Mary explained.
Martina smiled. “It will be a relief when it is all in the open. I hate the secrecy of it all!” She said.
John chose that moment to join them. He looked round the table, and saw their rather sombre expressions.
“Have I missed anything?” he asked, and everyone laughed, and the air was cleared.
“What are you kids going to want to do this holidays?” Mary asked them.
Rob had a little smile, and Martina thought she knew what was coming, she also smiled and looked away.
“I don’t know, I thought we’d just make love a lot!” he said, as casually as he could.
His father’s jaw almost hit the table, and Mary, who had watched the little smiles, had worked out that something was coming.
“Very droll, Robert!” She said, “Now Martina, I’m sure you could come up with something more witty than that?”
Rob burst out laughing, as Martina said, “No that sounds like fun to me!”
John looked from one to the other, and then to his wife.
“Am I missing something here?” he said, again. This caused more laughter, and Rob thought he was going to we himself.
“Yes dear, you are being teased, and these two are probably repeating something that was tried out with Martina’s mother. Am I right?” Mary said.
Martina and Rob were laughing too much to reply, so Rob just nodded
“Well, I suggest that you get washed for dinner, we will be eating in about half an hour. I’d like the table laid, and you can get some drinks. You can decide what to do later. I have to get dinner.” Mary stood up.
Martina volunteered to help her, and Rob and John laid the dining room table.
They had a quiet meal, and Mary took the opportunity to watch Martina as she talked to John.
She had been very uncertain about the whole thing, but felt that she owed it to Rob to support him. She had initially thought that he would be best to forget all about her, and just get on with his life unfettered.
But as she watched her, and listened to her conversation, she re-evaluated her initial concerns.
John was clearly captivated by her, and unusually, he seemed well able to relate to her. John was not very good with young people as a rule. He found them difficult to communicate with, and rarely took the trouble to actually try. But clearly he had no difficulty with Martina, as he told her all about being an architect, she noticed that Martina was able to bring out the best in him.
She simply asked intelligent questions, and sat back and looked interested. Every now and again she said something that indicated that she was still interested, and was listening closely. Her use of body language, particularly her eye contact, and a ready smile, showed Mary that here was a girl who knew what she had, and how to use it.
Without bidding, Martina cleared the table, and loaded the dishwasher. She washed up all the pans, and had finished before Mary was aware that she had done it. She only found out when Martina came up to her and said, “I’m sorry if you lose anything, I tried to put everything away, but I wasn’t sure where some things went. I asked Rob, and he was useless! So I left a few things on the kitchen table. I am sure I will know by the end of the week”
After supper, they watched TV, and then went to bed. Martina was very tired, and she kissed Rob outside the bedroom door. She was rather subdued, and Rob was a little concerned.
As they lay in bed, reading, Mary turned to John.
“What do you think of our guest?” she asked.
“I think she is delightful. Considering all she has been through, I think she is a lovely girl.” he said. He put down his book. “What about you?”
“My first thought, after speaking to her mother, was, ‘Oh no, what has Rob got mixed up with?’ Then I thought, ‘Oh you poor pathetic creature, I hope Rob moves on!’ But now I have actually met her, I have to confess that I think she is a really nice girl, who has had a hell of a life, and has come out of it better than most people who have life easy. I can see why Rob is so fond of her, and she obviously thinks the world of Rob. I only hope they allow each other to grow up.” she said.
“Young Rob has been her friend for a long time, they have been through a lot together. I wouldn’t be surprised that even if they go their separate ways after leaving school, they will still end up with each other. You don’t go through something like this to drift apart. If anything, it will bind them together stronger!” John said.
Mary looked at her husband, with surprise.
“That is amazingly deep and astute, how very unlike you!” she said.
“I can be amazingly deep and astute when I want to be. It is just that I seldom want to be! Good night my dear.” He leant over, kissed his wife and turned out his light.
Martina was still awake, she was staring at the ceiling. Thoughts were flying around in her head. She was in a strange bed, in a strange house, in a strange country, where men wore kilts, and developed hairy legs.
The thought about her mum, and wondered how she and Mark were getting on. She thought about how she would tell everyone about her past, and was very worried about Rob getting hurt by any backlash.
She heard a little knock on her door. It opened a little and Rob’s voice whispered, “Martina, are you awake?”
She got out of bed, silently, and opened the door, making him jump.
“What?” she whispered back.
He grinned sheepishly.
“I was worried about you, and couldn’t sleep. Are you okay?” he whispered.
They looked so silly she started to giggle, and he followed suit. They giggled so much that they had to go into her room and close the door, in case they were overheard.
The giggles died away, and she looked at him. He looked so funny when he was worried, she started to giggle again.
“Now what?” he whispered, looking even more worried.
She shook her head, and giggled some more.
She eventually subsided, and found she was getting cold feet. She jumped back into the big bed.
He stood in the middle of the floor, still looking worried, she held up the edge of the duvet, and he jumped in beside her.
They snuggled up together, and she complained because he had cold feet. It was his turn to start to giggle.
“What have I said?” she asked.
He giggled even more, so she tickled him. He retaliated, and was stronger, so she gave in, and found herself pinned to the bed by his full body weight.
She looked up at him, and said, “Hello, do you come here often?”
He started to smile.
“I’ve never come here at all!” he said. “Yet!”
She kissed him, and he responded.
She felt him becoming aroused.
“No Rob, not tonight. You are squishing me, just get the hell off, and hold me nicely!” she said.
He slipped off her, and they cuddled for a while.
“Why did you giggle?” she asked.
“Because we are the epitome of married bliss. In a big double bed, and excitement in the air, and here’s you, complaining about my cold feet!” he said.
She giggled. He loved to hear her giggle, as she had such a wicked giggle.
They just lay there content to be with each other. They didn’t need to speak, and they drifted off, asleep in each other’s arms.
Rob woke at about ten past seven. His right arm was dead, and a knee was pressing onto his bladder. He suddenly realised that he was still in bed with Martina, and he looked across at her.
She was still snuggled up close to him, with his arm under her neck, hence the lack of all feeling in the arm. She looked so peaceful and pretty, he felt very humble to be special to her. He felt enormous pride at being part of her life, and that they were as close as they were.
He also felt that if he didn’t do something soon, he would wet the bed! He slowly extricated himself from her clutches, and managed to get out of bed without waking her.
He went to the loo, and thought about returning to the big bed. He knew that it would cause a family fight, and he didn’t want to upset anyone, so he went back to his own bedroom.
He got into his cold and lonely bed, and lay down. He didn’t think there was any chance of going back to sleep. He smiled to himself, as he had actually slept with a woman!
Martina woke at seven twenty. Rob had gone, not long ago, if the warmth in the bed was anything to go by. She felt a bit disappointed, but accepted that he had been sensible. She padded to the loo. She sat having a pee, and she smiled, she had slept with her first man!
Mary got up at seven thirty, and John followed her into the bathroom. They were well used to the holidays, with Rob rising somewhere near noon most days.
She went down stairs in her dressing gown, and put the kettle on. She made herself a cup of coffee and turned on the radio. She was very surprised to see Martina up and dressed, looking bright eyed and bushy tailed.
“Morning Mary!” she said, and went over to the kettle. She had on a longer skirt today, and her large pullover. She had on her boots, with tights, and Mary realised that she did not dress in a way that most teenage girls seemed to. She looked very pretty. Mary was a little taken aback, as she definitely looked older than her fifteen years. It wasn’t just her mature shape, but the way she carried herself, and her expressions. She had wise eyes, and although her complexion was superbly fresh, when made up, she looked very sophisticated.
“Martina, my, you are early. The kettle has just boiled. Did you sleep well?” she asked.
“Very well thank you, that is a super bed. It’s so huge, I almost feel guilty taking it all up!” she said.
“Well don’t tell Rob, I’m sure he would volunteer to help you fill it!” Mary said, joking.
Martina went very red, and smiled. Mary had an uneasy thought. No, they are only fifteen, she told herself.
“Do you think he would?” Martina asked, and made herself a coffee.
“Morning Mum!” said Rob. Mary was shocked.
“Rob, do you know what time it is?” she asked.
“Yes, I learned to do that a few years ago. Hello gorgeous, how are you today?” he said to Martina, and they kissed.
Mary watched as Rob showed Martina where the cereal was kept. The two of them kept exchanging meaningful glances, and were far more tactile than Mary would have expected, and she thought to herself, ‘I have missed something here!’
John came in, and upon seeing Rob up and dressed, he checked the clock.
“Rob, do you know what time it is?” he said.
“No dad, could you help me?” Rob said.
“Don’t be sarcastic, Robert!” said his mother. Drinking some coffee to hide her smile.
“Have you decided what you are going to do today?” John asked.
“I thought I’d show Martina Edinburgh. There are lots of soldiers at the castle, so she will like it there!” Rob said.
This went straight over his parents’ heads, so he had to explain, much to Martina’s embarrassment.
Lucy came in yawning.
“Don’t take her shopping, she has more clothes than anyone else I know, and you would have to carry her case all the way back to Broughton!” she told her brother.
Everyone laughed, and Martina thought it very unfair.
After breakfast, Martina and Rob caught the bus down into the city centre. Lucy wanted to come too, but Mary managed to persuade her to stay at home this trip. Martina promised to take Lucy shopping, ‘just for girl things’.
Martina loved Edinburgh. It was a super city. She was a real country girl, and wasn’t really used to the hustle and bustle of city life. They went round the castle, and saw the old cannon, Mons Meg, which was supposed to fire every day to mark twelve noon.
She saw the modern piece of field artillery, that stood a little way off, and they were there when that was fired at noon. She felt a bit cheated, but realised that the old cannon probably hadn’t fired in centuries, and if it did, it would blow up!
They went up the tower on Princes Street, and had lunch in a little Italian Restaurant up a side street.
