I got a lengthy message from someone on Facebook, and since I have not friended them, the message went to "other" and I do not often check that slot. She was quite upset at me.
This is going to bump my other thread off of BCTS but that is OK.
It's like this. I don't intentionally hurt people. And I caution people that "friend" me on Facebook that I do not talk much, if at all, about GBLT stuff. I just don't. And if someone I have "friended" does it, I drop them like a hot potato. It is my right to live in stealth, and no you do not have the right to out me.
On the other hand, T folk that I meet in real life, I try to help.
I won't use your facebook name here for your own privacy. If you wish to hash this out here, I am open.
I am not into facebook,
Nor will I ever be. Please, show my identity to everyone, milk my personal information for all it is worth, have a bunch of strangers try to friend me because they think it is cool.
I have a Facebook page, I use it a little, but it is there so if someone really wants to touch base with me their is a public starting point. It is for my use, not the owners of Facebook.
I'm not on facebook, so don't know how it works. But you don't hear good things about it.
How can anyone regard themselves as a friend if they out you. You are the only person with the right to disclose details about yourself.