It was a special day, and they were just really happy being together. He bought her a genuine black Tam O’Shanter hat, with a red bobble. She put it on, and Rob thought it really suited her.
“Have you got a kilt, Robbie?” she asked, as they walked past a kilt and tartan shop.
“Of course, but I don’t get much of a chance to wear it. When we have parties up here, if they are formal, we wear kilts instead of dinner jackets. And we do the Scottish dancing.” he told her.
“That sounds fun, can we go to a party?” she asked.
“You’d have to learn the dances. They are quite tricky.” he said.
He went on to describe some of the dances that he knew, and she loved the sound of them. She imagined lots of handsome men, dressed in all their different tartans, and all the girls, in long dresses and sashes. Her eyes began to sparkle, and Rob knew the signs.
“When we get home, we can run through some of them, Dad has a record, and it would be fun.” he said.
They were walking down a side road, and there was a commotion in an off licence. They heard some breaking bottles, and some shouting.
Suddenly a man ran out of the shop, carrying a bottle of vodka. He ran straight towards the young couple, who froze to the spot. He was very scruffy, with long matted hair, and a beard. He had an old plain green army combat jacket and dirty jeans that may have been blue several decades ago.
Martina thought he looked like a drug addict, although she had never knowingly seen one.
The shopkeeper was right behind him, shouting, “Stop him! He’s stolen some vodka!”
When the man was a few feet from Martina, the shopkeeper caught hold of the man’s jacket, and pulled him to a halt.
The man spun round and connected the bottle on the side of the shopkeeper’s head, and he fell heavily to one side, the bottle breaking with the force.
Rob said, “Wait a minute!”
The man faced Rob, with the broken bottle extended.
“Fuck off sonny, do you want a piece o’ this?” he snarled.
Martina was almost behind the man, and Rob has unconsciously drawn him away from her. She looked around, and saw a length of 2” x 4” wood lying by some black rubbish bags.
The man lunged at Rob, who jumped back out of danger.
Martina saw two policemen running towards them, but they were a long way off. Almost without thinking, she picked up the length of wood, and swung it as hard as she could at the back of the horrible man’s head.
There was a dull thud, and the man dropped his bottle, and sank forward to his knees. He was only stunned, so Martina swung it back, and connected with his forehead.
The man flew backwards and ended up in the pile of rubbish.
“Don’t you dare threaten my boyfriend!” she screamed at the man, who was, at this moment, unable to threaten anything, and was developing a lovely bruise on his forehead.
Rob stared at her, with his mouth open.
“Shut your mouth Rob, or you’ll catch something!” she said. She went to help the shopkeeper, who had a nasty cut to the side of his head.
The two policemen arrived, and looked at the man on the ground, and then at Martina. They had seen everything, and were both smiling.
The younger one turned to Rob, and asked, “Is she your girlfriend?”
Rob nodded.
The copper laughed. “I wouldn’t like to piss her off!”
He bent over the groaning thief, and rolled him over, and put him in handcuffs.
”This man needs stitches!” Martina said. Holding her hanky to the wound.
The older policeman used his radio, and asked for an ambulance, and informed his control that they had one in custody for GBH and Robbery.
“Are you all right, Miss?” he asked Martina.
“Me, I’m fine. I haven’t killed him, have I?” she asked, looking a little worried.
“No, unfortunately, can ye no try to hit the bugger a wee bit harder the next time?” he said, as the thief was stood up, and searched by his colleague.
Martina watched, as a nasty lock knife was produced, and several syringes. The man looked rather pathetic now, and she almost felt sorry for him.
“I won’t get into trouble for hitting him, will I?” she asked.
“Not at all, if anything you will get a commendation from the city. This man is well known to us, he is a nasty wee shite, called Ian Duff. He’s put many poor bastards into hospital, and keeps stealing for his drug habit. I think there are about five warrants outstanding for him. After this, he’ll no be seein’ the light o’ day for a long time!”
A police van and an Ambulance arrived, and the prisoner and casualty were taken away.
The older policeman stayed with Rob and Martina. Another woman came over to them.
“Officer, I saw it all, this pretty lass was bloody fine. She should get a medal!” she said.
The policeman took the lady’s name and address, and a brief statement in his notebook.
When he finished, he looked at Martina and Rob.
“I need a statement from you two. You are both over eighteen aren’t you?” he asked.
They both admitted to being only fifteen, and he shook his head.
“You kids, you’re getting older much younger, these days!”
He arranged to attend Rob’s address later, so a statement could be taken from them, with a parent or guardian present.
He touched Martina on the shoulder.
“That was a bloody brave thing ye did, there, lass! Well done!” he said.
“I couldn’t have him attack Robbie, could I?” she replied.
The officer looked at Rob.
“If I were you, son, ne’er lose this one, as soon as you can, get a ring on her finger, and walk her doon the aisle!” he said. “They dinna come as good as this very often!”
Rob looked at her and smiled. “I know that!” he said.
The rest of the day was rather an anti-climax after all the excitement, so they took the bus back to Duddingston.
Rob had to tell his mother that the police would be calling, and she was horrified. So he told her the story. Martina felt embarrassed, as Rob made her out to be some form of superhero
Mary looked at Martina, who just smiled sheepishly, and gave a little shrug.
“I knew that if I called you from the hospital to tell you that Robbie had been bottled, you wouldn’t be very happy, so I had to protect him, didn’t I?” she said. “After all he was trying to protect me, he could have just walked away!”
“Rob, is that true?” Mary asked.
Ron shrugged. “It all happened so quickly!” he said.
The doorbell interrupted them, and Lucy ran to answer it. Martina was turning into her heroine.
“It’s a policeman!” she screamed with delight, this was getting better and better. She couldn’t wait to call up her friend Kerry.
PC Alistair Henderson felt a bit uncomfortable in this big house.
Mrs Alexander was a very attractive American lady, of around 38, and the house was well decorated, and he guessed that they were worth a few bob.
The young man, Robert, was a bright boy, who had shown courage and strength in facing the man, Duff. He took a statement from the boy first, and was impressed with the lad’s memory and powers of observation.
He turned to the girl next, a Martina Bennett. He took her date of birth, and shook his head. She looked older than that, he thought.
She was a very pretty girl, and as he took a very detailed statement from her, he realised that she was very intelligent as well. She even described the tattoos that Duff had, and exactly where they were on his hands. She emphasised the fact that she had seem him assault the shopkeeper, and feared that Rob would be next, and had reacted as she thought fit.
Mary sat through both statements, silently watching her son and Martina. It dawned on her that childhood was as good as over for these two, and they were entering a grown up world. She thought back to her own childhood, and she realised that she reached the same point nearly two years later. She was nearly seventeen when life became adult. Yet, she now acknowledged that Martina and Rob had both arrived!
PC Henderson finished Martina’s statement, and asked her to sign it. He then got Mary to countersign it.
“Well, thanks for the tea. You have a fine son, Mrs Alexander. You should be very proud of him!” he said.
“Oh, I am.” she replied.
“And as I said to your boy, don’t let that Martina go, she’s one in a million!” he said, looking at Martina, who went the colour of beetroot!
“I am beginning to appreciate that.” said Mary with a smile. “And I think Rob has known that for some time!”
Rob grinned and looked at Martina, who managed to go a little redder.
When John returned home, his heart fell. He had never seen a police car parked on his drive before, and he immediately thought of all the worst-case scenarios.
He parked his Range Rover, and locked it, and as he approached the front door, his wife was showing a police officer out.
“Thank you Mrs Alexander. I doubt that the man will plead not guilty, he rarely does. So there should be no need for them to attend court. But if they do, I’ll be in touch. Cheerio just now!” The officer turned, saw John, and nodded. Then he went and got into his car, and left.
John was still standing on the drive watching the police car disappear.
“Are you coming in, Honey? Or shall I bring you your dinner out there?” Mary said.
“What was that all about?” he asked.
“If you come in. I’ll tell you.” she replied.
He went into the house; there was no sign of the children.
“Where are the children, are they all right?” he asked
“Lucy is fine, and the young adults are as well!” Mary replied. “They aren’t children any more, John!”
He frowned and looked at her.
Mary took him into the kitchen, and told him about the day’s adventure.
“So Martina laid the bugger out cold! Good for her! Are they both all right?” he asked.
“They are both fine. Only I think Martina can walk on water as far as Lucy in concerned. She has been on the phone to Kerry for nearly twenty minutes, and from what I have overheard, I keep expecting Martina to have a large “S” on her tee shirt, and to launch off into flight!”
John chuckled, “Good for them. Do you think we had better tell her mother, or something?” he asked.
“We don’t know where she is at the moment. No, I have her brother’s number; he’s a doctor down south somewhere. If it has to go to court, I’ll tell him.” Mary said.
John went upstairs, and found Rob and Martina in his Rob’s bedroom. They were lying on the floor, looking at photographs from Halsey House. He said, “I heard what happened toady. Well done! But you were lucky you weren’t hurt!”
“I would have been if Martina hadn’t knocked the guy out!” Rob said.
“I heard, it sounded very dramatic!” John said.
He looked at the school photographs, and picked out Rob immediately. It was of their last year, and so wasn’t that long ago. He was still looking when Martina pointed to a blonde child sitting next to Rob. There was no doubt in John’s mind, it was Martina, and she looked like a girl pretending to be a boy.
“Were they blind or just stupid?” he asked.
“Because you even look like a girl there. Even I can see it!” he said.
“I was well into the change there. It all started at puberty, with the play when we were twelve.” Martina said.
“You look happy enough!” said John seeing her smiling face.
“I was, you see, I was sitting next to Rob, and I am always happy when I am next to him!” she said.
“Gracious, how complicated. No wonder you both were confused. It must have been bloody awful!” John said.
They looked at some of the other photos. In most of them Rob was smiling, and Martin looked rather sombre. In the first one, when they were eight, little Martin looked positively miserable, and almost in tears.
John looked at the same person, who was lying on her tummy, with her chin in her hands, and her feet in the air. John thought that it was some kind of miracle that things had turned out as they had.
Rob dug out the pictures of the plays and shows they had done.
John gasped at the amazing difference. Here was Martina, as she should be. Her smiling eyes shone and her self-assurance was evident even from the pictures.
“They must have been blind!” he said. “I can see why you fell for her, my boy!”
“Thanks Dad!”
“Well, what do you two say to a nice dinner out, to celebrate your gallant arrest of a nasty criminal?” John asked.
“Do I get a say in this?” said Mary from the door.
“Well?” asked John.
She smiled. “That sounds like a great idea!” she said.
“Mary, look at these, can you not see that Martina is so obviously a girl, even from when she was ten or eleven. I think she looks like a girl pretending to be a boy! What do you think?” John asked.
Mary looked and had to agree with her husband. But this was all in the past, and she said so.
Martina grinned and said, “That’s how I look at it. And in the past it can stay!”
They went out to a really chic restaurant, and dressed up. Martina had her black dress and white jacket, and took an awfully long time getting her makeup and hair just right.
Mary wore a dark trouser suit, and Lucy asked Martina to choose which dress she ought to wear. Martina chose a pretty red dress for her that set off her long dark hair.
As they entered the restaurant, John felt very proud of his family, and of his son’s very attractive girlfriend. He was especially proud as Rob helped Martina with her chair, and then his mother.
They ordered their meal, and John asked whether they should order wine.
Martina kept quiet, as she remembered Christmas.
But Mary said, “They have shown that they have both grown up today. I think we should have a bottle of champagne to celebrate!”
Lucy said, “Brilliant!”
Mary said, “And a lemonade for Lucy!”
“Oh, that’s not fair!”
John ordered a bottle of champagne, and a bottle of red.
Martina looked around the restaurant. It was in the old city, and was a very old building. It was wonderfully decorated as authentically as possible, and it had a lovely atmosphere.
The waiter brought the bottle and some glasses. The champagne was poured, and John proposed a toast to “Rob and Martina, the first of many such toasts!”
Rob looked at Martina, and she smiled back. She imagined the same toast on their wedding day, and it gave her a warm feeling. Mary watched the two, and a lump came to her throat.
They had a happy meal, and Martina loved the champagne. Fortunately, as there were four of them sharing the bottle, she only had two glasses. Which she found were enough to give her a very pleasant feeling.
The family finally returned home at about ten thirty, and Lucy was packed off to bed. John poured himself a small whisky and asked Rob if he would like one.
He declined. He sat next to Martina on the big sofa.
“You look lovely tonight. I feel very proud to have you with me!” he told her.
“You looked good yourself, but I still want to see you in a kilt!”
Mary came in and overheard.
“Well you may have your wish. The Stewart-McRaes have invited you to their Easter Dance. I have not answered it for you, but if you want to go, you will have to make your mind up quick.” she told them.
“Right, would you like to go to the dance, it is in a big house, a sort of castle, in Fife, over the Forth Bridge. It is very posh. It is really the parents’ party, but as the children are about our age, just about everyone goes. Even Mum and Dad! It is the sort of thing you would love.”
Martina thought it sounded super, and agreed without hesitation.
“We have to answer quick, because they arrange dinner parties before the dance, and then everyone converges on the house at about ten o‘clock.”
“If you both want to go, I will reply for you.” Mary offered.
“I haven’t got a dress that would be suitable.” said Martina.
Mary smiled, “That, we can sort out.” she said.
They went up to bed, saying goodnight on the landing. Martina read for a while, and then she thought she heard movement outside her door. She quickly got up and went to the door and opened it.
Rob was just about to knock, and he jumped nearly a foot in the air.
Martina giggled, and he dashed through the door.
Very soon they were snuggled up, together again.
“Would you ever want to marry me?”
“Of course!” he said, as if there was no conceivable way anything else was possible.
“Would you want to marry a virgin?”
“What are you trying to tell me?” he said, pretending to be upset.
She giggled and tickled him.
“Shit, Martina, if you are trying to tell me that you want to wait until we are married, that’s fine by me. You see, I realise that I don’t care - I just love you, no strings and no conditions. I don’t need to prove to you or myself that I am a man, and I already know how much of a woman you are. So I will respect whatever you want.” he said.
She cuddled up close to him.
“But anytime you want to, I will never turn you down!” he added, with a grin.
They lay close, just feeling good together.
“I just want my first time to be special, and not like my mum!” she said.
“Oh?” he said.
She told him about Jenny’s first time, and he smiled. Then she told him about the agreement for her sixteenth birthday.
“Oh!” he said.
“Did you know that I wanted you to do it to me that first time, at my house?” She said.
“It was rather obvious.” he said.
“I’m glad we didn’t!” she said.
Rob was quiet.
“Well?” she said.
“Shit, Martina, I was terrified, I hadn’t a clue, and you just sort of swept me away! I don’t think I would have known what to do!” he admitted.
“Would you now?” she asked.
“I have thought about it quite a lot, and I reckon that I would, and could now!” he said.
“Well if you know, and I know, then we can wait, until the timing is just right!” She said. Rob couldn’t follow her logic, but he was happy to be with her.
He was just dropping off to sleep, when she said, “You know that I want you to be the first, when the time comes?”
“I want to be the first, but can I go to sleep now?” he asked.
“Kiss me?” she asked.
He kissed her, and something stirred in his nether regions. Sleep somehow didn’t seem to be so important all of a sudden.
The kiss went on, and on, and on. They gently caressed each other, and she felt herself becoming more aroused. She felt his hardness, and touched it.
She knew what she wanted, but something held her back. He somehow shared the same feeling, and they lay next to each other, and gently brought the other to climax by hand. As she felt him coming, she slid down on top of him, and felt the warm fluid spurt across her naked breasts, the sensation brought her to orgasm.
They lay entwined, feeling closer than ever. And went to sleep.
This time it was Martina who awoke first. It was only five am, and she was literally stuck to Rob. She managed to de-stick herself, and went to the bathroom, where she wiped herself down with a flannel, and had a pee. She was still naked, and she went back to the bed. She looked at Rob as he slept. She had never wanted so much as she wanted him. She felt a little cold, so she put on her nightie, and slipped back into bed.
She kissed him on the eyelids. He moved in his sleep. She kissed him on the lips, and his eyes opened, and focussed on her. He smiled.
“Hello you.” he said.
“Hello. I love you!” she said.
“I know.” he said, and closed his eyes again, still smiling.
“Never leave me!” she said.
“As if I could!” he said, with his eyes still closed. Then they opened, and he took the fact that he was still in her room.
“What’s the time?”
“About five, why?” she asked.
“I’d better go, otherwise….”
“Otherwise what? Your mum and dad find out we sleep together. So?” she said.
“Look, they are getting old, the shock may kill them!” he said.
“You said that you’d never leave me!” she teased.
“I’m not leaving you, I’m saving my bacon!” he said.
She had a tight hold of him, and she released him.
“Kiss me?” she said.
The kiss went on and on and on. Then she kissed his chest, and his stomach, and then she reached something that had suddenly become all hard again. He lay on his back and thought of Scotland, and she did some remarkable things with her mouth and tongue.
“I am never going to be able to wait until we are sixteen!” he said, reaching out and caressing her.
They kissed, and she told him to go before she would change her mind, and let him have her then and there.
Very reluctantly, he left.
Martina was already up when Mary went downstairs the next morning. She was sitting in the kitchen, with a cup of coffee, reading the paper. She looked up at Mary, and the older woman was surprised at her expression. She showed her the headlines: - CHEATING BRITISH BIGAMIST JAILED IN OZ!
Mary took the paper from her and read the lead column.
Yesterday in Melbourne Crown Court, cheating British businessman Charles Collins, 54, was sentenced to four years imprisonment for several offences, including theft, attempted deception, forgery, using a false passport, illegal entry to Australia, and bigamy. Once his sentence is served, he is to be deported from Australia. He was tracked down after his son, British Army Captain Mark Collins, alerted the Australian authorities that his father may have sneaked into Australia from Hong Kong whilst trying to evade divorce proceedings and financial investigations. He had fled Hong Kong some months ago, after meeting Australian divorcee Karen McCulloch 46, in a bar in the colony. He had married Mrs McCulloch in a civil ceremony in Australia, using his assumed identity, as a Richard Bartlett. As Mr Collins is still legally married to his first wife Jenny 50, this second marriage is illegal and has been declared void. Mrs Collins, who will be reverting to her maiden name of Bennett after this incident, was in court with her son to hear the verdict. She said after the hearing. “I feel vindicated. He has ruined my life. I can now go home and concentrate on giving my daughter all of my attention as she finishes school. Charles has been totally selfish, and irresponsible, I may have to sell our home because of him!” Mrs Bennett has four grown up sons and a fifteen year old daughter, who is still at school. Mrs McCulloch said, as she watched Charles taken to Prison. “I don’t know what all the fuss was about. We never harmed anyone, his marriage was over years ago, and we are in love!” Captain Collins said. “He may be my father, but he should never have behaved in this way. He deserves to go to prison. As far as I am concerned, I will be quite happy never to see him again. He behaved despicably. He has run away from all his responsibilities, and is a real cad!” Assets, amounting to several thousand Australian Dollars, were seized by the crown. From these assets all costs have been taken. The judge made an order that all debts should be paid, and the remainder, including the assets from the hotel, will be held by the Crown pending other legal actions. Mr Collins’ solicitor stated that they were considering an appeal, and were making application to fight the deportation order. Mrs Collins will remain in Australia whilst the financial matters are resolved. |
“How do you feel?” Mary asked.
Martina shrugged. “Sort of numb! I don’t really know what to feel.”
“Were you close to your father?”
“No. I hardly knew him. He was away so much of the time. Latterly, all he did was complain about how effeminate I was, and that I should get a bloody haircut. He knew absolutely nothing about what I was going through, and I doubt that he would have understood in any case. No, It’s Mummy I feel sorry for. She actually thought the world of the bastard!” Martina said.
Mary didn’t know what to say. John appeared.
“Morning all! What occurs in the world today?” he asked.
“Martina’s father has been sent to prison in Australia!” Mary told him.
There is not a lot one can say to something like that. John felt awful, and looked at Martina, who surprised him by smiling.
“What’s so funny?” he asked.
“I was just thinking, years ago we shipped out all our convicts to Australia. Now their descendents have arrested my dad, and are keeping him there! I find it sort of appropriate somehow!” she said.
Martina just went up a notch in the Alexanders’ estimation.
“Would you like some breakfast?” Mary asked.
“I’ve already had some, thanks.” Martina replied.
Mary realised that the girl had used and washed up her crockery, and put it away in the correct place. She watched her husband leave his mug and bowl just lying where he had left them, as he wandered off. Before she could say anything, Martina had picked them up, taken them to the sink, washed them, dried them and put them away.
“Martina, do you think you could train Lucy and Rob to be more like you. You are a dream come true!” Mary said.
Martina frowned. “Why what have I done?” she asked.
“Are you this tidy at home?” Mary asked.
“I suppose. It is just Mummy and me, so it is quite easy. It only gets hard when Richard comes home. He is a real slob. Then there is Simon, he has Francesca, and they are about as bad as each other. Simon has just left Oxford, but he is getting better. Richard is at Oxford and is dreadful!
Mary learned all about Martina’s family, and she warmed to them. Martina obviously was very fond of her brothers, and her eldest in particular.
“Why is Mark your favourite?” she asked.
“I think because he is the most like me. Neither of us can stand silly people, and we can both be very determined. He is a very good soldier, and when he makes his mind up about something, he makes it happen. I’d like to think I’m like that!” she said. “He’s also very good looking, got a Porsche, and is really cool!”
Mary smiled, for at last, she saw the little girl who had been so hidden away for so long!
They talked for ages, John went to work, and Lucy appeared, and got herself some breakfast. Mary learned all about Martina’s dreams and aspirations, and felt she got to know her a lot better.
It was ten o’clock when Rob made an appearance.
Mary suggested that Rob try on his kilt, as he hadn’t worn it for so long.
So, after breakfast, they all went up and watched as Rob tried on his kilt.
His kilt was fine, but he had outgrown his jacket, and his dress shoes.
“It looks like we are going to have to visit a clothes shop.” said Mary.
Lucy appeared to show the most excitement, but Martina managed to hide hers.
They all set off in Mary’s car, an Audi, and were soon parked near the city centre.
Mary took them straight to Harrisons, as she knew it was the finest shop for what they were after. Specialising in tartans, and fine cloth, they also sold jackets and other ancillary items.
She selected a really smart black kilt jacket for Rob, of the standard pattern, and he looked very fine in it.
Martina was just looking at all the other jackets, and she found the most gorgeous deep maroon velvet kilt jacket, with a high collar. She saw it was his size, and she persuaded him to try it on.
Mary had to admit that it suited him, and was very unusual.
“It was specially made for a client, who unfortunately never managed to collect it, that is why we have reduced the price considerably.” said the assistant. Mary noted that it was still more expensive than the other one.
Martina looked at Rob, and she had that smile on her face.
“I’ll buy it for you, Robbie, it is made for you. You look so handsome!” she said.
Mary smiled. “Martina, you can buy his next one, this one is on me!” she said.
She looked closely at the jacket, and found that it was so well made, that there was sufficient material, to allow for quite extensive alterations, particularly in the shoulders.
She ended up buying the jacket, shoes and matching red and white chequered stockings. Because the jacket was a high collar, style, it did up all the way, thus rendering a dress shirt redundant. Rob could wear a tee shirt or a vest with impunity.
Mary turned to Martina. “Have you any Scot’s blood in your family?” she asked.
Martina didn’t think so.
“Then you will have to wear the tartan of your man.” Mary declared.
The man then produced a sash of the Alexander clan tartan.
Mary added it to the items she paid for.
Martina tried to allow her to pay for it, but Mary was adamant.
“All I ask is that should you and Rob ever split up, then you return it, deal?” Mary asked.
“Deal!” Martina smiled, and held out her hand, and they shook on it.
They then moved along the Princes Street, and looked for a long evening dress for Martina. She knew what she wanted, and had yet to see it. Everything was just too fussy, or too revealing, or not revealing enough.
Eventually, in a small shop in a side road, she found the most elegant, and simple long white dress.
She tried it on, and it fitted like a second skin. It had very elegant shoulder straps, and a sweeping bodice, that was revealing, without showing everything. It was cut well in the hips, yet flowed down to the hem, allowing a freedom of movement, and thereby allowed the wearer to enjoy dancing. It was cut in such a way as to enhance and highlight her figure, rather than revealing and advertising it.
Martina thought it was beautiful, and when she showed it to the others, they agreed. Rob found he had a dry mouth, and gazed in wonder at a heavenly creature. Martina’s tanned face and arms set it off beautifully, and her long golden hair made her look simply fantastic.
Mary shook her head sadly, as she realised that she was no longer as young and as beautiful as Martina, and Lucy thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world, and was ever so proud that she was her brother’s girlfriend!
Then Martina saw the price tag.
“It’s lovely, but I can’t afford this. It is just too much!” she said sadly.
Mary, feeling sorry for the child, was about to offer to buy it for her, but Rob stepped in.
“Let me buy it, and you can pay me back.” he said.
She shook her head, “No Robbie, it is too expensive!”
He looked at the price tag, and said, “I have enough. Let me pay, it is made for you, I’d like to!” he said.
She looked at him, wavering.
“Can we go halves?” she asked.
He leant across, and whispered something to her.
“You promise?” she said.
“Thank you, I accept!” she said.
She kissed him on the cheek, and went and changed out of the dress.
“What did you say to her, Robert?” Mary asked.
“I can’t tell you Ma, not yet. But I will, one day. I promise.” he said, with a crafty smile.
Martina came out and she and Rob went and paid for the dress.
They then walked back to the car, and went home.
That evening, the first TV report of the disgraced British businessman, Charles Collins, hit the main news, and Martina saw her mother and brother being interviewed. She saw the other woman, and thought she looked like a tart. He father looked like a shadow of the man she remembered. He was a broken and shrivelled man, but she felt no sympathy or sorrow for him, only anger for what he had done to her mother.
By the next day it was old news, and by the day after that, it was forgotten. Such is the way of news stories.
The family settled into a routine, Rob and Martina explored old Edinburgh by day, and slept together every night, setting the alarm for five am. As their initial excitement of sexual discovery wore off, they were content just to hold each other, somehow knowing that they had to keep something back for the future.
John and Mary came to love Martina, and became used to having her around. She would spend a lot of time with Mary in the kitchen, learning everything and anything. She found Mary’s North American cooking styles interesting, as they were very different from her mother’s.
Lucy followed Martina everywhere, and they became good friends. Martina leaned to be a little girl for the first time, and spent hours with Lucy, just doing things that little girls did!
Occasionally, whilst out walking in the city, Rob and Martina met up with some friends. Once people were aware that Rob was around, and he had a girlfriend in tow, more invitations came trickling in.
Easter came and went, and with two weeks to go, they had five parties lined up. The Stewart-McRae’s being the last.
One evening, after supper, John instructed them to pull the dining room table and chairs back out of the way. He rolled up the large Persian carpet, and brought in the old record player.
“Right young Martina, it is time that we taught you some proper dancing!” he said, and put the record on.
“Most dances begin with a kind of ice breaker of a dance, just to mix everyone up, and so you get to see over half the people there. It is called the Dashing White Sergeant, and you get into groups of three. So what well do, is you come with me and Rob, and Mary and Lucy will pretend to be the other three.” he said.
Then Martina was subjected to an exhausting two hours, of hilarious and strenuous dancing. She learned the Dashing White Sergeant, Strip the Willow, which she found easy, The Duke of Perth, which was a slightly more complicated version of the Strip the Willow. Then it was the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, the Eightsome, Foursome, and Sixteensome Reels, the Reel of the 51st Division, and The Gay Gordons, which made her titter.
She learned about setting to your partner, how to spin, turn, cast off, and lead up the middle. She learned about Strathspey step, twiddles, wheels and circles - it was like a whole new world.
John was an old hand at it, and Mary an enthusiastic foreigner, with lots of experience. Rob was a professional, but lacked the finesse of a purist, and Lucy was the best of the lot!
Martina picked it up surprisingly quickly, and by the end of the first evening, felt that she had moved up from being an unconscious incompetent, to a conscious incompetent. In that before, she didn’t know what she was doing, and couldn’t do it! But now she knew what she should be doing, but still couldn’t do it!
They repeated the practice over the next three nights, and then Martina felt she had moved up to being a conscious competent. Which meant she knew what she was doing, and could do it if she concentrated 100%. Her aim was to be like Rob and Lucy, who were unconscious competents, in that they just did it without thinking!
The first party was at a big town house just to the West of Princes Street, down an old cobbled street. It was the home of an old friend of Rob’s, called David Arbuthnot. David was the same age as Rob, but went to Fettes College in Edinburgh itself. Martina and Rob had bumped into him one day, whist on one of their walks, and ended up at his house for the afternoon.
David was a cheeky lad, who was only 5’ 6” but enormous fun. He was openly envious of Rob, as soon as he realised that they were an item. He kept giving her flagrantly admiring glances, and she flirted with him outrageously.
His party was classed as informal, which meant that formal kilts and long dresses were not the order of the day. Rob wore his kilt, but with a check shirt, with no tie. He put a broad leather belt round the top of his kilt, and instead of the formal stockings and shoes, he wore plain black shoes with green kilt socks.
But, Martina wore her little black dress and a short black jacket, with stockings and very high-heeled shoes. She was nearly 5’11” in these shoes, and when Rob and she walked in, arm in arm, at eight o’clock; they caused more than one head to turn.
They were not the first to arrive, and certainly not the last. Martina was astounded as to how old-fashioned many of the customs were. The men and boys were expected to treat their women folk with respect; old concepts such as gallantry and manners were alive and well. Doors were opened, men stood when ladies entered rooms, men were expected to dance with as many of the ladies as possible, and no one snogged during a dance!
One of the reception rooms was set aside for dancing, with a two-man band, accordian and drums, at one end. The dining room had a huge spread of food laid out as a buffet, and the idea was you nibbled all night. The bar was next to the buffet, and there were drinks of every type, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.
David greeted Rob and Martina. His eyes nearly popped out when he saw Martina’s dress, and he developed a nasty drooling noise whenever he was close to her.
He led them into the dining room, where everyone was gathered, and introduced them to the crowd. Rob had never felt so proud as he did that night, as Martina was by far the most beautiful girl in the room.
Martina felt more nervous than she ever had before a performance. She told herself that this was just another performance, and she was playing a sophisticated and elegant young woman. And she was entirely successful!
Some of the other teenaged girls present felt positively dowdy, in their ‘informal’ dresses. They all knew Rob, and he was considered a bit dishy, and a good ‘catch’. But when he walked in with ‘her’, they could only wonder how a girl of her age could be interested in someone Rob’s age.
But Martina, being the girl she was, went out of her way to speak to as many of the girls as she could. She was so relaxed, outwardly, and natural, that they slowly melted. She admired a hairstyle here, a dress there, or a makeup technique somewhere else. She made many of the girls seem a little bit special, and the guys just dribbled!
On finding out she was English, and only been in Scotland for a couple of weeks, the girls were waiting for her to start dancing, as clearly she would be totally lost! They also noticed her precarious high heels, and thought that they would be interesting.
David handed Martina a glass of sparking wine. David couldn’t understand Rob, as he had left Martina alone, and wandered off to talk to some friends he had not seen in ages.
He said as much to Martina.
“He doesn’t own me, like a sheepdog, or something!” she said.
“I’m not saying he does, but with someone so beautiful, who’s to know what might happen?” David said, a little taken aback.
“David, we have been an item for over two years. I trust him and he trusts me. What could happen?” she asked.
“So he wouldn’t mind if I had a dance with you?” he said.
“No, as long as it wasn’t one of the slow snogging dances!” she said, and by his sneaky smile, she had guessed what was on his mind.
Martina moved off and talked to a couple of girls who were looking like prospective wallflowers at the end of the room. They were very shy, and they were the younger sisters of one of David’s friends. They just came into the age bracket, and were flattered that Martina was talking to them.
She managed to find out some interests, and talked with them about horses. Martina was not in the least bit horsy, but she told them about her brother in the Royal Horse Artillery, and bluffed the rest.
They announced the first dance, the Dashing White Sergeant. Rob came and found her, and she persuaded him to take the two wallflowers. David was at her side so quickly it made her head spin, and he grabbed another friend, Charlie Campbell to make up their three.
Martina didn’t look back, she took her shoes off, for which David was very grateful, and danced every dance with different partners, for which she never had to wait very long.
Much to the chagrin of one or two of the local girls, she danced beautifully, and when she ever did make a mistake, she was so graceful and funny, that all the lads loved her for it.
She reserved the Reel of the 51st and the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh for Rob, the rest she accepted whoever offered.
At midnight, the band packed up and left. Then David dug out his record deck, and then they had an impromptu disco.
Martina found Rob, and they stayed together for the next two hours, much to the disgust of a long line of admirers who would have sold their souls for a smooch with the tall blonde bombshell!
Eventually the lights were turned on, and the party was over.
David saw that Martina looked as good at the end as she had at the beginning, and he reluctantly shook Rob’s hand.
“You, my friend do not realise just how lucky you are!” he said.
“Oh yes, Davy, I do!” Rob replied.
David then gave her a kiss, saying, “When you get fed up with this Neanderthal, look me up!”
“I’ll add you to the list!” she said.
They got a taxi home, and sank into separate beds!
The other parties followed a similar vein, and by the time of the big formal occasion, Martina was no longer an unknown, and had begun to make friends with many of Rob’s acquaintances and several of the girls. She had also mastered the Scottish dancing, and thoroughly loved it!
The whole family were asked to dinner with the Walkers, who lived very close to the Steward-McRaes.
John and Stephen Walker were old friends, and Stephen and his wife Yvonne had three children, Phillip, who was 17, Fiona who was 15 and Colin who was 13. All were invited to the big event, and would move on to it after their dinner. Lucy was unfortunately too young, and she was packed off to stay with her friend Kerry.
She was in a huff because she wanted to see Martina all dressed up.
They were invited for dinner at seven, as the party itself started at ten. So Mary suggested to Martina that they started getting ready at about five. Martina had a lovely bath, and then did her nails and make up. She went to great trouble to get things right.
She dressed in her new dress, and wore some white shoes that had lower heels, that she trusted for dancing. She was just putting on her earrings, when Mary knocked on her open door.
“How are you doing?” Mary asked, coming in.
“Fine, nearly ready.” she replied. She looked at Mary and gasped.
She was wearing a long gold coloured evening dress that shimmered in the lights. She had long gold earrings, and a superb ornate necklace. It was all so fabulous, and Mary looked very glamorous.
“Oh, Mary! That dress is simply wonderful, and you look really great!” she said.
Mary looked at this stunning young girl, who was so honest and natural, that she almost felt close to tears.
“So do you Martina, I can see why you chose that dress, it really suits you. You look a million dollars!” she said.
Martina blushed and looked down. It was her humility that Mary found her finest quality.
Mary came over to the younger woman, and sat next to her on the bed.
“What earrings are you wearing with that?” Mary asked.
“I haven’t a huge selection, either these pearl drops or my black onyx. Which do you think?” she asked.
Mary showed Martina a box she was holding, and opened it. In the box were a pair of diamond pendant earrings and a matching necklace. There was also a diamond tiara, in the same pattern.
“These belonged to my mother, I would like you to borrow them. They so rarely get an airing, and with the gold I have on, I can’t wear them tonight. Will you wear them?” she asked.
Martina was completely overcome. They were so beautiful.
“Oh, Mary I couldn’t, what happens if I lose one, I couldn’t bear it!” she said.
“They are fully insured, and I’d like you to, please. It will be years before I can pass them on to Lucy!”
Martina reluctantly let Mary put the necklace on her. And she put in the earrings. Mary then attached the tiara in her lovely long hair, which they had put up in a very regal style.
Martina looked at her reflection, and gently wiggled her head so the diamonds sparkled and glistened. They were truly beautiful.
“Oh, Mary, thank you so much! I’ll really look after them! They must be worth a fortune!” she said.
“I won’t tell you how much they are worth, that way you won’t worry so much!” Mary said.
Martina still worried.
Mary asked her to stand up, and ran a critical eye over the girl. She really was a stunning young lady, and Mary envied her youth.
“I can find no fault, Martina, you look fantastic. Shall we join the men?”
Martina picked up her small evening bag, and they went out together.
Downstairs, John and Rob were waiting. Both dressed in full highland finery, they watched the clock impatiently.
Then, as the two women came downstairs, with Mary leading the way, the men both drew in their breath.
“Bloody hell, Mum! You look brilliant! Doesn’t she, Dad?”
His father just nodded. He had seen Mary looking good many times, but his eyes were on Martina.
He knew she was a very pretty girl, but nothing had prepared him for the vision that now graced his staircase.
Rob grinned at her and said, “If old Hesketh could see you now? He would have a stroke! You look, you look, oh shit, Martina, you look eminently fuckable!”
“Rob, language!” said his mother, shocked.
John was silent, but he had to agree with his son.
Martina looked Rob over, and told him he looked really hunky, and asked him if it was true.
“Is what true?” He asked frowning.
“That Scotsmen don’t wear any knickers under their kilts.” she said.
“Ah, you will have to find that out for yourself!” he said with a grin.
“Robert! Martina, don’t even think about it, he has a filthy mind!” Mary said.
Martina looked at Rob, and licked her lips, he knew what was on her mind, and grinned suggestively. She giggled, and Mary rolled her eyes to heaven. Oh to be fifteen again!
They got into the Range Rover, and set off. Martina found out what Rob had under his kilt, and held it for a while.
They arrived with the Walkers at about seven fifteen. There were a few cars on the drive already, and as they walked in they realised that they were the last. The Walkers lived in a large country house in Fife. Martina had never bee at such a big house before. Rob leaned to her and said, “The Stewart-McRae’s place is even bigger!”
The Walkers had asked the Alexanders and their friends the McLeans, and the Roberts. With all their offspring the total came to eighteen. They were all standing in the drawing room, drinking, when the Alexanders arrived, and the conversation dipped as they entered.
“John, Mary! How lovely to see you, come on in, have a drink?” Stephen said. Then he saw Rob and Martina. He was a portly man of about 50, with an almost completely bald head. All the men were wearing kilts except Stephen who wore tartan trews.
“Rob, hello lad, my God, you are getting to be a big chap! And who the hell is this lovely creature? Rob you old rascal! My dear, good evening and welcome to our humble home!” Stephen crossed the distance between them, and took Martina’s hand and kissed it.
“I notice I don’t get that kind of welcome anymore, Steve?” Mary said.
“Oh, Mary, please forgive me, your beauty is as ever all consuming, I am in awe!” Stephen then kissed her hand, but looked at Martina and winked. Mary laughed.
“Stephen, this is Martina Bennett, she is Robert’s girlfriend, and they have known each other for several years. Martina, this is your elderly, overweight and oversexed host, Stephen Walker.” Mary said.
They then were greeted by Yvonne, and were given a drink by Stephen. Martina was given a glass of sparkling white wine.
Shortly afterwards they sat down at the grand dinner table. Martina was sat between Mr Roberts and young Colin Walker.
It was a superb three-course meal, with stuffed tomatoes, followed by partridges and then a choice of three desserts. The wine flowed freely throughout the meal, and Martina wondered whether they had drink drive laws up here.
William Roberts was a solicitor in Edinburgh, and Martina got onto the case of her father. William was surprised at Martina’s grasp of the legal implications, and found her refreshingly open about her family and all their problems.
Colin, on her left, was a rather shy thirteen-year-old. He found himself between Belinda McLean, who was twenty-two, and rather large; and Martina, whom he thought was the single most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
Halfway through the starter, she turned to him, and asked him if he skied.
Colin was so astounded that she would ever talk to him, that he stabbed at his tomato, and watched with dismay as it shot across the table, and hit Rob’s glass.
Martina didn’t miss a beat, and said very quietly to him, “I’ve been wanting to do that! But was afraid to. Was it fun?” And smiled. Colin was in love, and would have quite happily died for her from that moment on.
She chatted away to him about his school, and the Common Entrance he was facing in the summer. She found out his likes and dislikes, and Yvonne watched interest as her shy Colin became animated and even outgoing with this very attractive and attentive young woman. Colin’s problem, if it was a problem, was that his elder brother, Phillip, was very good at everything, and his father had unrealistic expectations that he was able to be as proficient as Phillip.
“Oh, I know the problem, I have four brothers, and they were all so bloody brilliant at everything. I was always reminded of how good they were, and it was generally expected that I be the same. What you have to do; is find what you are good at, and really go for it. With me it was singing and drama!” she said.
“It’s alright for you, you are a girl. It would be different if you’d have been a boy!” he said.
Martina finished her main course, and put her knife and fork together.
She turned to Colin, and said, “Can you keep a secret?”
“Yes.” he said, curious.
“Now promise, this is very important!” she said.
“I promise.” Colin said.
Martina, keeping her voice low, told Colin an edited version of her life. Colin’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.
“No!” he said.
“Yes, it’s all true. You can ask Rob, he was there. All the way through, Rob was supporting me!” she said.
“How did you manage?” he asked.
“I had a really good friend, and some lovely people who cared!” she said.
“I can’t believe anyone would think, that you were a, you know, one of, you know.” he said, looking furtively around the table.
“Well, you must realise that until I was eleven or twelve, there was little difference. I have sort of changed now!” she said smiling.
“I’ll say! You are very beautiful now!” Colin said.
“Why, thanks. But remember, you can’t tell anyone. It could ruin me!” she said.
“I won’t, I promise!” he said, earnestly.
“I imagine I will have to tell my story soon, and once it’s in the open, you can say that you already knew!” she said.
William Roberts then asked her a question, and further conversation was curtailed, but Martina had just added another devoted slave to her list!
The meal came to an end, and Martina realised why the drinks had been flowing so freely. A small bus had arrived, and was waiting to take them onwards. There was feverish activity and everyone rushed to the loo, and make up was hastily repaired.
Martina was checking her hair when Yvonne said, “I saw you taking an interest in my Colin. Thank you for that, he is rather shy!”
“He’s charming, he just needs to be taken out of his brother’s shadow for a while. Is he going to the same public school as Phillip?” Martina asked.
“Yes, why?” Asked Yvonne, surprised.
“I had four brothers, I know what it was like. If you consider a different school, he has nothing to try to follow, and he can be himself. He may have different interests, and it may be that a different school can build him up in his own unique way.” Martina said. “I’m sorry, I’m not an expert, but I think he is shy because of the fact he knows that Phillip is so good at everything, and his father and teachers always remind him of it. In that area I am an expert!”
Yvonne looked this young girl, who had so much wisdom. She knew this all along, but had chosen not to acknowledge it. Now she knew that it was true, and she vowed to do something about it.
“Thank you Martina, I think maybe you are right. I will speak to Stephen and we shall have a fresh look at schools.
The all embussed, and after a journey of perhaps twenty minutes, they pulled up at a veritable castle.
The private drive was about a mile long, and Martina gasped as she saw the house itself. It was a real Scottish castle house, with parts of it dating back over 500 years. It was floodlit, and had towers and everything.
“The Steward-McRaes can trace themselves back to a century before Mary Queen of Scots!” John explained to her.
The bus pulled outside the huge porch, and the party disembarked.
Then they entered the house itself. Martina felt completely out of her league. She felt that she was a little middle class girl from gentle Dorset, and was now pitched into the aristocratic Highlands. The fact that Fife is not the highlands didn’t matter.
There were austere and disapproving ancestors looking down on the proceedings from old portraits, any one of which could cover one wall of her house. There were a myriad of dead animals and parts of dead animals mounted on any spare bit of architecture. Suits of armour, and weapons of all descriptions littered the place, and half a forest had been utilised into the panelling throughout the parts of the house that she saw.
They went up a round staircase and along a long gallery, and at the end, through a door, with a staircase down into the ballroom.
The ballroom was bigger than her school gym! And it was full of very glamorous people, the ladies in an assortment of the most superb evening dresses, and most of the men in kilts and dress jackets. There were several military dress uniforms, some Scottish and others from other sections of the British Army. The different tartans, jackets and styles were fascinating, and it was a wonderful spectacle. At one end of the ballroom, the six-piece band was playing quietly.
Their party made their way down the staircase towards the reception committee. Sir Peter and Lady Stewart-McRae stood at the foot of the stairs and greeted every guest personally.
Martina was so taken with the whole event that she just stood at the top of the stairs gawping at the scene below. Rob waited for her.
Unbeknown to her, David Arbuthnot had been lumbered with the son of a business acquaintance of his father. He was a gawky Texan called Walter B. Brewster, he was seventeen, and had never been out of Texas before. The poor boy was squeezed into a rented white tuxedo, that looked wholly out of place. The whole experience was so over the top to him, he kept expecting to meet the Royal Family any minute.
This was like a red rag to a bull as far as David was concerned. He found the guy so gullible that he believed everything that David told him. There mere fact that he was introduced to a real live knight almost caused him to wet himself.
So David told him that a cousin of the queen was coming, and that he expected that she would arrive at any minute.
“Oh, which one, Davy, I read up on the British Royals, which one?” Walter asked him.
Realising that he might have gone too far, he said, “Oh, she’s not British, she is a Princess from Austria, and is related to our Queen by marriage.”
It just happened, that at that moment, Martina just happened to start descending the stairs, with Rob a little to her rear.
She did look positively regal, with her white dress, her sash across her shoulder, and her tiara and diamonds glinting in the bright lights. She was so terrified of falling, that she descended very slowly, causing those behind her to form a short queue.
Walter saw this apparition descending like an angel to earth, and he grabbed David by the arm.
“Hey, Davy, I just seen her, I betya, that’s her ain’t she?” he said, getting all excited.
David looked and saw it was Martina, and decided to play this sucker for all he was worth. To make it all the more realistic, as Martina was introduced to her host and hostess, her borrowed brooch, that was keeping her sash in place, sprung open and fell at Sir Peter’s feet.
Sir Peter, being the gentleman that he was, bent down and retrieved the brooch. Lady Sarah, bent over and watched as her husband picked it up and handed it to a mortified Martina.
“Oh, I am so sorry, thank you so much. I think I need some super glue,” she said with a grin. She shook hands with them both, and Lady Sarah, intrigued about the pretty girl, asked her where she was from.
“I’m from Dorset, but I'm staying with friends in Edinburgh. The Alexanders,” she said, as she pinned the brooch back on to her sash.
“Oh, John and Mary, they have just been through haven’t they. Well, we do hope you enjoy this evening, my dear,” she said.
“Oh, I know I shall. I think your home is really lovely, but I’d hate to do the dusting,” Martina said, and Lady Sarah hooted with laughter.
Martina walked on and a liveried footman presented her with a tray with glasses of champagne thereon. She took a glass, and thanked him and gave him a smile. The footman, pissed off with all the toffs ignoring him, was grateful for recognition by the only human so far, smiled back and nodded his head.
“Didya see that, even the knight and the lady knight bowed to her, then the waiter guy bowed his head. Who is she Davy, I gotta know?” Walter just kept on.
“Oh, that is Princess Martina Hapsburg, from Austria. She is something like the Queen’s third cousin or something. She is quite nice, I hear,” David said.
“How do I meet her, Davy?” Wally asked.
“You wait here, I’ll go and find out, and see if I can arrange an audience for you,” David said, a thread of a plan unravelling in his fiendish little mind.
Martina was standing drinking her champagne, and soaking up the atmosphere, when David came bustling up to her. He stood very formally in front of her and bowed very low. She looked at him, frowning, and he stood up with a grin on his face.
“Hi Martina. This may look a little odd, but there is a guy behind me who is a really gullible American. I told him that you are an Austrian Princess, and he wants to meet you,” David said, bowing once more.
“Anyway, seeing as you are doing German for GCSE, I thought you could pretend to be this Austrian princess and give the guy a little joke,” David said, and bowed again.
Rob came over, and watched his friend.
“Dave, what the hell are you doing?” he said.
“He wants me to pretend to be an Austrian Princess, to pull some American kid’s leg,” Martina explained.
David bowed again, and the people around them started wondering who this very attractive girl was. Martina thought, ‘Oh, no! It’s My Fair Lady all over again!’
“David you really are a silly arse! One of these days you will fall foul of a prank,” Rob told his friend.
“Come on, be a sport, just this once?” David pleaded.
Martina looked over to the American. He looked a real geek. She smiled, and the boy blushed.
“What the hell do I say to the guy?” she said.
“I don’t know! Just improvise or something,” David replied, bowing again.
“Oh stop bowing,” said Martina, getting cross. “Oh come on then,” she said, and made a beeline for the poor sucker in the white jacket.
David scuttled ahead to get there before Martina. Rob tagged along just to see what happened.
David told Walter, “Now she doesn’t need too much bowing and stuff, she is just here to enjoy herself, and wants to remain incognito, so just a little bow at the beginning and at the end. Okay?”
“Sure, and what do I call her, Princess?”
“No you never call them by that title, just call her ‘Your Highness’, that will be fine.” David said.
Martina approached the young man, and she noticed that he was visibly nervous. She stopped a few feet away from him, and David said, “Ah, Your Highness, may I present my friend Walter Brewster from the United States. Walter, this is her Highness, Princess Martina Hapsburg.”
Martina extended her hand, as if expecting a kiss, and Wally bent double in a ridiculous bow, and grabbed her hand and pumped it as if his life depended on it.
Martina withdrew her hand before her arm fell off, and said, in a German accent. “Herr Brewster, You com here in Scotlund before, Ja?”
“Your Highness, this is my first time, but it sure is a swell place.”
“Ja, das ist gut. Vere in Hamerica do you com vrom?”
“I come from Texas, Ma’am,” he said.
“Haf you bin to Osterich?” she asked.
He looked blank, so David said, “That is the German for Austria!”
“Oh! No Ma’am, I’ve never been to Austria. But I hear it’s real pretty.”
“I hope you enjoy dis evening, Gutbye Herr Brewster!” Martina held her hand out, and Walter bowed, shook it, and bowed again. David took his arm, winked at Martina, and dragged the man away.
Martina heard the conversation as they walked away.
“Why don’t she speak Austrian, I thought you said she was Austrian?”
“Because they speak German in Austria, there is no language called Austrian!” David explained.
“You don’t say?”
John appeared at Martina’s elbow.
“I have enjoyed that little charade, is there any chance you could tell me what I was watching?” he said, quietly.
“It was David, Dad. He has this geek of an American on his hands, and this guy saw Martina, and convinced himself that she was a member of the Royal Family, so Martina agreed to play a little joke on him,” Rob explained.
“Ah. I see. I think!” His father said, and wandered off.
The musicians played the first bar of the first dance, and the MC announced for everyone took their partners for the Dashing White Sergeant. Martina saw David and the poor American boy, so she sent Rob off to dance with his Mum and Dad, and grabbed David from behind.
“Ah Herr Arbuthnot. You promised me did de vurst dance,” she said, to him. “Und I yam shoor dat der nice Herr Brewster vill make der tree!”
David was stuck, and poor Wally was stricken. He knew that he couldn’t dance, and he couldn’t say no to a princess, could he?
They stepped out onto the floor, and David muttered, “I’ll get you for this!”
To which she replied. “U haf to catch me, vurst, Ja?”
They set off, and David was not a bad dancer, and Martina was the epitome of elegance and grace! But poor Wally may have well had three left feet. Being in the middle Martina managed to guide and help Wally around. And she thought that he was beginning to catch on. But then it was the simplest dance to learn.
About half way round the circuit, they faced John and Rob, with Mary in the centre. They smiled at each other, and did what had to be done, but Wally got lost, and ended up in a completely different set altogether. He looked around, completely disorientated.
Martina shouted, “Wally, this way!”
He turned and started back, then he realised that the Austrian Princess had suddenly lost her accent.
She bullied him round, and they continued on their way.
At the end of the dance, he looked closely at her, then at David.
“Okay, are you guys going to level with me, or what?” he asked.
David was about to bluff it out, but Martina, held out her hand.
“I’m sorry Walter, but David said that you so wanted to meet royalty, and you thought I looked the part. I guess we wanted you to take home a different kind of memory. I’m sorry, we never meant to hurt you,” she said.
To her relief he smiled, “You guys. I believed it, and if I hadn’t got lost you wouldn’t have shouted, and I would still believe it. You sure are one heck of an actress!” he said. “Now, just what is your name?”
“My name is Martina, but it is Martina Bennett,” she said, and Wally took her hand and shook it, again!
“No hard feelings, Martina. Now can I buy you guys a drink?”
Rob ambled into the conversation at this point, and was pleased that the charade was over. He had felt uncomfortable about the whole thing.
They had to explain to Wally, that this was a party, and all the booze was free. So they set off for the bar.
All the ladies had dance cards, and as they were asked for dances, they filled up the cards. There were fourteen dances on the list, and Martina already had Rob down for their favourite four, and John for one, Mr Walker for One, Mr Roberts for one, David for one, Colin for the Strip the Willow, and Phillip for one. She knew that she could always coerce Rob into dancing with her, but she felt sorry for Walter.
They sat near the bar, and had a drink. Walter turned out not to be as big a geek as they had all first thought, and they began to see beyond the naíve Texan’s brash exterior.
They were sitting chatting, when Martina overheard one of the other guests talking to someone else.
“I understand that there is an Austrian Princess here tonight. One of the minor Royals, House of Hapsburg or something.”
Martina’s heart sank. She kicked David on the leg, who said, “Ow! What was that for?”
She jerked her thumb over her shoulder as the man went on.
“I don’t know who she is, but I am told she is incognito, and doesn’t want to make any fuss.”
“I wonder who she is? I thought there were no Austrian Royals left! It’s rather intriguing. They said she is very glamorous,” said a woman.
“Now see what you have started?” she hissed at David. Who, at least had the grace to look guilty.
The MC announced the Eightsome Reel. Martina didn’t have a partner booked for this one, so she grabbed Wally, and said, “Right Walter, this is your baptism of fire. You will do everything I say, when I say it, do not question and do not hesitate, for he who hesitates is lost. Do you understand?”
Walter just looked at her, with something akin to real fear in his eyes.
She turned and said, menacingly, “Wally, you're hesitating. What did I say about hesitating?”
“Sorry Ma’am,” he said, and followed her instructions.
They were in a set of complete strangers. Wally was almost shaking with fear, and Martina was unsure whether he was afraid of her, or the dance.
They stood in number four position, which meant they got to watch everyone else’s turn first. As they danced, Martina told Wally what happened next, and physically pushed him into the right position.
By the time it was her turn in the middle, he was beginning to comprehend what was expected of him. And by the time it was his turn in the middle, he had remembered how to smile again!
The first time he heard the Scotsmen screeching, he jumped a mile, and Martina laughed. By the end of the dance, he was screeching with the best, and he was wearing a huge grin, and announced he wanted to do that one again!
They retired to the bar, and Martina had an orange juice. Wally had a whisky and ice.
“Hey, Martina, were you ever a drill sergeant in the US Marines?” he asked.
“No, why?” she replied with a frown.
“Because you sure have a top sergeant manner. Shit, girl, you had me jumpin’ though hoops,” he said, rather too loudly for her comfort.
Rob appeared.
“Where’s David?” Martina asked.
“I haven’t a clue. But, knowing him, up to no good!” Rob said.
“How about we give that Davy boy a taste of his own medicine?” Wally suggested.
“Go on!” said Martina.
“Well, I could hire a hooker to come in here and ask for Davy boy, I’m sure that would go down real well!” he said.
“Don’t tempt me!” said Martina. “I don’t think that would impress anyone else though.”
They thought for a while, and then Colin sought Martina for the Strip the Willow. She last saw Walter wandering off in the direction of Lady Steward —McRae.
“Rob, what the hell is Wally up to?” she shouted.
Rob shrugged as he was helpless, Belinda McLean was dragging him off for the next dance, and Martina thought she looked slightly hungry. She giggled at the picture.
They enjoyed the dance, and Martina kept looking around for Wally. She was worried, as she was uncertain whether the boy knew how far to take a joke in these circumstances.
They had another break, and couldn’t see David or Wally.
Rob shrugged, “Leave the boys to it. We’ve done our bit, let’s just hope they don’t kill each other.”
The next dance was the Reel of the 51st Division, and was one of Martina’s favourites. She and Rob went out and really enjoyed it. Rob was really impressed with Martina, as she had really picked it all up very quickly, and was a real natural.
Mary and John watched the young couple, and as they stood at the side of the room, Lady Sarah came up to them.
“John, Mary, are you enjoying the party?” she asked.
“Hello Sarah, yes thank you, it is, as always, tremendous fun.” Mary said.
“Ah, you are watching young Robert and his delightful young lady. I was very impressed with her, she is so refreshing.” Sarah observed.
“Martina is a delightful child, we’ve become very fond of her.” Mary said.
“Ah, yes, Martina, that’s right. Is she staying with you for long?”
“Only for another few days, she and Robert are at the same school, down in Oxfordshire.”
“Really, did they meet there?”
“No, they met about seven years ago, but have only recently become, attached, would be the right word.” Mary replied.
“I suppose they will be on to university next year?” Lady Sarah asked.
“No, not quite, they are only fifteen, both of them,” John said.
Lady Sarah became yet another who was surprised at their real ages. But she changed the subject and talked about other things before moving on to the next couple.
“She is a very graceful child,” Observed Mary, watching Martina.
“Hardly a child, my dear,” said John, watching her from a slightly different angle.
“Hmm, quite,” Mary replied. “John, just what were they doing with David earlier?” she asked.
“You don’t want to know,” John replied.
“Yes, I do,” she said.
“It seems the American lad thought Martina was some minor European Royal. So David persuaded her to pretend to be just that, and the poor schmuck takes it all hook, line and sinker! But Martina bless her, tells the boy the truth, and dances the Eightsome with him. But someone overheard their little game, and now there is a rumour flying round that there is an Austrian Princess somewhere at the party,” John explained.
“Oh, God!” Mary said.
The dance came to an end, and Rob and Martina left the floor. As they passed his parents, John muttered, “Your Highness!”
Martina looked surprised, and when she saw who it was, she relaxed.
“Don’t, it’s bad enough that David’s little game has started a rumour,” she said.
The dancing continued, and both David and Walter were conspicuous by their absence.
Martina ended up with no free dances, as she had a partner for each and every dance. She thoroughly enjoyed herself, and all of her partners thought her absolutely delightful and enchanting. She felt that she was on a high; this was a whole new world, as if she had come to a completely different dimension. And she loved everything about it.
Half way through the evening Rob saw David and Walter in the bar, they had obviously settled their differences, but were clearly hatching some plot, because they saw Rob, and disappeared.
On the second last dance, she had Rob down for the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh. As they chatted, prior to the dance starting, Sir Peter, her host, asked whether she had a partner for the dance.
Rob, ever gallant, stood aside, and she took to the floor with Sir Peter. This added to the speculation as to the identity of the mysterious European Princess. Which was worsened, when, towards the end of the dance, Walter and David, both slightly the worse for booze, stood behind her, and leered.
Then Walter said, rather too loudly, “Say Princess, how are you enjoying the party?”
At which half a dozen curious heads turned and Martina studiously ignored them, as she danced with her host. Being the good actress she was, she managed to show absolutely no reaction at all, and it made the two boys seem even sillier.
She was relieved to see them both in the final dance, and at the end of the evening they were all good friends again, with no hard feelings.
Martina was aglow. She had been caught up in the whole spectacle, and adored all the finery, and wonderful colours and sounds. She thought the little band had been superb, and she made her way up to where the musicians were having a drink, still in their places.
“I just wanted to say how wonderful you were, I thought you played beautifully and you’ve made my stay here in Scotland absolutely perfect,” she said to them.
The leader, and accordian player, Bill McLeish, was somewhat taken aback. He had played at these sorts of events for many years, and apart from a grudging, “That was very nice, Bill.” - at the end of the evening from the host, if he was lucky. The stuck up young kids who usually ignored him, or got snotty when he refused to play something they wanted, rarely paid him any compliments. This very pretty girl, appeared to be open and honest, and her eyes shone with pleasure. He had seen her dance, and had appreciated her grace and elegance.
“It’s a pleasure, Miss. I’m glad you enjoyed it. You looked very fine, and ye’re a nice wee dancer,” he replied, smiling.
Martina blushed. “Oh, This is only my fifth dance, but it’s been brilliant, so thanks very much. Is the accordian difficult to play?” she asked.
“It’s like many instruments, no’ too bad to learn, but a bugger to play well. Do you play anything?” he asked.
“I play the guitar. I love music, and I sing a bit,” Martina admitted.
“Ah, well. Good luck, and we may see you up here again,” Bill said.
“I hope so. Thanks again, bye,” she said, going off to find Rob.
“I have a fancy we’ll see more o’ that wee lass! She’s a cracker!” said Bill.
“How come, oot o’ nearly three hundred folk, she’s the only one to notice we exist?” the guitarist asked.
“Ah, that’s because most o’ this lot mistake wealth wi’ breeding. True class is that wee girl, not yon rich buggers, who think that now they own half o’ Scotland, they don’t need to speak to the common people. Now, take Lady Sarah and Sir Peter, they will be over, and they'll give us all the time in the world, they’ve class, but they’re rare beasties these days.”
Martina found Rob, and gradually the little party gathered itself together. They said their goodbyes, and made for the bus. Once back at the Walkers, Stephen asked them in for a nightcap, which seemed silly, as it was nearly 4 am.
John declined, and took his family home. Martina hugged Mary and John, and thanked them for the best evening of her life. Then she went up to her room, kissing Robbie goodnight at the door. She reluctantly took off her lovely dress, and the fabulous jewellery, and slipped into bed. She was asleep in seconds.
She dreamt of dancing!
They awoke late, on the following day, and Martina came down to the kitchen at noon, having had a shower. Mary was the only one there, so she gave her the jewellery box, and thanked her very much.
“Your more than welcome. You looked fabulous, and they were just right, weren’t they?” Mary said.
Martina nodded.
“It all seems like a dream or a fairy tale now,” Martina said, and then had little laugh.
“What?” said Mary.
“I played Liza Doolittle in the school production of My Fair Lady, and I really could have danced all night,” she said.
“There seems to be more than one similarity, what with the Austrian Princess,” Mary said with a little smile.
Martina grinned, saying, “Oh, don’t! Now I know never to trust Davy Arbuthnot ever again. But it was fun.”
Mary gave Martina a mug of coffee.
“You know, I envy you a little, Martina,” she said.
“Me? Why?” Martina asked, rather surprised. Mary sat next to her at the table.
“Oh, it probably sounds silly, but you have all your life ahead of you, and you have so much going for you! You have nothing to hold you back, and you can do whatever you want! I can remember being where you are now, and then I sorta got stuck,” Mary said.
“How?” Martina asked.
“I went to college, where I had a ball. Then I went travelling and met John, and got married. I had so many dreams, and yet none of them came to anything,” she said wistfully.
“Are you not happy?” asked Martina.
“Oh, no! I’m very happy. I have a wonderful husband, two lovely children, a super home, and I love it! But, when I think of what could have been, that is when I envy you,” she said.
“What dreams never came true?”
“I dreamed of being a fashion designer, and designing clothes for the rich and famous. I studied that at college, but never got the chance to try.”
“Why don’t you try now, you are still young?” Martina asked.
“Oh, I couldn’t! Not now,” Mary said.
“Why not? Rob is big enough to look after himself, and Lucy would love being involved, it could give her something to aim for,” Martina said. “Besides, when I am an international star of stage and screen, I would be honoured to have all my clothes designed by the famous Mary Alexander.”
Mary laughed, but as she thought about what the girl had said, it didn’t seem as crazy as she had first thought.
“Someone very wise once told me, that if something is important enough, nothing is impossible; if you set your heart on it, and go for it, you will achieve your goal,” Martina said.
“My, that is very good, where did you hear that?” Mary asked.
Martina looked at Mary. “At Halsey House, during the prize day speeches, your son looked straight at me, and said that, word for word. I will never forget it, because he gave me a reason to keep going,” Martina said, and Mary saw tears in the girl’s eyes. “And that is why I am the person I am today, and why I am here.”
There was nothing to say, so Mary and Martina simply hugged each other.
The holiday came to an end, as all good things do. All the Alexanders took the couple to the station, and there was quite an emotional farewell. John and Mary realised how much Martina had impacted on them, and Mary almost felt that she was saying goodbye to a daughter as well as her son. Lucy made Martina promise that she would come back, which Martina was only too happy to.
They managed to load Martina’s mammoth suitcase onto the train, and Rob noted that it was even heavier than before.
“I told you not to let her buy clothes,” said Lucy, knowingly, to her brother.
Mary hugged them both, first Martina, and then Rob.
“What did you say to her, that day in the dress shop?” she asked him, as Martina was kissing John.
Rob looked at his mother, and smiled.
“I told her that if she married me, I’d let her off her debt,” Rob said.
“Oh Rob, you are far to young for all that talk,” she said.
Rob just looked at her. “Maybe, but then again, maybe not. Bye Ma, and thanks.”
“Maybe not. Look after her, Robert,” she told him.
“You can count on it,” he replied, and clambered onto the train after Martina.
They sat next to each other, as close as two people can get to existing in the same space. Rob watched the countryside fly past the window, as they headed south. He glanced at the love of his life, and noticed she was crying.
“What’s up?” se asked.
She smiled, and wiped away the tears. She then looked at him.
“Oh Robbie, that was just the best time of my life, and I am so sad to leave,” she said.
“It was great, wasn’t it? And my family loved you," he told her.
“And I loved them. They are lovely people.”
“So are you,” he said, and kissed her on the temple.
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Martina's miracle
The descriptions of how Martina's brothers meet their new sister for the first time are so charming they always make me smile. There is so much in this story: moments of great fun, moments of great sadness and moments of joy. Some of the scenes always make me cry, even though I've read them so many times - yet I always come away feeling happy to have been a part of Martina and Rob's world for a time.
I continue to be in awe
Unbelievably great writting! This story continues to pull at my emotions, yet at the same time, be wonderfully entertaining. WELL DONE! Thank you, Kristin
kristyn nichols
As others have said one of my favorites. It is always a fun read. (only editing note - at the beginning both Si and Rich are both 5 years old). Regardless a truly enjoyable and touching story, as are all your stories.
As always,
As always,
This story is Great
I am really enjoying this story, top of the line it is. When talking about the canadian she met, who lives in Guelph Ontario. I live in Kitchener ontario and have been in guelph hundreds of times, it was great hearing in a story on this site of a place ive actually been. Cant wait to read more.
Erin Amelia Fletcher
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
Tanya; Of all the stories I have read of yours over at Maddy's site too, I think this is your best yet and can't hardly wait for the next series of chapters! Richard
I'm baffled
How can such a delightful story only have 34 likes after nearly 7,000 reads?
Thank you so much Tanya, for yet another lovely tale.
Fantastic So Far
Hi there Tanya ! Please don't castigate me for commenting on the Pretty girls photo at the top of this page. But heck she is the image I conjure up Reading Maddy Bells (GABY). Back to the story! Yes I know that it is 2016! But better late than never! Your story is Fantastic! Love you all! .........TASH
This story continues to be
This story continues to be amazing and quite wonderful. I am finding more about Martina and Rob's lives in the way they interact with each other and the others around them; such as her mum and brothers, and his mum, dad, and sister Lucy.
I can sympathize with Marti when she saw Lucy's room and items within it, especially when you KNOW deep inside you that you should have grown up in the very same environment of being a little girl. Looking forward to more chapters.
Miracles happen!
Thank you for this wonderful story!
I like it very much, and not just because of the name... ;-)
oh my
what a superb and beautiful story....i can't wait to see how this all turns out